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Sending Money To Bangkok?


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So I just got back from my first trip to Thailand and had the time of my life! I will definitely be back, as it has got to be one of the best places on earth.

I met a beautiful girl there (weird, I know) and I told her that once I got home to Costa Rica I would send her some money for English lessons. I've talked to her on the phone a couple of times since I've returned and am convinced that if I want to keep talking with her she will have to learn more English.

She sent me her bank account information for the transfer of 3,900 baht (I was planning on sending a bit more). Am I a being sucker? Should I find a school and pay them directly instead? Some advice from a seasoned veteran would be much appreciated, since I'm quite the rookie when it comes to this sort of thing.

Thanks :o

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How often do you send money to people you just met? Would you do the same anywhere else in the world? I'd advise against it until you really know the lady, however as always UP TO YOU TILAK!

I've never sent money to someone I just met, that's part of the reason that I'm asking a public forum. She's a really sweet girl and it seems like she could use a little help. Even though it is only $100-$200, you do make a pretty good point.

What is a TILAK? Just curious...

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How often do you send money to people you just met? Would you do the same anywhere else in the world? I'd advise against it until you really know the lady, however as always UP TO YOU TILAK!

I've never sent money to someone I just met, that's part of the reason that I'm asking a public forum. She's a really sweet girl and it seems like she could use a little help. Even though it is only $100-$200, you do make a pretty good point.

What is a TILAK? Just curious...

ที่รัก [F]tii[H]rak 'darling', literally 'place of love', but the 'place' word also functions colloquially as a relative pronoun. I think 'Up to you, tilak' are words put into the lady's mouth.

As to sending small amounts of money, it may be cheapest to send banknotes in a greeting card. You'll save money over a bank account to bank account transfer if the risk of theft is less than 25%. Banker's draft is cheaper than bank account to bank account transfer, but you'll need to know her name in the Roman alphabet pretty well.

A lot of us think you've met a bargirl who's just going to pocket the money or give it to her boyfriend. However, some bargirls do reckon that English lessons are worth taking, at least if someone's paying for them.

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How often do you send money to people you just met? Would you do the same anywhere else in the world? I'd advise against it until you really know the lady, however as always UP TO YOU TILAK!

I've never sent money to someone I just met, that's part of the reason that I'm asking a public forum. She's a really sweet girl and it seems like she could use a little help. Even though it is only $100-$200, you do make a pretty good point.

What is a TILAK? Just curious...

ที่รัก [F]tii[H]rak 'darling', literally 'place of love', but the 'place' word also functions colloquially as a relative pronoun. I think 'Up to you, tilak' are words put into the lady's mouth.

As to sending small amounts of money, it may be cheapest to send banknotes in a greeting card. You'll save money over a bank account to bank account transfer if the risk of theft is less than 25%. Banker's draft is cheaper than bank account to bank account transfer, but you'll need to know her name in the Roman alphabet pretty well.

A lot of us think you've met a bargirl who's just going to pocket the money or give it to her boyfriend. However, some bargirls do reckon that English lessons are worth taking, at least if someone's paying for them.

So, as a general rule of thumb, bar girls are not to be trusted?

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Hope it's not your brain that's runninonmt (running on empty). Either a troll or just another poor fool with too much money with a scull that is MT. There are plenty of BGs that I'm sure are very nice people but then again there are a lot that need English lessons, take a hair stylist course, sick family member and or sick buffalo. :o:D

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I am sure this is a TROLL, but the sentiment (feelings) are a common one for many who have visited LOS, (if not would we be members of this forum?)

So once you visit LOS and fall under its spell… there is a price to be paid…

rule 1. NEVER pay more than you are prepared to loose. (and once you pay out consider this money gone forever)

rule 2. understand some of the Thai culture, to love is to take care, to take care is to help financially (if you can afford it! You are a foreigner so by definition you can afford it!)(Thai definition, that is)

Consider your options.

Forget about LOS and look forward to the next country to discover. (not a real option but some people don’t know how lucky they are!)

Pay nothing and see if the relationship survives. (it may, and did for me)

Pay a little, and enjoy those SMS messages “love you miss you” and emails (with strangely varying levels of English) (not to suggest that some girls pool their replies to emails)

Pay more and get to feel really special (with that nagging doubt in the back of your mind… am I a fool?)

