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Unfortunatly i just discovered to have transmitted an herpes to my 3 months pregnant wife.

I was not aware of having it myself and i never thought it could be so serious.

Her infection doesn't looks too good and also quiet painfull for her.

She just went to see our doctor to the hospital who prescribe her some Betadine and told her not to worry about it.

However I've been reading around the net that there is the risk the herpes could be from now on more frequently and if re-appear sometimes near delivery may be really dangerous for the baby.

I don't know what to do, i should probably not worry too much as i was told as also the possibiltiy to transmitt the disorder to the baby is very low in any case but i just cannot stop worry.

Does anyone know any special clinic or can reccomend any other place i can go to or have any good advice??

Of course i'm worried about my health ( all the other test made to the mother were good and she never had any problem so far during her pregnancy) but I most worried about my future baby in first and my wife as she has pain.

Any advice is more then welcome


Unfortunatly i just discovered to have transmitted an herpes to my 3 months pregnant wife.

I was not aware of having it myself and i never thought it could be so serious.

Her infection doesn't looks too good and also quiet painfull for her.

She just went to see our doctor to the hospital who prescribe her some Betadine and told her not to worry about it.

However I've been reading around the net that there is the risk the herpes could be from now on more frequently and if re-appear sometimes near delivery may be really dangerous for the baby.

I don't know what to do, i should probably not worry too much as i was told as also the possibiltiy to transmitt the disorder to the baby is very low in any case but i just cannot stop worry.

Does anyone know any special clinic or can reccomend any other place i can go to or have any good advice??

Of course i'm worried about my health ( all the other test made to the mother were good and she never had any problem so far during her pregnancy) but I most worried about my future baby in first and my wife as she has pain.

Any advice is more then welcome


betadine for herpes ? is this a real doctor ?

she should have been prescribed acyclovir at least.


Unfortunatly i just discovered to have transmitted an herpes to my 3 months pregnant wife.

I was not aware of having it myself and i never thought it could be so serious.

Her infection doesn't looks too good and also quiet painfull for her.

She just went to see our doctor to the hospital who prescribe her some Betadine and told her not to worry about it.

However I've been reading around the net that there is the risk the herpes could be from now on more frequently and if re-appear sometimes near delivery may be really dangerous for the baby.

I don't know what to do, i should probably not worry too much as i was told as also the possibiltiy to transmitt the disorder to the baby is very low in any case but i just cannot stop worry.

Does anyone know any special clinic or can reccomend any other place i can go to or have any good advice??

Of course i'm worried about my health ( all the other test made to the mother were good and she never had any problem so far during her pregnancy) but I most worried about my future baby in first and my wife as she has pain.

Any advice is more then welcome


betadine for herpes ? is this a real doctor ?

she should have been prescribed acyclovir at least.


This is what i thought to be honest, the Hospital in question is PHYATHAI which i found very good so far regarding fertility, pregnancy etc... but may be not for viral infections, can that may the case?

Is it advisable to follow them for the pregnancy and go somewhere else for the infection?

If so someone can reccomend any good place?


Unfortunatly i just discovered to have transmitted an herpes to my 3 months pregnant wife.

I was not aware of having it myself and i never thought it could be so serious.

Her infection doesn't looks too good and also quiet painfull for her.

She just went to see our doctor to the hospital who prescribe her some Betadine and told her not to worry about it.

However I've been reading around the net that there is the risk the herpes could be from now on more frequently and if re-appear sometimes near delivery may be really dangerous for the baby.

I don't know what to do, i should probably not worry too much as i was told as also the possibiltiy to transmitt the disorder to the baby is very low in any case but i just cannot stop worry.

Does anyone know any special clinic or can reccomend any other place i can go to or have any good advice??

Of course i'm worried about my health ( all the other test made to the mother were good and she never had any problem so far during her pregnancy) but I most worried about my future baby in first and my wife as she has pain.

Any advice is more then welcome


betadine for herpes ? is this a real doctor ?

she should have been prescribed acyclovir at least.


This is what i thought to be honest, the Hospital in question is PHYATHAI which i found very good so far regarding fertility, pregnancy etc... but may be not for viral infections, can that may the case?

Is it advisable to follow them for the pregnancy and go somewhere else for the infection?

If so someone can reccomend any good place?


BNH Hospital on Thanon Convent

Unfortunatly i just discovered to have transmitted an herpes to my 3 months pregnant wife.

I was not aware of having it myself and i never thought it could be so serious.

Her infection doesn't looks too good and also quiet painfull for her.

She just went to see our doctor to the hospital who prescribe her some Betadine and told her not to worry about it.

