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Somchai Wongsawat To Be New PM

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Inconsistencies in Chavalit's views?

The man is a raving lunatic, his power lies with his leutenants, they are the ones planning and negotiating his moves. No one listens to his personal rambling, it's not even intelligible most of the time.


Senator seeks credential review of PM

Senator Ruangkrai Likijwattana will today seek an Election Commission review of the Prime Minister's credentials after raising suspicions on the legitimacy of his membership in the House of Representatives.

Senator Ruangkrai Likijwattana this morning submitted a request for the Election Commission (EC) to review the credentials of Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat.

Senator Ruangkrai stated that evidence shows during Somchai's submission of assets in entering the House of Representatives as well as when assuming the position of Minister of Education, the current PM held 100,000 shares in CS Loxinfo Company Limited; holdings worth 368,000 baht.

The company however is contractually tied to state enterprise The Provincial Electricity Authority.

The Senator contends that such holdings may be congruent with misconduct as stipulated in Constitution article 267, disqualifying him from his post in parliament and as a consequence his post as premier.

Mr. Ruangkrai has thus asked the EC to review the matter and decide if it must be forwarded to the Constitution Court.

- ThaiNews / 2008-09-29


Conflict of interest....that is why they are all in politics in the first place to get concessions, or simpliefied: issue them themselves for themselves, infrastructure contracts!

"The Man" said it loud and clear: "I am going to run this country like I am it's CEO!" nobody listened, everybody hoped for a lucrative position in the "Ministry of inactive posts"

Since he never thought about it as "this country" but "my country"! :o

People applauded and cheered the "new leader", the "honestly lying" man.... and still hardly anybody questions as he lied once, that he might be promising a lot and keeps on lying because he got a way with it so often and made a fortune this way!

Well... interesting site...

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Can you help me!?

P.S. Anybody know about My Little Pony 5.0 program? Need a link to it...

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....but lets not forget..... free burma....

lets not forget: todays 'myanmar' was freed from uk colonial rule 1948 and freed of its colonial name 'burma' 1989. today the message should be: lets free the u.s.a. seized by a bunch of greedy & bloodthirsty millionaires

Well, the country was renamed by its socialist dictators, not through a referendum and supported by the people.

Hence I call it Burma.


New Thai prime minister faces investigation

BANGKOK, Thailand - Thailand's Election Commission opened an investigation Monday into whether new Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat should resign for violating the constitution, less than a month after a similar process ousted his predecessor.

"I have no worries at all," Somchai told reporters, adding that he had done nothing wrong and would defend himself in court if asked to.

The comments came shortly after the Election Commission said it would investigate whether Somchai had violated the constitution by holding shares in Thailand's CS LoxInfo PCL, an Internet service provider that is a contract partner of CAT Telecom, a state-owned telecommunications service provider.

The constitution bars members of Parliament from holding shares in companies that do business with state enterprises.

If found guilty, Somchai would be disqualified as a member of Parliament and therefore no longer be allowed to serve as prime minister.

Election Commission spokesman Ruangrote Jomsueb said a sub-committee would be appointed to investigate the matter and if it feels the case should be pursued will forward its findings to the Constitutional Court. He said sub-committee probe's generally take about 30 days.

The complaint was brought by Senator Ruangkrai Leekijwattana, who also filed the complaint to the Election Commission that brought down previous Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

- Associated Press / 2008-09-29


excerpts from:

New Thai PM Somchai faces legal challenge

BANGKOK, Sept 29 (Reuters) - A Thai Senator lodged a formal complaint against Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat on Monday, alleging he had broken the constitution by owning shares in a company that holds a concession from a state firm.

Somchai, who is also Thaksin's brother-in-law, brushed off the allegation.

"Before I took this job, I strictly followed every law," he told reporters on Sunday.


I'm surprised the next quote wasn't:

"and after I took this job it's catch as catch can."



"My wife forced me take on this job, I initially refused"!


"How can I refuse a request of my brother in law"?

the comedy goes on and costs the country dearly!

the comedy goes on and costs the country dearly!

What we are really missing is that the Democrats are finally making their position clear, and distance themselves from PAD tactics. In the past the Democrats have already said that Somchai would be acceptable as a Prime Minister, they have also yesterday agreed to Somchai's proposal for a committee.

