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Alcohol Ban


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JD...why is it that you have got your knickers in a twist over this?

I am sure you are a very pleasant guy in real life.....but you just keep banging on about the same old stuff.

If (as it seems that you and Bendix) have your own opinions about this and that it will not affect you in the slightest why do you try to shoot everything Mobi says down in flames?

Why do you even care....you (and Bendix)don't even (by your own admission) drink much anyway.

The way things are unfolding tonight we may wake up to a new Coup, and it's more than likely that the present govenment will be gone before any new bills are passed.

So let's all just chill and concentrate on worrying about the REAL problems facing Thailand right now, which are grim :o

What is going down NOW will have more far reaching effects than any alcohol sale curtailment

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1) Where did I by my own admission say i do not drink much?

2) It is a lively discussion and poor Mobi started trying to smack me around ... and got smacked by his own lips (and the Chang) :o

3) I made the point about this crap not coming into affect already, both because it is just posturing and also because it is 99% likely this Gov't will not be in office longer than this week ....

4) It is a lively discussion as noted above .... and certainly far less stressful than the crap that is going on now (which you will see I predicted in the Chamlong arrest thread)

MOBI ---- you need to go back and reread your posts in this thread and THEN read my responses, you are getting things out of order (again)

Pattaya is at no risk of going to 'the wall' just the same as there is no real risk of all the daytime bars closing :D

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You also appear to be a snob as well as a perfectionist , what a pitifull small domain you occupy with your tiny mind , there is a whole world of completely different thinking people out there who live contented lives in their own distorted way of thinking , despite you and you ilk .

You mean like guys in Cambodia that criticize Thailand from afar and lurk on Thai focused internet forums?

Am I a snob? If not wanting to hang out with hookers and football hooligans in Pattaya makes me a snob, then so be it! I am, however, FAR from a perfectionist :D I think my mind might be a bit more advanced than yours, though, since I am saying that the Thais (all 64+ million of them) have the right to set their own laws regarding alcohol, without kowtowing to some drunken tourists :D Your only valid point MIGHT be 'in their own distorted way of thinking'.....

Please don't acknowledge this guy from Cambodia. He spends all his time lurking and criticizing Thailand whilst living at the end of the earth :o

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1) Where did I by my own admission say i do not drink much?

2) It is a lively discussion and poor Mobi started trying to smack me around ... and got smacked by his own lips (and the Chang) :D

3) I made the point about this crap not coming into affect already, both because it is just posturing and also because it is 99% likely this Gov't will not be in office longer than this week ....

4) It is a lively discussion as noted above .... and certainly far less stressful than the crap that is going on now (which you will see I predicted in the Chamlong arrest thread)

MOBI ---- you need to go back and reread your posts in this thread and THEN read my responses, you are getting things out of order (again)

Pattaya is at no risk of going to 'the wall' just the same as there is no real risk of all the daytime bars closing :D

I think it's a case of "Poor JD" rather than poor Mobi. :D

If you think you are winning this debate, or that anyone except Bendix agrees with you, you must be truly delusional. :(

I've no intention of going back and re-reading your rubbish. I know what I have said, and nothing is in the wrong order except the state of your logic. :D

As far as I am aware, the bars have already been closed down in the daytime in Pattaya.

In any event, as the good Bendix has stated, this really is getting boring as h..ll. :o

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I see the latest wheeze from the new government is a proposal to enforce a more comprehensive ban on sales of booze on several religious and national holidays. Brilliant Idea. Bemoan the drop in numbers of tourists and then suggest closing bars and places of entertainment for several days in the year, including a 3 day booze ban during one of the buddhist holidays. Even getting a glass of wine in a restaurant on those days will be banned. A sort of mini Thai buddhist Ramadan?

When tourists then start disappearing to Cambodia, Vietnam & Bali etc. will the authorities scratch their heads and ask why? Lots of people, in fact the majority I would imagine, look on their holiday as a time to let their hair down, relax, stay up late, enjoy a few beers with friends, go cruising the bars or enjoy a sunset cocktail in a beautiful beach bar. Imagine their response when they discover this is not allowed because Thailand is buddhist.

And what of the economy? Hundreds of thousands of thais work in bars, restaurants and places of entertainment. The loss of income even if it is only a few days in a year but as many as 3 days in a month is significant to those on lower incomes, and that certainly includes bar and restaurant workers.

