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If things get as bad as Sinclair keeps ranting, having gold in physical form in your possession is just going to get you killed by the rampaging home-invasion mobs that will be looting and burning every house in sight.

Heheh that could explain the run on guns a bit too :o

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Based on technical standpoint here

The gold will go lower.........for at least another quarter, then who knows after that.........will check back technically again at that time.

Based on technical standpoint here

The gold will go lower.........for at least another quarter, then who knows after that.........will check back technically again at that time.

You are in agreement with a few other techs

I hope so as I would like a bit more still

I knew I should have grabbed a bit more in the 730 range

Well the best way to buy into the gold "for now".... is through...............PUT option!!----March option?, me think here

No I am not a gold trader.

I dont own it if I dont hold it... is my way of thinking :o

Well the best way to buy into the gold "for now".... is through...............PUT option!!----March option?, me think here

No I am not a gold trader.

I dont own it if I dont hold it... is my way of thinking :D

I'm not a gold trader either.........just the option trader....(well in this going nowhere lala market anyway)

I don't want to own anything if I have to hold it "long".......just me here

Best of luck to U ja :o

  • 2 months later...
simple no bulls""" $ up Gold down $ down Gold up.

It's not quite that simple anymore. There are a whole lot of Europeans with some high valued currencies that need protection. They may be a driver in Gold in the future. Remains to be seen.

Apparently so.

  • 2 months later...
The price of gold basically revolves around the world jewelry markets and people who hoard the metal believing that the world will come to and end and that fiat money will have no value ( this group we call "goldbugs" is a living example of the greater fool theory). Unless there is some new technology that surfaces that requires a massive ammount of gold in its production, I just see the gold market as something akin to the U.S. baseball card craze or the tulip market in Holland during its wild era :o

As far as I am concerned when the Chairman of the Fed, Bernanke, is quoted as saying,,,,

'Like gold, U.S. dollars have value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply. But the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost. By increasing the number of U.S. dollars in circulation, or even by credibly threatening to do so, the U.S. government can also reduce the value of a dollar in terms of goods and services, which is equivalent to raising the prices in dollars of those goods and services. We conclude that, under a paper-money system, a determined government can always generate higher spending and hence positive inflation.'

,,,,those holding dollars are either deaf or hopeful of an even greater fool.

reference: Fed Reserve Website

,,,,those holding dollars are either deaf or hopeful of an even greater fool.

the fools who made ~20% profit in 9 months vs. most major currencies are quite happy to be fools :o


Anyone know why the spike up in gold & silver today?

I did not see any news but both had the handle today.

Just curious

Anyone know why the spike up in gold & silver today? I did not see any news but both had the handle today. Just curious

weakening dollar. as simple as that.

Anyone know why the spike up in gold & silver today? I did not see any news but both had the handle today. Just curious

weakening dollar. as simple as that.

Ahhhh your right of course... :D

hadn't even thought to look.

But I see the drop now.

A cycles person I read has been predicting.... :) the dollar hitting 86 in the next few days & then being range bound for the rest of the month. The markets heading up from the end of 2nd week of May till June where the dollar will then fall out. He claims the 3rd week of June as a low point for the dollar & the long bonds.

I am not investing but like to watch & see if he has a hit or miss. Kind of like reading my daily horoscope at the end of the day.....Entertainment :D


reason: investors are hedging their dollar exposure.


Massive Options Trade Signals Gold Miners (GDX) Is Set to Glitter

My Options Radar was buzzing late in the day following a massive trade in the Gold Miners (GDX) ETF.

Trade Breakdown:

Gold Miners (GDX) saw a very large institutional player come in yesterday with a large trade that hit the ISE at 3:55pm when 30,000 September $28 puts were sold close to the bid; while 20,000 September $35 calls traded at $4.66 skewed slightly to the offer side, likely a buyer, and 30,000 September $45 calls were sold for $1.48 near the bid.

With the GDX trading right near $35, you can look at the trade two ways, either a ratio bullish call spread financed partially via put selling, or a 30,000 contract strangle sold with the premium collected used to purchase 20,000 September $35 calls. The trader collected $1.48 on the Sep. $45 calls and $1.72 on the September $28 puts for a credit of $3.20, while spending $4.66 for the Sep. $35 calls. Total comes to a $9.6 million credit and a $9.32 million dollar purchase, so a credit of $280,000.

Now to look at the strategy and risk reward of the trade; the trader is taking a very bullish stance with a large profitability zone, as a move above $35 makes the trade profitable (losses begin to mount under $27.90), with max profits at $45 of $2,025 per spread, with a max move of shares to $65.30 before losses would occur due to the ratios.

Technical Analysis:

The GDX has been making higher lows and broke past a 20 day high today and a bullish trend appears to be developing. Simple trend lines would show $32 as support with $42.50 as the target on the next move higher, a very favorable risk/reward set-up. Gold (GLD), the commodity, has formed a descending triangle and is nearing a breakout at $900/oz. These bullish technical signals could account for this large bet on the GDX.

Behind the Story:

U.S. Gold companies could benefit from a stronger USD as many operate outside the U.S. and thus costs are reduced. The reason that individual gold stocks and the gold mining ETF are likely a better bet than the commodity itself, is due to the much lower input costs (Steel, Oil, etc.) for these mining companies that should boost margins, and thus profits.

I would rather not get into a deep discussion regarding the fundamentals because the smart money knows that this group of stocks is set to flourish, and I will leave it open to discussion in the comments as to the Bullish and / or Bearish cases for the gold miners.