Why is there still the opportunistic ambivalence by the party leadership, that tolerates their own Party members and MP's open support and involvement with this group?

This position invites only further clashes between the opposing groups.

The real damage is done by PAD. Samak has resigned, and suddenly PAD has shifted their demands again. Soon the Party dissolution is going to be decided by the courts, and it is rather clear that PPP will be dissolved, and new elections will have to come.

It appears to me that PAD does not want to have elections. So far not even their "New Politics" came closer to a definition.

Why does PAD still has to occupy Government House?

Why do they need to follow Somchai, first block his arrival i Surat Thani, then have to block his departure, have to rudely insult him in completely unrelated activities?

If one supports or dislikes the government is irrlevant - reasonable people and political parties have to start accusing PAD and all of their supporters as what they are - a destructive fanatical force not too dissimilar to a cult, whose aim is to completely overthrow the system, no matter the damage.

Somchai is Prime Minister, he has all legitimacy. Why create even more chaos, especially when the government will most likey fall within the month, when PPP is dissolved?

In the past the Democrats have already said that Somchai would be acceptable as a Prime Minister, they have also yesterday agreed to Somchai's proposal for a committee.

Somchai is Prime Minister, he has all legitimacy. Why create even more chaos, especially when the government will most likey fall within the month, when PPP is dissolved?

See, and he, himself might be history soon, as his OWNERSHIP of a stockportofolio of Loxinfo stocks is illegal and that has been brought under scrutiny... the problem of the dissolution of the PPP...

But sorry can't really share your other views on who is creating the chaos and the "acceptance of the PAD by the Democrats"... :o

Howsitgoin yet again announces that rule of law shouldn't apply to all.

How wrong you are - the rule of law should apply to all equally (and also with keeping the spirit of the law, and not just the letter of the law).

That includes also PAD and their leaders. I find here a rather huge display of hypocrisy by the usual suspects - screaming for the "rule of law" - yet excusing any infraction, even murder, when committed by the side they support.

If you would manage to condemn the illegal actions taken by the PAD, than i might be able to believe your sincerity when you use the words "rule of law". Right now though, when you use these words - it is a perversion of what is meant by rule of law.

But sorry can't really share your other views on who is creating the chaos and the "acceptance of the PAD by the Democrats"... :o

No need to apologize.

I am though confused about what you mean to say - do you not share my views that the Democrats support PAD, or that i believe chaos is created mostly by PAD. Can you be a bit more precise, please, and support you views with evidence?

Howsitgoin yet again announces that rule of law shouldn't apply to all.

How wrong you are - the rule of law should apply to all equally (and also with keeping the spirit of the law, and not just the letter of the law).

That includes also PAD and their leaders. I find here a rather huge display of hypocrisy by the usual suspects - screaming for the "rule of law" - yet excusing any infraction, even murder, when committed by the side they support.

If you would manage to condemn the illegal actions taken by the PAD, than i might be able to believe your sincerity when you use the words "rule of law". Right now though, when you use these words - it is a perversion of what is meant by rule of law.

Col, as usual you try to protect your odd views by assigning others some they don't have.

First of all, you try to cloud the fact that the current PM might be in possession of stocks he shouldn't be by ranting on PAD and 'not creating more chaos'. Surely your intent wasn't to imply that no action should be taken against a PM that is in breach of rules or law?

Secondly, your complaint about the lack of condemn regarding PADs supposed illegal actions is without point, I'm not a police officer or working for the D.A.'s office.

Thirdly, unless you are even trying to pretend to be balanced and proper in your rants regarding supposed crimes committed by labeling the events in their proper terms, there really isn't much weight behind your words of cry. A street fight between armed men is rarely, if ever, murder. Criminal manslaughter, sure.

Col, as usual you try to protect your odd views by assigning others some they don't have.

First of all, you try to cloud the fact that the current PM might be in possession of stocks he shouldn't be by ranting on PAD and 'not creating more chaos'. Surely your intent wasn't to imply that no action should be taken against a PM that is in breach of rules or law?

