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Chefs Xp


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Chefs XP is a great delivery service!

I also see from their credit card receipt that they used to be Room Service in Bangkok, which was the original restaurant delivery service.

Anyways, I wonder how they can have net profit from their service, as their prices are the same as restaurant prices? They must need more than 60bt per order to sustain their service, right? Where does it come from?

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ChefsXP is a great service, so is Food By Phone, I use them both when I'm in Bangkok. I like the fact that Food By Phone sell lots of other goods.

I believe they don't pay the regular restaurant price for the food which explains where their profit margin comes from.

I was a bit hesitant to use this kind of service at first but I've been pleasantly surprised with the quality.

I even ordered a fry up breakfast from The Londoner a few times and it arrived perfect, it needed a little microwaving but apart from that I was very pleased with the results. Even the baked beans came in their own little plastic container.

One other really useful thing about ChefsXP is that fact that they sell bottled water with no markup. I drink a lot of water and hate carrying those six pack cases of bottles in the heat as they are really heavy. So every order I place with ChefsXP I order a case of water, the delivery guys probably hate me for this.

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So, they split the normal menu surcharge, which is usually the restaurant's profit only, with the restaurant?

There's quite a percentage difference between ChefsXP and FoodbyPhone, so it's interesting to see how they both operate.

How do you order water from them?

Can you specify the brand too?

Edited by Adelita
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So, they split the normal menu surcharge, which is usually the restaurant's profit only, with the restaurant?

There's quite a percentage difference between ChefsXP and FoodbyPhone, so it's interesting to see how they both operate.

How do you order water from them?

Can you specify the brand too?

Someone told me the delivery service doesn't pay the standard menu price, can't remember who though. It might not be accurate either but I cant imagine them paying the standard price so it does make sense. Lots of restaurants where I live in England will sell a take away order with a 10-15% discount off the 'eat in' price, especially the Indian restaurants.

To order water there is a picture style link on the right side of the screen 'Beverage Liquor and Tobacco', the water is in there. This gets you to a separate area in the site. I missed this for about a month after I started using the service. They have various different brands. Minere is 14 Baht a bottle.

They also sell those Oishi black / green tea soft drinks which are really nice but very sweet. They must be loaded with sugar.

Edited by ukrules
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they sure waste a lot of plastic since everything you order comes in it's own plastic container- anyone know if they do collections of these &/or recycling? seems like they must lose some money on those things as well...

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I'm also worrying about the plastic. It's not cheaply made either. I saved some, but now I have enough. And I know there's a guy going through the trash picking up what's good, so maybe he takes those too?

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Anyways, I wonder how they can have net profit from their service, as their prices are the same as restaurant prices? They must need more than 60bt per order to sustain their service, right? Where does it come from?

I compared Sunrise Tacos menu from their website (http://www.sunrisetacos.com/) and with the one at ChefsXp. In general, ChefsXp charged about 10 baht more per item. I am not complaining. I regularly use ChefsXp to get Sunrise Tacos food. I am willing to pay a small mark-up. However, a mark-up there is.

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I used them twice successfully, figured they were fine, then tonight ordered food for 10 people and when the order hadn't arrived an hour past the estimated delivery time, I used the Live Support to enquire. They claimed never to have received the order, despite website confirmation.

I'll never use ChefsXp again, two out of three doesn't cut it.

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I used them twice successfully, figured they were fine, then tonight ordered food for 10 people and when the order hadn't arrived an hour past the estimated delivery time, I used the Live Support to enquire. They claimed never to have received the order, despite website confirmation.

I'll never use ChefsXp again, two out of three doesn't cut it.

You should've received an email confirmation as well - in fact, twice. If you didn't receive it, chances are you were looking at a screen which needed you to click to confirm. For that reason, I always check my email immediately afterwards. They usually also call you to confirm.

Edited by onethailand
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I used them twice successfully, figured they were fine, then tonight ordered food for 10 people and when the order hadn't arrived an hour past the estimated delivery time, I used the Live Support to enquire. They claimed never to have received the order, despite website confirmation.

I'll never use ChefsXp again, two out of three doesn't cut it.

You should've received an email confirmation as well - in fact, twice. If you didn't receive it, chances are you were looking at a screen which needed you to click to confirm. For that reason, I always check my email immediately afterwards. They usually also call you to confirm.

Yep, whenever I place an order I get an email confirmation. If you have that, then it's pretty easy to go back to them with a query / complaint.

Then if they still say they never got the order, well that's another story...

