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We all thow the Thai phone system is frustratingly bad but this takes the Cake:

I bought a condo in Jomtien to retire in and keep track of investments and contacts on the internet. I had the Max net phone and internet ''inde'' connected when the new building first had the phone connected lasy year.

The German guy I bought the empty shell condo from- had put his name down to have the service connected when available.

After I moved in to the condo for a few months they connected the service. I signed for it and put my name on the form as the customer and owner of the condo.

I used the service for nearly two years -and then the internet stopped working last week. I Phoned TT& T, who said the old owner had paid my final months bill and canceled the service '' as I was moveing away''

I haven't seen the old owner for almost two years since the deal was finalized to buy the condo from him.

Maybe the old owner has problems and is trying to pull some stunt. But that doesen't explain why after I asked TT & T they refused to re connect the service or even provide a new service for me. I have been without the service almost a week now.

This could happen to any one without any fault of there own ---besides choosing Thailand as a home!!!


There's no reference in your post about you paying for the last (almost) 2 years service. You signed for it and had you name on some form but it looks like the actual bill was paid all this time by the chap you bought the condo from. Is that the case? Was 'free' internet service part of the purchase agreement.

I think that getting a new line in Pattaya is getting 'difficult' once again with all the new construction so if you weren't on a waiting list, you won't get much fast relief. If you could get the story from the old owner directly rather than rely on what TT&T told you, you may find a different story. Either way, if there was no formal request to transfer the line and he was paying the bill all this time, then that's his call (strange though it appears).

Transferring of phone accounts has always been a mystery in Pattaya, maybe even in Thailand. I know of one Pattaya house that I sold almost 20 years ago that still has my name on the phone bill. The new owners told me that it was too big a hassle to try and get that changed and nobody had an issue with it. Once again, that line was acquired when the waiting list was indeterminate and the going rate for a line was over 20000 baht! The fact the home builder was the wife of a big wheel with TOT seemed to expedite that phone line installation for the regular rates at the time.


One of the first things I did after we went to the land office to transfer my condo into my name from the previous owners name was to go to TT&T and change over the phone. It was an easy process so long as the previous owner was there. They verified his identity via his passport, verified my identity via my passport and after making the obligatory copy of our passports transferred the phone number and account over to my name, once he had paid his last bill. I then signed up of TT&T's Maxnet Internet Service.

I can almost bet you what happened to the OP is that someone else in his condo talked to one of the "office or security" staff and obtained that telephone line. That happened in my case but the owner raised hel_l in the office and the line was returned so that it could be transferred at the TT&T office.


I Paid all of the monthly accounts, they came addressed to me. The guy who sold the empty shell condo to me only requested the service when it was first offered to the new building (before I bought it).

Maybe he's trying to extort money from me.

I had the new type of service where you don't actually get a phone line of your own. They share one phone line to 20 rooms. It's a VOIP voice over internet protocal service. There is no phisical problem with the phone line availability.

The old owner is probably trying a cheep trick to extort money.

Funny the Phone still works even though TT& T say the service is canceled, just no internet!!

Any way the condo office qirl tells me I'm not obglated to use TT& T and can get CAT telecom to provise the service

I will go to there office this afternoon and see what they say.


If he was trying to extort money from you, it's a funny way to go about when he hasn't made contact with you in almost 2 years. Maybe it's a subtle German-Thai extortion method?

This 20 users using VOIP over a single line has got me beat; never heard of such a setup but I imagine the developer (if he was the one that set it up) was trying to use technology to beat the cost and difficulty of getting multiple lines. I have heard of MaxNet 'Indy' service (it's crap and I used to have it myself) but I didn't know they did a VOIP phone as well. Seems strange that a 3rd party can get your service (and that of 20 others?) cut off when his name isn't on the bill. These monthly bills you paid; were they direct from MaxNet or not? If the VOIP phone is working, the internet should be as well. Tried another browser recently?


Sounds like View Talay 5. TT&T provides VOIP service with the Internet. TOT has phone lines (if they still have them). You should be able to get a regular phone line from TOT. You can add Internet service. CAT has Internet service but it is expensive. I checked with TT&T last week. They have Internet and VOIP service available or separate Internet with phone. Check with the TT&T office on Thepprasit Road.


