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Your Worst Run In ...


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The earlier thread on stupid things that we've done and seen others do, got me to thinking (smell the wood burning?) that there might be some interesting, if not stupid or humorous, close calls or run-ins with a local gang or mafiosi. Has anyone had an episode or two with these guys, or seen some tourists get out of line with them? If so, what happened and how could it have been handled differently?

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To keep it short, Had been out one night to a few bars and then on to night clubbing when walking home in a soi of Suk rd i had to take a piss, asked a security guard of a building if i could take a leak in the toilet of his building to which he replied 'no problem' i said 'thanks mate' and went to relieve myself. When i came back out from the toilet two mins later there were 4 other people talking to the guard, i offered the security guard a cigarett, said thankyou and was on my way home again.

As i was walking away i heard someone say in no uncertain terms something along the lines that farang are scum and should not be in Thailand, i turned around (i know i should have ignored it) and asked why he had said this. It was infact another guard from another building that had come to talk with his mate and he proceded to pull out his night stick and made a run for me, i turned got hit on the back of the head once and on the shoulder once before i got away.

Never went back to confront him but i still walk past him regular. Apart from this i have had any trouble here from Thai people, usualy find some Farang to be less easy going though.

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That reminds me off a time on Ko Samet. It wasn't me who got it though!

I'd left my missus sunbathing while I went off fishing. She was still on the beach when I got back so I went to have a chat with her. After our chat I went for a beer and some German tosser came up to me and told me to back off as he reckoned he was in there. When I informed him that it was my missus and if he went near her again I'd put him into next week, he began making out he was the head of the Samet Mafia and got whatever he wanted. What he didn't know was that I was then a regular visitor to Samet and knew most of the beach bums on the beach there. That evening I was having a drink with the missus when the German came over and the cheeky <deleted> asked my missus to go for a drink with him. I jumped up ready to carry out my threat when out of the woodwork came about 5 lads from the resort and gave him a real towelling. Apparently he'd been there for a week and had given the staff there a real hard time of it and they had been waiting for a chance to get even with him! I never had to lift a finger!!

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It's been a number of years now. There was a Swiss bar (I think Swiss) in Hua Hin. Went there a few times, nice guy and his wife (owner). Sometime later, I saw him at a Swiss bar in Bangkok, on his way to the airport for home country. He looked a mess. Arm in sling, cast, face all busted up. I asked what had happened. He didn't go into real detail other than to say he closed the bar in Hua Hin, had a disagreement with "the local gang". He was going home, never to return. blackeye.gif

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I have only had two incidences in two years, where I even felt uncomfortable in Thailand... Once at a small Thai restrurant in Bangkok was chatted up by an older Thai Gentleman, bought him a drink and later he picked up our tab... I protested a bit, but then let him pay the bill and left... In the parking lot two guys blocked the way to our (my lady and myself's) car... Before I could do anything four guys came from the restrurant, beat one of the Thai guys badly while the other ran off... Afterwards the restrurant owner told my lady that the older gentleman was some Big Crime Boss, saw the two guys approach us from the window and sent his "Men" out to help...

Last week at a Concert up in Issan there was a knife fight and one teenager was killed.. It happened behind where we were sitting... Afterwards found out that the one killed was drunk, had pulled out the knife and stated that he was going to "cut up a Farang"... Seems he did not make it to where we were sitting, as he was stopped and knifed himself behind us... Thank God for decent Thai's...


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Two incidents:

1.) About three years ago, my wife and I came from town on our motorcycle. The wife was driving. Close to the village where we stay, we were stopped by a gang of teen-age boys. They talked to the wife and glanced at me. My wife was all smiles and after a while she gave them a thousand Baht and we drove home. When I asked her what that was all about, she said they wanted money for their soccer team and I thought - yeah, sure! A week later we came the same way from town when the same gang stopped us. Only this time they were all dressed up in their new soccer uniforms with my and my wifes' names printed on the back!

2.) We drove to Korat just after I got my Thai drivers license. In Korat we were looking for the big shopping mall and were not sure where to go. When I stopped at a traffic light, a traffic policeman knocked on my window and asked to see my license. I whipped it out very proudly and offered it for inspection. He took it and told me to pull over and get out of the car. Turned out I was in a turn-only lane and wanted to go straight. Traffic violation - 200 Baht spot fine! Later I was told if I did not have a Thai drivers license, it would have been 1000 Baht.