Do you recall the brief midnight closing experiment? Cost lots of bar workers their jobs and some bars to close down all together. [Gave a slight boost to police income though]

Come to your senses. Think about the consequences for others, especially those who don't share the holier than thou attitude this booze ban proposal's supporters love to flaunt. [And don't suggest it will help address the problems of alcohol abuse. Do you think those with serious alcohil problems will be affected by this ban? Will the village hooch or moonshine be unavailable on these holidays?]

Yet another aspect of Amazing Thailand and the mismanagment of its governance.

There is a simple answer to your post my friend.

If you don't like the laws here in Thailand...go home.

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Thailand should take Dubai's lead and start issuing "alcohol permits", these can be issued to short stay tourists on arrival but then declined to all the undesirables littered about Thailand. It should provide Thailand with the first step of the cleansing program needed within the farang population here.

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God help us. This old subject again?

In my view, any arbitrary and unannounced changes to the law which discourages thick-necked, tattooed single white scum tourists from coming to Thailand and pushes them instead to some other rancid shithole to get their annual shag (because, let's face it, they can't get it at home) is to be applauded.



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Thailand should take Dubai's lead and start issuing "alcohol permits", these can be issued to short stay tourists on arrival but then declined to all the undesirables littered about Thailand. It should provide Thailand with the first step of the cleansing program needed within the farang population here.

And how would they define the undesirables? What if they decided to class you as such? No more Bundaberg Rum! :o

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My belly AND my tattoos are not a problem in Thailand, How about we just institute an IQ test?

Simple criteria --- answer the following questions

1) I am the tourist so obviously I am in the right Y/N (answer Y and you fail)

2) My BG/BB is different and not really a hooker at heart Y/N (answer Y and you fail)

3) I would buy a house in my wife's name and one for her family -preferably next door to each other. Y/N etc ......

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Make that ThaiQ then :o I'd add a proviso that if you can't speak a modicum of Thai (and read it too) after 1 year and 2 years respectively ... that out you go .... (nothing more pathetic than someone that lives in Thailand that can't order a bottle of water using Thai language!)

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IQ could work, although I have met people who were obviously intelligent but were still miserable/boring/racist/ethnocentric/bigoted bastards.

I agree , and there are 2 of them posting right next to each other as we speak .

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I see the latest wheeze from the new government is a proposal to enforce a more comprehensive ban on sales of booze on several religious and national holidays. Brilliant Idea. Bemoan the drop in numbers of tourists and then suggest closing bars and places of entertainment for several days in the year, including a 3 day booze ban during one of the buddhist holidays. Even getting a glass of wine in a restaurant on those days will be banned. A sort of mini Thai buddhist Ramadan?

When tourists then start disappearing to Cambodia, Vietnam & Bali etc. will the authorities scratch their heads and ask why? Lots of people, in fact the majority I would imagine, look on their holiday as a time to let their hair down, relax, stay up late, enjoy a few beers with friends, go cruising the bars or enjoy a sunset cocktail in a beautiful beach bar. Imagine their response when they discover this is not allowed because Thailand is buddhist.

And what of the economy? Hundreds of thousands of thais work in bars, restaurants and places of entertainment. The loss of income even if it is only a few days in a year but as many as 3 days in a month is significant to those on lower incomes, and that certainly includes bar and restaurant workers.

Do you recall the brief midnight closing experiment? Cost lots of bar workers their jobs and some bars to close down all together. [Gave a slight boost to police income though]

Come to your senses. Think about the consequences for others, especially those who don't share the holier than thou attitude this booze ban proposal's supporters love to flaunt. [And don't suggest it will help address the problems of alcohol abuse. Do you think those with serious alcohil problems will be affected by this ban? Will the village hooch or moonshine be unavailable on these holidays?]

Yet another aspect of Amazing Thailand and the mismanagment of its governance.

There is a simple answer to your post my friend.

If you don't like the laws here in Thailand...go home.

At the end.It took 126 posts to get the league out at last.

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Thailand should take Dubai's lead and start issuing "alcohol permits", these can be issued to short stay tourists on arrival but then declined to all the undesirables littered about Thailand. It should provide Thailand with the first step of the cleansing program needed within the farang population here.

Farang-nic cleansing :o

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Thailand should take Dubai's lead and start issuing "alcohol permits", these can be issued to short stay tourists on arrival but then declined to all the undesirables littered about Thailand. It should provide Thailand with the first step of the cleansing program needed within the farang population here.

Define "undesirables". ...

"Cleansing program"?????

Zis vay for de-louzing.

Lonely up there on that bit of moral high ground, mate?

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Why is it every time this topic gets raised on TV there is always a song and dance about it!! It is a ban on selling alcohol over a religious holiday, this doesn't mean you can't drink it!!

