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Watch Out For This Pick Pocket Thief!


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About a week ago during the daytime, my partner, baby and I were on a baht taxi coming back from the market at the end of Soi Buakhoa (the South Pattaya Road end), heading to Naklua. A couple of women got on the taxi at the same time as us (behind us), one woman sat next to us in the taxi and her younger friend on the opposite side. By the time we got to the Dolphin roundabout, the woman who sat next to my partner had stolen my partner's purse, then both got off the taxi at the roundabout. We didn't realise this till some 10 minutes later when in a shop. We knew it was her as the purse was there when we got on the taxi and the woman sat slightly diagonally (for lack of a better word), almost facing my partner but pretending to look out the side of the taxi. Taken was a few thousand baht and various cards, as well as some small family photos, all in a purse.

Then a few days ago in the evening we were coming from Carrefour towards Tops on Pattaya Klang, again by baht taxi. Not far from the traffic lights at Tops, the taxi was stationary waiting for the traffic lights to go green. A motorbike pulled up behind us, the driver was a young male, with two female passengers. One of these female passengers got off the bike and jumped on the taxi, to which I blurted out “That's!....” <pause>, but it was too late the woman had already noticed us and quickly got off the taxi and back on the motor bike which u-turned and shot off back in the direction of Sukhimvit (though I suspect heading for Soi Buakhao). It was the same woman who stole my partner's purse. Another Thai woman with falang partner already on the taxi said that she knew that that woman was a pick pocket thief and that she actively targets Pattaya Klang and the surrounding areas.

Only yesterday early evening, I was by myself on the baht taxi heading along Naklua towards beach road, the taxi stopped just before the Dolphin roundabout to pick up more passengers. Would you believe it, it was the pick pocket woman again and a few of her friend (or family). This time I said nothing and did nothing that would alert her. Unbelievably the very same pick pocket woman sat right next to me, but without looking directly at her I noticed she must have recognised me and she turned her back to me, probably thinking I'd not noticed. One of the accomplices again sat on the other side of the baht bus, as you can probably guess; to be a lookout to alert the pick pocket. After a few people got off the taxi on beach road, the thief moved to the other side of the taxi and stared at me. Then her friend and her started talking and laughing, unfortunately I don't know what was being said. Closer to Walking Street end of beach road, they got off the taxi, I followed with a small camera I had taken out of my bag trying to get photos of them. They then got on another taxi, I followed, then off again and tried the same again. Even running down beach road trying to get away from me, but it didn't work. It was really hard to get a photo as they were holding up their 7-eleven shopping bags to cover their faces. Eventually a police man turned up and halted the taxi they had just jumped on and I tried to explain that she had stolen my partner's purse days before and to take her to the police station where they can see the report my partner filed previously. The police man just asked if I had everything in my pockets, and I tried to explain again but he just waved the taxi to go with the thieves inside. I suspect back to Pattaya Tai / Soi Bua Khoa area.

Anyway, based on above, the pick pocket thief and her family (or friends) I'd guess live in the South part of Pattaya. Another guess would be that they travel by baht taxi towards Naklua to shop at a store in Naklua, then travel back again, maximising their opportunity for picking pockets.

Pattaya Klang / Soi Buakhoa being areas of interest to them too. Basically the major taxi routes.

We'll take the first photo to the police to add to the report that was already logged, but I can't help but think nothing can be done.

Note to self; need to buy a faster auto-focus point and shoot camera.



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Eventually a police man turned up and halted the taxi they had just jumped on and I tried to explain that she had stolen my partner's purse days before and to take her to the police station where they can see the report my partner filed previously. The police man just asked if I had everything in my pockets, and I tried to explain again but he just waved the taxi to go with the thieves inside.

This is the bit that I find disturbing. How do victims get justice with this attitude?

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Some good pictures - police not doing anything - maybe print a few out in the form of a wanted poster - put up on any notice boards in bars and/or stick on lamp-posts in the area. I offer some Thai words that you could copy'n'paste onto such a document.

การลัก : stealing ; theft ; pilferage ; robbery

นักล้วงกระเป๋า : pickpocket ;

มือกาว : pickpocket (slang); sticky-fingered stealer

The various Pattaya newspapers and TV channels like a nice news story with pictures - if your create a fuss the powers that be will see it's easier to deal with it rather than do nothing, and create a news story for the press.

