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Just found out from thainakrin hospital that I have this around the genital area Never had unprotected sex for ten years and not with anyone since getting married 4 years ago. The mrs thinks I have either been with somebody or have had it for years, but it's the first time. The doctor did not explain things very well, I assume I got it from mrs but she has never had any symptoms and only had one boyfriend before me (she says) anyway not a BG. Can somebody have it for years without symptoms and pass it on?

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Herpes as you probably know is a virus and you never get rid of it, it can lie dormant for years, being run down, even depression/diet can bring about a bout of it,,i personally wouldnt blame her, it may well be your first re occurance ,.however if this is the first time ever its usually worse and and comes up soon after infection,. you sure you have been a good boy ? :o

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The symptoms can be dorment for many years but generally for you to get symtoms in the genital region you say always protected thats the penis not the not the surrounding areas where quite often the contact between you and your partner are in contact with the virus .

For the first initual outbreak I would suggest a good antiviral such as FAMVIR 250 it's quite expensive somewhere around 3 - 4000 baht and a good cream to reduce pain and spreading also when drying after showering use tissue not your towel .

The idea is to control it soon as you get symptoms and rest if you can and of course no sex

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Just found out from thainakrin hospital that I have this around the genital area Never had unprotected sex for ten years and not with anyone since getting married 4 years ago. The mrs thinks I have either been with somebody or have had it for years, but it's the first time. The doctor did not explain things very well, I assume I got it from mrs but she has never had any symptoms and only had one boyfriend before me (she says) anyway not a BG. Can somebody have it for years without symptoms and pass it on?

Yes! the one thing I am good at is being faithfull to my wife, I must have got it off her but she has never had any symptoms

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The symptoms can be dorment for many years but generally for you to get symtoms in the genital region you say always protected thats the penis not the not the surrounding areas where quite often the contact between you and your partner are in contact with the virus .

For the first initual outbreak I would suggest a good antiviral such as FAMVIR 250 it's quite expensive somewhere around 3 - 4000 baht and a good cream to reduce pain and spreading also when drying after showering use tissue not your towel .

The idea is to control it soon as you get symptoms and rest if you can and of course no sex

They gave me some blue pills begining with V but not viagra! some sort of anti viral and cream 2500 at the hospital but not a great place nowhere near as nice as Bumrungrad

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It's not certain you got it from her. You keep saying you did. You could have had it for years, and never had symptoms before. The opposite is also true, that she got it a long time ago, and never showed symptoms. All the above should help you deal with the present problem. You could just as well give it to her.

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....edit.... Can somebody have it for years without symptoms and pass it on?
Yes! the one thing I am good at is being faithfull to my wife, I must have got it off her but she has never had any symptoms

Definitely YES!

And Females if infected, do have symptoms, but often don't realize it, because of the very different physiological build of the sex organ and/or simply are shy to talk about it! While urinating there should be a burning sensation, because of the kind of sores genital herpes causes in both male and female.


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Get a second opinion!! You said "around" the genital area?? The doc was not very clear? (Perhaps not very sure of the diagnosis...)

Any local pain or swelling of glands in the groin?

Sure, herpes can stay dormant for years but before embarking on such specific (and expensive) treatment, be sure you have the right diagnosis.

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Never had genital herpes but had the one that springs up on your lip as long as I can remember. Pops up when the immunal system is under stress, usually instead of a full blown cold. I can be passed with a simple kiss, and it can appear on genitals as well, accodring to wiki:


I believe the treatment is the same, judging by what they say on the papers tucked into medicine boxes. Catching it early and taking pills works the best, and appying cream if it really starts growing. The cream cost 40-100 baht depending on brand and size, pills are under 150-200 baht for two-three day treatment.

The main ingredient is "acyclovir", the only local brand I can remember is Virogon, but there are several others.

Maybe treatment of genital herpese requires a lot more expensive medicine but I sereously doubt that.

