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Mafia Police


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Sorry to hear about this problem mate. One thing that doesn't add up is that loan sharks do not require a guarantor for their loans. They'll just beat up the person in question instead and if these guys are the police like you say they are...they will find the original person. Hate to say but your lady's taking you for a ride...

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Why hasn't anyone asked about the Vig?

I could possibly be led to believe that everything is true, BUT my first question is what about the VIG?

Someone borrows 200,000 baht from a loan shark, police, whoever... there HAS to be some form of interest and it usually isn't anything to sneeze at.

No vig - I'd question the whole situation.

Good luck no matter what you decide to do.


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Why hasn't anyone asked about the Vig?

I could possibly be led to believe that everything is true, BUT my first question is what about the VIG?

Someone borrows 200,000 baht from a loan shark, police, whoever... there HAS to be some form of interest and it usually isn't anything to sneeze at.

No vig - I'd question the whole situation.

Good luck no matter what you decide to do.


I reckon they are just happy to get the 200k...when I say they I mean the alledged guarantor wife and whoever is involved on this obvious scam...an old acquantance of mines missus was getting pressure off her family for money and fell foul to these supposed thieves in the royal garden plaza in pattaya who put a bottle under her nose and it knocked her out and they relieved her of her gold, now I knew the security in that place and went and checked the cctv myself as she refused to go to the police and report it and the story was just not adding up, sure enough she was seen walking through the shopping centre, took a seat on one of the benches and then dissapeared to the toilet for 10 minutes then came out and alerted him by mobile phone, she never had the chain on in the first place :o

when I tried to tell him about it he accused me of being jealous and a stirrer so that is why I call him an old acquantance as he is still with her and she has got another gold chain :D

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Thanks for taking the time to read my article and replying to it, [flames deleted]

I did not post this topic seeking any advice, as one person did suggest. If you read my original post, I did not ask for advice. I simply posted it to do my bit (small as it may be) to alert people across the world to know how corrupt a country Thailand is, through the good old world wide web. Maybe if more and more people made that small bit of effort, then a change for the better may be inevitable, instead of everybody just living with the system and complaining to themselves.

I have investigated this matter fully through a lawyer friend (for free) and found that everything is what it has been reported to have been. I have no doubts whatsoever as to the sincerity of my wife, thank you very much.

To all of those people who stereotype ALL Thai girls as being schemers and connivers to their foreign boyfriends and husbands, then MY advice to YOU is to get back to where you came from pronto, marry an English/American/Australian woman, or whatever, and live out the rest of your sad, paranoid lives in comfort.


While your comments re flaming and stereo-typing are spot on (yes - sadly the forum is used quite a bit for pointless commenting), I don't think you can blame members for getting the impression that help/advise was what you were asking for.

I too got that impression, hence my comments - which, speaking for myself were not stereo-typing in any way - actually, for what you may think they were worth, I thought they were quite relivant, and reading what you have now added shows that there were omissions in your thread opener (regards your understanding of the situation, and how it could best have been handled).

Had you indicated so in your thread opener, some of the more unhelpful comments made would probably not have been contributed.

You only have to take a quick look at the forum (never mind a detailed study of threads going back over the years), to learn that it is absolutely full of experiances of ex-pats who have been on the receiving end of some or other scam. Indeed, the purpose your thread as you say, was to make just that point i.e. how bent and corrupt things are in Thailand - was it not?.

So, comments like " then MY advice to YOU is to get back to where you came from pronto, marry an English/American/Australian woman, or whatever, and live out the rest of your sad, paranoid lives in comfort" - which can also be seen as "stereotyping" in it's referance to English/American/Australian women, only serve to invite just the sort of comment you have expressed objection about!!!

That aside, I hope you resolve the problem.

Edited by Maizefarmer
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The word Mafia most be the most abused/misused word on TV.

The local Mafia. The Mafia in the neigbourhodd. The taxi mafia, etc, etc.

Mafia mafia mafia.

My God folks! Would you please stop with this!

How many mafia organizations are there here?

Most of you guys keep calling anyone more than one person that work together for mafia.

Hmmm, let me see.... yes, China must be the country with most Mafias then.


Ooops, I guess the TV Mafia will come after me now.


Your card is marked. :D

But what gets me is all of the farangs/Thai that I meet out who like to drop the fact that they know, or are part of the Maffia. If I was in the Maffia then I would neither like anybody else to broadcast it and I definitely would not broadcast it myself.

I think that the ones who claim not to have anything to do with the maffia, like myself, are the ones that you should be weary of. :o .

Some years ago a Thai guy was engaging me in convivial conversation in some bar or other. I noticed he had half of one finger missing 'How did that happen?' I asked 'It's the mafia's way of telling everyone someone talks too much'. He'd just spent the best part of half an hour showing me photographs of all these rather shady looking characters whom, he boasted, were his friends In The Mafia :D

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The word Mafia most be the most abused/misused word on TV.