Stock up with your favourite drop and invite your friends round (that is if you have any) for a cheap night in :o:D

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I had a doctor from Australia visit for a business meeting on Monday, she arrived Sat evening and left Monday evening, is she an alcoholic? No! Was she pissed off that she could not have a cleansing ale in her hotel after her nine hour flight? Bloody oath she was. I have no problem with the Thais stopping alcohol sales during elections but does the law have to apply to tourists who have no interest in the election nor any reason to become violently drunk when one party or another loses.

At the end of the day, we all know when there is going to be a ban on sales and if we need booze on thet day we stock up beforehand or go to a place that we know is selling despite the ban. Tourists/business visitors do not have that luxury!

Those TV members that say there are other things to do seem to have forgotten a small thing called freedom of choice.

For any tourist spending a lot of money to go to a holiday destination and finding the pubs and bars shut it is liable to get up their noses.

We who stay here do have the luxury of understanding where we can get a drink on those days when alcohol is 'banned'. And it is not 3 or 4 days a year. Often it is 3 days at a time.

Apart from religious holidays - same as Christmas Day in many Christrian countries - these bans are for voting days and aimed at Thai people who have been known to gamble on the results, get drunk and shoot each other. We foreigners tend not to do that so why not have a ban on Thai people drinking? Because that would not work.

The government could easily allocate Tourist areas and Foreigners to be exempt from the bans and have the BiB enforce the bans. Yet they will not.

The bans have never bothered me because I have always been able to get information on which bars are open. Not so for your average tourist here for 2 weeks and finding 3 day bans in force. For them the bans are farcical.

Ban alcohol on religious days? No problem.

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I had a doctor from Australia visit for a business meeting on Monday, she arrived Sat evening and left Monday evening, is she an alcoholic? No! Was she pissed off that she could not have a cleansing ale in her hotel after her nine hour flight? Bloody oath she was. I have no problem with the Thais stopping alcohol sales during elections but does the law have to apply to tourists who have no interest in the election nor any reason to become violently drunk when one party or another loses.

At the end of the day, we all know when there is going to be a ban on sales and if we need booze on thet day we stock up beforehand or go to a place that we know is selling despite the ban. Tourists/business visitors do not have that luxury!

Those TV members that say there are other things to do seem to have forgotten a small thing called freedom of choice.

For any tourist spending a lot of money to go to a holiday destination and finding the pubs and bars shut it is liable to get up their noses.

We who stay here do have the luxury of understanding where we can get a drink on those days when alcohol is 'banned'. And it is not 3 or 4 days a year. Often it is 3 days at a time.

Apart from religious holidays - same as Christmas Day in many Christrian countries - these bans are for voting days and aimed at Thai people who have been known to gamble on the results, get drunk and shoot each other. We foreigners tend not to do that so why not have a ban on Thai people drinking? Because that would not work.

The government could easily allocate Tourist areas and Foreigners to be exempt from the bans and have the BiB enforce the bans. Yet they will not.

The bans have never bothered me because I have always been able to get information on which bars are open. Not so for your average tourist here for 2 weeks and finding 3 day bans in force. For them the bans are farcical.

Ban alcohol on religious days? No problem.

Oh that's just brilliant. Selective banning. Foreigners can drink, but Thais can't. Yeah, I can just see that working. You, sir, have a brilliantly analytical - and remarkably self-serving - mind.

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I had a doctor from Australia visit for a business meeting on Monday, she arrived Sat evening and left Monday evening, is she an alcoholic? No! Was she pissed off that she could not have a cleansing ale in her hotel after her nine hour flight? Bloody oath she was. I have no problem with the Thais stopping alcohol sales during elections but does the law have to apply to tourists who have no interest in the election nor any reason to become violently drunk when one party or another loses.

At the end of the day, we all know when there is going to be a ban on sales and if we need booze on thet day we stock up beforehand or go to a place that we know is selling despite the ban. Tourists/business visitors do not have that luxury!

Those TV members that say there are other things to do seem to have forgotten a small thing called freedom of choice.

For any tourist spending a lot of money to go to a holiday destination and finding the pubs and bars shut it is liable to get up their noses.

We who stay here do have the luxury of understanding where we can get a drink on those days when alcohol is 'banned'. And it is not 3 or 4 days a year. Often it is 3 days at a time.

Apart from religious holidays - same as Christmas Day in many Christrian countries - these bans are for voting days and aimed at Thai people who have been known to gamble on the results, get drunk and shoot each other. We foreigners tend not to do that so why not have a ban on Thai people drinking? Because that would not work.

