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Am I Being Played?


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People can change, but the funny part - she is still working the profession and you don't seem to care. I think that sums of the situation - she's shagging herself silly with every lad that comes her way and claims to love you? :o

Anyways first thing she must stop her profession and find another job if she really loves you and wants a relationship.

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You can't be serious about asking if a ho-doggy is gonna do you. You already answered your own question. She is a professional . You should be able to take your time & find a winner.

I think you would be better off going to any casino drop all your money on 7 on the opening roll in a craps game. At least you got a chance. I am not saying it is not possible to change but this pro escort seems well seasoned & quite hardened. How many Johns do you think she is gaming on line right now.15 would be 15 vacations all the gold & whatever the helicopter can get you for! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While you still can. No one likes to hear a Wah Wah later in the classic game of man thinks with brain between legs instead of the one upstairs. At least you are thinking about it now instead of "hello Mcfly later!

That to & I hope your wearing a Jimmy hat cause Aids has a good foothold in Thailand & it's a doozie here. :o

Edited by Beardog
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Stevie, there's an insecurity thing going on here. You find it no problem attracting women in the West, you're early 30s and I'm assuming solvent. Do you KNOW how many wonderful opportunities this would give you with Asian women? Asian women who are similar to yourself but would be deemed "out of your league" in the beauty stakes if back in the West?

Were you nervous about being alone in Thailand is that why you hired an escort? She may be beautiful, she may be sweet...but surely don't dote over the first girl you meet on MSN. Make some effort, meet a smart, beautiful, intelligent, kind office girl who doesn't need your money. There are so many out there waiting. It'll be better for you in the long run and the chances of becoming jaded later on by well-trodden materialistic and deceitfully selfish women will be next to none.

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I know this might be a bit pathetic, but what are the chances this is genuine? I will probably know more in December when I return.

I think it would be a bit pathetic to believe that the chances are much more than slim. Man meets beautiful hooker with heart of gold and lives happily every after may happen in movies like 'Pretty Woman' but it is far less of an occurence in every day reality. I did not say it never does not happen because it obviously does, especially in Thailand, however I think that does not change the odds of a good long term outcome with a girl working as a lady of the evening being very slender at best.

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Omg you sound exactly like the poor guy (before his life got destroyed)in this

famous book Private dancer.

Are you for real, or just joking???

What you are saying is scary, very scary, its not even funny.

Download and read this short e-book that I uploaded for you(thailand story

the pdf file)

Here is a sample http://www.stephenleather.com/private-dancer.pdf

You said you have nothing to lose.

Beware, if you get involved and stuck too deep they can kill you.

Sympathise with the OP but please, Lilyjade, please don't suggest that anything he reads in Private Dancer is like reality--I was 'recommended' it by a friend and, having forced myself to finish it, can only say what a load of BS. On the Topic I have to agree with most of the posters--this does seem destined for failure.

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I still think you should play it out. You haven't really given her any money yet (which I still think is wrong of you), and you apparently found some attraction to her. Regardless of the fact that she's a professional, she's still a human being. You've only known her two weeks. Just keep your head on straight, if that's possible, and have some fun. Don't make this too serious at this point. I think the majority of women are ho's anyway. Married men still give money to their wive's, and sometimes wind up losing much more. You don't sound the type to jump into the fire. She's getting older, and may be looking to get out of her profession now. Ho or no ho, she's still capable of true feelings. 50/50 in your gut deserves a little more time before you decide what's best for you. Trust your gut.

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why dont you go 4 a real uni girl, lots trolll the onternet looking 4 customaas, i mean boyfriends!

You mean the uni girls don't do internet surfing?

You mean the uni girls don't have any pages on social networking websites?

You mean the uni girls don't have multiple email addresses and more than one internet messaging account?

You mean the uni girls don't support themselves working in more socially acceptable 'hostess' environments?

You mean the uni girls push the envelope on the dress code because they actually like to wear it "short n' tight"?

Sorry but they are all pretty much selling it somehow, somewhere.

Edited by NanLaew
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why dont you go 4 a real uni girl, lots trolll the onternet looking 4 customaas, i mean boyfriends!

