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Where Is Gold Going In This Market

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So where is the next safe have ?

"Gold? Pffft.

The euro? Too euro-trash.

The dollar? Puh-lease.

Rochdale banking analyst Richard Bove reckons the search is on to find a new global safe haven. Because even if this US debt debacle gets sorted by lifting the ceiling, the cat’s out of the bag when it comes to the country’s place in the global financial system. Things are really about to change.'

cont .. ttp://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2011/07/28/636976/dick-bove-says-the-search-for-a-new-safe-haven-is-on/

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but I think the Gold price , is being managed so that we do not see large spikes up ... but I think this is getting more and more difficult (supply and demand ) and so large spikes could be possible both up and down .

Not Naam but.........I would like to say that this is the first Options expiration that gold did not get slammed as hard as expected.

It did get *managed* as it does every month on option expiration day but I expected much more.


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Ron Paul "I Am Sure We Will NOT Default On Our Debt"

I agree 100% but the sentence should be completed....

I am sure we will not default on our debt.....In the classic sense.

The checks will go out but in devalued currency.

Default is inevitable only the vehicle is

being decided.

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HSBC Premier Thailand called me today and said be prepared to sell my gold fund this week as their analysts have said gold will peak in the coming days- that is if i wanted to take a quick profit (i bought in 2 weeks ago). They also said they would call me again when it peaked- according to their analysis. Personalised service i guess; got to say im quite impressed.

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HSBC Premier Thailand called me today

HSBC and JP Morgan are the 2 banks sitting on the largest volume of shorts (precious metals) at the same time as they are advising clients to go long. How could HSBC be a manager of GLD and SLV shares when they are sitting on millions of dollars of short positions? Conflict of interest is the least of it.

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Naam , as the largest holder of Gold and Silver , on this thread ( You think !) do you agree that we are most likely to see steady increases , for Gold anyway , along the current trend lines with blips up and down.

i don't agree Churchill. not because i think gold or silver will go down but because i am not a prophet or fortune teller. i/we hold gold and silver for diversification of assets. i/we look primarily at gold and silver as some kind of alternative investment if/when certain events happen and the precious metals might come in handy to be used or just act as wealth protection.

don't ask me whether said events will happen or not because i'm not qualified to give an answer. you are advised to direct these kind of questions to the experts and prophets who publish their (often ridiculous) views in dozens of biased websites.

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1. From previous posts , I believe , you have/are invested in the Swiss Franc -

2. Why is this currency perceived as a safe option ?

3. Switzerland's Banks are having problems , which will get worse with the Euro crisis ...

4. Switzerland has very nice Chocolate , Ski Resorts , Swatch , A few good pharma companies...

1. correct, i am long CHF since years.

2. i did not invest in CHF based on the assumption "safe option". i invested to make profit. i need profit/yield/appreciation to reinvest and increase my net worth and last not least to pay for my living expenses since nearly 22 years when i gave up my last job.

3. Switzerland's banks have less problems than a bunch of other multinational banks. the two big'uns, Crédit Suisse and UBS just yesterday announced three billion dollars ($ 3,000,000,000) profit for the last quarter.

by the way... "EURo crisis", WHAT EURo crisis? :huh:

4. your knowledge of Switzerland's industry and exports entitles you to either one of these certificates

-"...has no freaking idea about the Swiss economy"


-"...possesses a wealth of no idea about the Swiss economy" :lol:

for those who are interested how the Swiss Franc fared during the last 3-5 years here some facts:

up vs GBP 90%

up vs USD 58%

up vs €UR 47%

up vs SGD 24%

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' your knowledge of Switzerland's industry and exports entitles you to either one of these certificates

-"...has no freaking idea about the Swiss economy"


-"...possesses a wealth of no idea about the Swiss economy" ' :unsure:

The Swiss franc’s safe-haven status, a visual interpretation :rolleyes:


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Time is passing & the debt ceiling show continues.

At best there will be a 11th hour patch job that will be good for maybe 2 months of the drunken sailors spending.

Would not be surprised to see new highs in September.When the dog & pony show does their remix.

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why aren't u saying clearly that u expect(ed) gold to drop in value??

recover from what?

ur 'vagueness' is more than irritating.

Saying oh, i expected it to drop more, AFTER it drops, is worth what?

if u WERE expecting anything, why didnt u mention it BEFORE...?

i dunno why i bother reading.