However I've been reading around the net that there is the risk the herpes could be from now on more frequently and if re-appear sometimes near delivery may be really dangerous for the baby.

I don't know what to do, i should probably not worry too much as i was told as also the possibiltiy to transmitt the disorder to the baby is very low in any case but i just cannot stop worry.

Does anyone know any special clinic or can reccomend any other place i can go to or have any good advice??

Of course i'm worried about my health ( all the other test made to the mother were good and she never had any problem so far during her pregnancy) but I most worried about my future baby in first and my wife as she has pain.

Any advice is more then welcome


betadine for herpes ? is this a real doctor ?

she should have been prescribed acyclovir at least.


This is what i thought to be honest, the Hospital in question is PHYATHAI which i found very good so far regarding fertility, pregnancy etc... but may be not for viral infections, can that may the case?

Is it advisable to follow them for the pregnancy and go somewhere else for the infection?

If so someone can reccomend any good place?


BNH Hospital on Thanon Convent

Thanks for the advice i was however told by my doctor that in this situation is better to use Betadine (cat. A medicine) rather then acyclovir for safety reason (although if very little there is a slighlty chance of miscarriage).

I don't know if this is the case, i was however told that if that i will not see any improvements he will change therapy.


Acyclovir is a category B and Category B medicine should be given to a pregnant woman only if the healthcare provider believes that the benefits to the mother outweigh any possible risks to the unborn child.

I think i better follow his advice for now as in any case that won't cure the herpes (as the herpes as no cure as far as i understood) but just eliminate the pain and the outbreaks.

Thanks for the precious advice and for your help, i really appreciate it.


Yes, I think the doctor's advice may be due to the fact that she is right around the end of the 1st trimester. The risks of birth defects from medications taken during pregnancy are highest in the first few months. As the pregnancy progresses there is less risk. Depending on serology results, they may even advise taking systemic antivirals in the last trimester to reduce risks of the baby getting the virus during delivery.

If she has any sores at the time of delivery then a ceasearn section will be necessary.

In the immediate term, if betadine doesn't do the trick, another Category A option is gential violet. It's messy, she'll want to wear gloves aplying it and use a sanitary pad to avoid staining her underwear purple, but it often helps and is completely safe.


Did she already have her first outbreak? That's actually good. Usually the first outbreak is the worst and if she got that outbreak near birth then it would be bad for the baby. It's unpredictable, though, in that's it different for everyone. Some have it and never even show effects. Anyway, it's much better she have the first outbreak now so I think you can take that as a positive note. But, yes, if it looks like she's having another outbreak at birth then they'd do a c-section and the baby should be fine. Good luck to you.

Did she already have her first outbreak? That's actually good. Usually the first outbreak is the worst and if she got that outbreak near birth then it would be bad for the baby. It's unpredictable, though, in that's it different for everyone. Some have it and never even show effects. Anyway, it's much better she have the first outbreak now so I think you can take that as a positive note. But, yes, if it looks like she's having another outbreak at birth then they'd do a c-section and the baby should be fine. Good luck to you.

Yes, she's currently having her first outbreak (very painful too unfortunatly) and it comes at about week 13 1/2.

Doctor also told me not too worry, nothing really bad but i guess i start to be too paranoid about baby's health and if had to happened better now then later.

She's taking Betadine since Saturday now but i guess its too early to see some result.

Tomorrow i will go to see the doctor again, thanks you all guys, much appreciate it


Please do not beat up on yourself or assume that you are the cause of the infection. Your partner may have already been infected, but not demonstrated sysmptoms. The literature suggests that somewhere between 20 and 30% of women carry the virus. Preganancy can do a number on some women's immune systems allowing a supressed infection to appear. I have seen a couple studies that suggest that upwards of 75-80% of women infected with herpes will have an outbreak during pregnancy.

In respect to the comment as to why the physician did not prescribe acyclovir, please note that the drug has not been approved for use during pregnancy. It is used only when deemed absolutely necessary. The product monograph states; Acyclovir should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. Please note too that there are no reliable studies on the impact of the drug on a developing fetus. The physician was being prudent.

Your physician will discuss child birth startegies with you in the event that your wife has an outbreak at delivery. The usual procedure in such cases is to deliver by C-section.

