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The Off Topic Thread


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You know what is the main problem with eating new things??

You dont know if its bad/gone off.

Girls at the office brought in some of those pickled fruits thingies. I was asked to try them. Being the brave lad that I am, I said sure. Never had them before, always try something at least once.

I openned the bag and was the 1st to try it. Tasted really off, but not wanting to be rude I didnt spit it out.

"How is it?" They asked.

Me " taste strange, bitter"

"really?, should not be" They said.

So one of them tried it and said.... "Its gone bad!!!!"

.....and I am standing there having eaten half of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A 41 yr old bald guy was trying to hit on me, in another thread!!!!

Ewww……. YUCK!!!!! :o

awww.. nice..haha at least you got one but I have none... haha

Sometimes it's nice to have NONE than one :D

in here? the off topic?

yeh RJT can give you lub

yea....he's very good in "lubbing" you........in the wrong ways, that is :D

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khob kun :o

first of all you should be a monkey then you could climb the coconut trees

but ..... u r plarex

still remember how yrself looks like?

OMG i watched the jeark eating goose's food on TV!!! :D

Edited by thithi
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