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it's a key in the registry ...

hmm .. let me find it :o

here: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\EventHandlersDefaultSection.

there you find the list of actions for cd and dvd.

it's listed as: PlayMusicOnArrival -> MsOpenFolder or MsTakeNoaction

if you want to get rid of any autorun, modify the value of each entry by : MsTakeNoAction.

here you are.

for cd-r, there is another entry.


in the right pane you have a key CDRAutorun with a value 00 00 00, if you want to turn it off, set it as 01 00 00 00, it's a Dword key.

if the key doesn't exist, you can create it.

create new value Dword; CDRAutorun and set the value as said above.

for Audio CD, if you are not sure that any player have this option on, make a search in the registry, menu/edit/search//AudioCD, and MusicCD and set the key value to "" (nothing).

make the search a few times until the search returns no result.

well, this should be ok ...

hope it helps


ps; it's coming from my registry and no cd or dvd are starting auto :D

the program XSetup let you autostart cd-r or dvd-r ... it's an option and it's setup for cd-r and dvd-r only.

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Run the "Registry Editor" ("Start | Run | RegEdit.exe | ENTER")




Double click on "Autorun"

Change the value from "1" to "0"

is the correct place to edit the registry for all users on the pc.

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To not mess with the registry:

Right click on the drive (in my computer), properties

Click autoplay

Select "take no action" for all of the drop box options.

indeed a lot safer , firefoxx :D

Thanks Firefoxx - that's the way to do it!

Took me a long time to figure it out - think I did a 'google' on the problem to find the answer - but it's so easy when you know how. And safe! :o

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This is only for windows XP pro:


Computer configuration-administrative templates-system

Turn off autoplay-enabled-all drives

Xp Home doesn't have gpedit (the group policy editor).

Nice to know how to do this. The other day I had to unplug my external hard drive, and when I plugged it back in it was trying to open up every file on all the drives. Also, it's a bitch when Windows thinks it knows what you want to do. Thanks.

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To not mess with the registry:

Right click on the drive (in my computer), properties

Click autoplay

Select "take no action" for all of the drop box options.


indeed the best solution, and no need to enter registry and possible problems...

did not think about simple thing like this .. :o

thanks frirefoxx :D


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