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The Off Topic Thread


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Tijnebijn, go hug your ladyboy wife.

And tell her you love her, no matter what.

Have sex after that!


The salts is good Thithi.

The Carbon is an old well proved remedy to stop "The Race"

But ya have to understand the longer the bad food stay in your tummy the longer you will have problem.

Just take the salt and take in fluids.

No juice just tea ore water with the salt.

This will take about two days before all the bad stuff is out.

After that you take the Vitamine and eat lot of veggie.

After that you are ready for another Vodka shot, ask RJT, he knows.


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at the gay forum , my eyes saw a quick read somebody asking if Gay is fashionable ...

Whateve , but seems RJt is fashionable .....

And since I am the favorite of the day and there are many dog members I give them the name GAY .

Nice name for a dog .

Need some oil on the fire . :D

LOL dude you just PWND your self openly admitting you went in to the gay forum. Sorry you won’t find me there. I’m un coooool…

So I guess your bf gave you the name “pinyin” for good reason!!! you being a giant I guess. ROLF!!!!!!!!!...

Now Now calling someone a dog is pretty low BRO!!! if ya got a problem say it to my face.! We can knuckle up anytime any place!!! :o

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I wanna draw somehting about Thai Art and put on the wall here...anyone give me any idea what I should do ?

And im not an Artist just want to do somehting Thai for the house hehehe.

Wat ? - Ayuthaya ?

Houeses, Villages - would be diff too

Dramatic - would be easy to draw cuz isnt real

Nature ? -- diff one




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