Secondly, your complaint about the lack of condemn regarding PADs supposed illegal actions is without point, I'm not a police officer or working for the D.A.'s office.

Thirdly, unless you are even trying to pretend to be balanced and proper in your rants regarding supposed crimes committed by labeling the events in their proper terms, there really isn't much weight behind your words of cry. A street fight between armed men is rarely, if ever, murder. Criminal manslaughter, sure.

My argument is less about if action should be taken, or not. I question the motives of the likes of you here that are frotting as soon as a lawsuit against the government, may it be so minor even, is mentioned. Yet you are oblivious towards the often far more serious infractions committed by the side you support.

I do not question much if action should be taken against Somchai in the asset case. If he has concealed assets, then i am sure the courts will disqualify him. I wonder though very much if these very minor cases might only follow the letter of the law, but defeat the spirit of the law. I am not alone in this view, by the way, if you read comments of independent academics.

Thailand is right now increasingly a laughing stock, the world looking bewildered at this strange place in SEA, where a prime minister is disqualified for having indulged in his hobby and took part in a cooking show, while a bunch of ultranationalists is able to illegaly occupy Government House, and no action can be taken. Their arrest warrants for treason they can ignore, and certain posters here also are amazingly quiet about this subject.

And at the same time, some posters here who obviously support this group, call for the "rule of law" - while completely ignoring, even justifying serious infractions against the law by their group of support.

So, please, do not accuse me of being onesided in my views - glasshouse...stones... :o

As to the streetfight - yes, in most cases this might be manslaughter. In this case though - the victim was already on the floor, and his opponents have proceeded to beat him to death (shown life on TV). This is murder.

Anyhow, i am a not legal expert. Be it murder, or manslaughter, as long as you do not demand with the same vehemence the prosecution of the perpetrators as you seem to do with a relatively minor asset concealment issue (of which so far there are only allegations) - i do not buy your supposed defense of "rule of law".

Col, as usual you try to protect your odd views by assigning others some they don't have.

First of all, you try to cloud the fact that the current PM might be in possession of stocks he shouldn't be by ranting on PAD and 'not creating more chaos'. Surely your intent wasn't to imply that no action should be taken against a PM that is in breach of rules or law?

Secondly, your complaint about the lack of condemn regarding PADs supposed illegal actions is without point, I'm not a police officer or working for the D.A.'s office.

Thirdly, unless you are even trying to pretend to be balanced and proper in your rants regarding supposed crimes committed by labeling the events in their proper terms, there really isn't much weight behind your words of cry. A street fight between armed men is rarely, if ever, murder. Criminal manslaughter, sure.

My argument is less about if action should be taken, or not. I question the motives of the likes of you here that are frotting as soon as a lawsuit against the government, may it be so minor even, is mentioned. Yet you are oblivious towards the often far more serious infractions committed by the side you support.

I do not question much if action should be taken against Somchai in the asset case. If he has concealed assets, then i am sure the courts will disqualify him. I wonder though very much if these very minor cases might only follow the letter of the law, but defeat the spirit of the law. I am not alone in this view, by the way, if you read comments of independent academics.

Thailand is right now increasingly a laughing stock, the world looking bewildered at this strange place in SEA, where a prime minister is disqualified for having indulged in his hobby and took part in a cooking show, while a bunch of ultranationalists is able to illegaly occupy Government House, and no action can be taken.

And at the same time, some posters here who obviously support this group, call for the "rule of law" - while completely ignoring, even justifying serious infractions against the law by their group of support.

So, please, do not accuse me of being onesided in my views - glasshouse...stones... :o

As to the streetfight - yes, in most cases this might be manslaughter. In this case though - the victim was already on the floor, and his opponents have proceeded to beat him to death (shown life on TV). This is murder.

Anyhow, i am a not legal expert. Be it murder, or manslaughter, as long as you do not demand with the same vehemence the prosecution of the perpetrators as you seem to do with a relatively minor asset concealment issue (of which so far there are only allegations) - i do not buy your supposed defense of "rule of law".


again your rant displays your inability to separate fact from fiction.

Please point out where I have been "frotting" [sic] over lawsuits being passed against the government while being "oblivious towards the often far more serious infractions committed by the side support".

