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Middle Aged Men Trying To Assert Their Masculinity


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i see this way too often in Thailand. the most common attributes

-he has bulked a bit from lifting weights and now thinks that he is buff and goes around wearing tank tops or tight fitting t-shirts when he is clearly 1. ugly 2. overweight by 15-25 pounds.

-wears those cheap ass 400 baht local produced jeans that fit tightly. here is a clue, those jeans are designed for the Thai male physique. they are designed for males with thin legs. there is absolutely no excuse in the world for a middle aged overweight guy to be walking around in a pair of jeans designed for a 16 year old 140 lb punk rocker. these jeans are always accompanied by the most hideous loafers imaginable.

-the shaved head. you aren't fooling everyone. and why do they always accessorize with a cheap pair of sunglasses to sit on the melon? is that a light deflection technique?

-the overly upbeat attitude.... i bet your ipod is telling you "you are a happy, confident man. by showing other people that you are happy, they will view you as youthful"... trust me, we aren't.

-trying to hit on non-ugly girls much younger than you.... stick to the bar girls or widows, fella. there are plenty of attractive women in their late thirties. nothing screams mid life crisis worse than a 38 year old farang in MBK wearing less than a 1000 baht worth of clothing asking a couple of scared university girls "You are students?"

instead of trying to look like you are 20 still, you should go for the handsome older man look. there are plenty of older men who dress and look attractive in young girls eyes, you just dont see them too often in Thailand. its not impossible if you have a bit of dosh and some style and class.

good luck and i will keep pointing at you and laughing.

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What about us 50 plus year olds? I do OK, with the ladies and I have no need to dress down my age to make me look 35 plus. Many ladies really believe I am in my early to mid 40's. I dress to suit myself. And yes, ladies who try to talk themselves into being older than they actually are. I am happy attracting the mid 30's upwards ladies. :o

Edited by TEFLMike
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i see this way too often in Thailand. the most common attributes

-he has bulked a bit from lifting weights and now thinks that he is buff and goes around wearing tank tops or tight fitting t-shirts when he is clearly 1. ugly 2. overweight by 15-25 pounds.

-wears those cheap ass 400 baht local produced jeans that fit tightly. here is a clue, those jeans are designed for the Thai male physique. they are designed for males with thin legs. there is absolutely no excuse in the world for a middle aged overweight guy to be walking around in a pair of jeans designed for a 16 year old 140 lb punk rocker. these jeans are always accompanied by the most hideous loafers imaginable.

-the shaved head. you aren't fooling everyone. and why do they always accessorize with a cheap pair of sunglasses to sit on the melon? is that a light deflection technique?

-the overly upbeat attitude.... i bet your ipod is telling you "you are a happy, confident man. by showing other people that you are happy, they will view you as youthful"... trust me, we aren't.

-trying to hit on non-ugly girls much younger than you.... stick to the bar girls or widows, fella. there are plenty of attractive women in their late thirties. nothing screams mid life crisis worse than a 38 year old farang in MBK wearing less than a 1000 baht worth of clothing asking a couple of scared university girls "You are students?"

instead of trying to look like you are 20 still, you should go for the handsome older man look. there are plenty of older men who dress and look attractive in young girls eyes, you just dont see them too often in Thailand. its not impossible if you have a bit of dosh and some style and class.

good luck and i will keep pointing at you and laughing.

Any advice for me :D 65, overweight, I dont chat up young women or older ones either(the wife would kill me lol)but I do wear tents asshirts and scrape my head once a month,not to look cool but simply because if I let my hair and beard grow long birds and possums nest in it or come to feed on the food remnants, so I would be grateful for any fashion advice O honourable Guru, by the way are you the coollooking guy who hangs arounf MBK wearing a knotted hanky on your head and knee length woollen socks with your sandals?? :o
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"Any advice for me :D 65, overweight, I dont chat up young women or older ones either(the wife would kill me lol)but I do wear tents asshirts and scrape my head once a month,not to look cool but simply because if I let my hair and beard grow long birds and possums nest in it or come to feed on the food remnants, so I would be grateful for any fashion advice O honourable Guru, by the way are you the coollooking guy who hangs arounf MBK wearing a knotted hanky on your head and knee length woollen socks with your sandals?? :o "

65? who taught you how to use the internet?

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Reminds me of what I recently observed in "Walking street" in Pattaya.

A lot of these huge guys standing in the street.

Some of these guys are really enormous.

Guess it is a very healthy sports environment there?


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No need for any slanging match here......lifeisrandom is correct.....he has tried to add a little humour and insult......but the reality is.....you can dress tidy at any age at any time.....doesn't have to be to impress but maybe it gets you a little more respect......wear the shorts and singlets around the house eh guys.......

Edited by 473geo
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It's a number of things ranging from guys bulking up because they have nothing else to do/enjoy the athletic aspect of it, those compensating for personal insecurities (the whole local immigration/labor/property ownership policy is a formula that has put thousands+ into this category), homesexuals doing that self-body worship thing, and of course the as mentioned guys trying to recapture their youth.


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No need for any slanging match here......lifeisrandom is correct.....he has tried to add a little humour and insult......but the reality is.....you can dress tidy at any age at any time.....doesn't have to be to impress but maybe it gets you a little more respect......wear the shorts and singlets around the house eh guys.......

