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Am I Being Played?


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Hi there

I know alot of people will probably be judgemental regarding thism but here goes, I wont go into all the detail but summarise the maini points.

I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service. That was the initial intention, but then we got to like one another during the 2 weeks I spent with her. Shes educated and used to have a decent job, but allegedly used the internet after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, shes 31 by the way. She told me her rate and I said it was quite expensive so I made her an offer , she said she would see when she meets me, was quite fussy about what I looked like etc.

At the end of the holiday she didnt ask for any money and appeared (even found money in the hotel and gave it to me) to be enjoying my company as I am a similar age to her and we got on very well sexually and personality wise, we even had a few arguments like boyfriend and girlfriend do, this had never happend to her before when meeting clients it was a more professional basis. I was ill and she looked after me, she seemed to care filling my plate when it was empty and glass etc. She even paid for some of the meal we had one day. Im going back in December and she wants me to visit her place where she grew up (maybe family). I have also spoken to one of her cousins (female) who saked me about myself and what I did.

She tells me she has no children and is quite open with me. By the way I dont find it difficult to attract women back here in Europe, so we seem a good match together. She even talked about cooking for me and if we were married she would care more for me then her MOM.

I know that she still does her job and Im fine with that, but Im not sure if Im just another client or if this is genuine (afterall she is a sort of escort), its 50/50 in my gut. We communicate now and again on MSN and email and text almost every day.

I know this might be a bit pathetic, but what are the chances this is genuine? I will probably know more in December when I return.

Edited by steveweaver99
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Hi there

I know alot of people will probably be judgemental regarding thism but here goes, I wont go into all the detail but summarise the maini points.

I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service. That was the initial intention, but then we got to like one another during the 2 weeks I spent with her. Shes educated and used to have a decent job, but allegedly used the internet after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, shes 31 by the way. She told me her rate and I said it was quite expensive so I made her an offer , she said she would see when she meets me, was quite fussy about what I looked like etc.

At the end of the holiday she didnt ask for any money and appeared (even found money in the hotel and gave it to me) to be enjoying my company as I am a similar age to her and we got on very well sexually and personality wise, we even had a few arguments like boyfriend and girlfriend do, this had never happend to her before when meeting clients it was a more professional basis. I was ill and she looked after me, she seemed to care filling my plate when it was empty and glass etc. She even paid for some of the meal we had one day. Im going back in December and she wants me to visit her place where she grew up (maybe family). I have also spoken to one of her cousins (female) who saked me about myself and what I did.

She tells me she has no children and is quite open with me. By the way I dont find it difficult to attract women back here in Europe, so we seem a good match together.

I know that she still does her job and Im fine with that, but Im not sure if Im just another client or if this is genuine (afterall she is a sort of escort), its 50/50 in my gut. We communicate now and again on MSN and email and text almost every day.

"Am I Being Played?"

Are we the readers being played ?? :-)

OK, I'll bite. Sit back, take a deep breath, think with the big head, and then come back.

Crazier things have worked, but not many


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Hi there

I know alot of people will probably be judgemental regarding thism but here goes, I wont go into all the detail but summarise the maini points.

I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service. That was the initial intention, but then we got to like one another during the 2 weeks I spent with her. Shes educated and used to have a decent job, but allegedly used the internet after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, shes 31 by the way. She told me her rate and I said it was quite expensive so I made her an offer , she said she would see when she meets me, was quite fussy about what I looked like etc.

At the end of the holiday she didnt ask for any money and appeared (even found money in the hotel and gave it to me) to be enjoying my company as I am a similar age to her and we got on very well sexually and personality wise, we even had a few arguments like boyfriend and girlfriend do, this had never happend to her before when meeting clients it was a more professional basis. I was ill and she looked after me, she seemed to care filling my plate when it was empty and glass etc. She even paid for some of the meal we had one day. Im going back in December and she wants me to visit her place where she grew up (maybe family). I have also spoken to one of her cousins (female) who saked me about myself and what I did.

She tells me she has no children and is quite open with me. By the way I dont find it difficult to attract women back here in Europe, so we seem a good match together. She even talked about cooking for me and if we were married she would care more for me then her MOM.

I know that she still does her job and Im fine with that, but Im not sure if Im just another client or if this is genuine (afterall she is a sort of escort), its 50/50 in my gut. We communicate now and again on MSN and email and text almost every day.

I know this might be a bit pathetic, but what are the chances this is genuine? I will probably know more in December when I return.

The alarm bells should be ringing on this one....Not going to say your naive, but to pick up on a couple of points, She told you her "rate" and at the end of the "holiday" you never paid her....you will find in Thailand the working girls will never ask you at the end of "business" for the money, you should have offered the cash, as if you ask the question...how much..stock line is up to you...