The local Mafia. The Mafia in the neigbourhodd. The taxi mafia, etc, etc.

Mafia mafia mafia.

My God folks! Would you please stop with this!

How many mafia organizations are there here?

Most of you guys keep calling anyone more than one person that work together for mafia.

Hmmm, let me see.... yes, China must be the country with most Mafias then.


Ooops, I guess the TV Mafia will come after me now.


Your card is marked. :D

But what gets me is all of the farangs/Thai that I meet out who like to drop the fact that they know, or are part of the Maffia. If I was in the Maffia then I would neither like anybody else to broadcast it and I definitely would not broadcast it myself.

I think that the ones who claim not to have anything to do with the maffia, like myself, are the ones that you should be weary of. :o .

I might ask you for a favour one day.

of course, I understand that you will at a later point contact me and ask me to give you a favour.


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i still don't understand why you should have to pay for her so-called guarantee, if there is any.

what was the loan amount, terms, was it cash, on what basis did she give her guarantee...(you a farang, your property?) thereby putting your life at risk or is it some old baggage she brought with her???

smells fishy to me, and oh yeah, watch these so-called FREE lawyers, he may just be stroking you along as part of the deal!!!

and scams, and yes thanks for the warning they do happen all the world over, i would just make sure that you don't become a victim (bt.200K) yourself!!!

Edited by Terminator
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The word Mafia most be the most abused/misused word on TV.

The local Mafia. The Mafia in the neigbourhodd. The taxi mafia, etc, etc.

Mafia mafia mafia.

My God folks! Would you please stop with this!

How many mafia organizations are there here?

Most of you guys keep calling anyone more than one person that work together for mafia.

Hmmm, let me see.... yes, China must be the country with most Mafias then.


Ooops, I guess the TV Mafia will come after me now.


Your card is marked. :D

But what gets me is all of the farangs/Thai that I meet out who like to drop the fact that they know, or are part of the Maffia. If I was in the Maffia then I would neither like anybody else to broadcast it and I definitely would not broadcast it myself.

I think that the ones who claim not to have anything to do with the maffia, like myself, are the ones that you should be weary of. :o .

Some years ago a Thai guy was engaging me in convivial conversation in some bar or other. I noticed he had half of one finger missing 'How did that happen?' I asked 'It's the mafia's way of telling everyone someone talks too much'. He'd just spent the best part of half an hour showing me photographs of all these rather shady looking characters whom, he boasted, were his friends In The Mafia :D

I guess their taking lessons from the Yakooz :D

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Why hasn't anyone asked about the Vig?

I could possibly be led to believe that everything is true, BUT my first question is what about the VIG?

Someone borrows 200,000 baht from a loan shark, police, whoever... there HAS to be some form of interest and it usually isn't anything to sneeze at.

No vig - I'd question the whole situation.

Good luck no matter what you decide to do.


I reckon they are just happy to get the 200k...when I say they I mean the alledged guarantor wife and whoever is involved on this obvious scam...an old acquantance of mines missus was getting pressure off her family for money and fell foul to these supposed thieves in the royal garden plaza in pattaya who put a bottle under her nose and it knocked her out and they relieved her of her gold, now I knew the security in that place and went and checked the cctv myself as she refused to go to the police and report it and the story was just not adding up, sure enough she was seen walking through the shopping centre, took a seat on one of the benches and then dissapeared to the toilet for 10 minutes then came out and alerted him by mobile phone, she never had the chain on in the first place :o

when I tried to tell him about it he accused me of being jealous and a stirrer so that is why I call him an old acquantance as he is still with her and she has got another gold chain :D

Ya I've seen the same M.O with slight detail changes at least 10 times.It :D relies on a buffalo in love.............ahh what's 200,000 when yor in love..........here an idea just hand the $ to your wife and tell her she doesn't need to split it with "the mafia"..... ha.....ha!!!!

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Thanks for taking the time to read my article and replying to it, [flames deleted]

I did not post this topic seeking any advice, as one person did suggest. If you read my original post, I did not ask for advice. I simply posted it to do my bit (small as it may be) to alert people across the world to know how corrupt a country Thailand is, through the good old world wide web. Maybe if more and more people made that small bit of effort, then a change for the better may be inevitable, instead of everybody just living with the system and complaining to themselves.

I have investigated this matter fully through a lawyer friend (for free) and found that everything is what it has been reported to have been. I have no doubts whatsoever as to the sincerity of my wife, thank you very much.

To all of those people who stereotype ALL Thai girls as being schemers and connivers to their foreign boyfriends and husbands, then MY advice to YOU is to get back to where you came from pronto, marry an English/American/Australian woman, or whatever, and live out the rest of your sad, paranoid lives in comfort.

