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The Furry Godmother

Blinky Bill

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Nienke, I mean this in a light hearted manner, your reputation for fixing things is not good.

I recall in a number of earlier posts, your pleas for help to fix things after you tried doing so yourself only worsening the original condition.

Today you have done it again. Binoculars? Sheesh.

I had the good fortune to meet Steve Irwin in Indonesia a few years back prior to his death. We were talking about his various wildlife interests in Indonesa and other parts of the world. One thing he mentioned was "Stick with what you know and you wan't go wrong". Sadly he didn't know much about stingrays.

So a word of advice Nienke, stick with looking after your dogs. If something needs fixing get someone who knows how to fix it to fix it. :o

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Nienke, I mean this in a light hearted manner, your reputation for fixing things is not good.

I recall in a number of earlier posts, your pleas for help to fix things after you tried doing so yourself only worsening the original condition.

Today you have done it again. Binoculars? Sheesh.

I had the good fortune to meet Steve Irwin in Indonesia a few years back prior to his death. We were talking about his various wildlife interests in Indonesa and other parts of the world. One thing he mentioned was "Stick with what you know and you wan't go wrong". Sadly he didn't know much about stingrays.

So a word of advice Nienke, stick with looking after your dogs. If something needs fixing get someone who knows how to fix it to fix it. :o

But if he is like me if something is only a little broken it isn't worth getting someone to fix it. Of course after I am finished it is broken enough.

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Eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr .... didn't know I had a reputation already for (not) fixing things. :D

Anyway, it was an attempt to clean the binoculars. Only NOW it needs to be fixed. :o And I never tried to fix my car ... myself.... or the bike ... needs a lot of fixing.


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Nienke, I mean this in a light hearted manner, your reputation for fixing things is not good.

I recall in a number of earlier posts, your pleas for help to fix things after you tried doing so yourself only worsening the original condition.

Today you have done it again. Binoculars? Sheesh.

I had the good fortune to meet Steve Irwin in Indonesia a few years back prior to his death. We were talking about his various wildlife interests in Indonesa and other parts of the world. One thing he mentioned was "Stick with what you know and you wan't go wrong". Sadly he didn't know much about stingrays.

So a word of advice Nienke, stick with looking after your dogs. If something needs fixing get someone who knows how to fix it to fix it. :o

The bove advice falls at the first hurdle.

Those "experts" at fixing things did not suddenly wake up knowing the ins and outs of whatever it is they fix , they had to start from scratch as we all do.

Blinky Bill sounds like one of those "experts" who make those noises when looking at the problem item, the "tut tutting, umms and ahhhs, but the most common noise we all know is the deep sigh which as well all know is the foreunner of a load of flannel that will see your ignorance being explotied to the full and being charged way above what the job is really worth.

Everyone has to start to learn somewere, if oyu dont try you will never learn and will likely be ripped off throuout your life.

Obviously there are certain things like electricity etc which are really dangerous that need an expert eye but by and large if someone can fix it than so can another person in time.

We never stop learning not even the experts amongst us!

Learn to earn, if every one did that then where would these experts and their high prices be?

Roy gsd

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Roy; some of us do not have the patience or ability others have. I find instead of ummmm I go son of a b,,,,, who glued/soldered this thing, sure made it easy to break. Next problem, as age creeps up I notice a small tremor in fingers, just when working with small tools and objects, parts seem to drop and roll where I fail to seem them even with my glasses (eye sight going also). If I could work on a toaster with a 24 and a sledge I would be ok.My calling is iron, the bigger or heavier the better. Now I remember twisting off a 3/4 bolt so maybe thats not my area either. Plumber work may be my best suit but miss having the right tools and parts, seems when I went to turn off water, stem twisted off, so back to hardware store. I use to watch the repair people and offer my experience, then they told me their rate doubled if they could hear or see me. Since computer put in auto, fuel injection,etc I can not even do minor tune up. Oil and filter change, ok but the da.. vehicle is too low to get under and I did not bring ramps to my retirement heaven. Finally since this question of work permits came up I get the locals to do most of the things prior to me wrecking what was repairable. Reckon my gears are wearing out as I used to enjoy fix it, not so much anymore.

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But if he is like me if something is only a little broken it isn't worth getting someone to fix it. Of course after I am finished it is broken enough.

Harry, Nienke is a lady, and a very lovely one at that.

Of course she is a lovely....all ladies are aren't they.

