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Dear All, I'm not sure this post should be here, but anyway here's the story: I have a small home-based biz online selling thai stuff on ebay, my own site etc. As I went abroad for the past 2 months, instead of refusing orders, I let my farang mate living in pattaya to take care of the logistics: to buy the items and to send them to the addresses I would provide, for a 50-50 split of the profits. It all went well: as soon as the customers paid me, I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon, but anyway I have a question for whoever has experienced Thai Police, no matter on which side of the law: would it be useful to report this to a police officer? Can/will they do something if Thais are not involved?

As usual, I thank you all for your kind attention and advise.



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Dear All, I'm not sure this post should be here, but anyway here's the story: I have a small home-based biz online selling thai stuff on ebay, my own site etc. As I went abroad for the past 2 months, instead of refusing orders, I let my farang mate living in pattaya to take care of the logistics: to buy the items and to send them to the addresses I would provide, for a 50-50 split of the profits. It all went well: as soon as the customers paid me, I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon, but anyway I have a question for whoever has experienced Thai Police, no matter on which side of the law: would it be useful to report this to a police officer? Can/will they do something if Thais are not involved?

As usual, I thank you all for your kind attention and advise.



Proving what you say will be tough I am guessing. But perhaps a visit by the boys in brown, blue or green maybe enough for him to see things your way.

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Dear All, I'm not sure this post should be here, but anyway here's the story: I have a small home-based biz online selling thai stuff on ebay, my own site etc. As I went abroad for the past 2 months, instead of refusing orders, I let my farang mate living in pattaya to take care of the logistics: to buy the items and to send them to the addresses I would provide, for a 50-50 split of the profits. It all went well: as soon as the customers paid me, I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon, but anyway I have a question for whoever has experienced Thai Police, no matter on which side of the law: would it be useful to report this to a police officer? Can/will they do something if Thais are not involved?

As usual, I thank you all for your kind attention and advise.



you have no legal recourse. blame yourself for being a fool and forget about it or take a baseball bat to him.

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Your mate borrowed 28k. You can let him know you want it back. If he doesn't feel like giving it back or telling you why he thinks he is entitled (or borrowing) to the extra money, I'd be reviewing the friendship.

Contacting the police - I'm afraid if you do that the friendship is gone anyway. If you have your stuff (WP's, BP's etc) in order, you could have him charged for the theft, however, I suspect proving it would be hard. The police will ask him where the money is and he will say he has allready given it back, you will say he hasn't, your word against his - police won't waste any time other than taking a report.

One of those un-fortunate things that happens from time to time. Take it on the chin & if the guy ever decides to repay you at some point in the future count yourself lucky and put it down to a lesson learned.


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very sorry to hear about this,he must have been a good mate for you to give him your pin no.

When i first cam to live in thailand a friend of a friend said to me to trust no one especially other farang,i guess he could have taken more money than 28,000b.

As the others have said, write it off as experience.

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i think a couple of swift kicks to the gonads followed by siezing items of his property until he paid would be in order. if you are not this way inclined a split of the money with the police will get some of it back in your pocket

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very sorry to hear about this,he must have been a good mate for you to give him your pin no.

When i first cam to live in thailand a friend of a friend said to me to trust no one especially other farang,i guess he could have taken more money than 28,000b.

As the others have said, write it off as experience.

Good advice, really keep your guard up against fellow Farangs, many would steal the eyes out of your head if you wasn't looking.

I speak from experience after lending Farangs money ( who were getting money sent over next week ) yeah right.

Edited by Maigo6
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very sorry to hear about this,he must have been a good mate for you to give him your pin no.

When i first cam to live in thailand a friend of a friend said to me to trust no one especially other farang,i guess he could have taken more money than 28,000b.

As the others have said, write it off as experience.

Good advice, really keep your guard up against fellow Farangs, many would steal the eyes out of your head if you wasn't looking.

I speak from experience after lending Farangs money ( who were getting money sent over next week ) yeah right.

Yea, an nobody else on this forum has ever bet money and won or lent money to a Thai without getting paid back. :o

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OK so it didn't work out and you lost 28K.

What did you gain?

Experience and you kept your business going during your absense.

Pocket the experience, carry on with the business, forget the 28K and ditch the 'friend'.

I would also advise that you close the bank account he had access to and open one that he does not know about.

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Might look like you're working. Got a work permit? BIB might ask for one!

OP, this is a good point. How much do you want the local authoriies looking into what you are doing? Everything you are doing is above board and legal here in Thailand? Work permit, visas, paying taxes?

Also, to get the BIB to do anything you will need to offer them some of the missing 28K, probably 10K for their troubles.