The key is not to stress out as that can exacerbate the condition. And please stop blaming yourself, as you may have had no part in the infection.


hi, while i suffer frm vaginal herpes and my pregnancies were in 1988 on... the info remains more or less the same...

betadine does help against the secondary infections:

tell her to 'go commando' i.e. no underwear (wear skirts not tight jeans or any jeans for that matter; no soaps, perfumes, whatever, just rinse with water , thai style... and pat dry...

she got the first round, that is always the worst, but mental stress and physical stress can make any outbreak even after 25 yrs (like with mine) to be a very painful and itchy experience..

frankly, i dont use, and never used anything at all, i preferred to stick to a lower stress lifestyle, and not medicate although even now, the doc recommends the acyclovir products...

the creams do work very very well, the reduce the amount of time and pain...

for secondary infections, sometimes a betadine peccary is recommended but i found that a simple betadine vaginal soap (soap, not alcohol based betadine disinfectants) works well, NOT EVERY DAY, but once or twice a week, until the whole area is less infected... what happens is all the flora/fauna gets out of whack and woman gets candida and other nasties....

refrain from sex (at least penetration), cause even the 'rubbing' and 'swelling' of sexual arousal is often enough to insight an inflammation especially when its new... any cold or flu will also instigate an erruption and if your wife is emotianal, any stress can instigate....

i taught myself a sort biofeedback type thing to help with pain and stress as it is the evil circle with herpes as is the 'shame' of having it...

i dont swim in swimmng pools as chlorine instigates an outbreak... and premenstrual sydrome will also , after she gives birth... most women are not too sensitive, some,like me seem to be more so...

as for birth: i strongly recommmend the blood titre to see base line, asn then there is a protocol (i know cause in israel at the time there wasnt one, and i helped my gynie put one together for the health service here, based on the american gyn/ob recommendations at the time).... i did titres from 9th mnth on, and also went by how i 'felt'...

i gave birth vaginal all three times, with blood titre follow up for my kids ... i was very active in first part of pregnancy, but last months wasnt....

it was a pain to do the titres as israel's health service system is slow and beurocratic and most people hadnt a clue, and i did a lot of leg work between lab doctor and hospital. not only that but we dont have private doctors on health plan, so u get any old ob/gyn in the hospital u give birth in, so i had all my paperwork and my big mouth to fight about whether or not i had to do a c section or not (i was against c section)...

not sure now what protocol is, but dont sweat it... the best is that your wife feels sexy and wanted and not shamed by having a STD (and not suspecting how YOU suddenly got it, cause thai dont realy understand things about dormant viruses, etc)....

my husband and i just automatically dont have sex around my menstrual times (its a jewish thing anyway although as a thai he doesnt really understand the religious part), and if im not into being touched at the time, well one partner can always help the other one sided... not good if u are a sex maniac, do it every day, sort of person... the main problem is talking about it, and dealing with the pain, and if u know when u are active....

vitamins, to help keep a good immune system going also help... when i stress (exams while studying, new job, problems at home, well... sure enough, OUTBREAK. its the equivalent of migraine or back pain in other people. a good way to know when u are under pressure...

ive counselled an awful lot of people about herpes and its really how u deal with it... when people make smart comments i answer back with the facts... no embarrassment, not tittering behind the hands... but in thailand probably lots of stigma...

forgot: cotton only panties, change frequently, if it hurts her to pee, tell her to pee in warm shower (if u have real shower), drink stuff with vitamin c as sometimes herpes sufferers suffer from cystitis also as the whole area gets swollen... , it gets better with time, really, it does. i am one of the worst case scenarios in that mine is still super active... but like i said in the other herpes thread, i have asthmatic kids, id rather have genital herpes than asthma or anything else life threatening.. and your child will be fine, its fairly rare that kids are born birth canal herpes active...



meant this as a PM but hit wrong button, oh well,....... u can pm me if u want... but since im probably the only woman answering here, that actually has herpes, and i keep up on the latest stuff.....men havent a clue since all their plumbing is hanging out... women, our plumbing is all in, and sensitive an warm and moist perfect for the little suckers to show up in, although actually they live in nerve endings in other areas...

forgot i ALWAYS know when im going to have an outbreak: tingling in tail bone or butt area, sometimes in other areas, its like a 'aura' before an attack, about three/four days previous, even longer, and if i sleep better hours and take care, sometimes i can prevent the outbreak from becoming full blown blisters pain and itching... my first outbreaks were as a college student and was misdiagnosed (in america) for about 6 months as it was a 'new' disease then... my mother had just doe a nursing course about pain and stress management and what she taught me really helped out... as a young (er) girl is was really harsh, as a mature women i just deal as it is...

good luck


hi, while i suffer frm vaginal herpes and my pregnancies were in 1988 on... the info remains more or less the same...

betadine does help against the secondary infections:

tell her to 'go commando' i.e. no underwear (wear skirts not tight jeans or any jeans for that matter; no soaps, perfumes, whatever, just rinse with water , thai style... and pat dry...