Personally thinking you may be getting prepped to become a walking ATM, hence the reason for the "freebie"

Also the statement "she would take care of you, more than her Mom".....a very un-Thai sentiment, as you know in Thailand the children are suppose to look after the family and the family comes first, so this statement goes against Thai culture, but in the west children are not expected to look after the family in the same way, so have a feeling she was telling you what you wanted to hear...

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Oh well, working girls do sometimes have a relationship that doesn't revolve around money, and yes, they can fall in love.

I see that 16 people are reading this thread now, so you will get a lot of reactions.

All I can say is be cautious, but the same would apply if she was working at the airport or running a laundry service.

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Steve.........If it dosen't bother you about her past, that's cool. But what about the future? Do you want to be worried about catching something or having to use protection the rest of your life? Will it bother you to wonder where she is when she goes to the noodle shop and is gone for 3 hours? Will you wonder when she introduces you to her brother or cousin if he truly is.

Whatever you do, do it slowly and don't rush into anything especially marriage, buying her a house, buying her a car or giving her money for her sick water buffalo. Then after a few years if you are both still happy, then you can worry about the future.

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Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

Dont flame me too much thanks

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Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

Dont flame me too much thanks

Welcome to Thai visa,seem as you just joined.

There are a lot of great ladies in Thai,dont be in a hurry and you will find.

Don't waste your time and money on this one...would you marry a prostitute in your own country?

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It would be nice if she's really in love with you as she behaves that way.

Maybe she wants to settle down with you.

But if so, why she doesn't quit the job?

well..... i don't think you are being playing by the way.

you just have to make sure that's all :o

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Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

Dont flame me too much thanks

If I was you, I would bail right now....all the warning signs are there, if you do end up in the Village, chances are you may very well be introduced to her kid(s) as well....persue this at your peril, but dont start handing out wads of cash, yes visiting the parents does change things...it will just get you in deeper. Lets face it, you met on the internet, she is by admission an "escort",you have spent a short time together, you dont live in Thailand and she is talking marriage..??. I smell sin sot, walking ATM, Buffalos sick, parents need a house, possible get out of Thailand, new passport all over this one..

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Meeting the parents & family is a huge deal in Thailand. We don't take just any guy home. When we decide to introduce our guy to the family, that is it, we are certain this is The One. I personally have brought only one guy home and we were planning to get married.

Tread very very carefully.

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"Also the statement "she would take care of you, more than her Mom".....a very un-Thai sentiment, as you know in Thailand the children are suppose to look after the family and the family comes first," Soutpeel

Of all the nearly impossible things you say happened, this one was the one that evoked total disbelief in my WGF's eyes.

Impossible was all she said. What do you care what she says. You had a good time for 2 weeks. I can't believe you didn't give her any money when you left. Did she refuse it? In any case, let it play out. Anything is possible (except the mother thing). Being played depends on you. Send the girl some money before you come back and thank her for taking care of you during your holiday.

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where did you meet her IE Bangkok, samui ect ect ?, and what was her previous job and current if she has one??? .........

If she has no job, you can be sure she is playing you...

If you read the OP ,you would have noticed that she is a professional escort. :o

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Seems that the general concensus is that I forget going in December rather than giving it a chance? It will never work, or there is too much risk.

Mind you I dont mind taking the risk, what do I have to lose going out there a second time and see what develops, if anything. If not I cut my losses, if I dont go I will never know???

I dont think its impossible that this could work, just that there is alot of risk and I have to be careful.

I think the main concern here is that she is an escort, but escorts do marry dont they, they are human beings afterall.

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Hi there

I know alot of people will probably be judgemental regarding thism but here goes, I wont go into all the detail but summarise the maini points.

I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service. That was the initial intention, but then we got to like one another during the 2 weeks I spent with her. Shes educated and used to have a decent job, but allegedly used the internet after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, shes 31 by the way. She told me her rate and I said it was quite expensive so I made her an offer , she said she would see when she meets me, was quite fussy about what I looked like etc.

At the end of the holiday she didnt ask for any money and appeared (even found money in the hotel and gave it to me) to be enjoying my company as I am a similar age to her and we got on very well sexually and personality wise, we even had a few arguments like boyfriend and girlfriend do, this had never happend to her before when meeting clients it was a more professional basis. I was ill and she looked after me, she seemed to care filling my plate when it was empty and glass etc. She even paid for some of the meal we had one day. Im going back in December and she wants me to visit her place where she grew up (maybe family). I have also spoken to one of her cousins (female) who saked me about myself and what I did.

She tells me she has no children and is quite open with me. By the way I dont find it difficult to attract women back here in Europe, so we seem a good match together. She even talked about cooking for me and if we were married she would care more for me then her MOM.

