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Holy mama, is gold finding its fundamentals?

I made a tidy profit going long before the New Year "knowing" that the fiscal cliff would be avoided! Yeah, good move of me selling out after the facts. Then went long at gradual intervals thinking 1640'ish would stop. Now, it's 1630. I keep moving back my contracts to later dates but it does get scary when people get stopped while I never put stops. I play small. It ain't too bad as I tend to sell out the latter contracts which I obtain at a profit without concerning my overall average, the same way I play the "manipulated" stock markets.


The Turkish gold deposit accounts further proves my point about golds use as a reserve/alternative currency.

Many instances of these services coming to many countries.

sure that's why gold is still falling, presently $1637.10 coffee1.gif

so what's your guess? sub 1600? 1500?


In the paper market I'm still short. I'm expecting we will make new lows before we return to the bull run. 1580 is my initial target area.. could even go much lower.


The Turkish gold deposit accounts further proves my point about golds use as a reserve/alternative currency.

Many instances of these services coming to many countries.

sure that's why gold is still falling, presently $1637.10 coffee1.gif

so what's your guess? sub 1600? 1500?

unlike some resident experts i have no idea tongue.png but i keep on buying wink.png


The Turkish gold deposit accounts further proves my point about golds use as a reserve/alternative currency.

Many instances of these services coming to many countries.

sure that's why gold is still falling, presently $1637.10 coffee1.gif

so what's your guess? sub 1600? 1500?

unlike some resident experts i have no idea tongue.png but i keep on buying wink.png

Some like the bug bit you naam.


The Thai market plays the scary game! At least the Thai market is smaller where you don't shiiiit in your pants when it goes the other way. Yeah, yeah, yeah,... hit that stop point. What is it anyway?


we will make new lows before we return to the bull run

Bull run?

....you mean the bull run that's underperformed just about everything in the last few decades?

Hey I'm not complaining I happen to have a two-bagger, but gold is a passive (ie no added value) investment in a universe where activity tends to pay, and many things make gold an uphill struggle.


Actually in retrospect the great reason why gold was going to go up by orders of magnitude, goldbug heaven, the end of the financial world scenario, just happened the last few years. And what did gold do? Well I'm afraid, given it got the biggest steroid shot for nearly a century, that it performed feebly at best.

Meanwhile the Greeks despite their end of the world have now doffed their caps, and unemployment falls again in the US following it's steady trendline down.....oh and gold has about the same value it did 30 years ago.


I predicted this time last year that Gold would be sitting at $1250 by Jan 1, 2015. I thought all the talk of Gold going through the $2000 barrier at that time was mental and I stand by that. There's plenty of people that have taken a bath due to the drop in price, and it's not a trade for the idle now, you'll need to be on your toes.

So, one year along the line, I'll kinda stick with my prediction, though I do reckon it's on the low side. It's time for the amateurs to get out of Gold.


there... there... play nicely boys! this is the thread that contains mostly stuff out of which dreams are made. a critical is posting once in a while allowed. but you are overdoing it. and neither do you take "well documented" facts into consideration, such as...

-the famous investor and guru who predicted <insert prediction> and was right also predicted that Gold will reach <insert price> any time from now.

-the fund manager <insert name> who managed <insert fund name> before Gulf War II forecasted that all fiat currencies are doomed and only the value of Gold will prevail.

-them Aysian Injuns, who are the biggest buyers of Gold have recently imported at least if not more tons of Gold. the spokesman of the Injun Gold Traders Association of Uttar Pradesh announced "bring it on, we buy it!"

-the Chinese Government ordered each Chinese citizen to buy at least if not more grams of Gold to match the average Gold global holdings.

-the World Gold Council™ warned its faithful followers that the conspiracy of central banks buying huge quantities of Gold -thereby depressing the gold price- is based on an initiative of the criminal banksters Silverman&Blower to dominate financial markets.



none of us has any idea, obviously, but come on guys - for fun - what's your predictions for June and Dec? 2013!

for june i predict that at night it will be cooler than outside and for december i predict that Christmas Eve will be on or around december 24th.