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Never had genital herpes but had the one that springs up on your lip as long as I can remember. Pops up when the immunal system is under stress, usually instead of a full blown cold. I can be passed with a simple kiss, and it can appear on genitals as well, accodring to wiki:


I believe the treatment is the same, judging by what they say on the papers tucked into medicine boxes. Catching it early and taking pills works the best, and appying cream if it really starts growing. The cream cost 40-100 baht depending on brand and size, pills are under 150-200 baht for two-three day treatment.

The main ingredient is "acyclovir", the only local brand I can remember is Virogon, but there are several others.

Maybe treatment of genital herpese requires a lot more expensive medicine but I sereously doubt that.

There is no known CURE for herpes , you can contain it to a certain degree and that is that . Due to the nature of herpes , it can be quite inconsiderate to 'Point fingers' , you have it , you have it , you both need to reach a zone of compatability and LIVE with it , too late for any other way .Valtrex is a good treatment , but due to castigation about health in a prior post , google it YOURSELF at herpeshealth.com

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If you have been unlucky enough to pick up the herpes virus at some time there is a very good cream by the name of "Zovirax".

This cream is good at quickly suppressing the virus but in any event always try to build up your immune system, eat, sleep good etc.

Zovirax is expensive but I am led to believe is the best.

If you keep yourself healthy a tube can last a very long time. Can be years between break outs.

Edited by benjamat
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can be dormant for years, u may have even had an outbread before a long time ago but thought it was something else; then when run down, or changes in life style or weather or mood or hormones it reoccurs...

i had it before zovirax came on the market unfortunately, but live with it... and around it , as it were...

some years have no outbreaks, other years, every month (pre menstrual) or due to pre visa renewals or job changes... keep dry, keep calm, use zovirax or the cream or the pills , i actually havent tried either, i prefer to take nothing and just deal... i stay away from chlorinated water in swimming pools and damp bathing suits... no soap in shower (just water gets all the bits clean and ph healthy), sometimes polidine soap for secondary infection (well, im a girl so we have more problematic plumbing), and yes, with women, if not diagnosed by a decent doctor and a virus culture, then can be mistakenly id'd as a million other flora and fauna by symptoms (happened to me back in the 1979-80's )...


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can be dormant for years, u may have even had an outbread before a long time ago but thought it was something else; then when run down, or changes in life style or weather or mood or hormones it reoccurs...

i had it before zovirax came on the market unfortunately, but live with it... and around it , as it were...

some years have no outbreaks, other years, every month (pre menstrual) or due to pre visa renewals or job changes... keep dry, keep calm, use zovirax or the cream or the pills , i actually havent tried either, i prefer to take nothing and just deal... i stay away from chlorinated water in swimming pools and damp bathing suits... no soap in shower (just water gets all the bits clean and ph healthy), sometimes polidine soap for secondary infection (well, im a girl so we have more problematic plumbing), and yes, with women, if not diagnosed by a decent doctor and a virus culture, then can be mistakenly id'd as a million other flora and fauna by symptoms (happened to me back in the 1979-80's )...


After all that is said and done , do you warn potential sexual partners about your condition ?

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The herpes simplex virus causes genital herpes. There are many types of herpes viruses. Both herpes simplex type 1 (HSV1) and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV2) can infect the genital area. HSV1 commonly causes 'cold sores', and tends to occur in the upper half of the body, mainly around the lips and mouth. Hmmmm its usually only contageous when the virus is active. You may have notice a rash and Pustules on your wifes groin or mouth?

Edited by waza
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The contaigous factor raises some interesting questions.

With the condom only providing so much protection is there a cream or salve that can provide a barrier to the surrounding skin?

I think if there is for any folks out there on the prowl for a man or a woman might be better protected than just the condom / usual Contraceptive.

