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++ Help Requested - Passport Held By Shop Owner ++


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Get a friend to rent out the bike, (claiming he / she has no passport as garauntee) then trash the bike in the sea, or fill the tank with sugar, at least you will get a bit of satisfaction...I'd go for the sugar, it'll really make their day as they are barely able to maintain a decent bike, let alone diagonse a problem like this.

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Jus to clear up a few points. The bike shop in question is owned and run by a german and has a reputation of being the biggest rip off rental shop on the island. I was forever having people I was teaching tell me how they were ripped off by this shop. Most shops on Tao will demand a passport. No passort no bike so what do you do ? walk or pay the thieving taxis guys a fortuns for a 1km ride. A good pint is to take phtos of the bie wth your phone from various angles. Nearly every phone these days has one. Ok in hind sight but something to remember in the future. The othe advice is all good. They cannot stop you from leaving and should have took the money offered. Go report it and let him and his leiderhosen sing for their cash. :o

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in vietnam one needs to give passport to hotel be4 they let you stay.

on checkout i saw many passports in a drawer,,,,,,lol.

i thought they were scamming me for a while.

Not all hotels, all the ones I have stayed in just take a photocopy as in Thailand..

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As far as I know. the laws in most countries state that ONLY specific goverment bodies such as immigration, police and such can request to hold your passport for longer than a few minutes.

If anyone tells you that they must hold your passport for a deposit then they are breaking international and probably local law.

surrendering your passport voluntarilly however nullifies this protection.

Never give your passport to anyone, its against the law for them to ask for it unless they are specific goverment agencies.


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I wouldn't misrepresent the story at all to the embassy. I know someone who was once asked whether he would complete a lie detector test by the US embassy in Israel when he reported his stolen - he had sold it. He eventually broke down, told the truth and it caused him a lot of problems.

And where did they get the info from about the sale, prior to giving the lie detector test, which one has to assume was based on information they had been given by a low-life (oops sorry) community spirited type of traveller they thought they could trust???

Hmmmm, where have we seen that sort of behaviour previously loaded?

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I went to the US Embassy on Tuesday:They had a report there as sent by the Koh Tao police. I explained the situation:

1) The passport belongs to the US Govt. and they want it back

2) The dispute is between myself and the shop - however the US Emb. called there and tried to reason/bargain with them

on my behalf - no go. They want the whole enchalada.

3) The embassy has given me a replacement passport pending their pursuit of my original

4) The shop (Thai as far as I know - or at least run by Thais) is going to sue me and will inform Thai Immg.

and thus try to keep me from traveling out of Thailand.

5) I am contacting a lawyer tomorrow or tonight to handle this fo me or give me a letter for Imm etc.

6) I go to Thai Immg tomorrow to get my visa stamps replaced.

the saga continues...updates to come as they occur.

Edited by Packu2
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The bike shop in question is owned and run by a german and has a reputation of being the biggest rip off rental shop on the island.

Would a trip to the German Embassy be of any value and discussing the issue ?? just a thought...

National of an EEC country refusing to return/illegally holding another nationals passport and an employee (or wife) of EEC national and is allowing his business to used to commit an illegal act

"The shop also mentioned that if I dont pay that she can sell it for a lot of money (black market)"

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I went to the US Embassy on Tuesday:They had a report there as sent by the Koh Tao police. I explained the situation:

1) The passport belongs to the US Govt. and they want it back

2) The dispute is between myself and the shop - however the US Emb. called there and tried to reason/bargain with them

on my behalf - no go. They want the whole enchalada.

3) The embassy has given me a replacement passport pending their pursuit of my original

4) The shop (Thai as far as I know - or at least run by Thais) is going to sue me and will inform Thai Immg.

and thus try to keep me from traveling out of Thailand.

5) I am contacting a lawyer tomorrow or tonight to handle this fo me or give me a letter for Imm etc.

6) I go to Thai Immg tomorrow to get my visa stamps replaced.

the saga continues...updates to come as they occur.

3. So, it went the way I wrote in my post #25. You got a Laissez Passer Document.

4. If they want to sue you they need A. a Lawyer (are there any good Lawyers on Ko Tao ?) and B. They need your address.....Pure bluff is you ask me.

5. Don't hire a Lawyer until you face the problem; in other words, don't spend money unless necessary.

Did you ask the US Embassy to phone to the local Police (also) instead just the rental shop ?



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I went to the US Embassy on Tuesday:They had a report there as sent by the Koh Tao police. I explained the situation:

1) The passport belongs to the US Govt. and they want it back

2) The dispute is between myself and the shop - however the US Emb. called there and tried to reason/bargain with them

on my behalf - no go. They want the whole enchalada.

