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Day4 : I've got sore throat and I cough. The alchi-body which i have less than when i drink, is now working very hard inside my body in order to get rid of the sickness. However, the alchi-body is also being destroyed slowly by H2O. After all of them are destroyed, I will get sick more often....

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O Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Alcohol just made another victim last Sunday I guess. :)

Toko on the botermarkt also very good Chinese Indonesian food and not too expensive. Used to go there often and got about 2 kilo of food for just 8 Euro. Don't forget to buy the Turkish bread just opposite the toko, very very nice.

Babi Pangan is here called Tsa siew or something. Gado Gado is sometimes a bit different depending where you go. Anyway if someone knows a Indo raan ahaan in BKK please tell!!!

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People often ask me how I am or “How’s it going in Thailand?” this is because my life is infinitely more interesting than theirs. I am in the exotic east, far away from the cares and the mundane drudgery of the west and while this is true to some degree, it’s not wholly the case. I will now outline this to you by providing just one example of the trials that beset my otherwise idyllic lifestyle. It happened two days ago (but I can remember it like it was yesterday) I will give as much detail as possible and leave nothing out.

In order to gain some respite from the noonday heat I popped into a well-known American coffee (and sundry other “beverages”) franchise. I had been sat down not more than five minutes (a quick look at my wristwatch confirmed this) when I overheard a conversation between two (English speaking) foreigners. Their country of origin was immediately clear from the sound of their accents (if such a manner of murdering vowels and tearing up consonants can be deemed an “accent”.) I won’t mention their country, lest you accuse me of some form of bigotry but know that their nation is well-known for having been a prison and that the descendents of that mired gene pool behave in a manner that befits their ancestry. I digress. The erstwhile peaceful calm of the beverage emporium was shattered by the loud irruption of one of the men in question. I would normally ignore such a trifling pittance but what I heard just could not be ignored. They seemed to be intrigued by some insect activity that was visible through the shop window. One of the men intoned in a nasally, high pitched voice “look at that!! There’s a small army of ants all over that dead bug on the windowsill” I assumed that they were holiday makers due the matter of their attire and their alarm at something that I would have ignored due it’s mundane nature and the frequency of which I come across such phenomena. What I could not ignore, however, was the terminology which was employed. I stood up and approached their table. “Gentlemen” ( I used this salutation not to bestow any grandeur or airs on them but to make it clear that I was used to addressing my peers in such a fashion and would normally surround myself with men who deserved that title accordingly) “Gentlemen” I intoned, “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation regarding the insect activity outside the window”. “Yes” the more sunburned and bloated one of the pair piped up. I continued “if you knew the slightest thing about the military or military technology you would not have referred to that grouping outside as an army, due to its size it would be more accurately described as a division or perhaps three battalions. It’s bad enough that your colonial vowels are assailing the general public but the words that you form with them are simply wrong” They stared at me in awed silence obviously digesting the lesson that had just been bestowed on them. I then turned my back on them and exited the premises.

This is not the first time that I have had to do something like this and I’m sure it will happen again. Sometimes I feel as if the great weight of the world is on my shoulders (at least from a linguistic perspective) and I have been sent here to put things to rights. It’s not easy I assure you but as long as I breathe air I will continue to do my great deeds in the service of the British language.

So as you can now see, it’s not always great here. Admittedly my lifestyle is superior in every degree and that has a lot to do with where I am living but it is also a product of a first grade education and a real motivation to both improve myself and encourage improvement in others

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Anyone know if the Bangkok Marathon is happening this year and if so what are the dates? usually November but can't find exact dates.

Sorry Seapok, this thread is purely non-athletic in nature. While we admire your spirit and dedication to fitness, we are all couch potatoes in here and couldn't tell you what a marathon is, nevermind when. :)

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Anyone know if the Bangkok Marathon is happening this year and if so what are the dates? usually November but can't find exact dates.

Sorry Seapok, this thread is purely non-athletic in nature. While we admire your spirit and dedication to fitness, we are all couch potatoes in here and couldn't tell you what a marathon is, nevermind when. :)

Ok thats fair enough, when I do find out I will wear a TV sign on my shirt so you can all come and support me as I blast through the slow runners,

it starts around 2am so most of you party animals will just be leaving RCA!

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Anyone know if the Bangkok Marathon is happening this year and if so what are the dates? usually November but can't find exact dates.

Sorry Seapok, this thread is purely non-athletic in nature. While we admire your spirit and dedication to fitness, we are all couch potatoes in here and couldn't tell you what a marathon is, nevermind when. :D

Ok thats fair enough, when I do find out I will wear a TV sign on my shirt so you can all come and support me as I blast through the slow runners,

it starts around 2am so most of you party animals will just be leaving RCA!

two minutes searching Bangkok Marathon 2010 revealed this..

NOVEMBER 21, 2010


Come to Bangkok and take part in Bangkok Marathon, comprising one of the three types of marathon at your Marathon, Half Marathon, and Quarter Marathon.

Contact information:

The Tourism Authority of Thailand

Tel: +66 (0) 2250 5500 ext. 3951 - 3968

The Running Association of Thailand

Tel: +66 (0) 2280 7667 -


You are welcome. :)

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