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Is Pattaya Dead Right Now?

Ulysses G.

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I seem to remember reading a while back that other tourist resorts in Thailand were pissed off with the cheapness of Hotel rooms in Pattaya attracting tourists and the Thai Tourist Authority forced them to put prices up here, one of the Hotels in Soi Bhukao two years ago during low season was 450 Bht a night with a buy two one free policy, sat opposite it last night having a beer and its 799 Bht and no offers, I agree with some of the other posts Thais have a tendancy that to make up for a downturn in revenue, up the price, anothe thing that is P***ng me off is the increasing cost of beer from the local suppliers when I want to sit at home and have a few, it's cheaper back in the UK and the standard of beer is far better than some of the crap their brewing here, however I do admire you Chang drinkers for being able to even consume that brew but I wouldn't want one of your livers transplanted into my body should I need one.

Oh, dear. I'd better get to the hospital ASAP. I love the taste of Chang. Sitting in the go-go bar watching the 'dancers' play with my bottle, or in the 'World Bar' listening to music with a bottle or 3. At 60 Baht or less it is 1/3 of the price of that gassy sh*t back home too.

No matter, I am in ignorance of my livers condition. Will it give out before my poor heart?

On Topic.

As to the lack of foreigners in Pattaya. Does seem very quiet. I have been offered reduced rates quite a lot lately from certain quarters for a night of pleasure. Shame I am into a happy relationship now :o

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I seem to remember reading a while back that other tourist resorts in Thailand were pissed off with the cheapness of Hotel rooms in Pattaya attracting tourists and the Thai Tourist Authority forced them to put prices up here, one of the Hotels in Soi Bhukao two years ago during low season was 450 Bht a night with a buy two one free policy, sat opposite it last night having a beer and its 799 Bht and no offers, I agree with some of the other posts Thais have a tendancy that to make up for a downturn in revenue, up the price, anothe thing that is P***ng me off is the increasing cost of beer from the local suppliers when I want to sit at home and have a few, it's cheaper back in the UK and the standard of beer is far better than some of the crap their brewing here, however I do admire you Chang drinkers for being able to even consume that brew but I wouldn't want one of your livers transplanted into my body should I need one.

Yes. About two years ago "authorities" were pushing hotels to raise their prices in Pattaya to "..attract a bettere quality of tourist". Some people seemed to believe that would help business and bring in more money.

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...stupid westerners ....

Yes houses are better and more up market but that is because the western property boom has made people richer than their wildest dreams with money they never earned, just from increasing house prices. They now have that money to spend. These people could never afford these properties without that income as they could never have saved it. Add in the fact that places like the UK have gone to the dogs and people are now prepared to up sticks and live in Pattaya and SE Asia.

I detect an element of bitterness in your reply. Did you have a rough time on the property market?

I would call property speculators who sold at the right time wise, not stupid.

I think all that torrenova is doing is stating the bleedin' obvious, and is spot on with his assessment

People ARE making fortunes on their properties, just by living in them.

Even now that the bubble has burst, those who bought earlier than 12-18 months ago are ok, and those that bought as long as, say, 20 years ago are REALLY sitting pretty when it comes selling up and moving out to Thailand, or even just downsizing as family needs decrease


Where did I say it wasn't "bleedin' obvious"?

I was making comment on his "bleedin' obvious" negative attitude toward people who have made good money on the property market.

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The Welcome Plaza would not go below 850 a night for a week or so in October, so I went for my 600 a night place instead.

Does anyone think that the Welcome Inn will bargain at the front desk when things are this slow? I have read of people paying 650. :o

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I suppose it depends on who you are dealing with...often the desk clerks have no authority whatsoever to give discounts.

850baht is still cheap i suppose .....Their rooms are not that flash thou.....probably could do better elsewhere...

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Sales are super-slow in Chiang Mai, so I need to try to be frugal on my business trip to Bangkok with a side trip to Pattaya and 850 baht just doesn't seem that good a deal for a fairly run down hotel in Pattaya in October when there are hardly any customers (but it isn't a bad deal either) and I have paid less in the past.