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Eventually a police man turned up and halted the taxi they had just jumped on and I tried to explain that she had stolen my partner's purse days before and to take her to the police station where they can see the report my partner filed previously. The police man just asked if I had everything in my pockets, and I tried to explain again but he just waved the taxi to go with the thieves inside.

This is the bit that I find disturbing. How do victims get justice with this attitude?

If you find this disturbing, what do you think about the police's reply in the thread My Friends Robbed At Their Home While They Slept !. :o

The police situation in Pattaya really needs to get sorted, otherwise this is going to the dogs.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Eventually a police man turned up and halted the taxi they had just jumped on and I tried to explain that she had stolen my partner's purse days before and to take her to the police station where they can see the report my partner filed previously. The police man just asked if I had everything in my pockets, and I tried to explain again but he just waved the taxi to go with the thieves inside.

This is the bit that I find disturbing. How do victims get justice with this attitude?

If you find this disturbing, what do you think about the police's reply in the thread My Friends Robbed At Their Home While They Slept !. :o

The police situation in Pattaya really needs to get sorted, otherwise this is going to the dogs.

This happened to me, i was on an empty baht bus with my wife and baby, four girls got on and started fussing over the baby while the girl next to me stole my PDA from my hip case.

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... Eventually a police man turned up and halted the taxi they had just jumped on and I tried to explain that she had stolen my partner's purse days before and to take her to the police station where they can see the report my partner filed previously. The police man just asked if I had everything in my pockets, and I tried to explain again but he just waved the taxi to go with the thieves inside. I suspect back to Pattaya Tai / Soi Bua Khoa area...

I have to agree with the police man, even if you were able to converse fully with him and explain the facts that you stated above you would only be saying the that you believed them to be guilty because of circumstantial facts, you did not see them actually take the purse and they would probably not have it with them then, one question though, did he ask to to see yours and their ID's and note them down?

Lets hope you have now made Pattaya to hot for those persons and either they move on or change their ways.

Have to say had a similar thing happen to me on the B/Bus back to Jomtien last year, then it was a group of "Brylcream Boys" I felt something touch my thighs but for some reason I was distracted before I could look down, shortly afterwards they got of the bus at VT2 and I thought nothing more of it until I got home when I realised that I had lost a blister packet of tablets that had been in small paper bag in my pocket, suppose they thought it was a wad of money, pointless going to the police the only description I had was " a group of Brylcream Boys" who probably would by then have big swellings in their trousers.


Edited by Basil B
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...... pointless going to the police the only description I had was " a group of Brylcream Boys" who probably would by then have big swellings in their trousers.


Unless these matters are reported to the police the magnitude of the offenses will never be known.

It is disturbing that the police prefer to book bike riders for not wearing helmets, rather than fighting crime, particularly when a victim has virtually delivered the offenders to a police officer.

....and if you take matters into your own hands, it is you who gets locked up. :o

I have to agree with the police man, even if you were able to converse fully with him and explain the facts that you stated above you would only be saying the that you believed them to be guilty because of circumstantial facts, you did not see them actually take the purse and they would probably not have it with them

Police in Western society would still interview the suspects, record their details and should any similar reports be made to police by victims, a good description might lead police to the very same suspects. By not taking any action, all that information is lost forever.

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I keep my cash in my left pocket try to sit on the edge of the baht bus on the left side and hold my hand firmly on the cash at all times. I don't care if this telegraphs were it is.

The one time they got me I was half way in the bus. The woman opposite dropped a baby in front of me. I instinctively caught it. The person of my left dipped me and immediately exited the bus whilst it was moving slowly in traffic.

I noticed and immediately started screaming but the bus was speeding up again and the women with the baby when questioned denied all knowledge.

Sometimes what can you do?

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I think I saw this pair tonight on bus going from Jomtien to South Pattaya. They boarded about half way. The younger one was chatting up an old European descent man who was with an older Thai partner. Spoke enough English to joke around and loosen people up. I smelled a rat when she looked at me and she figured I was sober. Well, on leaving the bus at Pattaya Tai, she attempted to pick the man's pocket, but he blocked it and reported the attempt to the bus later. I didn't realize it might be the same pair until I looked at the pictures tonight.

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Please be VERY VERY careful

The pictures are not too clear but if there was an older bitch then this could be the same mob who stole my mobile a couple of months ago on Soi Bukhao.

