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Bangkok Young Gay Social Get Togethers


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Just checking if there are other young (45 and below but above 25) gay entrepreneurs or working professionals out there who wanna get together on a monthly basis in Bangkok. (please no bar owners or bar patron types!). I can arrange a couple of five star hotels as the venue along with the catering to start it off. Drop me an pm if anyone is interested.

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Just checking if there are other young (45 and below but above 25) gay entrepreneurs or working professionals out there who wanna get together on a monthly basis in Bangkok. (please no bar owners or bar patron types!). I can arrange a couple of five star hotels as the venue along with the catering to start it off. Drop me an pm if anyone is interested.

i wouldn't say a 5 star hotel venue is necessary unless you have 15-20 people at least attending the event, if you have 4-5 people in the beginning you will be lucky so i will say a nice coffee shop will not be bad for a start hihi.

let me know if an event take place and i might be interested depending on how much free time i have or not.

Edited by yabbit
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Interesting idea, but you say no bar owners, which I guess would mean any 'lower level' entrepreneurs, you're looking for more ambitious ideas, web stuff and export? What do you personally hope to accomplish with such a gathering? You want to raise capital for a particular project, or you just want to bounce ideas off people and make contacts? I think I would like to attend such a gathering, though I am by no means an entrepreneur; do you accept aspiring entrepreneurs (26, USA)? I do personally know a young Thai food industry mogul, he's a good friend, I could have chili sauce and coconut milk catered. Just kidding.

Also, please update us with the status of this and other gatherings, I am interested in perhaps at least visiting one day when it's up and going. Thanks.

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Hi there,

In the world of business not everyone drops out at 45 years of age! That if it is a "business group" you are setting up. Why the age limits?

I also wonder about the age limits. I'm 47 but you would never guess it, but see other non gym goers who are much younger and look much worse. I have friends all ages. Could you also please elaborate on the term "working professionals". I have belonged to such groups in the past and limiting the age group is a big mistake as it just limits the numbers of people attending and ideas that could be exchanged. I have a group of gay friends both Thai and Farang of various ages and professons all working who regularly get together at various locations - but this is sometimes a bar/pub and not always the Four Season's, so maybe this cuts us out.

Anyway - if I'm not to old and of the right profession let me (us) know.

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OP seems to suggest that there should be elite gathering. Funny. Some people I've met here always talk how good they have in their country of origin but fail to mention why they come over here.

Some research I've read suggest that people are at their best in their 40's. Read most experienced and knowledgeable.

I think this supposed meeting might end up being rather small and few regarding the limits. BTW, what's wrong with any area of business? Well, who cares...mai pen rai.

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No harm setting out a meeting, and no harm either going or not going...

There are several small groups that one notices hanging out and having parties here and there with relative frequency.

Naturally, the older set have more time to socialise, and really I prefer to socialise with those who are older than I am..

I got lucky and someone who knew his way around gave me some very valuable introductions, years ago. Also met some nice people on my own, and met some of their friends...

If you don't already have a group set up on your own, this kind of meeting might be very valuable- you really need foreign friends and contacts here to give you perspective from time to time. But honestly, if it were a semi-random group of persons choosing to meet mutual strangers from the internet, I would be *very* careful; reveal personal details sparingly and develop relationships and trust slowly.


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How about an open invitation to business people for tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm for something to eat at Richards in Bangkok. Informal.


The OP is looking for a group of "young (45 and below but above 25) gay entrepreneurs or working professionals" and then says he can "arrange a couple of five star hotels as the venue along with the catering to start it off"

You then suggest @Richards is the place ... the Gay Old-Folks Home of Bangkok :D

Are you the owner? :D who last night celebrated his 60+something birthday ...

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other young (45 and below but above 25) gay entrepreneurs or working professionals out there who wanna get together on a monthly basis in Bangkok. (please no bar owners or bar patron types!).

if i can translate the above i will say

gay entrepreneurs or working professionals (please no bar owners or bar patron types!): some one that i can do business with or bring me referrals.

(45 and below but above 25) : if the above does not take place, maybe i still have a chance to fuc_k with them hahah :o

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other young (45 and below but above 25) gay entrepreneurs or working professionals out there who wanna get together on a monthly basis in Bangkok. (please no bar owners or bar patron types!).

if i can translate the above i will say

gay entrepreneurs or working professionals (please no bar owners or bar patron types!): some one that i can do business with or bring me referrals.

(45 and below but above 25) : if the above does not take place, maybe i still have a chance to fuc_k with them hahah :o

Reminds me of the old A-Gay days in San Fran!

Seems to me there is a values problem here; perhaps the poster is trying to bring the prejudices and elitist attitudes of home into a new environment, without realizing that "what worked" in Boston might fail miserably in Bangkok.