At the same time, please name what side I support and for what reasons. Also any longterm goals I might have written about on this board.

You already seem to have made up your mind as to what the truth is so I have no doubt you will be able to comply with this humble request in no-time.

You already seem to have made up your mind as to what the truth is so I have no doubt you will be able to comply with this humble request in no-time.

My sincerest apologies, then.

May i assume that you just argue for the sake of argument with me, without having any views or opinion on the issue at all?


No one argues against prosecution of PAD members who attacked NBT.

"Occupation" of the government house was done far more peacefully than any similar protest in the West. While not many people approve of it, not many want PAD to be tried for it either. Treason charges cooked up by Samak are laughable, even police hinted he should shove them back to where they come from.

I do not question much if action should be taken against Somchai in the asset case. ... these very minor cases might only follow the letter of the law, but defeat the spirit of the law.

What spirit of the law? The man is a cute puppet without his own voice, installed by his wife and her brother to look after themselves. What spirit of the law?


He's been the PM for almost two weeks now - any progress on reconciliation? Any word on Thaksin's passport? Any word on consititution amendments? His MPs came out and pushed for it, what was PM's reaction? Nothing. He's not there, not his business, don't ask him.

Now the whole country is slugging him for his Cabinet choice, no one believes he can achieve anything, he is not in control of anything, even in his family he is not the one with the pants on. Even his bodyguards don't bother about people heckling him at the mall and elsewhere.

What a sorry ass! Should go home and suck on his milk bottle.


What I want to know is why the new PM didn't SELL his bloody shareholding in CS Loxinfo before assuming office. He's the Prime Minister for gods sake. Did he not think anyone would notice he had them? Does he not have a large and capable team of public servants and advisors whose job it is to advise him of the legal obligations that come with his new job? Did he not notice his predecessor's sacking for minor infringements (cooking show) of same?

Or is he just monkey dumb?


They seem to believe they are above the law. It's hard to change from one day to the next and switch to a law-abiding persona. They aren't even trying to appear clean when not in spotlight.

No one argues against prosecution of PAD members who attacked NBT.

Good that you support the prosecution of the PAD members that have attacked NBT. What about the leaders of PAD that have given the orders?

"Occupation" of the government house was done far more peacefully than any similar protest in the West. While not many people approve of it, not many want PAD to be tried for it either. Treason charges cooked up by Samak are laughable, even police hinted he should shove them back to where they come from.

Yet the court has upheld the arrest warrants.

Where, by the way, has "police" "hinted that he should shove them where they came from"? Proof? Evidence?

I do not question much if action should be taken against Somchai in the asset case. ... these very minor cases might only follow the letter of the law, but defeat the spirit of the law.

What spirit of the law? The man is a cute puppet without his own voice, installed by his wife and her brother to look after themselves. What spirit of the law?

Polemics. Like it or not - he is Prime Minister according to the Law of the Land until convicted, and has been given full legitimacy.


He's been the PM for almost two weeks now - any progress on reconciliation? Any word on Thaksin's passport? Any word on consititution amendments? His MPs came out and pushed for it, what was PM's reaction? Nothing. He's not there, not his business, don't ask him.

Well, sad that he has disappointed you, and tries to stay away from controversial topics and tries to introduce calm into the chaos and attempts reconciliation. PAD has announced that they will finally define "New Politics", and have failed to do so. Somchai has made one proposal after the other, some even accepted by the Democrats, and PAD has rejected all.

Somchai has put up Chavalit as mediator, which PAD has accepted (and of course the irony here is - that you only derided Chavalit).

It seems that nothing can make you happy, even less so than PAD.

Now the whole country is slugging him for his Cabinet choice, no one believes he can achieve anything, he is not in control of anything, even in his family he is not the one with the pants on. Even his bodyguards don't bother about people heckling him at the mall and elsewhere.

Polemics. If his bodyguards would have dealt with the protesters the way how they should have, PAD and their cultists would have again complained about brutality.

What a sorry ass! Should go home and suck on his milk bottle.

That comment does not even qualify as polemics anymore - this is plain infantile.

It's becoming a farce, just like politics.

