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Farangs Shower Less Than Thais/asians


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In your opinion:

Do farangs shower less often that Thais and other Asians?

Or is that just a "racist" Thai/Asian belief about farangs?

Fact or fallacy? :D

And... does it matter at all? :o

It is an absolutely, nonsensical generalisation of millions upon millions of people, that's what it is !! :D

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Oh.... and I was just thinking (yes, I do that occasionally) it may be that Thais shower/bathe more than us farangs but they lack a lot when it comes to oral hygiene. I mean, really, some of the Thais I know could knock over even the healthiest buffalo. It must be all that garlic, peppers, and dried fish thingies they eat.... :o

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Umm... I take only once in a day... :o

Not every day but often...hehe...

Never..even once to have complaint of my smell (that's because I don't)

When taking a shower, I always rub my skin to get rid of the scurf all over my body..

also washing my hair, mask my face sometimes...

and go to spa...as well..

Really can't be smelled :D Sorry!!!

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I shower once or twice a day. It depends on my activity. I always shower in the morning. I shower in the evening if I've been out and about in the sun. If I spend all day in the air conditioned computer room, tv room, or office then there is no need for the evening shower. When the need arises I'll shower 3 times a day. I've also been know to not shower at all on the occasionally saturday or sunday when I spent all day in the house. It all depends. I shower when I need it.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Interesting study published today in the Independent...regarding the cleanliness of women, sorry no info on whether they were Thai or not.

Why (some) women don't scrub up as well as men

By Jeremy Laurance

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


A fifth of women in the study carried faecal bacteria on their hands

In matters of personal hygiene, it is men who are viewed as the grimy sex while women strive to keep them scrubbed. But a survey has revealed that female cleanliness is a myth. Women were up to three times more likely to have dirty hands than men.

The difference between the sexes was starkest in London, where 21 per cent of women were carrying faecal bacteria on their hands, compared with 6 per cent of men. Women in Birmingham and Cardiff also outranked men for bacterial contamination, but in the north – Newcastle and Liverpool – stereotypes reasserted themselves and men had the filthiest hands.

A bit off-topic perhaps but makes you think twice about sucking on your Thai girl's fingers.


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Do certain types of people smell ? Yes and not only in Thailand. Why is it that working girls who will near as enough go with anyone who is clean avoid arabs and those from the indian sub continent. Being tight with money aside, ask them. They will tell you that they smell and are unclean.

Thais are generally very clean about their person but not the cleanest race in terms of overall hygiene by any means.

Agree, and I have heard this too, from many people here.

Also agree with your last one.

Strangely enough, even though I find the Thais to be very clean, as they shower a lot, change clothes a lot, but for some weird reason a lot of them do not bother to wash their hands after a toilet visit. This I noticed the very first time I went to a Thai bar/restaurant.

I believe Thais shower more than Farangs, but I also believe Farangs wash their hands more than the Thais, after the toilet visit.

Maybe they know this is a load of propaganda designed to make you use more soap.. started by soap companies in the late 1900's .

1) Urine is sterile,

2) Besides, I do not put my fingers in urine, do you?

3) Same goes for defecating. When I wipe I use tissue, lots of it-not my hands, don't you?

4) The minute after you spend 2 minutes scrubbing your own hands, and you touch the door going out, don't you think your hands are contaminated with whatever was deposited by whomever went before you?

A far more sensible better habit to get into is DON'T TOUCH YOUR EYES, NOSE or MOUTH. This stops virus from getting in your eyes , nose or moth which are nice warm, moist petri dishes. Ears too, but it's harder to deposit germs within.

Why this isn't taught to children in school I'll never know. OH yeah, corporate weenies run the world and money is all they care about ..

Try it, you probably won't get sick so often. If you start feeling sick , catching a viral cold I have a remedy for that that Pharmacuetical companies don;t want you to know.