Ive been to the TT& T office twice in Carefor Pattaya and phoned there help line 20 times to try and sort out the missing internet. But they say the old condo owner canceled the service even though as I said he never even had a phone connected when he owned the room and I signed for the inital service when finally installed.

I gave them written notice of the problem and will see a lawyer tomorrow to see if they can apply preasure.

Mean while I tried CAT telecom and they said they could give me a port (also internet on a shared line) they cost 500 baht extra a month and charge 2000 baht installation. I went to pay-- and they changed there mind --and said they have no ports available to my condo afterall.

I then bought another 6000 baht ''Soloman'' USB unit that takes a DTAC sim card and will supply data by the mobile phone network for 1000Baht a month un limited. After mucking around with them for two days and guaranting with a credit card the GPRS internet was connected. It's too slow to use skype or listen to streaming music. so too slow.'

The saga continues!!


It's funny, if they are out of ports for internet(shared line internet ports) I wonder why my VOIP phone is still connected, and I can make and receive calls on this canceled Maxnet service???

We all thow the Thai phone system is frustratingly bad but this takes the Cake:

I bought a condo in Jomtien to retire in and keep track of investments and contacts on the internet. I had the Max net phone and internet ''inde'' connected when the new building first had the phone connected lasy year.

There is no such thing as Max net phone. You either have a TT&T phone line or a TOT phone line

The German guy I bought the empty shell condo from- had put his name down to have the service connected when available.

After I moved in to the condo for a few months they connected the service. I signed for it and put my name on the form as the customer and owner of the condo.

Signing for the phone installation is different than signing at the TT&T or TOT phone office for the phone service

I used the service for nearly two years -and then the internet stopped working last week.

Did the phone service stop working also ?

I Phoned TT& T, who said the old owner had paid my final months bill and canceled the service '' as I was moveing away''

TT&T will only cancel service if the "owner" comes into the office with a copy of their passport and a bill to request the cancellation

I haven't seen the old owner for almost two years since the deal was finalized to buy the condo from him.

Maybe the old owner has problems and is trying to pull some stunt.

This is the part that doesn't make sense at all

But that doesen't explain why after I asked TT & T they refused to re connect the service or even provide a new service for me. I have been without the service almost a week now.

Until you resolve the question of who exactly provides the phone line (TT&T or TOT) you will never resolve this problem

This could happen to any one without any fault of there own ---besides choosing Thailand as a home!!!

This whole saga does not make any sense and the follow up messages from the OP make even less sense. When he talks about I had the new type of service where you don't actually get a phone line of your own. They share one phone line to 20 rooms. It's a VOIP voice over internet protocal service. It sounds like the condo is using a PBX system in lieu of a direct dial individual and how in the world he is getting internet over such a phone line is a real mystery to me. I have heard of True offering Internet service using an internal phone system at Center Condo but not TOT or TT&T.

When all the dust settles I am going to bet the problem is going to revolve around the TT&T or TOT phone line and the absence of a direct dial phone line. I would bet that he has been paying his condo for his phone service and the condo has been paying either TT&T or TOT and someone finally figured that his internet is not legitimate.

It's funny, if they are out of ports for internet(shared line internet ports) I wonder why my VOIP phone is still connected, and I can make and receive calls on this canceled Maxnet service???

Once again my guess is because you are using the condo phone system, which is independent of TT&T or TOT.

For the OP a few definitions.

TOT= Telephone Organization of Thailand. The in country phone company of Thailand

TT&T= A "sister" telephone company that has a "concession" from TOT to operate fixed lines up country and to operate residential gateways in large cities using TOT lines and billing infrastructure.

CAT= Communication Authority of Thailand. Operates all the International gateways for both voice and data out of Thailand (the choke point for international Internet in Thailand) Also offers their own Internet packages.

Maxnet= The brand of Internet service offered by TT&T

Indy= A particular package of Internet service offered by TT&T

I for one will be really interested in what the lawyer has to say since I have never heard of anyone using a lawyer in Thailand for a consumer complaint. :o

  • 4 weeks later...
We all thow the Thai phone system is frustratingly bad but this takes the Cake:

I bought a condo in Jomtien to retire in and keep track of investments and contacts on the internet. I had the Max net phone and internet ''inde'' connected when the new building first had the phone connected lasy year.