Dear James,

Have you got a clue how much money 200,000 Baht is for an avarage Thai person?

Do you want to be married to a wife that does something stupid like your wife?

Do you really believe your wife?

How is SHE going to pay for it?

Or are you going to be the good Samaritan? (The typical stupid foreigner Thai people despise).

Why you ever got married?

My advice:


Atleast I assume you didn't do the most stupid thing you could do, you don't own a house there, right?

Sorry for sounding harsh and arrogant, but I really can not understand you, why you treat a Thai different then you would do a foreign lover? I would ditch the woman that was foolish enough to trow that amount in foreign money away (would be how much? 30,000/ 50,000 euro, compared).

*no marriage

*no buying property

Two golden rules :-)


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Thanks for taking the time to read my article and replying to it, [flames deleted]

I did not post this topic seeking any advice, as one person did suggest. If you read my original post, I did not ask for advice. I simply posted it to do my bit (small as it may be) to alert people across the world to know how corrupt a country Thailand is, through the good old world wide web. Maybe if more and more people made that small bit of effort, then a change for the better may be inevitable, instead of everybody just living with the system and complaining to themselves.

I have investigated this matter fully through a lawyer friend (for free) and found that everything is what it has been reported to have been. I have no doubts whatsoever as to the sincerity of my wife, thank you very much.

To all of those people who stereotype ALL Thai girls as being schemers and connivers to their foreign boyfriends and husbands, then MY advice to YOU is to get back to where you came from pronto, marry an English/American/Australian woman, or whatever, and live out the rest of your sad, paranoid lives in comfort.

You're absolutely right James, sadly your thread attracted too many usual suspects (read: post whores). I symphatise with your situation and hope everything turns out ok for you and your wife. Don't pay attention to these idiots who insult your wife's integrity, they're just a bunch of loosers with nothing to show for.

Thank you very much, appreciated!

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This happened a year ago why have they taken this long to come to your wife? There is only 2 things you can do (1) pay up. (2) pack up and do a runner just like your wife's friend did :D as your wife did not borrow the money her friend did. If they really want there money then they will go after your wife's friend not you & your wife.



u got to be kidding.

the foolish wife has a farang husband who is willing to pay, THEY GO AFTER HIM!

this guys might as well hoof it to europe , if thai polit find out he went to his embassy he may find himself sleeping with thai fishes!

guys thai women in rural see you as atms, why dont u guys want to believe?

When I said they Should Run Away It should be to his country & don't come back to Thailand. Or they could just move to another country close to Thailand, Its not so easy to find the OP & his wife & it will be to costly for them to try, so they look for the person who actually borrowed the money Who is probably still in Thailand if the story is true :o If You want to be a ATM then you pay up that's up to The Op I have never been or ever will be a ATM to canny a Scot for that. :D



Having spent some time in Scotland, I know that Scotsmen are very tight with their money in general. No offence intended.

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Sorry to hear about this problem mate. One thing that doesn't add up is that loan sharks do not require a guarantor for their loans. They'll just beat up the person in question instead and if these guys are the police like you say they are...they will find the original person. Hate to say but your lady's taking you for a ride...

Congratulations. You know more about me and my situation than I do it seems. Are you sure you're not spying on me?

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Why hasn't anyone asked about the Vig?

I could possibly be led to believe that everything is true, BUT my first question is what about the VIG?

Someone borrows 200,000 baht from a loan shark, police, whoever... there HAS to be some form of interest and it usually isn't anything to sneeze at.

No vig - I'd question the whole situation.

Good luck no matter what you decide to do.


The 200k was including the 'VIG'.

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The odds are this is a 3-way scam cooked up by your wife, her buddy and a local copper to relieve you of 200,000 Baht.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

I agree you are smart he is to close to see but his is different.

Could you explain what you mean using correct English grammar please, as I fail to understand the point you are trying to make.

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ehm, as a member of the Soi Yensabai "mafia," I can tell you that you will not be killed over this kind of debt. You might get harrassed in public, get yelled out a bit (with some swear words involved), and they might walk into your house uninvited. But unless you are rude or say something unpleasant... you should be fine.


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Thanks for taking the time to read my article and replying to it, [flames deleted]

I did not post this topic seeking any advice, as one person did suggest. If you read my original post, I did not ask for advice. I simply posted it to do my bit (small as it may be) to alert people across the world to know how corrupt a country Thailand is, through the good old world wide web. Maybe if more and more people made that small bit of effort, then a change for the better may be inevitable, instead of everybody just living with the system and complaining to themselves.

I have investigated this matter fully through a lawyer friend (for free) and found that everything is what it has been reported to have been. I have no doubts whatsoever as to the sincerity of my wife, thank you very much.

