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Farangs Shower Less Than Thais/asians


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In your opinion:

Do farangs shower less often that Thais and other Asians?

Or is that just a "racist" Thai/Asian belief about farangs?

Fact or fallacy? :D

And... does it matter at all? :o

Some westerners do only shower one time day or less. It does matter. Westerners do sweat copious amounts, I know I do, and some smell quite bad because of this. Luckily I do not. My thirak confirms this.

Many times labourers and farm people in Europe smell of rank already at 7AM.

I used to live in The Netherlands and noticed that although most people shpower in the morning, they keep wearing the same unwashed and old-sweat clothes.

I shower at least two times a day here. I want to.

And, it does matter.

Racist belief? Dunno. Never heard any Thais mention it, but many stereotypes are based on something.

Have a whiff of Arabs, Pakistanis or Indians who don t shower. Ooo boy... :D

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I think it might be true that European descent people in Thailand shower less than Thais as a rough generality. It isn't really racist if this is or isn't the case. Just a reflection of behavior and culture. Showering too much, btw. can dry out your skin so limit the soap.

Edited by Jingthing
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At least twice a day. I sweat in bed and out of it so to shower is a neccessity. Then love-making regularly leads to a 3rd shower. And if hot and sweaty daytime leads to a 4th shower & a lot of laundry.

Racism in the shower not when the g/f is in there with me LOL

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In your opinion:

Do farangs shower less often that Thais and other Asians?

Or is that just a "racist" Thai/Asian belief about farangs?

Fact or fallacy? :D

And... does it matter at all? :o

I think many Thais shower more often than farangs. Family members in my home shower frequently and VERY quickly. I think most Thai people are very clean. Actually I am amazed how seldom I encounter body odor on a Thai person, even on the hottest days. Only once or twice on a bus with a destitute person, obviously homeless, did I notice b.o.

In the States, many people shower twice daily, but many also shower only once a day, either in the morning or before bed. Many shower every other day in cool or cold weather. In Thailand it is so hot even with air conditioning, my guess would be most farang here shower twice daily. My Thai wife has always showered at least three times every day, first thing in the morning, before our mid-afternoon meal, then before sleep (add a fourth shower on days she teaches aerobics).

Edited by Lopburi99
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In your opinion:

Do farangs shower less often that Thais and other Asians?

Or is that just a "racist" Thai/Asian belief about farangs?

Fact or fallacy? :D

And... does it matter at all? :o

I think many Thais shower more often than farangs. Family members in my home shower frequently and VERY quickly. I think most Thai people are very clean. Actually I am amazed how seldom I encounter body odor on a Thai person, even on the hottest days. Only once or twice on a bus with a destitute person, obviously homeless, did I notice b.o.

In the States, many people shower twice daily, but many also shower only once a day, either in the morning or before bed. Many shower every other day in cool or cold weather. In Thailand it is so hot even with air conditioning, my guess would be most farang here shower twice daily. My Thai wife has always showered at least three times every day, first thing in the morning, before our mid-afternoon meal, then before sleep (add a fourth shower on days she teaches aerobics).

Im sure Thais in general shower more then other.

My wife also shower 3 sometimes 4 times a day. Same with her family and friends.

We (wife and I) accumulate a lot of laundry.

Come to think about it, I have worked with Asians for prox 15 years and I never smelled any bad body odor from the ones from South East Asia. They swet the same as we do in the sun, but seem to not have the same odor.

It really have made me wonder if this is a physical thing as well as the hygenic aspect. Or is it what we (and they) eat maybe?

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Not having a job I shower when I want. For certain in the morning and before going to bed. Before I go out anywhere, even shopping and then just if I feel like it. From 2 to 4 plus showers a day.

Do certain types of people smell ? Yes and not only in Thailand. Why is it that working girls who will near as enough go with anyone who is clean avoid arabs and those from the indian sub continent. Being tight with money aside, ask them. They will tell you that they smell and are unclean.

Thais are generally very clean about their person but not the cleanest race in terms of overall hygiene by any means.

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Do certain types of people smell ? Yes and not only in Thailand. Why is it that working girls who will near as enough go with anyone who is clean avoid arabs and those from the indian sub continent. Being tight with money aside, ask them. They will tell you that they smell and are unclean.