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why aren't u saying clearly that u expect(ed) gold to drop in value??

recover from what?

ur 'vagueness' is more than irritating.

Saying oh, i expected it to drop more, AFTER it drops, is worth what?

if u WERE expecting anything, why didnt u mention it BEFORE...?

i dunno why i bother reading.


i dunno why you put "ef." under your postings :huh:

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Thats my 'signature'

does that explain why i only ever read about things that have happened that were 'previously expected' but not mentioned etc....?

Post rhetoric all u want, u may well be the biggest hoarder in the east, but just like the rest of the regulars here, u waste time/energy on acting the genius..

And failing!!

"oh, look, golds gone down 50 baht this morning, i expected it to go lower"

hindsight is magical, if ur a moron! or a troll, or both!

my point being.....what the funk is the point!

is 'common knowledge' so common that it need never be mentioned??

are u all so caked in gold/silver that posting on here just breaks up an otherwise pointless day?



ps - i don't know why u have a klingon as your avatar...but i can guess...and with hindsight, i may sound like a 'genius' to other 'geniuses'


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so naam is still the only cat in here <strike>thinking</strike> knowing gold could move up/down round n round etc? still waiting for any advice regarding local silver...but to be fair, seems that no-one on here REALLY has a clue. except naam obviously, who knows more than the sum of the parts or whatever. ef
i dunno why i bother reading. ef.

Wow Einstein WAS right.

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Thats my 'signature'

does that explain why i only ever read about things that have happened that were 'previously expected' but not mentioned etc....?

Post rhetoric all u want, u may well be the biggest hoarder in the east, but just like the rest of the regulars here, u waste time/energy on acting the genius..

And failing!!

"oh, look, golds gone down 50 baht this morning, i expected it to go lower"

hindsight is magical, if ur a moron! or a troll, or both!

my point being.....what the funk is the point!

is 'common knowledge' so common that it need never be mentioned??

are u all so caked in gold/silver that posting on here just breaks up an otherwise pointless day?



ps - i don't know why u have a klingon as your avatar...but i can guess...and with hindsight, i may sound like a 'genius' to other 'geniuses'


Looks like somebody could use a hug! biggrin.gif

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if this is the best 'where is gold going' chat u can manage, i'll take the hugs!

i come here to get advice, not to read a handful of freaks talk utter shit...

It would not be responsible for any here to give advice & most do not.

Nor would it be responsible to act on advice found on an open forum

Folks here do give opinions though & having been here from the start of this thread I am grateful for them.

Of course it is up to the end user to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Actually if you look back to the beginning of this thread after weighing what I was seeing in the world I ignored the advice of most & dove in rather than wait.

As for the basic question of where is gold going in this market...........

I would hazard a guess that it will continue going in the direction it has gone for the last few years.

Reason being that gold has reacted due to circumstances that are still in place & show no signs of receding

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bless your cotton socks for the touch of 'clarity'

i was under the impression that the 'chaff' was not gonna be the majority share holder in the thread.

i also have held gold for years, i would like to diversify my meagre wealth.

ive asked for advice for months regarding silver , and everyday is the same back and forth , posting links that contradict previous posts and no-one 'sweeping chaff aside'

i don't expect much from a public forum, but i prefer not to see what appears to be half a dozen wafflers, just waffling along, for ever....mostly in hindsight!

ANYONE CAN POST A GRAPH FROM YESTERDAY and say, yea, thats pretty much what i knew was gonna happen. does it benefit the readers? hardly..

like i said, at the end of the day, i dunno why i bother even looking here, i might as well buy a wholesale sack of fortune cookies or xmas crackers.

at least i 'might' get a chuckle out of those.

anyway, hugs please....golden ones first, silvery hugs line up on the right.

ef <-- my name, in abbreviation. (aka - initials)

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Time is passing & the debt ceiling show continues.

At best there will be a 11th hour patch job that will be good for maybe 2 months of the drunken sailors spending.

Would not be surprised to see new highs in September.When the dog & pony show does their remix.

Err... what?

would there perhaps be an easier way to word all that?

i feel like im in a cuckoo thread.


e2+ Would not be surprised to see new highs in September - i get that, but not the reasoning.

are u talking real new highs, or apparent new highs.

from what i understand, 2000 usd per oz is the high to be hit, but we seem to be drifting that way slowly but surely?

forgive me if i sound too pissed off, im not im frustrated that 'maintaining wealth' is such a tedious 'job' i thought i could relax by now!!

wheres them hugs!