I know that she still does her job and Im fine with that, but Im not sure if Im just another client or if this is genuine (afterall she is a sort of escort), its 50/50 in my gut. We communicate now and again on MSN and email and text almost every day.

I know this might be a bit pathetic, but what are the chances this is genuine? I will probably know more in December when I return.

Kleenex please!

Eyes turning red.

How romantic!!!


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It's difficult to make a relationship work with anyone who has taken money for sex. It's the whole game, failed relationships, greedy relatives, hedonistic lifestyle, easy cash, general laziness and fecklessness, sorry, generalisations I know but usually not so far from the truth.

Also,to form any relationship both people need to be both able,and be in a position to be able to commit, just liking, and good chemistry is not enough.

Wouldn't definitively say no, but advise strong caution.

And yes there are possible health concerns, probably just minor.

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Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

Dont flame me too much thanks

Steve Steve STEVE !!.. why are you even considering this?? Would you marry a prostitute from back home? Would you take a call girl from back home to your family? What is it that makes you think Thai prostitutes are different? If she is no longer working (selling her body), where is her money going to come from?... YOU! Thai men are smart. A good Thai man looks at this girl as damaged goods. He know what she is all about. Why do you want the rejects? She has no opportunity in Thailand other than ignorant foreigners.

I have lived here only 3 yrs and what I found outside the tourist areas with leave you in disbelief at the quality you can find if you look. .Just spend some time in the shopping malls and around universities. You will find girls that will make you so happy and would NEVER think of such a dirty life. Quality girls that live with their families, have respectable jobs, have to be home by 10pm, and would never ask for a single baht of money. Good middle class girls that have very low miles on the engine. They love their man with all their heart. Think about what you are doing.

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Omg you sound exactly like the poor guy (before his life got destroyed)in this

famous book Private dancer.

Are you for real, or just joking???

What you are saying is scary, very scary, its not even funny.

Download and read this short e-book that I uploaded for you(thailand story

the pdf file)

Here is a sample http://www.stephenleather.com/private-dancer.pdf

You said you have nothing to lose.

Beware, if you get involved and stuck too deep they can kill you.


Edited by Lilyjade
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Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

Dont flame me too much thanks

Welcome to Thai visa,seem as you just joined.

There are a lot of great ladies in Thai,dont be in a hurry and you will find.

Don't waste your time and money on this one...would you marry a prostitute in your own country?

Good advice.

I know of lots of financially desperate good looking girls here, that would never consider going on the game.

I wager that this woman was well experienced when the OP hired her services, probably been at it for years.

Treat it like a breed of dog. Some breeds make good pets, others dont.

Remember, fools never listen to good advice, or use common sense, they only learn by experience.

Dont become one of those that so often end up telling all that went wrong on these ThaiVisa forums.

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It's difficult to make a relationship work with anyone who has taken money for sex. It's the whole game, failed relationships, greedy relatives, hedonistic lifestyle, easy cash, general laziness and fecklessness, sorry, generalisations I know but usually not so far from the truth.

Also,to form any relationship both people need to be both able,and be in a position to be able to commit, just liking, and good chemistry is not enough.

Wouldn't definitively say no, but advise strong caution.

And yes there are possible health concerns, probably just minor.


Are you member of an NGO group???


"Hedonistic lifestyle"?

Goose pimples all over.

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Seems that the general concensus is that I forget going in December rather than giving it a chance? It will never work, or there is too much risk.

Mind you I dont mind taking the risk, what do I have to lose going out there a second time and see what develops, if anything. If not I cut my losses, if I dont go I will never know???

I dont think its impossible that this could work, just that there is alot of risk and I have to be careful.

I think the main concern here is that she is an escort, but escorts do marry dont they, they are human beings afterall.

This all sounds too familiar. No, main concern ain't the fact that she is a prostitute. It actually is the fact that she is full of shit. If you really do believe she would care for you more than her mother if you were married, then you are in for a big surprise and it's all clear that you have absolutely no idea about Thailand. I have seen this before. You have made your mind up. So, go for it. But avoid living on top floor. :o

Is it possible for a mod to confirm that the OP's IP address is from Europe?. I feel like responding yet I am weary of feeding a troll.

Was thinking the same, actually...

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Seems that the general concensus is that I forget going in December rather than giving it a chance? It will never work, or there is too much risk.

Mind you I dont mind taking the risk, what do I have to lose going out there a second time and see what develops, if anything. If not I cut my losses, if I dont go I will never know???

I dont think its impossible that this could work, just that there is alot of risk and I have to be careful.

I think the main concern here is that she is an escort, but escorts do marry dont they, they are human beings afterall.

Obviously, you are trying to convince yourself. There's nothing dumber than someone who asks for advice and argues with the answer.

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