Pay nothing, forget about her ignore her SMS messages, and save your money to go back as soon as possible and enjoy more of what LOS has to offer.

You may be lucky and meet miss perfect on your first trip, it may take a few visits, (this is where you say “if I knew then what I know now”.

This next comment is from a forum member who has a point of view ( I am not saying I agree with it but it is a valid point) “ if you go on holiday and rent a car for the holiday, do you continue to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of that car after you go hone?”

I am sure there are more options but its 1:45 am as I write this in farang land and I am the sad “person” wish’n I am there!

Enjoy life and what it has to offer form what ever direction it comes…

Have a Happy…


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So, as a general rule of thumb, bar girls are not to be trusted?

Bwahahahahahaha :o:D:D

Ahem..... if it's 3900b, send her the money (4Kb) inside a xmas card and ask her to post the receipt from the lingo skoon, to you, give her an address label and see how you go from there. :D

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That sort of education in Thailand is dirt cheap and she would not have waited on you had she wanted to improve her English.

Not big money and won't change anything. If she is working bar or something, she'll simply miss enough classes to be kicked out or feel like a dummy in the class and drop out.

IMO, you'll just shread the money. It's not only the funds they need for school, it takes much much more.

IMO, if that's all you intend to do to help her, better do nothing.

It's like feeding birds. As soon as there is no more feed, they fly away.

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I think you're all being a tad harsh on the boy.

We all know where he's coming from and it shows he has a good heart.

The best advice in this type of situation is to find a way to have confidence in your investment.

Can you trust her?

Will the money be spent on english lessons?

Are you the only sponsor she has?

One surefire method of security for yourself is to send the money to a third person, an independent, whom you can trust with your cash and know it will end up in the right place.

I'd like to offer myself as your 'man on the land' I'd be willing to see your tilac gets the education she needs. Just send the lolly to me with the girl's name and mobile number and relax and think of the good deed you're doing. Leave the rest up to me. I'm a trustworthy guy. jing jing.

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I think you're all being a tad harsh on the boy.

We all know where he's coming from and it shows he has a good heart.

The best advice in this type of situation is to find a way to have confidence in your investment.

Can you trust her?

Will the money be spent on english lessons?

Are you the only sponsor she has?

One surefire method of security for yourself is to send the money to a third person, an independent, whom you can trust with your cash and know it will end up in the right place.

I'd like to offer myself as your 'man on the land' I'd be willing to see your tilac gets the education she needs. Just send the lolly to me with the girl's name and mobile number and relax and think of the good deed you're doing. Leave the rest up to me. I'm a trustworthy guy. jing jing.

Well, I think I can trust her, but I'm pretty unfamiliar with the culture in Thailand. That is why I posted this on a forum ~ for advice from veterans such as yourself. I met a number of bar girls during my short 2 weeks in Thailand and they seem to have a much different demeanor than the working girls here in Costa Rica.

The girl that I'm considering helping out says that she was on vacation and trying to make some extra money in Phuket and that she is not working in bars any more, but is now working with her sister in Bangkok at a hair salon. Who knows if this is true or not, but she seems sincere and if she's not working the bars any more than i'm sure that she could use some help.

Are there English schools that I could pay with a credit card, instead of sending money directly to her? This would save me from paying western union, bank wire fees and would also help me from feeling like a sucker.

Or should I just put her pictures in a shoe box and give myself a bit o time to forget about her?

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Give you an example mate...I've been going to same Hair Salon in Thailand. I see the same gal Na everytime - get pampered from head to toe. She has a good heart and I consider her a friend. However she has a bf from scandanavia some place who just went back home. She tells me she is single now (until he returns) and do I have any mates might be interested in seeing a great Thai lady. I sort of laffed it off, but I'm sure you can get a mental image of whats going on.

If the little dosh you send doesn't mean that much to you then go ahead and send it off. However I'd be really skeptical until you truely knew the gal before you get up to your eyes on it. If she keeps in touch without any other dosh sent then this is a good sign.