3) The embassy has given me a replacement passport pending their pursuit of my original

4) The shop (Thai as far as I know - or at least run by Thais) is going to sue me and will inform Thai Immg.

and thus try to keep me from traveling out of Thailand.

5) I am contacting a lawyer tomorrow or tonight to handle this fo me or give me a letter for Imm etc.

6) I go to Thai Immg tomorrow to get my visa stamps replaced.

the saga continues...updates to come as they occur.

3. So, it went the way I wrote in my post #25. You got a Laissez Passer Document.

4. If they want to sue you they need A. a Lawyer (are there any good Lawyers on Ko Tao ?) and B. They need your address.....Pure bluff is you ask me.

5. Don't hire a Lawyer until you face the problem; in other words, don't spend money unless necessary.

Did you ask the US Embassy to phone to the local Police (also) instead just the rental shop ?



Yes the Embassy called the Police. The passport however, is in possesion of the SHOP. When I left the police had it. I assume they gave back to the shop owners after I left.

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Jus to clear up a few points. The bike shop in question is owned and run by a german and has a reputation of being the biggest rip off rental shop on the island. I was forever having people I was teaching tell me how they were ripped off by this shop. Most shops on Tao will demand a passport. No passort no bike so what do you do ? walk or pay the thieving taxis guys a fortuns for a 1km ride. A good pint is to take phtos of the bie wth your phone from various angles. Nearly every phone these days has one. Ok in hind sight but something to remember in the future. The othe advice is all good. They cannot stop you from leaving and should have took the money offered. Go report it and let him and his leiderhosen sing for their cash. :o

Please re-read the precious posts. You have the WRONG Bike Shop, this time not that I unaware of your statements regarding LH Bikes.

The shop mentioned is on the the side of the road and has been in operation for many more years.

1. The shop is owned by local Tao Thais with strong and powerful connections on the island.

2. If you said ANYTHING which could be taken in offense, even if not directed at them, it will be a matter of Face.

3. They feel untouchable and will need to be sweet talked if you want any progress.

Contact them and firstly apologize for what may have been said as you were unwell or confused when you talked to them.

Next explain that you cannot pay this amount as the stock market ate your money or your buffalo is sick (or something) but you can pay ßx,xxx to prevent any bad feelings or problems for them or you.

Explain that the US government consider the blackmarket of passports to be an Act of Terrorism for obvious reasons. Bluff if need be.

Do not try to confront them face to face or threaten them with the local or Bangkok police as they believe their power outweighs all. They honestly do have the ability to inflict pain first.

If you do choose to use the Police contact Koh Phangan or Suratthani as they have more power to cause grief for the local police to act.

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If true then absolutely outrageous behaviour.That crook is breaking the law and you should immediately demand your passport back.Dont let them stand over you.What can they do? Call the cops???!They cannot sell(risky) or block your passport.If it were me i would go straight to the embassy and tell them some criminals are going to try and sell my passport to trafficking gangs.See what happens next.I know what the Australian embassy would do. I presume you are a tourist .Number one leason in Asia >Never give your passport to anybody for any reason other than immigration issues even the cops have no juristiction.

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Next time, rent from a falang. :o

Thailand would be a paradise if falang ran the place...too bad there was never any colonization here.

on an interesting note...my friend and I had a Burmese waitress as we waited for ferryout of hel_l and we both noticed a marked

difference in personality and "where with all" she had when compared to almost any thai. I also found the same thing when visiting

Cambodia. Thais really are lagging in terms of personality, knowledge, social skills(with foreigners) when comapared to other SE Asians.

Its quite noticeable when you have lived here for a while.

Thai's are lacking in knowledge and social skills???? either your a troll or F'ing retarded. Your the one who actually left your passport with a motorbike taxi guy!!! Then on top of it you don't know that all you have to do is contact the US embassy and say they are holding your passport and threatening to sell it on the black market. They will get with the police to have it returned and if it isn't done promptly, they will issue you a new one. Your just a dumb "mark" really and someone just took you for the sucker you are.

Now I wouldn't have said all that if you hadn't shown how much you deserve it with your ignorant, nonsencial, false comments about Thais. But you deserve all that.

I agree that his guy si a f*ckwit for handing over his PP. However, having worked extesivley throughout Asia I must agree that Thais are most agressive and lack social skills. As for lacking in knowledge well didnt thier representative at a recent global inteligence competition come 59 from 60. However, to be fair Thais are the wolrds number one readers of cartoon books!

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Don't forget that a passport is not just used for travel. If it is sold on the blackmarket it may be able to be used to open bank accounts, and various other thing for which an ID is needed. Maybe even travel between less computerised countries. They may have to change the photo - or just sell it to someone who resembles the real owner.

