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Just wondering how many expacts live near Loei area? I live approx. 55K from the city center. I have a Frenchman and a Dutchman living in my village. I am from the US. When I am in the city center I very seldom see any.


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Just wondering how many expacts live near Loei area? I live approx. 55K from the city center. I have a Frenchman and a Dutchman living in my village. I am from the US. When I am in the city center I very seldom see any.


I live about 50 kilometers south of the city near Nong Hin.

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My expat Brit friend is quite antisocial with new farangs. He says why bother because they normally don't stay very long. I guess I surprised him.

Maybe tsocr has packed it in already?

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I was hoping Gary would show-up and introduce himself. :D

You could do worse than learn from that guy.

Wish I was planning a trip past you in the near term, Gary.

I'll see if I can do it right the next time. :o


Thanks for that. If you pass by this way drop me a message and we'll try to get together. My NEW favorite watering hole in Nong Hin is not doing so well, not enough customers. Today I took my Brit drinking buddy to the hospital with a serious heart problem. It looks like they may transfer him to Khon Kaen.

We were twice a week regulars so the watering hole will miss us, but only for a while I HOPE.

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I learned a few things over the past year Gary (I hope anyway) :o but gained an appreciation for the hill country around Nong Bhua Lamphu that I will keep. I will be back again even if it is solo this time. Perhaps that is better for me anyway.

A short hop on 210 over to 201, then south a bit. That shouldn't be so hard.

With the ways things are right now over here, it probably won't be until spring. I have to make some hard decisions soon but I won't forget that lovely part of the country.

Wishing a speedy recovery for your friend sir.


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