A week later the same mob got on the Baht bus on the way to Jomtien

I caught the old bitch with her hand in my pocket and grabbed her arm

She pulled a mean looking knife from her bag and lunged at me - no threating posture - just a straight forward attack

Please be careful - these are no ordinary pickpockets

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I know the girl on the second picture down on the right. She is my wifes counsins daughter. I will speak to my wife tomorrow and find out for you if i am 100% correct. As i am in England now but that dam_n sure looks like her also her cousin lives in pataya. I know address but need to speak to wife first.


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We'll take the first photo to the police to add to the report that was already logged, but I can't help but think nothing can be done.

Note to self; need to buy a faster auto-focus point and shoot camera.

Have you taken the pictures to the police already and what was their reaction to it.Might be a good idea to take a copy of this topic along with the pictures.

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what a bitch..

i'd play them at their own game once i knew their faces for sure, especially if they'd ripped me off...

go out and actively seek 'em one day, take a loose bag along with you with a springloaded rat trap (or mouse, if you don't want to inflict too much revenge) inside it, then when they join you on the taxi carefully place it within easy/irresistable reach from her, then wait for the snap & screams !!

that'll teach 'em... :o

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Replies to some posts above;

Placing posters around the area with written Thai/English stating she is a pick pocket along with her photo is an idea, but then it could turn violent towards my family and I as a result. A possible alternative could be something similar but handing directly to baht taxis drivers, therefore being a bit more discreet. How effective this would be in stopping them I'm not sure.

Thanks for the web link gmac, the camera used was an Olympus Mju 770SW. Not particularly fast and fairly noisy in low light, but it can bounce off the ground and go under water and still work.

We intended to take the photos to the police station yesterday, but something else came up. Though the police will get the photos this week. I'll post about it afterwards.

I disagree that the police man was correct in his actions as chances are they are already known to the police. He didn't even ask for their details or my details, only if I had all my stuff in my pockets I came with. I can understand the viewpoint that if there is no evidence then what can they do, but I am sure something more could have been done. If enough people logged complaints against them, regardless of circumstantial facts, the police would have to do something eventually... I'd hope.

Somehow I doubt I have made Pattaya too hot for them to operate and force them to move on, and very unlikely they'll change their ways.

Thanks for the warning. I don't fancy any conflict with them to be honest, but I think its probably gone a bit too far now, since I've spotted them three times now and on the third time gave chase. Chances are we'll meet again on the taxis or in the street.

Paul or anyone else know of their whereabouts, that information might be helpful to the police.

Too late to play them at their own game. They know my face and I definitely know theirs. If I came across them again I'd be more concerned about a possible knife than sticky fingers. I do like the mouse-trap idea though.

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I keep my cash in my left pocket try to sit on the edge of the baht bus on the left side and hold my hand firmly on the cash at all times. I don't care if this telegraphs were it is.

The one time they got me I was half way in the bus. The woman opposite dropped a baby in front of me. I instinctively caught it. The person of my left dipped me and immediately exited the bus whilst it was moving slowly in traffic.

I noticed and immediately started screaming but the bus was speeding up again and the women with the baby when questioned denied all knowledge.

Sometimes what can you do?

Don't catch falling babies!

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I think you have to realize the police do not care about property crimes. It takes too much time away from their other activities. They are not crime fighters, they are here to make some baht and keep major crime to an acceptable level, meaning out of the international press.

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I suggest you approach a Foreign Police Volunteer with these pictures.

You can find some on Walking Street wearing black uniforms.

I believe they will be helpful and follow-up on this.

I suggest you ask them to organize a "sting" operation on a Baht Bus with you along to ID these SOB's.

They have the power of arrest and will do it --- knife or no knife

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I suggest you approach a Foreign Police Volunteer with these pictures.

You can find some on Walking Street wearing black uniforms.

I believe they will be helpful and follow-up on this.

I suggest you ask them to organize a "sting" operation on a Baht Bus with you along to ID these SOB's.

They have the power of arrest and will do it --- knife or no knife

You can also contact them at their desk on the groundfloor from the soi 9 police station.

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Quick update; Took the photos to the Police Station, partner handed them in along with incident report number and a description based on what I had said in the original post. The police man just said thanks for the photos. Well I suspected as much. Seems like not much else can be done. At least I managed to get a couple of photos that can alert fellow farang here.

Cheers everyone and take care.


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