150 mg of Zinc , not chelated, with food every 4 hours for 2- to 5 doses as needed The earlier you do this , the better. Zinc hardens the shell of the virus so it can't replicate . Every single flu remedy has zinc as an ingrediant, just not enough...This way it encourages the virus to breed, just like an incomplete course of antibiotics will do the same for bacteria, and you remain sick, but buy more product...

Edited by HorseDoctor
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Interesting study published today in the Independent...regarding the cleanliness of women, sorry no info on whether they were Thai or not.

Why (some) women don't scrub up as well as men

By Jeremy Laurance

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


A fifth of women in the study carried faecal bacteria on their hands

In matters of personal hygiene, it is men who are viewed as the grimy sex while women strive to keep them scrubbed. But a survey has revealed that female cleanliness is a myth. Women were up to three times more likely to have dirty hands than men.

The difference between the sexes was starkest in London, where 21 per cent of women were carrying faecal bacteria on their hands, compared with 6 per cent of men. Women in Birmingham and Cardiff also outranked men for bacterial contamination, but in the north – Newcastle and Liverpool – stereotypes reasserted themselves and men had the filthiest hands.

A bit off-topic perhaps but makes you think twice about sucking on your Thai girl's fingers.


Probably because men touch their penis while urinating and I guess they know where it's been !!

What a load, I guess the evil Faecal Bacteria is e coli?? Very few strains of E coli are dangerous and those come mostly from animals.

Just don't touch your Eyes ,Nose or Mouth.

NOtice how Thais constantly dig in their noses very publicly too.

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Do certain types of people smell ? Yes and not only in Thailand. Why is it that working girls who will near as enough go with anyone who is clean avoid arabs and those from the indian sub continent. Being tight with money aside, ask them. They will tell you that they smell and are unclean.

Thais are generally very clean about their person but not the cleanest race in terms of overall hygiene by any means.

Agree, and I have heard this too, from many people here.

Also agree with your last one.

Strangely enough, even though I find the Thais to be very clean, as they shower a lot, change clothes a lot, but for some weird reason a lot of them do not bother to wash their hands after a toilet visit. This I noticed the very first time I went to a Thai bar/restaurant.

I believe Thais shower more than Farangs, but I also believe Farangs wash their hands more than the Thais, after the toilet visit.

Maybe they know this is a load of propaganda designed to make you use more soap.. started by soap companies in the late 1900's .

1) Urine is sterile,

2) Besides, I do not put my fingers in urine, do you?

3) Same goes for defecating. When I wipe I use tissue, lots of it-not my hands, don't you?

4) The minute after you spend 2 minutes scrubbing your own hands, and you touch the door going out, don't you think your hands are contaminated with whatever was deposited by whomever went before you?

A far more sensible better habit to get into is DON'T TOUCH YOUR EYES, NOSE or MOUTH. This stops virus from getting in your eyes , nose or moth which are nice warm, moist petri dishes. Ears too, but it's harder to deposit germs within.

Why this isn't taught to children in school I'll never know. OH yeah, corporate weenies run the world and money is all they care about ..

Try it, you probably won't get sick so often. If you start feeling sick , catching a viral cold I have a remedy for that that Pharmacuetical companies don;t want you to know.

150 mg of Zinc , not chelated, with food every 4 hours for 2- to 5 doses as needed The earlier you do this , the better. Zinc hardens the shell of the virus so it can't replicate . Every single flu remedy has zinc as an ingrediant, just not enough...This way it encourages the virus to breed, just like an incomplete course of antibiotics will do the same for bacteria, and you remain sick, but buy more product...

If I recall I saw a study years ago how the work desk and PC is far more contaminated than a bathroom...... Also those cell phones are by no means sterile.