Bottom line is if you are working here illegally, you have to let this one go.

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very sorry to hear about this,he must have been a good mate for you to give him your pin no.

When i first cam to live in thailand a friend of a friend said to me to trust no one especially other farang,i guess he could have taken more money than 28,000b.

As the others have said, write it off as experience.

Good advice, really keep your guard up against fellow Farangs, many would steal the eyes out of your head if you wasn't looking.

I speak from experience after lending Farangs money ( who were getting money sent over next week ) yeah right.

Yea, an nobody else on this forum has ever bet money and won or lent money to a Thai without getting paid back. :D

I have never bet money on anything, I have also lent money to Thai people and always been paid back.

I guess I'm different. :o

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very sorry to hear about this,he must have been a good mate for you to give him your pin no.

When i first cam to live in thailand a friend of a friend said to me to trust no one especially other farang,i guess he could have taken more money than 28,000b.

As the others have said, write it off as experience.

Good advice, really keep your guard up against fellow Farangs, many would steal the eyes out of your head if you wasn't looking.

I speak from experience after lending Farangs money ( who were getting money sent over next week ) yeah right.

Yea, an nobody else on this forum has ever bet money and won or lent money to a Thai without getting paid back. :D

I have never bet money on anything, I have also lent money to Thai people and always been paid back.

I guess I'm different. :o

Certainly no argument from me regarding your last point.

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One of the few advantages I found of falling on hard times was not having begging farang's coming to me and pleading for money all of the time.

I was also foolish enough to lend quite a bit to some on the understanding that they will pay me back "Next week". No prizes for guessing how much was actually repaid to me.

What good that came out of it is that I learned a lesson.

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One of the few advantages I found of falling on hard times was not having begging farang's coming to me and pleading for money all of the time.

I was also foolish enough to lend quite a bit to some on the understanding that they will pay me back "Next week". No prizes for guessing how much was actually repaid to me.

What good that came out of it is that I learned a lesson.


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One of the few advantages I found of falling on hard times was not having begging farang's coming to me and pleading for money all of the time.

I was also foolish enough to lend quite a bit to some on the understanding that they will pay me back "Next week". No prizes for guessing how much was actually repaid to me.

What good that came out of it is that I learned a lesson.


Many Farangs in Thailand are barely scraping by, having left their own countries after ripping off the credit card companies and banks, they're too scared to go home to face the music and will do virtually anything to get next months rent money.

If they only knew that Farang prisons cells are much better than the fan room they are renting, the food is much better than the boiled egg sandwiches and mama noodles they currently survive on.

Edited by Maigo6
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Dear All, I'm not sure this post should be here, but anyway here's the story: I have a small home-based biz online selling thai stuff on ebay, my own site etc. As I went abroad for the past 2 months, instead of refusing orders, I let my farang mate living in pattaya to take care of the logistics: to buy the items and to send them to the addresses I would provide, for a 50-50 split of the profits. It all went well: as soon as the customers paid me, I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon, but anyway I have a question for whoever has experienced Thai Police, no matter on which side of the law: would it be useful to report this to a police officer? Can/will they do something if Thais are not involved?

As usual, I thank you all for your kind attention and advise.



hmm..involve the police..sure...you're clearly a super smart guy(cough cough), so you all have your work permits in order for this business operation and have been paying PIT(personal income tax)...right ?

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One of the few advantages I found of falling on hard times was not having begging farang's coming to me and pleading for money all of the time.

I was also foolish enough to lend quite a bit to some on the understanding that they will pay me back "Next week". No prizes for guessing how much was actually repaid to me.

What good that came out of it is that I learned a lesson.


Many Farangs in Thailand are barely scraping by, having left their own countries after ripping off the credit card companies and banks, they're too scared to go home to face the music and will do virtually anything to get next months rent money.

If they only knew that Farang prisons cells are much better than the fan room they are renting, the food is much better than the boiled egg sandwiches and mama noodles they currently survive on.

You missed the big one, no girls shouting "sexy man, come inside " :o
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Right than:

I had a similar experience 5 years ago here in Thailand when I was cheated out of some money by my so called fellow English friend.

Visit a main Thai police station, tell them the situation and say you want to take out criminal procedings against your friend. If the police dont seem interested, visit other police stations until someone is willing to take up your case.

What happens than is that the police will issue a notice to your friend to attend the police station for an interview. If he doesnt turn up, your friend can be arrested and jailed awaiting trial.

In order to do this, you must be 100% legit, correct visa, proof of paying taxes, work permit etc.

The police will probably ask you for an under counter payment to take up your case.

