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go on youtube and watch t.v programmes etc from your home country

i remember working in iceland 20 years ago no trees no green grass i loved to watch last of the summer

wine been from halifax uk its not far from home and made me cheer up that new year away from home and these days you can watch a lot more online

ps hello to thaivisa this is my first post been in and out of thailand for 8 year.s so this forum as been a great help to me so i fought i should join :o

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go on youtube and watch t.v programmes etc from your home country

i remember working in iceland 20 years ago no trees no green grass i loved to watch last of the summer

wine been from halifax uk its not far from home and made me cheer up that new year away from home and these days you can watch a lot more online

ps hello to thaivisa this is my first post been in and out of thailand for 8 year.s so this forum as been a great help to me so i fought i should join :o


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I remember you, you're the one with the squall, do you still have it? you should meet up with the people in the Bangkok forum, most of them girls and we just hang out and club and stuff. nothing to existing but always thinking of new things we can do. Welcome to join up!

No, I dont have him now.. :o

Anyways, I would love to join girls meeting.

there are some on FB, I went to one, but I realized it was pure business to get comission from the places where they meet :S:S:S:S:S

LOL. We are usually scratching our heads on where witch club or pub we should go to so don't worry its left up to a vote.

Oh ok, my dogs would of ate that sequel anyways :D

hahaha... :D

Witch's tavern looks like a cool place to meet up, specially now that they are having happy hours with 100 baht net per drink! lol.. food is quite creepy there sometimes..

I think there is a big party there on the Halloween, normally we will end up in RCA.!! You should talk to the others as well, if you know anywhere ells that’s aright. Or you like to chill at it be cool to know.

Any link of where the meetings are setting up?

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I only really get homesick for food....& family,& i often find myself dreaming about my mothers rabbit stew,so maybe i can come around for dinner one night?I'm a velly hansum man.

I'll bring the wine of course.

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I only really get homesick for food....& family,& i often find myself dreaming about my mothers rabbit stew,so maybe i can come around for dinner one night?I'm a velly hansum man.

I'll bring the wine of course.

hahaha You want to eat my cute rabbit? :o:D :D

I just told her (the rabbit) and she didn't agree with the idea, so Im afraid thats not possible!


nice try though, makes me laugh! :D

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I only really get homesick for food....& family,& i often find myself dreaming about my mothers rabbit stew,so maybe i can come around for dinner one night?I'm a velly hansum man.

I'll bring the wine of course.

Rabbit stew.....hoo hoo!! sounds aroi na krub :o

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HEY POP corn (sorry ofr caps... bad hair moment here)...

how is your physical health, girl wise... sometimes our hormones go a bit askew, so any minor problem seems to suddenly become a sort of major problem, stay away from the alcohol, maybe some vitamins could help, (have u checked your iron lately? any other possibilities involving hormonal stuff: on the 'pill' off the 'pill' kind of stuff... ) sometimes when we are a bit run down, the 'wanting stuff like home' sickness starts... and it becomes a cycle... depression creates a run down feeling and then we feel run down and become homesick (sick people always want mom/dad/family/home) .. splurge a bit on some 'home comfort food'...



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Hello! Well, I been posting here for a while I think, not that often but I always keep on track of what's going on.

Probably this is nit the first or the last post of an alien who is feeling homesick, lonely or something like that.

Situation is that this semester I have got only two subjects at the university, most of my friends are for some reason back in their countries, in a relationship, bleh bleh... And at the moment I have way too much time to handle, to less people to share with and I started to notice that Im getting depressed. (very)

Been trying to look up for part time jobs (with no success) and trying to get people for private spanish classes been also difficult.. (I thought of keep my self busy working) but not even that is working at the moment.

Im feeling quite down and I have no clue what to do.. :S



So, what are you doing in Thailand? Why are you here? Where is your family?

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Years ago, I used to go down to the local Karaoke bar and drink 'Sang Thip', singing, "The Northern Lights of Auld Aberdeen". Used to cheer me up.

After a couple of years, it was "Lung kee mao" and other Thai songs. I forgot about my home in a way, but will always have a tear in my eye when I hear this song:-

When I was a lad, a tiny wee lad, my mother said to me,

"Come see the Northern Lights my boy, they're bright as they can be."

She called them the heavenly dancers, merry dancers in the sky,

I'll never forget that wonderful sight, they made the heavens bright.