she got the first round, that is always the worst, but mental stress and physical stress can make any outbreak even after 25 yrs (like with mine) to be a very painful and itchy experience..

frankly, i dont use, and never used anything at all, i preferred to stick to a lower stress lifestyle, and not medicate although even now, the doc recommends the acyclovir products...

the creams do work very very well, the reduce the amount of time and pain...

for secondary infections, sometimes a betadine peccary is recommended but i found that a simple betadine vaginal soap (soap, not alcohol based betadine disinfectants) works well, NOT EVERY DAY, but once or twice a week, until the whole area is less infected... what happens is all the flora/fauna gets out of whack and woman gets candida and other nasties....

refrain from sex (at least penetration), cause even the 'rubbing' and 'swelling' of sexual arousal is often enough to insight an inflammation especially when its new... any cold or flu will also instigate an erruption and if your wife is emotianal, any stress can instigate....

i taught myself a sort biofeedback type thing to help with pain and stress as it is the evil circle with herpes as is the 'shame' of having it...

i dont swim in swimmng pools as chlorine instigates an outbreak... and premenstrual sydrome will also , after she gives birth... most women are not too sensitive, some,like me seem to be more so...

as for birth: i strongly recommmend the blood titre to see base line, asn then there is a protocol (i know cause in israel at the time there wasnt one, and i helped my gynie put one together for the health service here, based on the american gyn/ob recommendations at the time).... i did titres from 9th mnth on, and also went by how i 'felt'...

i gave birth vaginal all three times, with blood titre follow up for my kids ... i was very active in first part of pregnancy, but last months wasnt....

it was a pain to do the titres as israel's health service system is slow and beurocratic and most people hadnt a clue, and i did a lot of leg work between lab doctor and hospital. not only that but we dont have private doctors on health plan, so u get any old ob/gyn in the hospital u give birth in, so i had all my paperwork and my big mouth to fight about whether or not i had to do a c section or not (i was against c section)...

not sure now what protocol is, but dont sweat it... the best is that your wife feels sexy and wanted and not shamed by having a STD (and not suspecting how YOU suddenly got it, cause thai dont realy understand things about dormant viruses, etc)....

my husband and i just automatically dont have sex around my menstrual times (its a jewish thing anyway although as a thai he doesnt really understand the religious part), and if im not into being touched at the time, well one partner can always help the other one sided... not good if u are a sex maniac, do it every day, sort of person... the main problem is talking about it, and dealing with the pain, and if u know when u are active....

vitamins, to help keep a good immune system going also help... when i stress (exams while studying, new job, problems at home, well... sure enough, OUTBREAK. its the equivalent of migraine or back pain in other people. a good way to know when u are under pressure...

ive counselled an awful lot of people about herpes and its really how u deal with it... when people make smart comments i answer back with the facts... no embarrassment, not tittering behind the hands... but in thailand probably lots of stigma...

forgot: cotton only panties, change frequently, if it hurts her to pee, tell her to pee in warm shower (if u have real shower), drink stuff with vitamin c as sometimes herpes sufferers suffer from cystitis also as the whole area gets swollen... , it gets better with time, really, it does. i am one of the worst case scenarios in that mine is still super active... but like i said in the other herpes thread, i have asthmatic kids, id rather have genital herpes than asthma or anything else life threatening.. and your child will be fine, its fairly rare that kids are born birth canal herpes active...



meant this as a PM but hit wrong button, oh well,....... u can pm me if u want... but since im probably the only woman answering here, that actually has herpes, and i keep up on the latest stuff.....men havent a clue since all their plumbing is hanging out... women, our plumbing is all in, and sensitive an warm and moist perfect for the little suckers to show up in, although actually they live in nerve endings in other areas...

forgot i ALWAYS know when im going to have an outbreak: tingling in tail bone or butt area, sometimes in other areas, its like a 'aura' before an attack, about three/four days previous, even longer, and if i sleep better hours and take care, sometimes i can prevent the outbreak from becoming full blown blisters pain and itching... my first outbreaks were as a college student and was misdiagnosed (in america) for about 6 months as it was a 'new' disease then... my mother had just doe a nursing course about pain and stress management and what she taught me really helped out... as a young (er) girl is was really harsh, as a mature women i just deal as it is...

good luck


That was really helpful indeed , thanks for your good advices as well as your long post.

Really much appreciate it, i feel now more relief.

Thanks to geriatrickid too.

I feel more safier from the baby point of view and we now know how to deal with all the rest now.


How often does OB comes and how long normally will they last?

Which is the best way to prevent her to get it in the last month of pregnancy?