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My missus just bought a salon from a gril who had a boyfriend from Austria.

He was sending her money and they had plans for marriage and children and eventually moving to Austria.

What was she doing every night whilst the boyfriend was away?

Shagging farangs! Every night!!

Trust me I went throught the same feelings for a while after my first visit.

It'll pass! :o

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So I just got back from my first trip to Thailand and had the time of my life!  I will definitely be back, as it has got to be one of the best places on earth. 

I met a beautiful girl there (weird, I know) and I told her that once I got home to Costa Rica I would send her some money for English lessons.  I've talked to her on the phone a couple of times since I've returned and am convinced that if I want to keep talking with her she will have to learn more English. 

She sent me her bank account information for the transfer of 3,900 baht (I was planning on sending a bit more).  Am I a being sucker?  Should I find a school and pay them directly instead?  Some advice from a seasoned veteran would be much appreciated, since I'm quite the rookie when it comes to this sort of thing.

Thanks :D


there are millions of <deleted> struck tourists such as you , every year they get hooked on some girl then send them some money . its a dream mate, so wake up .

she has other suckers like you sending money every month , a long list of them .

they all have suckers like you sending money every month .

the Thai economy might collapse if it wasnt for the <deleted> struck tourists sending money every month to their darling hookers .

we reccomend you have a hand shandy and forget about her till your next trip .

by then you will be history and another sucker(s) will have taken your place


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Learning English is one up on the Sick Buffalo.........

Send her the money and she may be better at English next time you come, however her French may also have move up a grade as well.:o

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there are millions of <deleted> struck tourists such as you , every year they get hooked on some girl then send them some money . its a dream mate, so wake up .

she has other suckers like you sending money every month , a long list of them .

they all have suckers like you sending money every month .

the Thai economy might collapse if it wasnt for the <deleted> struck tourists sending money every month to their darling hookers .

we reccomend you have a hand shandy and forget about her till your next trip .

by then you will be history and another sucker(s) will have taken your place


Could not have put it better myself.

have you never noticed how the upper class thai girls never have felang boyfriends???Its a money thing son!!!

Lets face it 99.9% of these girls are on the take,and who can blame them when there are so many gullible felang men who think with thier johnson..

Some people manage to work this one out before they ever set foot in LOS,and as was mentioned before the rest just prop up the thai economey.

I say good luck to the clever little scammers,aswell we all know that a fool and his money are easily departed and a <deleted> struck fool and his money,well....lol

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you can experiment by sending me 3900 baht. I will make a confirmation post and tell you how much I enjoyed it.

Probably the worng place to say this, but...

I have much more time and respect for many of the BGs than the foreigners who abuse them. One badly treated BG, who is extremely nice and fluent in enlgish, was brought to me recently after trying to commit suicide - because of the abuse of the Canadian man she was dating. I saw his letters to her. I saw the market stall she tried to set up so she could stop being a BG, and I saw her kids that she has to provide for. I speak good Thai and was not fooled

No she was not after money from me - she brought me some gifts actually for helping her.

From the attitude of the various posters here - this take what you can get, enjoy a good shag and forget about her........... I am inclined to have more respect for the BG than the foreigners around here.

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From the attitude of the various posters here - this take what you can get, enjoy a good shag and forget about her........... I am inclined to have more respect for the BG than the foreigners around here.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Not a moral comment about shagging BGs... consenting adults can do as they please, but those who later trash the girls and think themselves any better are a joke.


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Poolcleaner, I know you, don't I?

I'm not sure.

Why do you think so?

Most people go to great lengths to disassociate themselves from me, you know! :o

Thai father-in-law is/was a copper? :D

Sorry Udon mate, it's not me. hope he doesn't owe you money :D

mind, if i did owe money I'd deny my identity anyway.

Still the missus is from Udon herself.

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From the attitude of the various posters here - this take what you can get, enjoy a good shag and forget about her........... I am inclined to have more respect for the BG than the foreigners around here.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Not a moral comment about shagging BGs... consenting adults can do as they please, but those who later trash the girls and think themselves any better are a joke.


Good and bad people everywhere - my whole point is would you normally send dosh to someone you barely know? I think not- so there lies the problem.

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