Anyway, as a positive suggestion to the poster, and without second-guessing his motives, I think the way to proceed is to find a venue, post invitations on the web like crazy, and then see what happens.

Don't look for a bunch of successful fellows to coalesce around a rather less-than-developed-concept. Successful folks will just pass you by. Why waste their time?

Flesh out your concept (monthly meeting of ? with the purpose of ?), invest in it yourself (time, place, promotion), and make it happen. That's the way successful people work, isn't it?

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What works in Europe, US or wherever in the West might really not work here for a huge variation of reasons.

Thai ways are different ways and they do change us also not asking whether we want or not. BTW, what is so special about gay 25-45 yo. entrepreneurs or professionals (in Thailand)? Very thin niche, if you ask me. Thais don't really care who they do business with and foreigners are supposed to do it with themselves?

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other young (45 and below but above 25) gay entrepreneurs or working professionals out there who wanna get together on a monthly basis in Bangkok. (please no bar owners or bar patron types!).

if i can translate the above i will say

gay entrepreneurs or working professionals (please no bar owners or bar patron types!): some one that i can do business with or bring me referrals.

(45 and below but above 25) : if the above does not take place, maybe i still have a chance to fuc_k with them hahah :o

Reminds me of the old A-Gay days in San Fran!

Seems to me there is a values problem here; perhaps the poster is trying to bring the prejudices and elitist attitudes of home into a new environment, without realizing that "what worked" in Boston might fail miserably in Bangkok.

Anyway, as a positive suggestion to the poster, and without second-guessing his motives, I think the way to proceed is to find a venue, post invitations on the web like crazy, and then see what happens.

Don't look for a bunch of successful fellows to coalesce around a rather less-than-developed-concept. Successful folks will just pass you by. Why waste their time?

Flesh out your concept (monthly meeting of ? with the purpose of ?), invest in it yourself (time, place, promotion), and make it happen. That's the way successful people work, isn't it?

I think peekint hits all the nails on the head. From my own experience, the proposal reminds me of "Circa" events in London - usually held in a Mayfair bar taken over for the evening and with occasional dinner parties at relatively swanky restaurants. From my observation before I ditched going to the events, most of the members were non-UK people temporarily in London (albeit some of them for extended periods).

I live in Chiang Mai and (on behalf of a straight guy interested in the idea) I recently chatted to a few local gay expats and Thai about whether they thought an up-market, sophisticated restaurant could succeed by being gay-oriented. Responses about whether "professional" Thai would be attracted to that kind of venue were mixed - but the majority reaction was that they could/would be edgy about it being known that they were going to a place that's identifiably gay-oriented. The other (slightly contradictory) opinion was that just about everywhere is so gay-indifferent here - so why would they need to look for a gay-oriented place? Maybe a different story in buzzing BKK?

My overall impression in LOS is that just about any farang being seen as gay is rarely an issue - but it still often is an issue for the "professional" Thai........ But maybe that's another topic.

Edited by Steve2UK
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Unfortunately, foreign tourist/local hustler has become a cliche in both the straight and gay worlds, despite a number of Thais and foreigners who take pains to dissociate themselves from the pattern while dating each other. Any social venue which attempts to cater to "foreign gays," however, must depend on the majority tourist market to survive and therefore you can't ditch the association economically as a business owner. In that light, the OP's choice to use established mainstream hotels is perfectly logical.

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Just came back from a long funeral in the village. My boyfriend's best friend lost his mother this week. The gays mixed with the straights and it simply did not matter. Only sexual comment made all day was an inappropriate joke about katoeys, told by the same straight Englishman who told me my partner is a katoey. We blend in here. Maybe we older retired farang do not blend with the younger, non-sexual 'professionals,' though.

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Hi everybody...sorry that I did not get to view all the posts earlier as reply and as I was busy with a couple of my own company's projects.

I wish to thank everybody for their comments and just to make something clear.....everyone has the right to start their own groups according to their own requirements and needs. I am sorry if my intentions harmed anybody as I had no ill intents at all. Please if you are not within the prerequisites that I had indicated, do not take it in the wrong way and please instead start your own groups!

Pertaining to some posters comments here...I do not need business referals as please do check my background as I am also a sponsor onTV under the PR Express Banners, the Pastry Club Banners and also I had taken the main mast place once for the Flower Show at The Nai Lert. Also about wanting to find sex......I am very happily in a monogamous relationship for the last seven years and we are not into groupies or switching partners or whatever else.The whole objective was to have an alternative to the commercial scenes in Bangkok or even from the Soi Two,Soi Four or Chatuchak or Langsuan Crowds or even the sathorn Soi One scene.

We already have informally get togethers once a month at the moment at either the Dream Hotel, The Syn Bar, The Grand Hyatt or at The Met and we are now looking to extend it to once a fortnightly. For those of you who have send me their PMs, one of my staff will be getting in touch with you soon.