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every last one of them. gave regular vaginal delivery but it was because of me and a very good israeli doctor that had doen some ob/gyn in the states that wrote the protecol now used for decision making about vaginal or c section births. at the time, a very major internationaly known hospital here hadnt a clue what to do, moved to a different hospital, less well known but very good which was where this doctor worked (in israel, its luck of the draw, no private med was available at the time unless black market).

its a matter of timing, and anyway, now new info says that we can be dormant but pass the virus on. at the time, that wasnt thought to happen. apparently also i got it from a thai uni boy friend (in uni in the states), silent carrier but little did i know he was a playboy type. my virus showed up when i went on the 'pill' and my immune system went on strike. misdiagnosed for half a year as various and sundry other feminine bacterias and candidas et al.

apparently now in israel for instance its very wide spread but due to women - like in thailand- not running to a gynie (religious or culturual inhibitions), its documentation has only recently been closer to the real picture, and women being silent active (they have one or two episodes then no more, or have but dont realize it thinking its just basic vaginitis).

either way, it could be worse, and all the zovirax and such is a big bonus. i am, btw, allergic to condoms of all sorts as they instigated break outs and was allergic or reactive to the sperm of one boyfriend (didnt last long obvously) .

the only problem for someone like me is that any changes in life cause outbreaks. now past childbearing age anyway but with good medical info, vaginal births can be done . all kids were on followup for 12 months after (blood titre for viral levels) and came up negative. funny enough. youngest child has facial herpes she got from her granny, who has the non genital type but never knew that it was contagious to people especially those that have weak immune systems as my daughter has (almost albino i.e. very pale pigmentation and therefore reactive skin and allergies, asthma , gets skin and respiroatory infections easily) .


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not old wives tale: mutally transmissible but more difficult, u can have both, can be cultured to see which type(s) u have... i have only the genital type, granny and child have only the facial (cold sore) type...

virus dies off fast, likes damp moist and open areas...

eyes are the only area that are potentially problematic, and/or when fetus goes thru vaginal canal then u can have herpes that gets to brain/eye area. new info says that inutero fetuses can also be more suceptible but dont remember where i read that... havent kept up with new medical info , lack of interest. i have it, live with it, deal with it, keep stress to minimum, stay away from triggers, get good amount of sleep... dont wear skin tight jeans or synthetic panties or other things that will irritate...

i also stay away from old wives tales and stick to real medical sites like NIH etc.


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not old wives tale: mutally transmissible but more difficult, u can have both, can be cultured to see which type(s) u have... i have only the genital type, granny and child have only the facial (cold sore) type...

virus dies off fast, likes damp moist and open areas...

i also stay away from old wives tales and stick to real medical sites like NIH etc.


Seems to be a lot of Thai's that believe in old wifes tales and also a great ingnorance of all sorts of medical matters. My wife although highly educated had never heard of herpes, clamydia, thrush, cystitus etc etc and would rather die than have a doctor give her an intimate examination or even go for a blood test. She would probably rather go to the local village 'magician' She cetainly does have occassional problem passing water and other pains but never blisters or rashes, I will suggest a check up for her but it's like talking to a 7 year old at times, she seems to think only dirty foreiners get such things!

Edited by gamlangjai
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You're going to become one of those folks who wash their hands 15 times a day (and definitely after you pee) during outbreaks in fear of transmitting the virus to your eyes or worse yet, your children.

Seems to be one of the most popular infections around judging from our pharmacy sales of various brands of acyclovir.


Edited by Heng
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actually heng, since i worked with animals so long i got in the habit of never touching my face unless i washed my hands; now i work with food and same same... i wash my hands a lot but not obsessive, just work hazard conscious...

at home i am less 'clean' but yes, herpes in the eyes causes blindness among other things however not a horrible disease, i'd rather have it then most others including asthma, so that should put it in perspective..



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actually heng, since i worked with animals so long i got in the habit of never touching my face unless i washed my hands; now i work with food and same same... i wash my hands a lot but not obsessive, just work hazard conscious...

at home i am less 'clean' but yes, herpes in the eyes causes blindness among other things however not a horrible disease, i'd rather have it then most others including asthma, so that should put it in perspective..



I'm talking about guys coming into our pharmacies (obviously during outbreaks) wiping their hands and face with wet tissues, acting all paranoid like Howard Hughes, etc.

I wasn't saying that it was a "horrible" disease, not that it's some kind of favorable disease to get either though.


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