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Go to another province/police dept. report ur passport LOST to the police (dont ever say it was stolen) gte the police report.

Then go to the embassy and get a new opne

F@#k them trying to cheat ya

Next time dont be so stupid

I just returned from Koh Tao. Upon returning an ATV to the shop owner they have tried to hit me up for 24K baht for what amounts to a few superficial scratches on an old and piece of crap bike. I refused to pay that ridiculous amount. I did offer 10K baht just to get rid of the situation but that was refused. The shop owner bragged about doing this to other tourist and said she would have my passport BLOCKED and I couldn't leave Thailand. The shop also mentioned that if I dont pay that she can sell it for a lot of money (black market).

We went to the police who did nothing. They made a report but no real action taken. MY wife later called (Thai) and the police told her that this shop will charge at least 4 times what is a reasonable fee. The police report just states that the owner will return my passport when I pay 24K baht.


1. Can I get a replacement at the US Embassy given this situation?

2. Can I be BLOCKED from leaving Thailand?

3. Should I raise this as a security issue (black market thing)?

My options appear to be

1) report to embassy as described above

2) just report as lost passport

Any suggestions or follow up questions are appreciated

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why would you leave ko tao and go to BKK without your passport,i would of taken a 2 foot length of 4 by 2 and threatened the hel_l out of the shop owner until passport was returned.

all you usually have to do is walk into shop ,lock door behind you and smile :o

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OK, everyone should have all their documents scanned and available from cyber space. This is 2008 !

That said, why did the OP offer 10k for "a few superficial scratches on an old and piece of crap bike" ? Perhaps there is more to this story as people don't normally offer 10k for nothing.

As for the passport, don't lie and tell the embassy that someone has stolen it from you, you know who they are and tell them why. You may be stupid but that is not a crime.

If you get BiB involved then they will want their share.

I'd get some quotes for a new bike to give you some idea of likely replacement cost and repair cost. I bet it is not over Bt2k for repairs.

ONe solution is to pay for the repairs yourself somewhere that these thugs don't know.

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I agree that his guy si a f*ckwit for handing over his PP. However, having worked extesivley throughout Asia I must agree that Thais are most agressive and lack social skills. As for lacking in knowledge well didnt thier representative at a recent global inteligence competition come 59 from 60. However, to be fair Thais are the wolrds number one readers of cartoon books!

What ? they read even more than the Japanese ?

Mind you, their soap opera TV is the worst in the world and they actually believe it !

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why would you leave ko tao and go to BKK without your passport,i would of taken a 2 foot length of 4 by 2 and threatened the hel_l out of the shop owner until passport was returned.

all you usually have to do is walk into shop ,lock door behind you and smile :o

Are you completely serious? Have you actually tried this? I think not. What you're suggesting in this country is a quick path to death for sure. They dont even have to be criminally connected like it has been stated this lot are. Dude, you need to keep horribly dangerous advice like that to yourself.

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why would you leave ko tao and go to BKK without your passport,i would of taken a 2 foot length of 4 by 2 and threatened the hel_l out of the shop owner until passport was returned.

all you usually have to do is walk into shop ,lock door behind you and smile :o

Are you completely serious? Have you actually tried this? I think not. What you're suggesting in this country is a quick path to death for sure. They dont even have to be criminally connected like it has been stated this lot are. Dude, you need to keep horribly dangerous advice like that to yourself.


Only someone who's never been to Thailand would make such a stupid post.

Too many violent Welsh movies, methinks :D

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why would you leave ko tao and go to BKK without your passport,i would of taken a 2 foot length of 4 by 2 and threatened the hel_l out of the shop owner until passport was returned.

all you usually have to do is walk into shop ,lock door behind you and smile :o

You'd better be fast & big & strong (& stupid) to even consider this type of crap.

Even the Thais I know who don't carry knives with them (that's actually most of them) are never far from one @work or home.

If other Thais see this happening through the windows, you're a dead man walking, even if you get the best of the store owner.

My GF(fiance) is a cook. When she went to pickup her visa at the US embassy, she ran her purse through the metal detector with (fruit-carving) knives in it (she forgot she had them with her). Another Thai friend just keeps a knife (for eating... really!) in her purse at all times, and when she flew for the first time, didn't think to remove it... Guns may not be ubiquitous in this country, but knives are!

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why would you leave ko tao and go to BKK without your passport,i would of taken a 2 foot length of 4 by 2 and threatened the hel_l out of the shop owner until passport was returned.

all you usually have to do is walk into shop ,lock door behind you and smile :o

After you..... :D

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