You mean the uni girls don't do internet surfing?

You mean the uni girls don't have any pages on social networking websites?

You mean the uni girls don't have multiple email addresses and more than one internet messaging account?

You mean the uni girls don't support themselves working in more socially acceptable 'hostess' environments?

You mean the uni girls push the envelope on the dress code because they actually like to wear it "short n' tight"?

Sorry but they are all pretty much selling it somehow, somewhere.

I would be carefull with your slanderous put down of Thai 'Ladies' in such a despicable manner on an 'Open' forum such as VT , or you will have the chief of 'Wanna-be' police (Maigo) on your rectum post haste , even if it is true .

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Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

Dont flame me too much thanks

Steve Steve STEVE !!.. why are you even considering this?? Would you marry a prostitute from back home? Would you take a call girl from back home to your family? What is it that makes you think Thai prostitutes are different? If she is no longer working (selling her body), where is her money going to come from?... YOU! Thai men are smart. A good Thai man looks at this girl as damaged goods. He know what she is all about. Why do you want the rejects? She has no opportunity in Thailand other than ignorant foreigners.

I have lived here only 3 yrs and what I found outside the tourist areas with leave you in disbelief at the quality you can find if you look. .Just spend some time in the shopping malls and around universities. You will find girls that will make you so happy and would NEVER think of such a dirty life. Quality girls that live with their families, have respectable jobs, have to be home by 10pm, and would never ask for a single baht of money. Good middle class girls that have very low miles on the engine. They love their man with all their heart. Think about what you are doing.

Your reply sounds good, but during my four years here I never met one woman whose major interest was not money. I am not talking about bargirls, beer girls, etc, etc. If they are interested in a Farang, the interest is in money, one way or another - sooner or later. There may be some sincerity & genuine feeling mixed in, but is usually overshadowed by money.

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Omg you sound exactly like the poor guy (before his life got destroyed)in this

famous book Private dancer.

Are you for real, or just joking???

What you are saying is scary, very scary, its not even funny.

Download and read this short e-book that I uploaded for you(thailand story

the pdf file)

Here is a sample http://www.stephenleather.com/private-dancer.pdf

You said you have nothing to lose.

Beware, if you get involved and stuck too deep they can kill you.

Steve...Lilyjade is right...don't say you have nothing to lose..Lily is right you might lose your life or your genital..I don't know how much you know about Thai ladies who are working girls or even ordinary Thai ladies..If she can't have the benefits of you...then no one can have either..and if you're going to ask her to stop working...yes,I am sure she would but...you have to send her the amount she is earning every month don't forget this...Good Luck buddy...

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Be careful, i know several girls who make a good living like this, One girl married to a aussie, he not here mos tof the time and has 3different men who come and go, what really impresses me as how she keeps them apart. Last week her husband came back to Thailand while one of her other guys was here. She told him her Mother was sick in Hosp in Issan , he gave her plane fare and money to eat while there. Then she want to a hotel in BBK tiobe with here husband.

BE Very careful.

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Just relax and ask yourself: Is this what I really want? Is this the way I wanted to know the "girl of my life"?

I think you don´t trust her 100% otherwise you won´t be asking for our opinion in the matter and I understand why...

If you don´t trust her is just not right...for you. Everybody seems nice when you just meet them...and we normaly show the best part of ourselves...but everyday life is different. At first we always talk and talk to come to know each other, I do this, I am like that, I will do this and that...but that is just the floating part of an iceberg.

Words are just words. Don´t be haisty, things are not what they seem at first glance.

Good Luck


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Hi there

I know alot of people will probably be judgemental regarding thism but here goes, I wont go into all the detail but summarise the maini points.

I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service. That was the initial intention, but then we got to like one another during the 2 weeks I spent with her. Shes educated and used to have a decent job, but allegedly used the internet after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, shes 31 by the way. She told me her rate and I said it was quite expensive so I made her an offer , she said she would see when she meets me, was quite fussy about what I looked like etc.