The Northern Lights of Aberdeen are what I long to see;

The Northern Lights of Aberdeen, that's where I long to be.

I've been a wand'rer all of my life and many a sight I've seen.

God speed the day when I'm on my way to my home in Aberdeen.

I've wandered in many far-off lands, and travelled many a mile,

I've missed the folk I've cherished most, the joy of a friendly smile.

It warms up the heart of the wand'rer the clasp of a welcoming hand.

To greet me when I return, home to my native land.


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I only really get homesick for food....& family,& i often find myself dreaming about my mothers rabbit stew,so maybe i can come around for dinner one night?I'm a velly hansum man.

I'll bring the wine of course.

hahaha You want to eat my cute rabbit? :o:D:D

I just told her (the rabbit) and she didn't agree with the idea, so Im afraid thats not possible!


nice try though, makes me laugh! :D

me and my dad used to hunt with dogs when i was a teen we came home with rabbits many times my dad would make a very good rabbit stew my 2 younger sisters where told it was chicken stew they used to lick the bowl :( i always had a smile on my face those meal times

ps thanks for the welcome buddy

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Years ago, I used to go down to the local Karaoke bar and drink 'Sang Thip', singing, "The Northern Lights of Auld Aberdeen". Used to cheer me up.

I'll raise your "The Northern Lights of Auld Aberdeen" with my "Mayyyyybeee it's Becaaaaaussse Arrm a Lahndanarrrr"

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I appreciate Thailand even with the political quagmire it's in right now but If I could go home I would. I find myself bored of Thailand and more invigorated in my home country. I have decided I will like visiting here but not living. I am shocked I feel this way as I used to have Thailand Fever and ignore all the great things about my country. I am waiting until my Fiance's visa is ready which won't be until about May next year then I'm going home. If you are homesick or bored why not go home?

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Hi Popcorn, why not do some volunteer work with Burmese refugees up nr CM or an orphanage in the Kao Lak (Tsunami)area.

Working with an NGO in CM won't give you time to think about yourself.

Go for it Girl! :o

Hello GungaDin...! I would love to, but is out of Bkk, unluckily I have to be here! :D

Nothing says love like a doggie or kitty in need of a hug and love. :D There are animal rescues. Best of all they have farangs helping them, so you are bound to meet some decent people. Interesting people with big hearts can be found at such places.

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Take up train spotting, or model railroading. Travelling out to the country and waiting for trains to appear is relaxing and healthy. I know in my case the sound of a whistle from far away gives me butterflies! And the sound of those big cylinders pumping away.....with the engineer at the throttle and the fireman by his side shovelling coal into the belly of the beast. As they rush by the ground shakes and the sky is tinted with the grey of a work in progress. A few seconds of snapping shots, then the wait for the next one.


Or something more modern. A multi unit lash-up with 7,000 tonnes (containers on wagons) in tow, or maybe wheat headed for the export dock. 3-4 locomotives with 3000 plus horse power each create pulse waves you can feel from 100's of metres.


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Best advice I've received when looking for advice?

Turn it around.

Act like you are giving advice to a friend asking the very same questions.

And a lot of the time, your answers will be tailor-made for your situation.

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It's quite nice to read all of the answers and different ideas of what can I do, and see that haven't really been any mean answer (I was a bit afraid it would be some)... Good thing about this is that Im not that big deep into this right now, and Im already trying to do stuff to stop it, so I guess Im having the right attitude to my problem. Been searching up for any part time job to make my days more busy and today I'll take a walk to the soi dog foundation to visit them and ask if they need any help (is very close to my place).

Traveling to my country is quite expensive, so unluckily is not an option at the moment, I do keep in touch daily with my family though (Im very close to them). And traveling around is also not much as an option since I have classes twice a week, and I need to be around.

I know that this will be gone in a while, and I will be feeling better than right now, is just that now SUCKS.. if you people know what I mean. :o

Thank you all for the nice replies :D

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Hello! Well, I been posting here for a while I think, not that often but I always keep on track of what's going on.

Probably this is nit the first or the last post of an alien who is feeling homesick, lonely or something like that.

Situation is that this semester I have got only two subjects at the university, most of my friends are for some reason back in their countries, in a relationship, bleh bleh... And at the moment I have way too much time to handle, to less people to share with and I started to notice that Im getting depressed. (very)

Been trying to look up for part time jobs (with no success) and trying to get people for private spanish classes been also difficult.. (I thought of keep my self busy working) but not even that is working at the moment.

