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My Daughters 1st Birthday


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Do any of you have a suggestion? I want her to feel good. Shall I send flowers with a tukadar? If so, does anyone know who will do it via credit card to Sriracha? I have seen an ad on TV for flowers but it seems it was for BKK areas only.

What are your thoughts/ideas? BTW I am working in a former USSR country...not too many facilities here!!!



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If its only her first birthday I'm sure she won't be that aware.

If you haven't gone yet you could buy a load of presents before you go and have your wife give them to her on her birthday.

Prof, unfortunately I wont be home for two weeks after her birthday. Do you have kids? Kitty is my first and I was away working when she was born, as I will be away working for her 1st b'day. I guess I just want to do all I can do from this far away.

Thaivisa members helped me so much whilst I was away during her birth, and the members that remember that time will also remember how much her birth effected me whilst I was away.

I talk to her each day on the fone, but it is not the same. (all she does is laugh at me) :D


However, I do have the knowledge in my heart that the sacrifices I am making now are all for her future.

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First birthday, she really will not understand what is going on. At this age, celebrations are primarily for the benefit of parents and friends.

Arrange a nice cake that she can spread all over her face and that should make her happier than almost anything else. Bring presents back when you return, she will enjoy your home-coming that much more.

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Can you tell us the date of the birthday, I have friends in Sriracha and may be able to help out if there is time (Can't promise yet as I haven't yet spoken with them).

Obviously do not post any more personal information here. Just the date will do and I'll let you know tomorrow if anything can be done.

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Tuky --

Great child -- adorable and you can bet she worships you! Why not do a video and do all the coo-coo stuff you want. Perhaps if you can do it in an mpeg you can email or drop on a web site. Your wife should be able to show it to her and report back her responses.

Keep up the calls each day also -- thats what sets your voice into her early memories.

Good luck, mate!

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She is worth the world to me.

What a cutie!!

I remember that I started surfing this forum about this time last year, and you and Tuky had just welcomed her into the world, sharing your newborn photos with everyone.

It's been a great year! What a way to celebrate!

Cheers! and Happy Birthday to your little one!

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However, I do have the knowledge in my heart that the sacrifices I am making now are all for her future.

I do have kids and all i can say is tread very carefully. I felt as you do and now i don't see my children at all.

Fro the second child i was away for 3 months of his first 6months. For the third I left my wife in the delivery room and flew out on a business trip. For the ten years that followed I was away motre than I was home and always exhausted when back.

However i felt secure in that all i was doing was work work work for the families future. I did this until it was too late and i became a stranger in the family home and no longer a father.

Money can buy you the basic needs but children need you more than money.

The words of the song "The Cat's in the Cradle" are very accurate

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Do any of you have a suggestion? I want her to feel good. Shall I send flowers with a tukadar? If so, does anyone know who will do it via credit card to Sriracha? I have seen an ad on TV for flowers but it seems it was for BKK areas only.

What are your thoughts/ideas? BTW I am working in a former USSR country...not too many facilities here!!!



Hey Leith,

Do you forgot you have a friend here? I can do for you since am here. i will go to visit her with my husband if he can jump out of the hospital for a while. I think we appreciated to do so since we are danm bored in hospital .. When is her birthday? and what do you want to surprise your kid? ( i think Tuk will get more surprised than kitty :o

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  • 2 weeks later...


Today is the day, I spoke with her this morning and she made a few cat like noises.

The family are having a party for her and my wife is buying her a little car today from Robinsons, you know the sort that she can drive around?

I spoke to my family in Australia who are having a party for her there too, My dad has talked my wife through setting up the web cam and they are celebrating Kitty's birthday in two countries divided only by the pc screen.

Man, I wish I was home.



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However, I do have the knowledge in my heart that the sacrifices I am making now are all for her future.

I do have kids and all i can say is tread very carefully. I felt as you do and now i don't see my children at all.

Fro the second child i was away for 3 months of his first 6months. For the third I left my wife in the delivery room and flew out on a business trip. For the ten years that followed I was away motre than I was home and always exhausted when back.

However i felt secure in that all i was doing was work work work for the families future. I did this until it was too late and i became a stranger in the family home and no longer a father.