Using multiple identities is against forum rules, and for a good reason. Trying to impersonate someone else in order to advance your agenda is simply showing disrespect to other members who particpate in these discussions in good faith, and refusal to accept the faults and consequences of your own online behavior, stand up and speak for yourself is cowardice.

Even certified nutjobs in this forum don't stoop so low. Lots of people hate Sunrise, for example, but he never hides, he "fights" fairly, at least according to his own rules of debate, and I respect that.

and on and on it goes

Dig your own grave


Give it a rest... it's been almost a year.

It makes my bile raise...

Is it what you have been banned for?

Do we need to go through this with every thread?

....but lets not forget..... free burma....

lets not forget: todays 'myanmar' was freed from uk colonial rule 1948 and freed of its colonial name 'burma' 1989. today the message should be: lets free the u.s.a. seized by a bunch of greedy & bloodthirsty millionaires

Well, the country was renamed by its socialist dictators, not through a referendum and supported by the people.

Hence I call it Burma.

All the people from there that I have met call it Burma,

they speak Burmese, amounst other languages.

No one speaks Myanmarese,

they don't live in Myanmar except on paper.

he is Prime Minister according to the Law of the Land

The letter or the spirit? You were talking about the spirit, all of a sudden, then the Law with capital L. Nothing more than a rash to argue. I can't accomodate you.

Sort your own issues first. Who are you and what is the purpose of you being here? Steal a couple of days of free posting before being banned again?

Not interested.

Dig your own grave


Give it a rest... it's been almost a year.

It makes my bile raise...

Is it what you have been banned for?

Do we need to go through this with every thread?

little bit of topic but one short question. is having a double account or multiple account against the rules? i mean a real life person but different screen names? if it's not allowed what happen to his/her accounts?

should i play police and press the report button? or will moderators see it anyway.

there are some odd nicks around, reply to a topic with some blah, blah and link to a useless page. i guess for have a reference link on google page rank. but they do it a half- decent way, not brutal spam, just now and than some cryptical entry. different screen names, same tactic. should i report them or are multiple accounts okay?

Dig your own grave


Give it a rest... it's been almost a year.

It makes my bile raise...

Is it what you have been banned for?

Do we need to go through this with every thread?

little bit of topic but one short question. is having a double account or multiple account against the rules? i mean a real life person but different screen names? if it's not allowed what happen to his/her accounts?

should i play police and press the report button? or will moderators see it anyway.

there are some odd nicks around, reply to a topic with some blah, blah and link to a useless page. i guess for have a reference link on google page rank. but they do it a half- decent way, not brutal spam, just now and than some cryptical entry. different screen names, same tactic. should i report them or are multiple accounts okay?

Yes double accounts for one person is against the rules.

and banned people coming back under different aliases is also not allowed.

A grey area is when two people with similar political leanings share a ROUTER, with 2 computers.

Both with different versions of english as a second language, one relaxed the the other a triffle hyper sometimes.

One gets banned, and the other gets permanently black balled for

APPEARING potentially to be them also based on router IP address and political leanings solely..

That ALSO seems to be a banning offence.

Since this HAS happened,

I see no reason to allow a permanently banned person from coming back as a different alias.

How about checking the IP address on this suspect.

Their deeply profound mutual affection is clearly evident...


Thailand's new Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat hugs his wife Yaowapa after receiving the royal command during a ceremony to accept his post, at his residency in Bangkok September 18, 2008. Parliament elected Somchai, a brother-in-law of Thaksin Shinawatra, as prime minister on Wednesday to replace Samak Sundaravej, who had to step down last week after being found guilty of a conflict of interest.



Thailand's new Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat, left, hugs his wife Yaowapa, right, after receiving the royal command as the prime minister at his residence in Bangkok Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008. Somchai met with foreign policy and financial experts Thursday, a day after being elected, but steered clear of the thousands of anti-government protesters camped on the grounds of his office.

Associated Press

Does anyone no yaowapa wongsawat age???? Just curious Thaksi once said if she was a man she would of been in his cabinet, sexism at its best

Not interested.

For somebody not interested you are pestering me with far too many impertinent questions.

May i suggest that you stay with the topic and answer reasonably with a minimum amount of politeness, or simply stop responding to my posts.

You can always put me on the ignore button if you can't manage.

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