By the way, after washing your hands you can do as I know one of my coworkers does, and that's use the paper towel you dried your hands off to open the bathroom door on your way our... But as I tell him, wonder what kind of germs are on the facet handle when you go to turn it off? (I mean dirty hands turn it on and then clean hands turn it off....hmmmmm)

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"Horsedoctor" got a point there somewhere, obsessed with "aap naam" (to get excessive heat out of the body to cool) and "ho:m", smell good personally, the room is swept so "lala", then it is all, including the remnants of the day/evening meal, the Chip bags, the M150, the empty Lao Kao/Mehkong, Saeng Som, the 2 l. Plastic Coca Cola and Water Bottles, plus Paper Tissue all just swept out of the house out on to the road, the surroundings of the house, or if collected, disposed of behind, beside the house, if there is a garbage container and the dogs were at it, hardly ever anybody feels the obligation to clean the spill.....same with most "natural waterways" the smaller they are, the more they are polluted by human waste......that these waterways stink like open sewers, doesn't seem to be much of a concern, if so the "sniff stick" comes into action... in the middle ages the same problem was big in Europe conquered with smelling salt, finally ended with the plague...

(Does anyone remember the open canal in Sathorn Rd. Bkk in the mid 1990???)

Superficial cleanliness is maybe adorable, but has nothing to do with genuine hygiene, sanitary and environmental basics!

Yes thank you

Thai ( or TrashLand) renowned " cleanliness" is superficial , confined to the aesthetics of getting laid.

But you forgot to add, after all that "disposing" of unsightly, smelly garbage , it is then burned so as to properly pollute the atmosphere.

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Thais are good a keeping their bodies clean showering often too bad it doesn't go any further. Just take a look at their homes and streets :o! I have yet to see a Thai house with clean walls and if you ever pull furniture away from a wall beware of the rats nest that may be there.

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Thais are good a keeping their bodies clean showering often too bad it doesn't go any further. Just take a look at their homes and streets :o !

Yes, the amount of trash along the streets and inside yards here is disgusting. Filled plastic bags recklessly discarded anywhere and everywhere. Are they just waiting the 500 years for the plastic to disintegrate? The use of plastic bags for everything (even soda pop) is appalling.

In the city proper, Lopburi isn't too bad.

I recently saw a government ad on TV encouraging the pickup of littered trash but it doesn't seem to be having much results yet.

Edited by Lopburi99
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living upcountry I can say that a lot of Thais shower only once per day (so no more that the average foreigner) and usually at night. They jump on the bed with same clothes they wore all day (even if they worked in a rice field), their feet are dirtier than my shoes and yet they thread on bed linen. Something which has always annoyed me. I seldom see a Thai (upcountry not BKK as things are more civilised there) shower or brush teeth first thing in the morning. They might do if going out in town to formal public places lilke banks, clinics and governmental offices. Maybe all these stereotyping is born by witnessing geriatric farang spending more time online (with a few empty bottles on the table) than in the bathroom.

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What I heard is that centuries ago, people associated the Bubonic Plague with bathing (or something like that). Thus the aversion for bathing or bathing infrequently took hold.

I also think that climate may have something to do with bathing habits. If you did not have warm water during winter, you would also probably bath very sparingly. Furthermore, if you bathed frequently in northern Europe where the humidity is so low, your skin would dry up and you probably would shrivel like a prune.

Asians live in warm, humid climate - which explains frequent bathing.

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Wiping your a__ with Toilet paper after taking a dump and then pulling up your underwear without washing your behind. At the end of the day, a brown smear lines your cotton undies. Ask your laundry woman what she thinks about that... :o

This as well as picking (and I do mean PICKING) their noses in public as well as popping pimples.... :D
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And you used a lot of hot water in the process. I heard that Canadians have one of the highest per capital usage of energy.

Give me break, I grew up in the coldest part of Canada and showered twice a day, same here unless I need an extra one during the day on the weekend or after shag*ing
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And you used a lot of hot water in the process. I heard that Canadians have one of the highest per capital usage of energy.
Give me break, I grew up in the coldest part of Canada and showered twice a day, same here unless I need an extra one during the day on the weekend or after shag*ing

That's possible, but only because we have so much. Waste not, want not :o

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In your opinion:

Do farangs shower less often that Thais..

Only because Thais throw a bucket-full of cold water over their shoulder doesn't mean they are cleaner than Westerners. Also, Thais sweat as much as Caucasians. And as for a handwash after using the toilet, well..

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