At the end of the holiday she didnt ask for any money and appeared (even found money in the hotel and gave it to me) to be enjoying my company as I am a similar age to her and we got on very well sexually and personality wise, we even had a few arguments like boyfriend and girlfriend do, this had never happend to her before when meeting clients it was a more professional basis. I was ill and she looked after me, she seemed to care filling my plate when it was empty and glass etc. She even paid for some of the meal we had one day. Im going back in December and she wants me to visit her place where she grew up (maybe family). I have also spoken to one of her cousins (female) who saked me about myself and what I did.

She tells me she has no children and is quite open with me. By the way I dont find it difficult to attract women back here in Europe, so we seem a good match together. She even talked about cooking for me and if we were married she would care more for me then her MOM.

I know that she still does her job and Im fine with that, but Im not sure if Im just another client or if this is genuine (afterall she is a sort of escort), its 50/50 in my gut. We communicate now and again on MSN and email and text almost every day.

I know this might be a bit pathetic, but what are the chances this is genuine? I will probably know more in December when I return.

You bone head,just pay her when you cum back same as before and do not go see her mom in the villge.Any idea how many times she spins that web a year?So your a Handsome Man(buffalo)!!!~!! HHHH AAA!!! :o

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Very hesitant to post, but here goes. Enjoy.

It all sounds bog-standard. But. It is possible that she's on the up and up.

Here's the old Thailand wisdom that I have a small problem with. 'She will NEVER put you before her family'.

After 5 years with my wife, I can categorically state that it isn't true in her case. (Howls of laughter in the background... Look, he says mine's different :o )

I am a pretty cynical not-so-old bastard. I didn't come to this conclusion easily, but I am not willing to lay out our life story on the net.

Furthermore, I also know a couple other Thai females for which this holds true.

I know Thai culture is this great monolithic unmovable thing in most peoples minds, and it holds true for the vast majority of Thai people, but it doesn't mean that ALL Thai adhere to it religiously. There are a growing number of people here that are changing their views and personal culture. A great deal depends on you, whether you can establish a personal contact - not easy if faced with cultural and language problems, not to mention the mutually-advantageous-contract style of a lot of relationships.

I wonder (maybe a poll) how many guys married to Thai females for a while would have found this after a few years together. I suspect there are a few.

Edited by OlRedEyes
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This common tale reminds me of a conversation with a 747 captain regarding a reported crash where a particular alarm was being sounded in the cockpit. I questioned him why the pilot had not taken heed of the alarm. He told me there are dozens of alarms, flashing lights, buzzers. horns, shaking bits and pieces etc. He explained that at the point of GO- NO GO, it would not matter if they were all sounding..substitute topics/threads/tales as the analogy.

BTW there is/was a guy sitting on the pavements in bangkok with his whole sorry story badly written on a large scroll...he was no troll.

BTWwhere is that exquisite topic about the guy whose wife is sticking him for the 200k loan. It's my daily doose of schadenfreude and I CAN"T FIND IT

My friend who has been here 40 years (they are building a staue of him in soi 7) says "Free sex is the most expensive"

I have spent 95% of my income on the girls here, gold chains. pigs, a pick up truck, motosai repairs and on..the rest of it I wasted..but MARRY..not a chance.

Edited by desertrat
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Very hesitant to post, but here goes. Enjoy.

It all sounds bog-standard. But. It is possible that she's on the up and up.

Here's the old Thailand wisdom that I have a small problem with. 'She will NEVER put you before her family'.

After 5 years with my wife, I can categorically state that it isn't true in her case. (Howls of laughter in the background... Look, he says mine's different :o )

I am a pretty cynical not-so-old bastard. I didn't come to this conclusion easily, but I am not willing to lay out our life story on the net.

Furthermore, I also know a couple other Thai females for which this holds true.

I know Thai culture is this great monolithic unmovable thing in most peoples minds, and it holds true for the vast majority of Thai people, but it doesn't mean that ALL Thai adhere to it religiously. There are a growing number of people here that are changing their views and personal culture. A great deal depends on you, whether you can establish a personal contact - not easy if faced with cultural and language problems, not to mention the mutually-advantageous-contract style of a lot of relationships.

I wonder (maybe a poll) how many guys married to Thai females for a while would have found this after a few years together. I suspect there are a few.

Good example of "The exception proves the rule"

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