Large holdings in the GDX include Agnico-Eagle Mines (AEM), AngloGold Ashanti (AU), Barrick Gold (ABX), Eldorado (EGO), Gold Fields (GFI), Harmony Gold Mining (HMY), Goldcorp (GG), Newmont Mining (NEM), Yamana Gold (AUY). These individual names are also worth buying on this breakout about to occur.



The Case for Investing in Foreign Currencies, Gold Funds

President Obama's latest budget makes a pretty good case for investing some of your money in foreign currencies, a gold fund, or both. Nobody knows for certain what's going to happen next, but there is a real danger these yawning federal deficits will lead in due course to a fall in the dollar, surging inflation, or both.

The headline numbers released Monday were bad enough. The president now forecasts a budget deficit of $1.84 trillion this year, falling to $1.26 trillion next year and $512 billion by 2013. We have become inured to federal red ink over many decades, but even by modern standards these numbers are simply staggering. From 2009 through 2019, White House documents say, deficits will raise the national debt by $8.9 trillion.

Thirty years ago, the national debt was about one third the size of the U.S. economy. By 2011, admits the White House, the gross debt will be over 100%.

Yet even these figures don't tell the full story. Even to keep the red ink to these levels, the president is relying on some optimistic economic projections.

So he is predicting federal budget revenues will soar 60% between 2009 and 2014, while government spending will stay flat. He is also banking on a robust recovery. The White House says it expects the economy to grow by an average of 3.7% a year in real, inflation-adjusted terms from 2010 through the end of 2014. That's much faster than the 2002-7 recovery, when the economy averaged 2.8%. Indeed it's faster than the go-go 1990s, when the economy averaged about 3.5%.

It is noticeable that neither the Congressional Budget Office, nor the Blue Chip poll of economic forecasters, is expecting growth as fast.

The president's forecasters are assuming that these huge budget deficits - and robust economic boom - will neither spur inflation nor spook the bond markets. Apparently they expect inflation will stay at 2.1% or less. And they see yields on 10-year Treasury bonds averaging just 2.8% this year, 4% next, and rising gradually to a steady state of around 5.2% in 2014.

It would, indeed, be wonderful if all these ships came in on time. But I wouldn't bet all my chips on it happening.

There has been a fad of panicked gold buying in the last six months. Some was due to the financial crisis, and some to fears of what a new Democratic administration might do. Ryan Denby, chief operations officer at Austin Rare Coins, Inc., says that some investors have become so afraid the federal government will "confiscate" bullion that they have been paying hundreds of dollars extra per ounce to buy gold coins instead. These are deemed a less likely candidate for confiscation under this doomsday scenario.

When things get this heated, it makes sense to take a deep breath. Hoarding gold bullion doesn't make sense. And it involves a special kind of risk, too. Burglars would love it.

Right now gold bullion, at about $924 an ounce, is actually pretty expensive in comparison with gold mining stocks anyway.

There's a case for keeping some money in precious metals. The low stress way to do this is to invest in a mutual fund that invests in the shares of mining companies. These may underperform in a massive gold boom but they should help cushion against a dollar crash. Most fund companies have a precious metals fund. Among the specialist funds, U.S. Global Investors' World Precious Metals Fund is notable for investing in smaller, more speculative mining stocks. Funds that can hold physical gold as well mining shares include First Eagle Gold and Tocqueville Gold.


Everyone is Wrong, Again (Except the Gold Bulls)

I definitely like gold but boy...... silver been doing great too :)

Everyone is Wrong, Again (Except the Gold Bulls)

LO AND BEHOLD! and the LORD looked at disgust at the wrongdoers and he punished them by smothering their first born male children whereas the wrongdoers and their teeraks were expelled from the paradise and forced to live in the badlands inhabited by the Canaanites because they neglected to honour, respect and worship gold. the sinners however did not repent but had fun with the goldbulls by claiming "all bulls but no balls!" so the LORD in his wrath created the big financial crisis, declared all fiat money worthless, raised the ATM fees, let Sterling drop and valued a bakery to be worth one single gold coin.

the goldbulls kept living happily ever after in their dreamland and had no other fear than keeping the rubber sheets on top of their mattresses in place.


valued a bakery to be worth one single gold coin.

LOL......... :):D:D

I forget who originally mentioned something like that to you.

But it stuck like glue didn't it :D

Gold is getting ready for a......no cant be a new high.....Vegas Vic said long ago it was done for the year :D

valued a bakery to be worth one single gold coin.

LOL......... :):D:D

I forget who originally mentioned something like that to you.

But it stuck like glue didn't it :D

Gold is getting ready for a......no cant be a new high.....Vegas Vic said long ago it was done for the year :D

that was KhunJean.

valued a bakery to be worth one single gold coin.

LOL......... :):D:D

I forget who originally mentioned something like that to you.

But it stuck like glue didn't it :D

Gold is getting ready for a......no cant be a new high.....Vegas Vic said long ago it was done for the year :D

that was KhunJean.

Ah right !

I wonder what happened to KJ I have not seen posts lately

Also wonder about LaoPo have not seen in an even longer time any posts

Last but not least Bingo has been absent for awhile too? Perhaps bought a ranch in Montana?

I wonder what happened to KJ I have not seen posts lately

Also wonder about LaoPo have not seen in an even longer time any posts

Last but not least Bingo has been absent for awhile too? Perhaps bought a ranch in Montana?

-KhunJean said good bye a couple of months ago

-to the best of my knowledge LaoPo is busy in China

-Bingo is p*ssed because Thais can still afford to eat som tam

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