I’m looking to for a tailor who can wiz up a replica of this suit in the 1890~ they look so cool!!!

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Ah well. I take the view that it's a tough old life and you have to get your kicks however you can.

How would you have these people behave OP? Confine them to the house? Chemical castration ? Perhaps compulsory grey trousers and white shirt. Ban the sunglasses- there's a good start.

Still, it's usually the mythical old guys spreading disease in Sukhumvit that usually get the kicking, so it will be nice for them to have the week off.

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No need for any slanging match here......lifeisrandom is correct.....he has tried to add a little humour and insult......but the reality is.....you can dress tidy at any age at any time.....doesn't have to be to impress but maybe it gets you a little more respect......wear the shorts and singlets around the house eh guys.......

I'm looking to for a tailor who can wiz up a replica of this suit in the 1890~ they look so cool!!!

throw in a neatly tailored collarless shirt....they've been cool for along time too :o

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How would you have these people behave OP? Confine them to the house? Chemical castration ? Perhaps compulsory grey trousers and white shirt. Ban the sunglasses- there's a good start.

well james bond is like 40 and you dont see him doing any of the above. and he also doesn't have any animal tattoos which are very popular among the farang population. "its a nice day today. i think ill get a huge tattoo of a Koala bear on my shoulder."

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....good luck and i will keep pointing at you and laughing.

Wassap bro'? Some old guy steal your poo-ying? :o

yeah. i pay her 200 baht an hour to clean my house and they keep chatting her up in the elevator when she needs to get a mop from the utility room or empty a bucket of water. Jeez! Cant they discuss that its hot outside and that they think dark skin is same same sexy after she is off the clock?

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and i will keep pointing at you and laughing.

whats the point ? what do you achieve out of that ?

there are many paths to happiness and fulfillment, that is theirs.

your path seems to be the schoolkid-like, petty belittlement and teasing of other people to fulfill some false sense of self importance and righteousness.

ironic how both your paths reach the same destination :o

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"your path seems to be the schoolkid-like, petty belittlement and teasing of other people to fulfill some false sense of self importance and righteousness."

blah blah blah.

i am sure these guys have no problem laughing at people they find ridiculous. the problem only occurs when people find them ridiculous. then its the talk of everyone being equal and how by pointing out the ridiculousness of others you are jealous of them or unhappy with yourself.

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The OP`s surprise is hard to understand, what is Thailand most known for in the outside world? what and who do places like that attract all over the world? and it is not made any more easy by the fact that also the young well educated men seems to have taken the tuff guy look to heart, and in many ways they need it much more than the old Geasers, because now a days most work in sheltered office environments where the biggest dangers they encounter in their lives is getting a paper-clip stuck under a nail, so if you cant be the part, the next best thing is to try to look it, by getting a few Celtic type tattoos, joining a gym in an effort to build more muscle than you can get by thumping a keyboard all day, and shave your head and look as mean as possible when there is young woman around. :o

It is all part of the colourful world we live in and I don't mind either way, each to his own, as long as you don't behave obnoxious or stuck up to other people, incidentally a word of warning to the OP might be in order, there is actually a few elderly real fire pisser's roaming the streets of Thailand that dress a bit eccentric so be careful who you laugh at, it would be a shame if your tailor made attire and handmade Italian shoes got ruined just because you don't know how to mind your own business. :D

Regards :D

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You guys can relax and take it form me ( A charming 25 year old ) who will soon be dressed in a 1890 tailor maid suit, that all you need to do is remind they buffed up dudes is, “there not bullet proof”

Stare them down, wink at there girl, don’t let those fake mussels intimidate you, if they have to fly all the way to pattaya to get there grove on then hel_l that says it all right there.

Don’t forget when they hit 60. they gonna look 90~~

So OP.. I have whatever your drinking!!!

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Quite a cynical view of those over 50, OP.

While I may not shave my head or do some of the other things you wrote about, I do lift weights. I started in earnest when I was recalled into the military to go to Iraq, and lifting was one of the few things you could safely do to work out (hard to run in a flak jacket while dodging potshots from snipers, you know.)

While I feel beat right after lifting, I feel great a couple hours later and the day after. I like the way I feel, I like being stronger than most guys I know, and yes, I like the reaction that I receive from a good percentage of women around me. Call that shallow or trying to turn back the clock, but how is being healthy and turning back the clock bad? And what does "ugly" have to do with being buff? I didn't realize that only good-looking guys are allowed to be buff, wear tank tops, or be proud of the work they have put in at the gym. God forbid that ugly guys have any of the same rights as handsome guys.

As far as younger women go, I am 50 and most of the women I see are in their 30's, but I am not going to turn down anyone younger if they express an interest in me.

Wait until you reach your 50's and 60's. I would be willing to bet you will do at least one of the very things you are decrying here.

Edited by bonobo
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You guys can relax and take it form me ( A charming 25 year old ) who will soon be dressed in a 1890 tailor maid suit, that all you need to do is remind they buffed up dudes is, "there not bullet proof"

Which only makes sense if you plan on shooting someone.

Stare them down, wink at there girl, don't let those fake mussels intimidate you, if they have to fly all the way to pattaya to get there grove on then hel_l that says it all right there.

I did not realize you could fake muscles. That would save a lot on the gym time, for sure, if you could just get some of those fake ones.

Don't forget when they hit 60. they gonna look 90~~


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