Is it really that bad?

What was the average rate of return

for the last 10 years in the Stock Markets?

Gold? In All Currencies looks to have done at least 10%

Not so bad?


Ten years?

Nicely selected time period ........... representative of the long haul?

(hey don't worry I do the same thing myself).

Nah to tell you the truth I don't cherry pick years.

We are here now

I like to look at reality or time frames that I can relate too & are relevant to now.

The list I showed is not only relevant time wise to the reality of Now but also is shown

in ALL currencies. Try the same with all currencies in anything else I do not think the record

will be as good.

It does me no good to go any longer than the ten most recent years

& to tell the truth that is too long also.

I mean what is buy & hold these days?

IMHO ever since the markets opened to electronic trading or the

arrival of the internet buy & hold was dead.

Folks don't buy & hold anymore. Maybe it was always a casino but folks did not

trade in & out to the tune of 300k USD daily like so many do now.

To tell you the truth I do not know how businesses can plan anything anymore based

on Stock values. People use to invest in a company because they believed in that

companies product,management etc. Today is is all about the tick of the moment.

Click of the mouse your in....screens available to all for a price & they see what is waiting to sell

& what is waiting to buy. If you can afford the screens there is almost too much data available.

Lastly I used stocks as an example although I have not traded paper for well over 10 years.

What I have done with metals I have only done with physical. Personally I want no part of this

new aged casino regardless of possibilities. I do not begrudge anyone from playing any way they want though.

Wish everyone good fortune this year wink.png


Is it really that bad?

What was the average rate of return

for the last 10 years in the Stock Markets?

Gold? In All Currencies looks to have done at least 10%

Not so bad?

Factor in inflation and loss of compounded dividends/interest and get back to us.


Factor in inflation and loss of compounded dividends/interest and get back to us.

Do the same for other liquid assets like bank savings accounts

for the same time period & get back to us too wink.png


none of us has any idea, obviously, but come on guys - for fun - what's your predictions for June and Dec? 2013!

for june i predict that at night it will be cooler than outside and for december i predict that Christmas Eve will be on or around december 24th.

hmm you never seem to want to actually put a figure in where YOU think it will be - come on it's harmless fun


none of us has any idea, obviously, but come on guys - for fun - what's your predictions for June and Dec? 2013!

for june i predict that at night it will be cooler than outside and for december i predict that Christmas Eve will be on or around december 24th.

hmm you never seem to want to actually put a figure in where YOU think it will be - come on it's harmless fun

i can't put a figure on something i do not think about. as simple as that.


Today i sold 70% of my physical gold. To be honest I feel some what exposed.

Leaving UK in a couple of weeks and will rebuy after we've moved back to Thailand and a house sale has gone through. So I hope you guys predicting a big drop are right! I own gold as a reserve currency / insurance policy rather than a speculative investment but still be nice to get it back in at a nice low/ more from the same money- actually I will most likely increase the size anyway when I rebuy even if same price as now or even greater. The reasons to own it are the same and the big "event" risk factors are still there - In fact the picture is looking some what worse than previously. I think this is almost certainly the calm before the storm.

I'm thinking about what % cash £/ Bht /gold ratio to keep after the move. Thinking 5%, 25% , 70%.


Total wealth = roughly 60% rental property, 20% non income producing property, 20% liquid (cash and PMs).

How about you guys?

I'm pondering my first small punt on shares; to be PM miners held through the self investment ISA, but I don't really like to have the Barclays holding my certificates. Any way to eliminate the risk of holding through a company / platform? Since ill no longer be UK resident the ISA part no longer matters


none of us has any idea, obviously, but come on guys - for fun - what's your predictions for June and Dec? 2013!

for june i predict that at night it will be cooler than outside and for december i predict that Christmas Eve will be on or around december 24th.

hmm you never seem to want to actually put a figure in where YOU think it will be - come on it's harmless fun

i can't put a figure on something i do not think about. as simple as that.

the threads about 'where if gold going' how can you n ot think about it? you only buy? never, ever sell?

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