Till Then, thanks once again to everyone for their comments and also sorry for any misunderstandings.

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For those of you who have send me their PMs, one of my staff will be getting in touch with you soon.

Hahahahahahahahahha...I did not realize this site is for royalty.


I'll be a tad more pointed than my previous post. PM's are personal messages. If the line quoted above is an example of good PR, then that business has changed beyond my recognition. I doubt that anyone who sent a PM would have a problem in getting a response from a staff member rather than from the OP himself - but to announce the fact like that? :o

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Hi everybody...sorry that I did not get to view all the posts earlier as reply and as I was busy with a couple of my own company's projects.

I wish to thank everybody for their comments and just to make something clear.....everyone has the right to start their own groups according to their own requirements and needs. I am sorry if my intentions harmed anybody as I had no ill intents at all. Please if you are not within the prerequisites that I had indicated, do not take it in the wrong way and please instead start your own groups!

Pertaining to some posters comments here...I do not need business referals as please do check my background as I am also a sponsor onTV under the PR Express Banners, the Pastry Club Banners and also I had taken the main mast place once for the Flower Show at The Nai Lert. Also about wanting to find sex......I am very happily in a monogamous relationship for the last seven years and we are not into groupies or switching partners or whatever else.The whole objective was to have an alternative to the commercial scenes in Bangkok or even from the Soi Two,Soi Four or Chatuchak or Langsuan Crowds or even the sathorn Soi One scene.

We already have informally get togethers once a month at the moment at either the Dream Hotel, The Syn Bar, The Grand Hyatt or at The Met and we are now looking to extend it to once a fortnightly. For those of you who have send me their PMs, one of my staff will be getting in touch with you soon.

Till Then, thanks once again to everyone for their comments and also sorry for any misunderstandings.

Whilst I might fit the social demographic you are looking for, I'd rather slit my wrists than attend this kind of function. Reminds me of those invitations I get from time to time for a free wekend in a five star resort - just spend 30 minutes at a seminar whilst we sell you timeshare, or, whatever. In this case a PR companies services......

Remember to hire a very big room at your chosen five star hotel, you'll need it just to fit your ego in.

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Wish I hadn't read this thread, because now I need to work out what the ulterior motive is or I wont be able to move on. 25-45, gay, professional/entrepeneur. No relaxation of the requirements, which means there is an objective or plan. What could it be?

Let's go as a group just to be safe. :o

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25-45, gay, professional/entrepeneur. No relaxation of the requirements, which means there is an objective or plan. What could it be?

well while i understand the professional part because this is business networking, would it be wise to refuse a business man that is 50 year old?

rumors is that men after the age of 45 have trouble maintaining an erection :o

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25-45, gay, professional/entrepeneur. No relaxation of the requirements, which means there is an objective or plan. What could it be?

well while i understand the professional part because this is business networking, would it be wise to refuse a business man that is 50 year old?

rumors is that men after the age of 45 have trouble maintaining an erection :o

I thought it was much older than that, like Huge Hefner old.

I guess no viagra allowed.

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Just for socializing and networking--no sex--Best of luck in enforcing that rule!

Best of luck to you--I am past the age limit.

Guess some of us will have to start an Ol' farts club!

I know ...what a rule darling, I can just see that one working out...

Its a nice idea bar that horrible age-ish.

I don,t like the age thing bar the minimum rule- come on, most men I know

don,t hit their prime until their 60,s and if it,s a social only why have it.

Anyway, still a nice idea

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I just reread the posts following my earlier one.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I read the "I'll have one of my staff contact you" tag line!

I am a bit curious, why aren't the staff people writing this fellows posts? He's obviously a very important and successful person (he keeps telling us so), so I think we should be grateful he has the time.

My bet is if you go you'll find out this is some sort of Amway sort of thing. Anyone of you many people who have PM'd and get to talk to "staff", or finally do go, please report back.

This is better than watching Fawlty Towers...

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...started reading the topic from the top of the page and read down.. more and more interesting until the orginal poster advsied that his staff would contact us !! Maybe us professionals will be required to drive up with our our driver and merc to be allowed to enter this group... I am 40 and a joint owner of one of the top 10 exporters here in Thailand but l dont have a private driver or merc so l guess l wont be let in - get a life - you maybe a fantastic PR company etc etc, but pls the majority of us gay fellows here in BKK enjoy a relaxed and friendly atmosphere of friends.......good luck with your 'high so' group of friends, but l would love to join a friendly and relaxed group of friends in a more relaxed atmosphere.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is pub in silom that has quite a few meetings in Bangkok, it is called Richards and is located on Silom soi 2/1. The owner is pretty active in the local G/L/Bi community. You might want to ask him if it would be ok to have a Young G/L/Bi/Trans Professional Business function there.

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