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I used them twice successfully, figured they were fine, then tonight ordered food for 10 people and when the order hadn't arrived an hour past the estimated delivery time, I used the Live Support to enquire. They claimed never to have received the order, despite website confirmation.

I'll never use ChefsXp again, two out of three doesn't cut it.

You should've received an email confirmation as well - in fact, twice. If you didn't receive it, chances are you were looking at a screen which needed you to click to confirm. For that reason, I always check my email immediately afterwards. They usually also call you to confirm.

Always check your email because they always send two. One stating they received the order and the other that the resturant has received the order and rider is on the way to pick up.

I did have a small problem with my recent order but it was handled beyond my expectations. I had ordered a full rack of ribs but when I started eating them I felt the order was short a few ribs. I went online and ask if Chefsxp could check with resturant and find out normal number of ribs in full rack. Answer came back they had sent regular size order not full rack order. Chefsxp accepted full responsibility and ask if I wanted another full rack order now or credit on next order. I took the credit and expected to received and even asked for the difference between regular and full rack price but they said I would get a full credit for the amount of my orginal order the next time I used Chefsxp.

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I used them twice successfully, figured they were fine, then tonight ordered food for 10 people and when the order hadn't arrived an hour past the estimated delivery time, I used the Live Support to enquire. They claimed never to have received the order, despite website confirmation.

I'll never use ChefsXp again, two out of three doesn't cut it.

You should get two emails, one to say they received the order and another to say the restaurant has received the order and is being processed - the second one is the one you base the estimated delivery time from.

I have to say, ive used them dozens of times (yes im lazy sometimes!) and they have never let me down, not even once. So give them another chance sabaijai. i think you were the victim of a technical glitch somewhere and not negligence on behalf of chefsxp.

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Anyways, I wonder how they can have net profit from their service, as their prices are the same as restaurant prices? They must need more than 60bt per order to sustain their service, right? Where does it come from?

I compared Sunrise Tacos menu from their website (http://www.sunrisetacos.com/) and with the one at ChefsXp. In general, ChefsXp charged about 10 baht more per item. I am not complaining. I regularly use ChefsXp to get Sunrise Tacos food. I am willing to pay a small mark-up. However, a mark-up there is.

Sunrise Tacos are one of those annoying restaurants who don't put the real prices on their menus - you need to add in the 7% VAT to work out what you actually pay and I suspect you will find this prices matches the ChefsXP one. I guess they feel they make enough extra money to counter the customer irritation and loss of loyalty.

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I used them twice successfully, figured they were fine, then tonight ordered food for 10 people and when the order hadn't arrived an hour past the estimated delivery time, I used the Live Support to enquire. They claimed never to have received the order, despite website confirmation.

I'll never use ChefsXp again, two out of three doesn't cut it.

You should get two emails, one to say they received the order and another to say the restaurant has received the order and is being processed - the second one is the one you base the estimated delivery time from.

I have to say, ive used them dozens of times (yes im lazy sometimes!) and they have never let me down, not even once. So give them another chance sabaijai. i think you were the victim of a technical glitch somewhere and not negligence on behalf of chefsxp.

Ok I probably will ... but only when ordering for myself. :o

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I used them twice successfully, figured they were fine, then tonight ordered food for 10 people and when the order hadn't arrived an hour past the estimated delivery time, I used the Live Support to enquire. They claimed never to have received the order, despite website confirmation.

I'll never use ChefsXp again, two out of three doesn't cut it.

You should get two emails, one to say they received the order and another to say the restaurant has received the order and is being processed - the second one is the one you base the estimated delivery time from.

I have to say, ive used them dozens of times (yes im lazy sometimes!) and they have never let me down, not even once. So give them another chance sabaijai. i think you were the victim of a technical glitch somewhere and not negligence on behalf of chefsxp.

Ok I probably will ... but only when ordering for myself. :o

Quite understandable with 10 hungry mouths to feed and no chow in site!

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Hi SabaiJai,

Interested to know what you ordered for your 10 friends.

I may be able to shed some light on the problem. maybe

Thanks, but I'd rather let it go. Next time I'll look for email confirmation. Doesn't sound like anyone else has had a problem, so either it was an anomaly or it was my fault. :o

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just noticed that chefs xp has updated their website and will soon have the ordering function working for the wine connection, so you can order bottles of wine as well. this will be great for me because i always seem to go to the store at about 2:05p when there is no chance of my buying wine because of the inane restrictions. now i can just order it sent to my home.

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