There is no such thing as Max net phone. You either have a TT&T phone line or a TOT phone line

Its a TT&T maxnet internet package incloding VOIP ''phone''

The German guy I bought the empty shell condo from- had put his name down to have the service connected when available.

After I moved in to the condo for a few months they connected the service. I signed for it and put my name on the form as the customer and owner of the condo.

Signing for the phone installation is different than signing at the TT&T or TOT phone office for the phone service

I only accepted the NEW service after crossing out the old name and changing it to mine on the installation acceptance

I used the service for nearly two years -and then the internet stopped working last week.

Did the phone service stop working also ? THE VOIP STILL WORKED..BADLY

I Phoned TT& T, who said the old owner had paid my final months bill and canceled the service '' as I was moveing away''

TT&T will only cancel service if the "owner" comes into the office with a copy of their passport and a bill to request the cancellation


I haven't seen the old owner for almost two years since the deal was finalized to buy the condo from him.

Maybe the old owner has problems and is trying to pull some stunt.

This is the part that doesn't make sense at all


But that doesen't explain why after I asked TT & T they refused to re connect the service or even provide a new service for me. I have been without the service almost a week now.

Until you resolve the question of who exactly provides the phone line (TT&T or TOT) you will never resolve this problem


This could happen to any one without any fault of there own ---besides choosing Thailand as a home!!!

This whole saga does not make any sense and the follow up messages from the OP make even less sense. When he talks about I had the new type of service where you don't actually get a phone line of your own. They share one phone line to 20 rooms. It's a VOIP voice over internet protocal service. It sounds like the condo is using a PBX system in lieu of a direct dial individual and how in the world he is getting internet over such a phone line is a real mystery to me. I have heard of True offering Internet service using an internal phone system at Center Condo but not TOT or TT&T.


When all the dust settles I am going to bet the problem is going to revolve around the TT&T or TOT phone line and the absence of a direct dial phone line. I would bet that he has been paying his condo for his phone service and the condo has been paying either TT&T or TOT and someone finally figured that his internet is not legitimate.


It's funny, if they are out of ports for internet(shared line internet ports) I wonder why my VOIP phone is still connected, and I can make and receive calls on this canceled Maxnet service???

Once again my guess is because you are using the condo phone system, which is independent of TT&T or TOT.

I Paid the account direct to MAXNET TT&T ..The account was mailed with my name on it

For the OP a few definitions.

TOT= Telephone Organization of Thailand. The in country phone company of Thailand

TT&T= A "sister" telephone company that has a "concession" from TOT to operate fixed lines up country and to operate residential gateways in large cities using TOT lines and billing infrastructure.

CAT= Communication Authority of Thailand. Operates all the International gateways for both voice and data out of Thailand (the choke point for international Internet in Thailand) Also offers their own Internet packages.

Maxnet= The brand of Internet service offered by TT&T

Indy= A particular package of Internet service offered by TT&T

I for one will be really interested in what the lawyer has to say since I have never heard of anyone using a lawyer in Thailand for a consumer complaint. :o

OK, heres the update:

TT&T gave me a new service and a new account. It took two weeks and 50 calls to their office and call center to make it finally work..... after I paid the deposit and made the new deal.

What a big long drawn out drama over NOTHING, If thats how things are done here ....It would make any one with half a brain give Thailand the flick alltogether!!!

Many Thanks to the forum contributors for your help


Well done reg. Per my earlier post,

I know of one Pattaya house that I sold almost 20 years ago that still has my name on the phone bill. The new owners told me that it was too big a hassle to try and get that changed and nobody had an issue with it.

Glad that you finally got it all sorted out. I hope now you have the patience to handle the dodgy service (unless you signed up for the dogs <deleted>).

  • 8 months later...

Another nine months has passed and I've been disconnected another two times... NOW for 'not paying''. I've thaken the bank details showing that I had in fact paid in time by internet B PAY. They then re connected

I'm doing up a list of payments and credits on my account. The account seems to be a mess with the payments and credits not matching a lot of the time. I'm writing to head office as the girls at the Carefor office just shrug it off. Seems like the guys that do that wonderfull telephone wireing around the streets do the accounts the same way. Very annoying to be cut of all the time though. I have a GPRS internet service as well, 3G speed will solve the wireing problems..... the TT&T guts can make spagetty instead

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