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Harry, Nienke is a lady, and a very lovely one at that.

Oh, Blinky! :D

Getting worse, though, today I managed to get lost in the bl**** central Kad Suan Keaw! Why, on earth, do they have the ground floor of the Central on the same level as the 4th floor of parking lot and when you go up one floor on the elevator there is right infront of you a board saying 'IT 3rd floor' ??????????? :o:D:D

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But if he is like me if something is only a little broken it isn't worth getting someone to fix it. Of course after I am finished it is broken enough.

Harry, Nienke is a lady, and a very lovely one at that.

But surely she is just as capable as a man to learn how to fix things?

Some would say it is even more important for a woman to learn the technical skills that have traditionally been in the domain of men.

Isn't there a saying that women in business have to be twice as good just to 'keep up with the boys'?

Don't forget that there is a real satisfaction in completing a job ones' self - even something as basic and manual as digging a ditch can give a deep personal satisfaction. Imagine fixing binoculars, or a toaster of something for the first time. My mum (an extreme example!) got a huge thrill after changing the batteries in her TV-remote for the first time.

And perhaps Nienke wants to save money as well as become better at doing things - we don't all have 1500 dollars loose change in our pockets to throw at any (probabley simple) problem that arises. :o:D

Edited by wjmark
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That's a very kind post. Thanks, wjmark. :D

But surely she is just as capable as a man to learn how to fix things?

Yep, I am. I'm even just as capable as a woman to learn how to fix things. :o:P And many human learning processes are quite similar to those of dogs and other animal species, or the other way around. :D

For fixing the binoculars I do need an eenyteeny little screwdriver that I don't have. For fixing some other things I either lack the skills or the confidence and, therefore, the mood. :D

Some would say it is even more important for a woman to learn the technical skills that have traditionally been in the domain of men.

Dunno if that is so important. Some think so and like to scream that from the roofs. For me it is more important to learn those things one is good in and likes to learn (which always goes hand in hand with some things one doesn't like to learn but has to do in order to gain the skills). Everybody his/her own expertise(s).

For example, I'm perfectly capable of learning how to repair a car, a bike (even an airplane), photography or to develop a website, I just don't have the (life) time and, therefore, the patience and the mood to do so.

Isn't there a saying that women in business have to be twice as good just to 'keep up with the boys'?

Yep, there is and I do get confronted with that once in a while. I normally pay no attention to that and often because of that I don't even notice it till much later when the heat of the moment has far gone.

A few years ago I had replacement workers (my old workers got into an accident) who were not planning to take orders from a woman. Wrong, thought. I kicked them all out. Luckily after a week I got a new worker and after another week again two new. They are still with me. :( I did got a few extra rimples, though :D and lost some kilo's. :D

Don't forget that there is a real satisfaction in completing a job ones' self - even something as basic and manual as digging a ditch can give a deep personal satisfaction. Imagine fixing binoculars, or a toaster of something for the first time. My mum (an extreme example!) got a huge thrill after changing the batteries in her TV-remote for the first time.

Absolutely! :P

And perhaps Nienke wants to save money as well as become better at doing things - we don't all have 1500 dollars loose change in our pockets to throw at any (probabley simple) problem that arises. :burp:

It's not so much the money, although it does play a role, it's more the satisfaction of establishing things myself, but at the same time realizing that I can't do it ALL by myself due to lack of skills, time, patience and mood.

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The only things I fix at home are drinks :D

I have not got an "I can fix it" mentality ie: no patience :o


Not only do I have a "I can fix it " mentality, but also have "I can throw this shitty thing 100 meters down the soi" if I cannot.

The "bounce test".

Just think how many would be out of a job if it wasn't for knuckleheads like me...

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I like the statement: "the only thing I fix at home is drinks" ...........sounds familiar :o

I'm also an impatient one .............but "you can't learn how to swim unless you jump in the pool" :D

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Getting worse, though, today I managed to get lost in the bl**** central Kad Suan Keaw! Why, on earth, do they have the ground floor of the Central on the same level as the 4th floor of parking lot and when you go up one floor on the elevator there is right infront of you a board saying 'IT 3rd floor' ??????????? :o:D:D

haha, Nienke! I take it you were trying to find the cinema? Actually I got a bit confused when i first tried to find it, so im sure many have done so too. :D Thanks again verryyy much for the invite even though I didnt go. Hope you enjoyed the movie (was it better than expected?)

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