Thais are generally very clean about their person but not the cleanest race in terms of overall hygiene by any means.

Agree, and I have heard this too, from many people here.

Also agree with your last one.

Strangely enough, even though I find the Thais to be very clean, as they shower a lot, change clothes a lot, but for some weird reason a lot of them do not bother to wash their hands after a toilet visit. This I noticed the very first time I went to a Thai bar/restaurant.

I believe Thais shower more than Farangs, but I also believe Farangs wash their hands more than the Thais, after the toilet visit.

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Je--s if you sweat then any normal person will shower, some people sweat more than others, some people smell bad when they sweat and some dont, it is not a racial thing. Thailand is a hot country so people shower more frequently, because they sweat more.

Everybody is different. If you smell bad either you are a prat and anti social or just maybe you dont know and need a friend to tell you. If people are down and out and maybe living on the streets and smell bad we should feel sorry for them, not critical.

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While its a generalization at best, I do think their is a fair amount of truth to that. From what I have seen of Thai women (I can't speak with authority on men), they shower much more, and more often, than what I have seen from farang women. I can't ever remember smelling a Thai woman's BO, definitely can't say that for farang women. And as for Thai men, other than the occasional brush walking by a pack of laborers on the street, I can't say I smelt them funky either. Once again, such is certainly NOT the case with farang men.

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I work in AC all day, so I shower in the morning only. My Thai friend showers twice a day and thinks its terrible that I don't shower before bed. A shower, however, wakes me up.

On weekends, or if I am outside much and getting sweaty then I shower again--but my showering habits is based more on need than habit.

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In your opinion:

Do farangs shower less often that Thais and other Asians?

Or is that just a "racist" Thai/Asian belief about farangs?

Fact or fallacy? :D

And... does it matter at all? :o

That mostly because : the thais are outside and exposed to "natural hot/sticky/humid/mucky" environment -more than farangs

Most farangs stay indoor, in airconditioning room etc....more often than most thais

Therefore it's just simply based on the need, not the genes!!! :D

Me think

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I come across many rather rank smelling foreigners here in Vietnam, whereas it is rare to have that happen with Vietnamese. However, I do not think it is just because they shower more often, it might also have something to do with diet (the Vietcong said they could smell the Americans because of the quantities of meat they ate) and the fact that they just generally transpire less.

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When in LOS and temp 30C+ I shower 3xday, -30C 2xday.

Right now in CWL (ColdWetLand) and shower 0.5xday

Hope this helps.

Yes. this scientific statistical approach is of great use. I have converted the data to an Excel chart, printed it out, and posted it next to the shower door, complete with check-boxes for every member of the family to sign when using the shower, proving their adherence to this strict regimen. I think this will go down well with my Thai friends, too. :o


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Sure, it matters ! And it's the truth, not a gossip.

How many farangs you can meet in stores sweating in old dirty clothes... They just do the work to take their glass of beer, then they don't think they need to shower and change clothes ! :o

But most of us are not like that...

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Thais do seem to be fastidiously clean, yet this is superficial.

Observe how it's quite acceptable to pick boogers out of the nose incessantly ( no wonder Thais are sick all the time..) or eat 2 inches off the sidewalk food that has had flies sh*tting on it all day..

It'a all about aesthetics in Thailand, absolutely no substance.

Yeah, having a clean car is THE most important thing.

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Thais do seem to be fastidiously clean, yet this is superficial.

Observe how it's quite acceptable to pick boogers out of the nose incessantly ( no wonder Thais are sick all the time..) or eat 2 inches off the sidewalk food that has had flies sh*tting on it all day..

It'a all about aesthetics in Thailand, absolutely no substance.

Yeah, having a clean car is THE most important thing.

Yea, it's all a scam.

Thai people don't really shower at all, they just put on a show for the fastidiously clean Farangs that wash up on the shores of this unclean nation. As to why these so called tourists keep on coming back amongst these dirty theiving decietful people............

I dunno, ask them! I'm sure you'll get some honest answers. :o

And keeping on topic, Farangs are certainly in the smelly brigade compared with Thai people, I don't speak for 100% of Farangs , but by christ, many of you guys really do need to shower more often.

Edited by Maigo6
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