To all of those people who stereotype ALL Thai girls as being schemers and connivers to their foreign boyfriends and husbands, then MY advice to YOU is to get back to where you came from pronto, marry an English/American/Australian woman, or whatever, and live out the rest of your sad, paranoid lives in comfort.


While your comments re flaming and stereo-typing are spot on (yes - sadly the forum is used quite a bit for pointless commenting), I don't think you can blame members for getting the impression that help/advise was what you were asking for.

I too got that impression, hence my comments - which, speaking for myself were not stereo-typing in any way - actually, for what you may think they were worth, I thought they were quite relivant, and reading what you have now added shows that there were omissions in your thread opener (regards your understanding of the situation, and how it could best have been handled).

Had you indicated so in your thread opener, some of the more unhelpful comments made would probably not have been contributed.

You only have to take a quick look at the forum (never mind a detailed study of threads going back over the years), to learn that it is absolutely full of experiances of ex-pats who have been on the receiving end of some or other scam. Indeed, the purpose your thread as you say, was to make just that point i.e. how bent and corrupt things are in Thailand - was it not?.

So, comments like " then MY advice to YOU is to get back to where you came from pronto, marry an English/American/Australian woman, or whatever, and live out the rest of your sad, paranoid lives in comfort" - which can also be seen as "stereotyping" in it's referance to English/American/Australian women, only serve to invite just the sort of comment you have expressed objection about!!!

That aside, I hope you resolve the problem.

Thanks for your views, which I do not agree with, but thanks for them anyway.

By the way, take note of how the following words are correctly spelled. 1. stereotyping 2. relevant 3. experiences.

Also, in your first paragraph, the word you should have used, should have been 'advice', not 'advise'.

Thanks again for your words of wisdom.

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The odds are this is a 3-way scam cooked up by your wife, her buddy and a local copper to relieve you of 200,000 Baht.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Ya that's my guess too.Only seen it a few dozen times............Ha ha....................buffalooooooooooooo!! :o

So this means that it applies in every single circumstance afterwards? Tossssssssssssssssssssssssser!!

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Thanks for taking the time to read my article and replying to it, [flames deleted]

I did not post this topic seeking any advice, as one person did suggest. If you read my original post, I did not ask for advice. I simply posted it to do my bit (small as it may be) to alert people across the world to know how corrupt a country Thailand is, through the good old world wide web. Maybe if more and more people made that small bit of effort, then a change for the better may be inevitable, instead of everybody just living with the system and complaining to themselves.

I have investigated this matter fully through a lawyer friend (for free) and found that everything is what it has been reported to have been. I have no doubts whatsoever as to the sincerity of my wife, thank you very much.

To all of those people who stereotype ALL Thai girls as being schemers and connivers to their foreign boyfriends and husbands, then MY advice to YOU is to get back to where you came from pronto, marry an English/American/Australian woman, or whatever, and live out the rest of your sad, paranoid lives in comfort.

Dear James,

Have you got a clue how much money 200,000 Baht is for an avarage Thai person?

Do you want to be married to a wife that does something stupid like your wife?

Do you really believe your wife?

How is SHE going to pay for it?

Or are you going to be the good Samaritan? (The typical stupid foreigner Thai people despise).

Why you ever got married?

My advice:


Atleast I assume you didn't do the most stupid thing you could do, you don't own a house there, right?

Sorry for sounding harsh and arrogant, but I really can not understand you, why you treat a Thai different then you would do a foreign lover? I would ditch the woman that was foolish enough to trow that amount in foreign money away (would be how much? 30,000/ 50,000 euro, compared).

*no marriage

*no buying property

Two golden rules :-)


Thanks for your advice, but everyone deserves a second chance.

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Personaly, I only see people kicking a man already down.


Compassion is the key word for me.

Like Dalai Lama said "I you want others to be happy, practice compassion.If you want to be happy,

practice compassion"

Even an athiest can understand that.

My best luck to you James


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When I said they Should Run Away It should be to his country & don't come back to Thailand. Or they could just move to another country close to Thailand, Its not so easy to find the OP & his wife & it will be to costly for them to try, so they look for the person who actually borrowed the money Who is probably still in Thailand if the story is true :o If You want to be a ATM then you pay up that's up to The Op I have never been or ever will be a ATM to canny a Scot for that. :D



Having spent some time in Scotland, I know that Scotsmen are very tight with their money in general. No offence intended.

None Taken.

As I said its up to you how you deal with this problem, if you have that kind of money to pay them off and you want to give your wife another chance then that's up to you. I know that 200k is to much for some people to find just like that and would not pay they would RUN.

Now if my wife was to do something like this without asking me first then it would be over no second chance because the trust would be broken. It is not her decision to make on her own for that amount of money.

I do wish you all the luck on fixing this problem.



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