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I Need To Send A Friend Some Money

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If sending her money is what you really want to do?

You can send it via a swift transfer from your bank account at HSBC direct to her bank account at ????

A swift transfer will cost you about 35 USD or equivalent in pounds.

You need to know her exact name as shown on her account, her account number, bank name, swift code number.

Go to your HSBC office and talk to them about the international transfer,,,,,,,piece of cake

Edited by longball53098
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In an earlier post, you mentioned that you might have made a lady pregnant, something like "she's 60% sure that it's mine". It seems as though she has been sleeping with more than one person, perhaps many, and what has changed the situation to indicate that it's actually your child? You can't raise a child with 200 pounds, so something is amiss. If I were you, I'd wait until I was back in LOS, and ask for a DNA test.

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To stay on topic, there are many ways to send her money. Western Union if you have to.

But how did she come up with the percentage of 60?

"It seems as though she has been sleeping with more than one person, perhaps many..."

How many would it take to come up with that %?

Edited by Shotime
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Get the whole details, then log on to your (UK ?) HSBC account and click on send money overseas on the left side. It costs 15 pounds and her about 5 or 6, or you pay all charges.

You will need the complete bank details including the SWIFT code and the branch address.

Don't bother with Western Union! But maybe she can open a Paypal account? for a small amount this might be cheaper.

BTW, if you hurt her feelings, think about a kind guesture. If she demands money, ...

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I have caused some problems for a lady in Thailand and need to send her some money £100-200


before you part with any money, do you know anyone in Thailand who could check this girl out?

If not, you should be talking to someone like Stickman, I have no idea what he charges, but no harm in talking to him.

Does anyone know of an alternative to Stick?

I smell a rat! I hope I'm wrong. :o

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Send her some flowers and a card saying how sorry you are for causing her a problem.

Do not start apologizing with cash - once those hooks get into your wallet you'll never be able to send enough money.

Hooks , like it, is that where hooker came from ? , come on chaps this is a troll for sure, 60 per cent his and hes sending money, that will definatly put the odds to 70 per cent or so ! :o
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hi guys

my friend is a nurse at a governemt hospital in bangkok. she is definitely a real nurse as I have seen her on a webcam at work. she says she hasn't slept with another person since July , and he was her first.

i sent her some money (10,000) because she needed to go to the doctors and it cost her 5000bht. she has now done two pregnancy tests and says they are both positive. She rekons she's keeping the baby irrespective of whether I help.

I have no real proof , except her word , that she hasn't slept with anyone else. She comes across as an innocent girl compared to a bar girl, so i believe her. But I don't know her that well so she could be lying to me.

many people have already told me to block all incoming calls and emails from her and forget about it.

I don't know what to do...I really need to go back out to LOS and see for myself

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hi guys

my friend is a nurse at a governemt hospital in bangkok. she is definitely a real nurse as I have seen her on a webcam at work. she says she hasn't slept with another person since July , and he was her first.

i sent her some money (10,000) because she needed to go to the doctors and it cost her 5000bht. she has now done two pregnancy tests and says they are both positive. She rekons she's keeping the baby irrespective of whether I help.

I have no real proof , except her word , that she hasn't slept with anyone else. She comes across as an innocent girl compared to a bar girl, so i believe her. But I don't know her that well so she could be lying to me.

many people have already told me to block all incoming calls and emails from her and forget about it.

I don't know what to do...I really need to go back out to LOS and see for myself

stick with bargirls, they were invented 4 guys like you!

you sound like you are overmatched by the good ones.

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my friend is a nurse at a governemt hospital in bangkok. she is definitely a real nurse.

i sent her some money (10,000) because she needed to go to the doctors and it cost her 5000bht.

THB 5000 at a goverment hospital and she is a nurse at said hospital ??....the number seems very high, considering a part of her package at the hospital would almost certainly be a medical scheme....ie staff discount... :o

Even if she wasnt a nurse.....isnt the THB 30 medical scheme still in effect for goverment hospitals ??.. :D

Alarm bells are ringing for me....

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James, your post indicates that you are young and naive young chap. You talk about a friend who slept with her. You think it's your responsibility to care for ths woman. It's unclear why your friend isn't involved, but you are. You seem intent on getting f##cked by this woman, emotionally and financially, and that's your choice. Paraphrasing a comedian, "God wouldn't have made farangs sheep, if they weren't meant to be sheared."

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James, your post indicates that you are young and naive young chap. You talk about a friend who slept with her. You think it's your responsibility to care for ths woman. It's unclear why your friend isn't involved, but you are. You seem intent on getting f##cked by this woman, emotionally and financially, and that's your choice. Paraphrasing a comedian, "God wouldn't have made farangs sheep, if they weren't meant to be sheared."

May he wants to play hid the sausage as well..?? or maybe his "friend" is actually him, and he has already played hide the sausage and now he is being shook down for some cash..