Under Thai law the police can hold someone in jail without trial until the case is heard in court. I`ve heard of cases where people have been imprisoned for over 2 years awaiting their day in court. Your friend may be asked for a payment by the police for them not to put him in jail.

That`s the score, my friend, now it`s up to you.

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Right than:

I had a similar experience 5 years ago here in Thailand when I was cheated out of some money by my so called fellow English friend.

Visit a main Thai police station, tell them the situation and say you want to take out criminal procedings against your friend. If the police dont seem interested, visit other police stations until someone is willing to take up your case.

What happens than is that the police will issue a notice to your friend to attend the police station for an interview. If he doesnt turn up, your friend can be arrested and jailed awaiting trial.

In order to do this, you must be 100% legit, correct visa, proof of paying taxes, work permit etc.

The police will probably ask you for an under counter payment to take up your case.

Under Thai law the police can hold someone in jail without trial until the case is heard in court. I`ve heard of cases where people have been imprisoned for over 2 years awaiting their day in court. Your friend may be asked for a payment by the police for them not to put him in jail.

That`s the score, my friend, now it`s up to you.

This is 100% correct. Once the police have issued the notice for an interview, if the interviewee doesn't show, a warrant is ised for his/her arrest.

The police won't issue an order for an interview without a plausable story/some sort of proof of crime.

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Right than:

I had a similar experience 5 years ago here in Thailand when I was cheated out of some money by my so called fellow English friend.

Visit a main Thai police station, tell them the situation and say you want to take out criminal procedings against your friend. If the police dont seem interested, visit other police stations until someone is willing to take up your case.

What happens than is that the police will issue a notice to your friend to attend the police station for an interview. If he doesnt turn up, your friend can be arrested and jailed awaiting trial.

In order to do this, you must be 100% legit, correct visa, proof of paying taxes, work permit etc.

The police will probably ask you for an under counter payment to take up your case.

Under Thai law the police can hold someone in jail without trial until the case is heard in court. I`ve heard of cases where people have been imprisoned for over 2 years awaiting their day in court. Your friend may be asked for a payment by the police for them not to put him in jail.

That`s the score, my friend, now it`s up to you.

Sometimes there is something to be said for being legit and paying some tax.

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Have you actually asked this 'friend' what happened to the money yet? I can't quite see why you are asking people you don't know what to do, when you haven't even apparently done the obvious yet. Ask him - and then come back and whinge about the 28K you seem to have lost.

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I electronically transferred the funds to my bangkok bank a/c and the trusted friend withdrew using my ATM card, given before I left. And the business went on smoothly.

last week I came back and he gave me my ATM back, but before calculating profits/expenses. It then emerged that the guy has taken out 28k in excess for his own pleasures. Now guess what: he's not answering the phone and replying to my emails. I'll go to confront him at his house soon

First of all, friend or not, NEVER GIVE YOUR ATM CARD AND PIN TO ANYONE! It would've been better to tell the guy you'd pay him when you returned, or wire the money into his bank account.

It appears you haven't talked with the friend yet about the missing 28k. If you go to confront him, try to keep it low keyed, and just ask for an explanation of what happened to it and that it needs to be paid back to you. Be willing to arrange a payment schedule with him, in the event he can't repay it in a single lump sum. If you go wild on the guy with heavy accusations, he's likely to deny everything. He may anyway. But it's possible if he doesn't feel too trapped or threatened he may explain it and be willing to repay it.

If all fails, then I'd guess you're out of luck. BiB might take some tea money, but it's hard to guess how much effort they'd put in to handle the matter. And again, you need to show you have a WP, etc., otherwise you may end up having to provide a LOT MORE tea money to them. They may just figure if you were foolish enough to give someone your ATM card and PIN, then it's your fault for doing that in the first place. Like others have said, you may just have to regard it as an unfortunate experience. The problem is you'd need to prove it, otherwise it's just your word against the guy who ripped you off.

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One of the few advantages I found of falling on hard times was not having begging farang's coming to me and pleading for money all of the time.

I was also foolish enough to lend quite a bit to some on the understanding that they will pay me back "Next week". No prizes for guessing how much was actually repaid to me.

What good that came out of it is that I learned a lesson.


Many Farangs in Thailand are barely scraping by, having left their own countries after ripping off the credit card companies and banks, they're too scared to go home to face the music and will do virtually anything to get next months rent money.

For once I'll agree with Maijo, he's spot on with the problem. The easy credit years certainly meant a few credit thieves now reside in Thailand.

Seriously, the only person you should rely on for money is yourself, allowing ANYONE, especially farang who have unknowing finances access to your treasure house is asking for trouble.

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