The poorer I get, the more I will go out of my way to get a better deal. :o

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Yeah Bert is a good lad, and runs a great bar/restaurant/hotel.... saw a room personally and I was amazed how nice it was for the price. Funny enough lot of the pubs on Soi 6 do great accommodation for low price. Rooms are super and recently done out. (Queen Vic, and Derbyshire as an example)

Pool? Hmmm what about Intown Holiday - think its around price you are looking for and has a pool on the roof.

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I detect an element of bitterness in your reply. Did you have a rough time on the property market?

I would call property speculators who sold at the right time wise, not stupid.

Not at all, quite the reverse. Been riding the UK property wave since 1997 and am all out as of June 2008.

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i flew back in from australia a week ago, thai airways flight and it was at around 60% capacity, and a certain percentage are connecting to other international flights, so the number was low.

just booked my flight from england for november.not many flights left.lots if you want first class.

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From the Daily Telegraph.

British undeterred by trouble in Thailand

Tourists continue to travel to Thailand in record numbers, despite border tensions and political unrest.

By Charles Starmer-Smith

Last Updated: 9:03AM BST 17 Oct 2008

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The Preah Vehear temple complex was the scene of fighting this week Photo: AFP/GETTY

British travellers are continuing to visit Thailand in record numbers despite an increase this week in violence along the disputed border with Cambodia.

Reports of fighting near the 11th-century Preah Vihear temple, coupled with continuing political unrest in Bangkok, were expected to deter travellers from visiting the country. However, a spokeswoman for the Tourism Authority of Thailand said bookings from British holidaymakers continued to rise.

The Hindu Preah Vihear temple – which predates the more famous Khmer ruins of Angkor — and the lands that surround it have long been disputed by the two countries. Tensions increased in July after Unesco approved Cambodia’s application to have the temple designated a World Heritage Site. At least two people were killed in skirmishes this week.

The tourist authority points out that the conflict is far from the beach destinations — Pattaya, Phuket and Koh Samui — that attract most British visitors.

Last year 835,000 British nationals visited Thailand — a figure that is expected to increase by five per cent this year as holidaymakers take advantage of discounted week-long holidays from as little as £499, including flights.

“British travellers are remaining very loyal customers even during the current economic downturn — around two thirds are repeat visitors,” said a spokeswoman for the authority.

The Foreign Office advice to British travellers to Thailand describes the military clashes at Preah Vihear as “small-scale political demonstrations”. It says it is reviewing its advice regarding the border region, but continues to warn travellers against going to the southern provinces of Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and Songkhla.

Few Britons are expected to be in the disputed border region. Audley Travel, one of the few operators to offer trips to the area, said that Preah Vihear had been closed since July, when the military arrived.

“The first people who have booked to go are not due to arrive there until November 17,” said a spokesman for Audley. “We have already spoken to them about alternative destinations for that section of the itinerary should things not improve. The fighting is quite localised and there is no reason for visitors not to visit other areas.”

Britain’s leading tour operators, including Thomas Cook and Kuoni, said they had received no cancellations or inquiries about the conflict and that bookings remain strong.

However, numbers of visitors to Thailand from other parts of the world have fallen by nearly a third as a result of political unrest in Bangkok.

In clashes between the police and anti-government protesters last week outside Parliament House, 400 were injured and two died. No tourists were caught up in the troubles, but the violence coincided with the arrival of more than 1,000 travel operators and journalists on a promotional tour.

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I kind of like to hear things like that. Brits do travel well. In the USA, foreign travel is still not that common for many. Most have no idea of actually visiting Asia once, never mind repeating. So many people live very parochial lives and don't venture far. So many people are in hock, or mortgaged to their necks, even ones gainfully employed and making money. I am fortunate to have some friends that are pretty well off both savings and income wise and they do travel. They were good role models instead of the "traditional" USA middle class stereotype.

Can't wait to get back to the LOS. Going on trip number 9! Who would have thought! Not too far back in my memory, I was broke, jobless and homeless. Can't describe how good it feels the moment I step outside the airport arrival gate and get that fresh dose of Thailand.

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I kind of like to hear things like that. Brits do travel well. In the USA, foreign travel is still not that common for many. Most have no idea of actually visiting Asia once, never mind repeating. So many people live very parochial lives and don't venture far. So many people are in hock, or mortgaged to their necks, even ones gainfully employed and making money. I am fortunate to have some friends that are pretty well off both savings and income wise and they do travel. They were good role models instead of the "traditional" USA middle class stereotype.