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James, your post indicates that you are young and naive young chap. You talk about a friend who slept with her. You think it's your responsibility to care for ths woman. It's unclear why your friend isn't involved, but you are. You seem intent on getting f##cked by this woman, emotionally and financially, and that's your choice. Paraphrasing a comedian, "God wouldn't have made farangs sheep, if they weren't meant to be sheared."

on friday i told her i didn't love her and never would and that she should go and find another man. she cried, said bye and I haven't heard anything since. hopefully i wont hear from her again.

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"on friday i told her i didn't love her and never would and that she should go and find another man. she cried, said bye and I haven't heard anything since. hopefully i wont hear from her again."

But, she still managed to cheat you out of 10,000THB. She sounds like she's a real smart cookie. Here's some more advice: unprotected sexual intercourse with a prostitute is dangerous to your health: physical, emotional, and financial.

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"on friday i told her i didn't love her and never would and that she should go and find another man. she cried, said bye and I haven't heard anything since. hopefully i wont hear from her again."

But, she still managed to cheat you out of 10,000THB. She sounds like she's a real smart cookie. Here's some more advice: unprotected sexual intercourse with a prostitute is dangerous to your health: physical, emotional, and financial.

Think the OP established she wasnt a prostitute, by virtue of the fact, he stated she was a nurse working at a goverment hospital

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I have caused some problems for a lady in Thailand and need to send her some money £100-200

She says she has a bank a/c and I read that I can do an electronic transfer.

I bank with HSBC

Can you advise?

Are you in the UK? If so then send it from any Post Office, don't know how much HSBC will charge but PO is quick and easy, all she has to do is go into any branch of Siam bank the next day with her I.D. and colect the money. I think PO charge £24 for amounts up to £999 and I've always had a great rate as it is sent in GBP and changed in to Baht over there, hope this helps

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I have caused some problems for a lady in Thailand and need to send her some money £100-200

She says she has a bank a/c and I read that I can do an electronic transfer.

I bank with HSBC

Can you advise?

Are you in the UK? If so then send it from any Post Office, don't know how much HSBC will charge but PO is quick and easy, all she has to do is go into any branch of Siam bank the next day with her I.D. and colect the money. I think PO charge £24 for amounts up to £999 and I've always had a great rate as it is sent in GBP and changed in to Baht over there, hope this helps

Think you should read all the posts....dont think this guy is interested anymore in sending money to this girl

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I have caused some problems for a lady in Thailand and need to send her some money £100-200

She says she has a bank a/c and I read that I can do an electronic transfer.

I bank with HSBC

Can you advise?

Are you in the UK? If so then send it from any Post Office, don't know how much HSBC will charge but PO is quick and easy, all she has to do is go into any branch of Siam bank the next day with her I.D. and colect the money. I think PO charge £24 for amounts up to £999 and I've always had a great rate as it is sent in GBP and changed in to Baht over there, hope this helps

Think you should read all the posts....dont think this guy is interested anymore in sending money to this girl

LMFAO, true, that's what happens when you read Thaivisa after drinking to much.

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my friend is a nurse at a governemt hospital in bangkok. she is definitely a real nurse.

i sent her some money (10,000) because she needed to go to the doctors and it cost her 5000bht.

THB 5000 at a goverment hospital and she is a nurse at said hospital ??....the number seems very high, considering a part of her package at the hospital would almost certainly be a medical scheme....ie staff discount... :o

Even if she wasnt a nurse.....isnt the THB 30 medical scheme still in effect for goverment hospitals ??.. :D

Alarm bells are ringing for me....

she is a nurse 100%. i've seen the other sisters standing behind her in the hospital when we chatted on the webcam. I've seen her in uniform. when i was going home my taxi dropped her off at the hospital so she could go to work. she talks about nursing terminology. Now that doesn't mean she moonlights as a hooker i know, but i raelly don't think so.

i think you are right about hospital workers being entitled to free medical care, but this money was to pay for a private doctor as she is very embarrassed. she rekons she can't work in the hospital when visibly pregnant as her baby has no father, apparently this is very shameful. But it looks like she's going to have to learn to live with it.

she appears to be extremely upset, and this is tottally screwing my head up. she rings and starts crying saying "why you don't love me". everytime we end our she says she will try to lose me, and this time i hope it's for real.

someone else tolled me to give her £200 for an abortion. she says she would never do this, but thats her decision. I sent the money to clear my conscience.

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"on friday i told her i didn't love her and never would and that she should go and find another man. she cried, said bye and I haven't heard anything since. hopefully i wont hear from her again."

But, she still managed to cheat you out of 10,000THB. She sounds like she's a real smart cookie. Here's some more advice: unprotected sexual intercourse with a prostitute is dangerous to your health: physical, emotional, and financial.

your right...it's a learning curve

last time i give any hooker my email/phone details

my holiday cost me £2200, instead of £2000

my initial hiv test came back neg and urine neg, so things are looking up

Edited by james1979
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