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ILast week at a Concert up in Issan there was a knife fight and one teenager was killed..  It happened behind where we were sitting...  Afterwards found out that the one killed was drunk, had pulled out the knife and stated that he was going to "cut up a Farang"...  Seems he did not make it to where we were sitting, as he was stopped and knifed himself behind us...  Thank God for decent Thai's...


I had a problem with a Thai youth this time last year at an Issan concert (near Sisaket). He was demanding a drink from me, etc. and was a general nuisance to my wife. The police intervened and accompanied me for the concert.

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When i first came here to work, i lived in Bang Sue as it was near my school. It was 7 o'clock at night and i walked my the gf up to get a taxi. As i opened the door to let her in.3 young lads on one motorbike came up the wrong way so had to stop because of the door. So they said something really nasty in Thai. I just ingnored them and said goodbye to the gf. So as i turn round to walk home the same guys are sitting on the corner. So had to go and buy cigarettes. So i had 2 choices. Head for home down a dark soi or go and get my fags.And stay on the main road. Took the 2nd option. As i walked past these 3 lads they again said something. So i put my hands up as if to say hey calm down. Just as i got near the shop they drove up behind me. I grew up in Scotland so i knew what was coming. So one of them swung at me and missed. They then stopped just ahead of me. The first guy leaps of his bike with a flying kick. So hes of the ground i grap his leg and punch him in the nuts and he goes down. No now theres 2 of them. I've got my back against the wall now and just punching anything that came within sight. I was holding my own. But so happy when the Thai guy from the shop came out and shouted at them in Thai and they ######ed off. This all came from nothing. They did look wired on something though.

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when I was looking for work and stayed in our house in a small town in Suphanburi for 18 months I deliberately avoided events or places where there were a lot of drunks (not that there is a lot to do in our town anyway). I am the only falang around and am aware of my vulnerability and don't want to involve my wife's family in the event of trouble. Drunks get pissed off easily when you indicate that you are not interested in drinking with them. I had also a lot of 'falang <deleted> you!' when I was out walking on my own around town. Could never understand why young hooligans like to antagonise middle aged foreigners minding their own business.

Not a biggie though...I quite liked staying at home with the wife's family anyway and there were always plenty of nieces and nephews around to go out for Sang Som, ciggies and kwitioew

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the only thing that comes to my mind is one night having dinner with a few friends in bourbon street (wikkid steak).

anyways, some geezer comes up, stocky sort of bloke, northern accent and more gold than mr. T. He start making "pistol gestures aimed at the back of my frriends heads.. I tell not quite so politely to "please refrain from those actions and go elsewhere sir". instead he sits down and tells us how is is a big mafia boss or something. We just got up and left anyway - the pratt.

I've seen him since sing (badly) at the bar on the corner of cowboy - long gun or whatever.

glad i live in the sticks now anyways :o

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I just smile and tell them to shoot me.

I'm a crazy farang then, so they just go away.

Ken, who was that "Swiss" man in HH? How long ago?

sua yai:

Don't remember exactly when it all happened, but somewhere mid to later 1990's. He played the accordian and I just checked with a Danish friend of mine and he confirmed he was Swiss, but neither of us remember his name or name of bar. Too many brain cells gone, I suppose. :o

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Had stopped for another drink on my way home in Thonburi a few years ago.

Drank it outside the bar.

The hammered drunk owner (another self professed mafioso, Thonburi seems to have alot of 'pistol wavers') demanded I pay for the 'sing a song' charge even though I didn't sing.

Normally would pay but left most of my cash at home.

He starts hopping around screamimg 'you want kung <deleted> fighting!!!!!' many times.

I say "Call the fuzz".

They turn up, to watch mostly, and then the 'don' flashes his old boy at me. I laugh loud as it's 'economy size' and say I'm straight and dig girls anyhow. (Dumb I know but the 10 stubbies were talking)

He rushes me as the hostesses were laughing, grabs my throat, then the two cops drag him off, frog march him inside, frisk me for cash, give him half, and escort me down the road.

Woke up feeling lucky I was in one piece the next day. :D

Anyone else think Thonburi is a bit wild???

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Some bloke got shirty in a bar in Pattaya when I wouldn't have a conversation with him..He was alone and obviously looking for some company and thought that I was the kind of guy who engages in random conversations with strangers.

He muttered something about getting me done in as he was well in with the local mafia. Who isn't?

Needless to say that when my friends turned up to meet me a few minutes later he tried to backtrack on himself and joke about it.

I didn't need to tell him where to go on my way out.

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