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Thinming About Marriage. The Consequences...


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Apart from the obvious pros/cons of marriage to a Thai or any woman for that matter, Im curious to know if this may cause difficulties should i ever apply for emigration to the colonies :o (in particular but not exclusively) : Australia, NZ, Canada or the US . Im British for my sins.

The applications to these countries would unfortunately NOT be based on a bank balance.

I have Oz relatives, and have heard whispers of policies aimed to prevent half of Asia moving in...

Any (serious) thoughts appreciated...



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N.Z. is very Asia friendly...look at their immigration website, it is all based on a point system, education, job experience etc...providing your wife can speak English there isnt a problem...and if she has any work experience or education certs that makes it even easier....

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Cheers tommy, i didnt know that about NZ. Will check it out.

Stay in the UK? did you know that zimbabweans and s.africans call it 'Mud Island'! I tend to agree with them... but it may have to happen :D

Ionabong. Great name! Great photo... the grass is already looking greener. Thanks for the very congratulations.

The title of this post was meant to be: Thinking About Marriage, instead it turned out to be: Thinming About Marriage, or as you read it:

Thin Ming About Marriage.

She WAS thin, 2 years ago, however both she and I have put on a bit of weight, thanks to your delicious Thai food! Do you enjoy Thai food? :o:D

Skippybangkok, im sorry if i offended your national pride mate, actually not really. Although an ancestor of mine did get sent to Oz (lucky bugger) for rustlin' sheep down on t'moors long ago, im not sure i can put that on my visa application. Gday mate.

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'Fraid so old bean.

There is such a thing as sponsorship (not the Thai style - "send 20,000 baht a month from Frankfurt huney") - Whereby you work your arse off in OZ, maybe NZ? for a company that sponsors your application, in return for residency after x years. Without the wife, i know i can get this fairly easily, however bringing a wife-in-tow may cause problems.

However if there are any lovely Thai women who would like to send ME 20,000 baht a month, that will do nicely - get myself a shiny new Hilux to whizz around Sydney.

Im making a half hearted attempt to find out about this. I suppose i should check the OZ/NZ govt websites.

...before i tie the knot.

( i can always get her over once ive got into the antipodes I guess)

As for the "colonies" jibe, im fascinated by the idea of "nationality". Im a complete mongrel myself, in fact, even got a touch of Mongol in me!

To all poor and distressed farang,

Wheresoever they may be,

On the land, the sea or in the air.

A speedy relief from their suffering,

And a safe return to their native land, If they so desire.

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Er.. no, im here already.

But the scientist in me is doing the sums when the economy of Thailand goes belly up next year. At some point i need to return to syphilis-ation and stick my snout in the trough. (thats unless my new noodle shop enterprise takes off - at the very least i aint gonna starve).

Now where the best trough will be, that is the question. UK will probably be the easiest cash, but to be honest its F'in cruel to take a chick out of paradise into average joe's UK. (fair play if you are wealthy man). " happy to be sad " as they say here. No thanks.

Oz and NZ, now that really IS a nice place for Thais.

Again i apologise if i offend you sensitive expats waving your flags. As we are seeing now, there are no nations, just invisible pools of cash, and taxmen.

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It's not always cruel to take a girl out. My wife is excited to go to America and get her Masters Degree and actually get a job where they don't say " Sorry we can pay you more, you're Thai, we can't help it" She is sick of how her own people shit on eachother but shell out $ for unqualified people from anywhere else.

Pulling a girl out with less English skills or lower education might be harder and more difficult on her, but maybe not. Maybe after 2 years her English might get her into a Uni and get her a degree so she can run the rat race too :o Hmmm maybe you do have a point..

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I don’t think there’s any harm in doing a little homework as you way up your future choices. Australia can be a sod of a place for Thais to get into, so make sure you have all angles covered if you want to try for that destination. I speak from past personal experience here. Not only did my then girlfriend of 2 years fail to get a tourist visa, they case worker wrote on here application:

“I am not satisfied that your intention to visit Australia purely as a tourist is genuine! I have therefore decided to not issue you with a visa to visit Australia”

Also, if you’re not Australian and your wife gets refused entry, you have no right to appeal, so they told me. They will take you application fee nonetheless, and just so that every other embassy knows of the failed application, they will put a little red stamp in the passport to say that you have previously applied and failed to enter the land down under.

Maybe some prearranged sponsorship might be your best approach, but best to seek professional guidance rather than just go at it in an opportunistic fashion.


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Your wife should have no problem and might be able to get you into Australia on a spouse visa. It would help if you can convince the immigration authorities that you are Scottish or Irish and not English.

Hey Bokkers,

Haven't you heard that Australia now requires potential immigrants to pass an IQ test? The minimum level is 90, not very high, I know, but the OP may have a bit of a problem.

You and I are okay as we already have Aussie passports.

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What has this thread to do with Chiangmai?

Maybe the GF (or potential wifey) is from Chiangmai :o

Perhaps, but I didn't realise that Thai people from Chiangmai were treated any differently by the authorities in the countries mentioned. Unless your name is Thaksin of course :D

Isn't there a separate forum for this type of query? :D

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Thanks Guys!

For now im convinced of one thing - postpone any marriage until I find out more, I just hope the next time i get a little tipsy with her, my mouth behaves...thats what got me into this situation in the first place!

She was pushing for before Loy Kratong, apparently 2 years of living in sin is the unwritten limit of respectability for CM ladies!... then again all her uncles have meanoys - in the same village!

What has this got to do with Chiang Mai? would you take advice from strangers who live in sin city etc? (never been, might be lovely folk).

Also taking a chick over to join the 'rat race' from, well, pretty much everywhere else ive been in Thailand, doesn't seem like a bad thing, Bangkok, flash pot cities, but Chiang Mai..., the women here seem more independant, more able to stay away from the lures of morally corrupt Thais, or farang...and still live in pleasant society with less cash. Maybe mine just happens to have a really nice family. God knows. Trying to rationalise the possibility of not plucking this orchid from 'poverty'.

I think maybe i should go for NZ, and get an OZ passport after a few years, best of both.

But yeah i apologise for breaching forum etiquette, but then again, dont read it, if you dont want to.

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