Thanks in advance


cant prevent, just low stress, its sort of like, if she worries and obsesses about an episode, then she will have one... relaxed, sleep is important, but last trimester its hard to get decent sleep, but pregnant womens' immune systems often shut down problems like allergies and herpes episodes, its a lucky thing.then after, the problems start to reoccur.

i did vaginal cultures from the the 30 + week, it takes about a week or so to get a normal answer for a viral culture, although they were able to get a faster postitive then a negative. the blood titres are more reliable, i just dont know what levels make a doctor decide on c section or not... but also, u dont do blood tests every day, u can do once a week, depending on if your wife 'feels' if she is active... probably she should get some discussion with a decent doc also, as now she is pregnant, but after it may cause problems in your sex life... anger, depression etc, about getting a disease that u cant get rid of, no cure, no way to stop it, never sure what will instigate an episode, etc... please really read up on some decent sites and then try to find a normal (female, maybe) doctor that can handle the psychological remifications of having an incurable although not death causeing sexually transmitted disease. i am speaking from experience here... as a woman. and thai women are more problmatic (shy) about sex and diseases also...

as for births, it seems that a majority of thai women especially those that have farang husbands opt for c seciton anyway, so it may be the best course of action (most prudent, in this case)... u should try to find an obstetrician/gyni that handles high risk pregnancies since decision for vaginal or c section delivery is based on communicable disease... in israel, many docs are 'high risk pregnancy' specialists for any woman with an unusual problem involving pregnancy and birth, not sure how thailand works...




Betadine???? A stupid doctor!!!!! Only one thing to do at birth and that is caesarian...the only safe way to NOT transmit the virus to the baby. Suggest you start going to Bumrungrad. Good luck.

Unfortunatly i just discovered to have transmitted an herpes to my 3 months pregnant wife.

I was not aware of having it myself and i never thought it could be so serious.

Her infection doesn't looks too good and also quiet painfull for her.

She just went to see our doctor to the hospital who prescribe her some Betadine and told her not to worry about it.

However I've been reading around the net that there is the risk the herpes could be from now on more frequently and if re-appear sometimes near delivery may be really dangerous for the baby.

I don't know what to do, i should probably not worry too much as i was told as also the possibiltiy to transmitt the disorder to the baby is very low in any case but i just cannot stop worry.

Does anyone know any special clinic or can reccomend any other place i can go to or have any good advice??

Of course i'm worried about my health ( all the other test made to the mother were good and she never had any problem so far during her pregnancy) but I most worried about my future baby in first and my wife as she has pain.

Any advice is more then welcome


You have been very naughty giving your wife vaginal herpes which is a virus i.e. you and her will carry the virus for the rest of your lives with regular outbreak like your wife experience now. Betadine has absolutely no effect on vaginal herpes. If your wife gives birth during a herpes outbreak the baby will get the virus for life.

You should know that many many Thai girls have herpes and you probably got it from one of those with unprotected sex.

There is only Acyclovir which can suppress the virus and you should consult another doctor.


You have been very naughty giving your wife vaginal herpes which is a virus i.e. you and her will carry the virus for the rest of your lives with regular outbreak like your wife experience now. Betadine has absolutely no effect on vaginal herpes. If your wife gives birth during a herpes outbreak the baby will get the virus for life.

You should know that many many Thai girls have herpes and you probably got it from one of those with unprotected sex.

There is only Acyclovir which can suppress the virus and you should consult another doctor.

I didn't even know to have it myself, and she may have be infected (probably by me) from long time and just get the first outbreak now that she's pregnant.

As i said before Acyclovir is a category B medicine while Betadine is category A, situation is getting better now althought the herpes is still there it looks like its gonna disappear in few days.

The doctor advice me to take Betadine first as safier and will make the herpes to crust sooner then later (as there is no cure for it anyway i guess).

I don't think he done something wrong and i would rather not take a chance with Category B medicine at this stage of pregnancy.

I read anyway that about 20-25% of pregnant woman have vaginal Herpes and its very rare the baby will have some problem during delivery especially if not outbreak are present in the last month.

If that will be the case we will make a C-section but only if really necessary.


kerr, right u are, if u took the trouble to read my posts... but like i said: get cultures last weeks of pregnancy and blood titre in order to make a more informed decision, and then ask for follow up on baby...

good luck



kerr, right u are, if u took the trouble to read my posts... but like i said: get cultures last weeks of pregnancy and blood titre in order to make a more informed decision, and then ask for follow up on baby...

good luck



That's exactly what i will do,

thanks Bina



Before considering C-section, definitely do the titers. Also, if under control or only a few spots, midwives in some countries just cover those with medical tape with very good outcomes.

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