Can't wait to get back to the LOS. Going on trip number 9! Who would have thought! Not too far back in my memory, I was broke, jobless and homeless. Can't describe how good it feels the moment I step outside the airport arrival gate and get that fresh dose of Thailand.

Take care.

That can all happen to you in Thailand. :o

Edited by plasticpig
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I get a lot of first time travelers at my place (=resort).

Currently I have roughly worth a million Baht in cancellations. This is from people actually bought and paid for their tickets and paid deposits on accommodation. Apparently with the border things at Cambodia, along with the Bangkok protests people are now entitled for full refunds of their tickets through their cancellation insurance.

Combination of everything, but a lot thanks to media coverage. Talked yesterday to one of the persons just canceled and he said "How can I go on holiday with my wife and children to a country which is at war"

Add to that the obvious financial economic hardship and uncertainty...

Yes, Pattaya is dead and will remain so throughout the high season.

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I get a lot of first time travelers at my place (=resort).

Currently I have roughly worth a million Baht in cancellations. This is from people actually bought and paid for their tickets and paid deposits on accommodation. Apparently with the border things at Cambodia, along with the Bangkok protests people are now entitled for full refunds of their tickets through their cancellation insurance.

Combination of everything, but a lot thanks to media coverage. Talked yesterday to one of the persons just canceled and he said "How can I go on holiday with my wife and children to a country which is at war"

Add to that the obvious financial economic hardship and uncertainty...

Yes, Pattaya is dead and will remain so throughout the high season.

It is nice that someone finally answered the question.

Thanks Marty! :o

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for every cancellation someone must be booking from the uk as i'm finding it impossible to get a fair priced flight over xmas, all fully booked (apart from air france but who the <deleted> would want to fly with them :o ) have numbers of flights been cut as i'm surprised. Got a cheap flight at the beginning of december though.

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I get a lot of first time travelers at my place (=resort).

Currently I have roughly worth a million Baht in cancellations. This is from people actually bought and paid for their tickets and paid deposits on accommodation. Apparently with the border things at Cambodia, along with the Bangkok protests people are now entitled for full refunds of their tickets through their cancellation insurance.

Combination of everything, but a lot thanks to media coverage. Talked yesterday to one of the persons just canceled and he said "How can I go on holiday with my wife and children to a country which is at war"

Add to that the obvious financial economic hardship and uncertainty...

Yes, Pattaya is dead and will remain so throughout the high season.

I agree it is the "at war" thing that worries people about visiting Thailand. I am in the U.S. at the moment and that is the most frequent topic brought up about Thailand amongst the people I meet. The government protests doesn't seem to be much of an issue, avian flu was a blip on the screen, but "at war with Cambodia" somehow seems very ominous to the westerners I meet.

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Bear up boys. Someone I know at the UK Foreign Office tells me they are mulling a formal warning against travel to Bangkok following the recent violence. If this happens then it automatically invalidates travel insurance. In which case travellers from the UK will drop off to virtually none.

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^ I reckon it's a yardstick that travel insurance companies use to stop their losses. If a government issues an advisory, then the small print in the travel insurance kicks in and the cover is withdrawn. Makes more sense and is a more valid reference than the 'headlines' that Monty reckons is the reason his losses are mounting. I would doubt travel insurance could be withdrawn because a newspaper makes a misleading headline.

But then again, I have been working and partying around this planet for over 30 years and can't recall personally seeking travel insurance ever. You pays your money, you takes your chances IMHO.

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Yup. Its a clause in every travel insurance contract I have ever seen.

An official FO advisory notice invalidates the insurance. I believe the same system exists in Australia as well. Its the kiss of death for UK tourism to any country.

Would make me very happy as I could travel coach for a change on a virtually empty plane to Heathrow but not so hot if your a hotel owner.

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well i have learnt something today, will have to check with my insurer to make sure, lucky for me i have bupa international insurance through the company and my health is the only thing i would need cover for on holiday. Have to say though does anyone ever look at government advisories?

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