The government could easily allocate Tourist areas and Foreigners to be exempt from the bans and have the BiB enforce the bans. Yet they will not.

The bans have never bothered me because I have always been able to get information on which bars are open. Not so for your average tourist here for 2 weeks and finding 3 day bans in force. For them the bans are farcical.

Ban alcohol on religious days? No problem.

Oh that's just brilliant. Selective banning. Foreigners can drink, but Thais can't. Yeah, I can just see that working. You, sir, have a brilliantly analytical - and remarkably self-serving - mind.

What is so wrong with that.It happens in most of the Muslim country's that you are allowed to serve alcohol in the western hotels because the people which stay there are foreigners and from a different religion.

Edited by basjke
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You know, it's the damndest thing.

Usually a thread with lots of stuff from me in is kinda interesting, but even MY contributions to this thread have failed to make this discussion the slightest bit interesting. I think it's because I don't really believe what I'm saying.

To provide (the second) second Oscar Wilde quote in this thread . . . . "someone in this room is boring me, and I fear it might be myself."

One of the best posts I have read in a long time! Hat's off to you!

(I have to admire anyone who can quote Wilde in a relevant manner, and not just trying to show off a well-read background.)

Whilst I will happily admit to finding Bendix's post amusing and his Wilde quote relevant to HIS post, I would have to disagree as to the relevance of his entire post to the thread about an alcohol ban. I usually enjoy his contributions to TV (even though I do not always agree with his sentiments). I concede that his post was humorous but it was ultimately, self indulgent. :o

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What hotel was she staying at that didn't have a beer in the minibar? No drinks on the plane? Are you sure the bar in the hotel wasn't serving?

I apologise, in my post I said "a cleansing ale" (in my circles, an all encompassing euphemism for one's drink of choice) I should have said a bottle of chardonnay (her drink of choice). She was staying at the Dynasty and there was no white wine in the mini-bar, nor was the hotel bar serving alcohol. She does not indulge whilst embarked on an aircraft - a personal foible which I think is attributable to the urban myth that one gets drunk quicker at altitude. :o

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Whilst I will happily admit to finding Bendix's post amusing and his Wilde quote relevant to HIS post, I would have to disagree as to the relevance of his entire post to the thread about an alcohol ban. I usually enjoy his contributions to TV (even though I do not always agree with his sentiments). I concede that his post was humorous but it was ultimately, self indulgent. :o

Whilst I will reluctantly admit to finding midasthailand's post semi-amusing, and his quotation of my quotes relevant to something or other, I would have to agree with his disagreement as to the relevance of my entire post to the thread about an alcohol ban. I always enjoy my contributions to TV (even though I do not always - invariably ever, indeed - agree with my own sentiments). I too concede that my post was both humorous and, ultimately, self-indulgent. On that point, I beg forgiveness on the grounds that I post entirely for my own amusement, and not anyone else's :D

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What hotel was she staying at that didn't have a beer in the minibar? No drinks on the plane? Are you sure the bar in the hotel wasn't serving?

I apologise, in my post I said "a cleansing ale" (in my circles, an all encompassing euphemism for one's drink of choice) I should have said a bottle of chardonnay (her drink of choice). She was staying at the Dynasty and there was no white wine in the mini-bar, nor was the hotel bar serving alcohol. She does not indulge whilst embarked on an aircraft - a personal foible which I think is attributable to the urban myth that one gets drunk quicker at altitude. :o

LOL, a call to room service would have had a bottle of Chardonnay delivered immediately. (and billed the next morning ... or added to the pre-check-in bill)

I have never had an issue getting a drink in a decent hotel in Thailand when staying there, even if the bar was closed ... at any time .. day or night.

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Whilst I will happily admit to finding Bendix's post amusing and his Wilde quote relevant to HIS post, I would have to disagree as to the relevance of his entire post to the thread about an alcohol ban. I usually enjoy his contributions to TV (even though I do not always agree with his sentiments). I concede that his post was humorous but it was ultimately, self indulgent. :o

Whilst I will reluctantly admit to finding midasthailand's post semi-amusing, and his quotation of my quotes relevant to something or other, I would have to agree with his disagreement as to the relevance of my entire post to the thread about an alcohol ban. I always enjoy my contributions to TV (even though I do not always - invariably ever, indeed - agree with my own sentiments). I too concede that my post was both humorous and, ultimately, self-indulgent. On that point, I beg forgiveness on the grounds that I post entirely for my own amusement, and not anyone else's :D

Brilliant response, quick too!

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