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hi people

i might be moving to saudi for work. but before i go i would like some advice regarding what it would be like for my wife living there? we would be living on a western compound. is it o.k. for thais in saudi? do they enjoy it? and has anyone taken there wifes over there and had any good or bad experiances? any comments would be welcome. i don't want to move there with my loved one if its going to be really hard for her.

many thanks


hi people

i might be moving to saudi for work. but before i go i would like some advice regarding what it would be like for my wife living there? we would be living on a western compound. is it o.k. for thais in saudi? do they enjoy it? and has anyone taken there wifes over there and had any good or bad experiances? any comments would be welcome. i don't want to move there with my loved one if its going to be really hard for her.

many thanks


:o The exact conditions depend on where you live...some of the cities (Jeddahor Dharan, for example) are relatively free for women compared other places. But you should know the following (then make your own decision about bringing your wife):

1. Women can not drive in Saudi Arabia.

2. Most women will be expected/required to have a male family member with them when they go outside the house (i.e. shopping).

3. No dresses that are too revealing. My recomendation is that they should wear pants or pants suit, with a dress that comes below the knee. That way even the religious police can't complain. Although is isn't absolutely required, a woman shouldn'y go outside without at laeast a scarf covering her hair.

4. To many Saudis, women have no rights, and they are not considered responsible for their own conduct. Be warned, if your wife is stopped for having clothing considered too revealing, you (as the responsible male) may be fined for allowing your wife to wear such clothing.

5. Women will find the life boring, being required to stay inside the house, and not leave without a male family member to accompany them. How often can you take the time to take them shopping during the day?

6. It is entirely possible for your wife, if traveling in a car with another man who is not family, will be arrested or harassed by the religious police. By Saudi custom, even a married woman should not be traveling with another man without being escorted, (see #2). There is a case in which a western woman (British- and single) was in a vehicle returning from the beach with her friends. The car she was in broke down. She was late for her work, so she accepted a ride with 3 British men she knew back to Jeddah. She was arrested for being alone without a male escort on her way by the religious police. True story.

7. Saudi men often regard all western women, especially Asians, as little better than prostitutes. Be sure you wife understands, that even when she has a male escort she may be pinched or touched by Saudi men in a crowd.

8. And this is for your information, for yourself. I spent 5 years in Saudi Arabia. One of the problems with marriages in Saudi Arabia is that a western woman is rare and is chased by many other foriegn men. Lets face it, the number of "available" non-attached women in Saudi is limited. I have known couples who have been married for years, whose marriages fell apart during their time in Saudi Arabia. Any half-way decent looking woman will find young men (non-Saudis) who will try to seduce her. If your marriage is strong, it may survive. If not, well just consider a woman in her late 30's or early 40's, who is suddenly persued by handsome 20 to 25 year old guys. It happens, and the marriage breakup rate for foriegn couples living in Saudi Arabia is quite high.

9. And I haven't even started about the living conditions (heat, dust, sand blowing into your house through every crack, finding the food you want in the markets outside the main cities, etc).

Like I said, make your own decision.



Saudi is no barrell of laughs for anyone however there was a small community of Thais on Aramco in Dharhan when i was there a few years ago and no doubt they are still around.

Conditions on the Aramco compound are quite good so their lives were reasonably okay all things considered.

THere were also a few wifes on the BAE compound in Al Khobar and their lives were reasonably okay.

Where are you going to live and who is your employer will help to determine whether Saudi is doable for your wife.

Of course it will depend on your wife too.

There are quite a few Thais in Saudi so if she finds a nice little network of Thais to hang out with this may be okay.

The only thing i would say is that most of the Thais i met in Saudi were former working girls so this may be a problem if she is an educated or hiso type.



In addition, it may be worth noting, some companies have long waiting lists, sometimes 2 or more years, before they will officially sponsor and allocate you married accommodation. In the meantime, depending on the company policy, you may be able to bring take wife out on extended visits at own expense.

Be aware your Thai wife is required to provide fingerprints and undertake health checks soon after arrival.

The location of your employment plays a big part in what quality of life will be for your wife. Al Khobar tends to be semi westernised and more relaxed with easy access to the freedoms of Bahrain Some companies provide shopping trips for the wives to Bahrain during your working week.

Smaller or remote locations tend to be more restrictive. Run-ins with the religious police outside the compounds appear to be more common.

Life on some compounds could be remotely compared to western style life in an up market small village. Facilities in these compounds tend to be very good with pools, mini marts, gyms, hairdressers, squash and tennis courts etc. Some companies have learning centres where your wife if so inclined can improve her education up to and including correspondence university courses.

Life will be what your wife makes of her time there. Some absolutely love the lifestyle.

Many opened restaurants/takeaways and hairdressers on compounds. Others get involved with compound activities like school bus monitor or paid preschool/kindergarten work. Some prefer to keep to themselves while others mix with the wrong crowd and prefer a daily dose of gossip and card playing.


thanks for the advice people. just for a bit of background. the job would be with bae. i had a chat with the better half earlier and she wants to work. so its good news that there is work available in the compounds and if there's more education for her the better as she does like to study and further herself. cheers for your time guys/gals

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