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ive asked for advice for months regarding silver , and everyday is the same back and forth , posting links that contradict previous posts and no-one 'sweeping chaff aside'

I was weighted 60/40 Silver over Gold from 2008 till just recently

While I miss timed the high at $50 I did eventually swap all my silver into gold during the average of 36-39oz/1oz silver to gold ratio time.

Actually some a bit lower & some a bit higher as I held a lot of it.

I still feel Silver has legs & wish you luck with it.

My reasons for swapping is I did not like the manipulation I was perceiving in the silver market.

Not that gold does not share that with the monthly slam down at option expiration day.

But still gold is widely held by many sovereign nations & I felt I had done quite well in Silver ( over 200% gain) so swapped that 60% into gold.

It was equal to buying gold for less than $500/oz in my mind.

Still as I said my personal feelings is silver still has legs to run.....

Just realize it is a fairly small market & can be volatile at times....As you probably have seen.

Good Luck

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Time is passing & the debt ceiling show continues.

At best there will be a 11th hour patch job that will be good for maybe 2 months of the drunken sailors spending.

Would not be surprised to see new highs in September.When the dog & pony show does their remix.

Err... what?

would there perhaps be an easier way to word all that?

i feel like im in a cuckoo thread.


e2+ Would not be surprised to see new highs in September - i get that, but not the reasoning.

are u talking real new highs, or apparent new highs.

from what i understand, 2000 usd per oz is the high to be hit, but we seem to be drifting that way slowly but surely?

forgive me if i sound too pissed off, im not im frustrated that 'maintaining wealth' is such a tedious 'job' i thought i could relax by now!!

wheres them hugs!

Sorry this would be chaff :lol: :lol:

Just talking off the cuff & my post is in regards to the Debt crisis in the USA

It has its effect on Gold & Silver as folks run for shelter to metals as currencies slip.

But what I was speculating in my post is that the government will ....**in my opinion/chaff only** ;)

raise the debt ceiling but just a stop gap measure not the long term raise Obama wants.

As such the worry will begin anew in Sept/Oct when they once again will have this same 11th hour worry.

Again this is all speculation & really if you want to know how metals are doing look to the past & the reasons it

has done well these last years. Those reasons are still firmly in place.

Good Luck

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Naam , as the largest holder of Gold and Silver , on this thread ( You think !) do you agree that we are most likely to see steady increases , for Gold anyway , along the current trend lines with blips up and down.

i don't agree Churchill. not because i think gold or silver will go down but because i am not a prophet or fortune teller. i/we hold gold and silver for diversification of assets. i/we look primarily at gold and silver as some kind of alternative investment if/when certain events happen and the precious metals might come in handy to be used or just act as wealth protection.

don't ask me whether said events will happen or not because i'm not qualified to give an answer. you are advised to direct these kind of questions to the experts and prophets who publish their (often ridiculous) views in dozens of biased websites.

So like a form of insurance ? For you and many others - Not something that you would sell for short term profit ....

Like more and more central banks - Like more and more people in China , India , Europe and the US

and Pension funds have to catch up ........ ! :rolleyes:

Supply/demand .. price ......

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1. So like a form of insurance ? For you and many others -

2. Not something that you would sell for short term profit ....

3. Like more and more central banks - Like more and more people in China , India , Europe and the US

4. and Pension funds have to catch up ........ ! :rolleyes:

5. Supply/demand .. price ......

1. sort of

2. that depends on the profit margin

3. keep..

4. ...on...

5. ...dreaming ;)

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1. So like a form of insurance ? For you and many others -

2. Not something that you would sell for short term profit ....

3. Like more and more central banks - Like more and more people in China , India , Europe and the US

4. and Pension funds have to catch up ........ ! :rolleyes:

5. Supply/demand .. price ......

1. sort of

2. that depends on the profit margin

3. keep..

4. ...on...

5. ...dreaming ;)


surely if there are 'known' dips at 'known' intervals.......there are short term wins aplenty??? no?

surely the combined knowledge of all the smarty pants' in here holding physical can see the potential for increasing ones asset base or whatever...

so far im a bit unimpressed, to say the least.

maybe surely i expect too much, and then look for others to blame etc...


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