Im feeling quite down and I have no clue what to do.. :S



One of the other members suggested volunteering for Soi Dog Rescue. Good idea. They are now called SCAD (Soi Cats and Dogs). They're always looking for volunteers to help with the animals, also have a great second-hand shop near the Asok Sky Train Stn if you dont want animal work, hours are to suit you and they're a really friendly bunch of people from all nationalities. Give it a try and make some new friends at the same time. I dont know your financial situation but only thing it'll cost is your sky-train fare. They have Thai ladies helping out there as well so that should help with the Thai language course also suggested. Sounds to me you're missing company rather than being 'bored'. Give it a go and get your life back on track again. Good luck.

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I've just noticed that the OP is from Chile & (on a serious note) its a place that i would most want to visit & hopefully stay awile after reading abit about the country.Possibly alot to do with the great cheap red wine,piscos,cheap red wine,but also the mountains & endless coastline,& the seemingly relaxed atmosphere,lack of crime (compared to its neighbours),plus the cheap red wine.

So whats it like for an expat in Chile,eg long term visas,cost of living.I just get the feeling its a great place to live?

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Hello! Well, I been posting here for a while I think, not that often but I always keep on track of what's going on.

Probably this is nit the first or the last post of an alien who is feeling homesick, lonely or something like that.

Situation is that this semester I have got only two subjects at the university, most of my friends are for some reason back in their countries, in a relationship, bleh bleh... And at the moment I have way too much time to handle, to less people to share with and I started to notice that Im getting depressed. (very)

Been trying to look up for part time jobs (with no success) and trying to get people for private spanish classes been also difficult.. (I thought of keep my self busy working) but not even that is working at the moment.

Im feeling quite down and I have no clue what to do.. :S



Hi there

Most of your friends are not here you say.

You dont have any Thai friends?

Not really...

May I ask how long you have been here?

Im a bit surprised that you dont have any local friends.

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hehe, I know.. I been here 5 years (now you will be more surprised) lol!!!

uptou, Im glad you like my country that much! :D

I went to soi dog rescue today, I didn't find it :o I will give them a call tomorrow and will go again!


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hehe, I know.. I been here 5 years (now you will be more surprised) lol!!!

uptou, Im glad you like my country that much! :D

I went to soi dog rescue today, I didn't find it :o I will give them a call tomorrow and will go again!


Still being vague as to why you are here.

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lol.... I came here because my family was leaving here, they are not any longer here, Im studying Communications Arts and as is my last year I don't have more than 2 subjects right now (thats why a lot of free time)

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go to www.geocaching.com I'll lend u a GPSr, although in bangkok you don't really need one. It's free, gets you out of the house and can challenge your brain.

I'm definitely NOT looking for a female (or any other relationship), just to popularise this pastime.

pm me if you need more info, but the website has all you probably need

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go to www.geocaching.com I'll lend u a GPSr, although in bangkok you don't really need one. It's free, gets you out of the house and can challenge your brain.

I'm definitely NOT looking for a female (or any other relationship), just to popularise this pastime.

pm me if you need more info, but the website has all you probably need

Hey thank you! :D I once saw I page like that, and was very interested on it, I think it was not the same page though.. ! :D

I like the idea :o

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thanks for the replies.. :o Well, yeah I go to the gym, and I was last week in Koh Chang, but I can't be traveling much since I do have to be here twice a week to attend my classes.. the shooting range seems interesting, I already did some research on it not long ago.

The thing is that I do try to do things, like go to the cinema, go to Lumpini, cook, take my rabbit for a walk... stuff like that, right now that kind of stuff is not working. Im afraid Im getting to sad, so not many thing motivate me at this point..

First thing to do is to cook that rabbit.

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thanks for the replies.. :D Well, yeah I go to the gym, and I was last week in Koh Chang, but I can't be traveling much since I do have to be here twice a week to attend my classes.. the shooting range seems interesting, I already did some research on it not long ago.

The thing is that I do try to do things, like go to the cinema, go to Lumpini, cook, take my rabbit for a walk... stuff like that, right now that kind of stuff is not working. Im afraid Im getting to sad, so not many thing motivate me at this point..

First thing to do is to cook that rabbit.

*runs away screaming all loud* nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :o

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