Money can buy you the basic needs but children need you more than money.

The words of the song "The Cat's in the Cradle" are very accurate

This is 1000 % correct.Being away with your family a lot will make you an stranger,resulting that at one stage of life you will not get that love and affection and emotions from your family(wife,children) which you really want to have.Children specially never forgive their parents if they don't stay with them during their childhood.Children always need their parents to be there when they are in need.If they don't find their parents there,they will get very sad.It may create inferiority complex,lack of self confidence and a lot of character deficiencies in a developing child.Children just understand the language of love.The money which u are making,worth nothing to them.Coz they don't really understand it.If you want Love from your Children,You have to give love to them first,gotta show your love to them.So you will get love in return.Love is something Give and Take.Escpecially among parents and children.Thought Parents will always love their children without wanting them love back in return.But usually the children are not that great.It's a universal truth.

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My Daughters 1st Birthday, but I will not be there!!!

tukyleith my friend, we have bfirefly discussed new borns before. I can't imagine how you must feel. My little boy, Jack, had his 1st birthday on the 3rd Dec and a nuclear explosion wouldn't have kept me away.

I am in a very lucky situation where I run my online business from my small office at home, so I get to spend 24hrs a day with the little fella.

There has been a couple of good points made by the boys on this thread though. Be careful of too much time away, when I was growing up, my father also worked away a lot (builder) and eventually he just became "that man who lives with us sometimes".

When he eventually returned home full time, it was a nightmare, all the disruption to the household. Although we get on OK now, all those lost years!

Remember, you don't need a fortune to live well here and having seen the gorgeous little birthday girl's photo, I can only admire your will power. You'll have to lock her up in a few years...!!!

On the plus side, she's only one and won't really remember....

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The guy says he loves his daughter, then he goes on to say that he wasn't there at her birth and he won't be with her for Christmas.

Dude, I don't know who you are, but get your F...ing priorities sorted. You are SAD.

Rubbish!!!! The lad has to work and provide for his family! Ignore this ######.- his nick says it all. :o

BTW Happy Bday Kitty!!!!

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She is definately a little darling Tuky, I remember seeing her photos on her last Birth-day.

I have been in the same position myself as I was always overseas on my own daughter's birthday's. I have actually only been with her on 1 of her birthdays, and she is now 7 :o (time flys).

I suggest writing a heart filled letter to her, she will love it in later years.


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The guy says he loves his daughter, then he goes on to say that he wasn't there at her birth and he won't be with her for Christmas.

Dude, I don't know who you are, but get your F...ing priorities sorted. You are SAD.

I would actually say he has his priorities in order, the little I know of him. He is setting up for his future, he got married, the house is now ready, the baby has been born and he is working in shitty conditions to pave away for his families future. The bigger picture is what you need to look at here.

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First year is fine, but dont make it a habit.

My congrats too, she is really unbelievably cute.

The idea about writing a letter to her that she can read when she is older is excellent. Probably good for your own peace of mind too.

Happy Birthday Kitty!

Funny coincidence, today is my brother's birthday too...

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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Thanks all, there is some great advice here. Torn is right, I am working my guts out in a place that I do not want to be, unfortunately my profession is such that I cannot get work at home, not yet anyway. And I cannot do anything else.

I speak to my daughter on the phone everyday, now whenever she sees the tv remote, or similar she picks it up and puts it to her ear :o

The letter idea is great, I am going to do just that. Thanks for that one.

Anyway, it turns out that about 50 people turned up for her party tonight and my wife bought her a fairy dress and a new peddle car.

The webcam thing worked well, although confused a lot of the Thai family :D

All in all Kitty is a very happy baby, you can see that in her face.

At this point in time it is me that is missing out, I will be home in a week and a half anyway. thanks so much folks, your kind words mean the world to me.

Cheers, and happy birthday kitty.

Thanks Brit.

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Tuky- love to see a bday photo of kitty. My niece will be 2 in march, and I'm not around as much as I like because of work too! Mind you she's spoiled lil lady when I am about - has more Thai gold than any lil one I know!!!  :o

I have the digi camera with me Brit, but my wife took a heap of pics last night on a disposable job. As soon as I get home I will post one.

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