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Korea Vs. Thailand?

Tyree D.

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I have lived in Seoul for the past 8 years and made my first visit to the ROK in 1980, compliments of the US Army. I work and have an apartment in Seoul and own a house in Bangkok, so I feel well siuted to make comparisons between the two!

Each has a distinctive cuisine, I like most of both! Driving is frustrating in both Seoul and Bangkok, good thing I don't drive armed!!

Nightlife is more "openedly" seedy in Bangkok, but Seoul has it's spots ie..glass houses, room salons, barber shops and of course if your hopeless "hooker hill" in Itaewon. Personally I think on average Korean women are slightly more attractive, probably the way they dress, but more "stunners" in Thailand.

Cost of living is lower in Thailand and the weather in Korea sucks 9 months a year...I will be retiring in LOS!!

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I spent 10 days there in '99 and couldn't wait to leave. It was like Japan but more rigid, aggressive and xenophobic. Unlike most of Asia seems like an easy place to get into a fight. While I was there I read an article saying Korea and Vietnam had the worst satisfaction rating amongst expats.

The women are attractive, no doubt.

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never been to Korea, I can only relate to my experience with those Koreans I encountered in UK, Australia & SE Asia. There's a large community in OZ, mostly shopkeepers and in the IT industry, more reserved and aloof than the Chinese but without the charm. You get the impression of a race living in a country without being part of it. They look quite not the full quid. Women folks are nice-ish but tend to fatten up quicker more than other Asians when abroad. Pretty much the same here in Blighty but less visible and conspicuous than OZ, they seem more into the catering trade. In other Asian countries; Koreans seem to holiday a lot in Philippines, buying into properties and owning bars in AC & Manila. None, and I mean none (from foreigners to local) has got a good word to say about them. In fact come to think I never heard anyone paying a compliments about Koreans. Believe it or not but there's a thriving English language school industry for Koreans in Cebu City, Philippines, as well as university programs in Manila Unis. I kid you not! I guess that says a lot about their mental state. Another think I noticed, apart their absurd rudeness, filthy habits (like cannon-spitting in the streets, chain smoking, blank staring, head bowing in unison when in group etc...), is how every young male & female Korean sport mop head hairstyle. You can spot a Korean from behind just for their ludicrous hairstyle. Food is uneventful, I'd rather eat Wimpy's. Strange people to say the least

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never been to Korea, I can only relate to my experience with those Koreans I encountered in UK, Australia & SE Asia. There's a large community in OZ, mostly shopkeepers and in the IT industry, more reserved and aloof than the Chinese but without the charm. You get the impression of a race living in a country without being part of it. They look quite not the full quid. Women folks are nice-ish but tend to fatten up quicker more than other Asians when abroad. Pretty much the same here in Blighty but less visible and conspicuous than OZ, they seem more into the catering trade. In other Asian countries; Koreans seem to holiday a lot in Philippines, buying into properties and owning bars in AC & Manila. None, and I mean none (from foreigners to local) has got a good word to say about them. In fact come to think I never heard anyone paying a compliments about Koreans. Believe it or not but there's a thriving English language school industry for Koreans in Cebu City, Philippines, as well as university programs in Manila Unis. I kid you not! I guess that says a lot about their mental state. Another think I noticed, apart their absurd rudeness, filthy habits (like cannon-spitting in the streets, chain smoking, blank staring, head bowing in unison when in group etc...), is how every young male & female Korean sport mop head hairstyle. You can spot a Korean from behind just for their ludicrous hairstyle. Food is uneventful, I'd rather eat Wimpy's. Strange people to say the least

Up until two years ago, my experience with Koreans were shop owners and dentists and hair salon workers that took over the hood and South Bay L.A. starting in the 80s. My impression was really negative. You can't compare it with Korean Koreans (lol)! Always being followed around and given the eye and "Hurry up an buy!" But there is definetly a difference.

Never been to Seoul and hate Bangkok. I spent most of my time in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai and in BKK I get treated differently once they realize I'm not a stupid tourist with money to burn and still leave a tip after getting ripped off. I think in terms of baht, not dollar conversions! Within the next few months I will give updates. But I am digging how I can put my feet anywhere and I can spit.

I do miss sticky rice and guatiaw and a big fried fish. Those are missing here. But I got a stove and the internet. Of coarse I know those are available in LOS but every place had a waiting list.

Edited by Tyree D.
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While I was there I read an article saying Korea and Vietnam had the worst satisfaction rating amongst expats.

I can believe that for the North of Viet Nam although our QA manager has a house near Ha Long bay and is happy enough. Possible believeable for here in the centre where the infrastructure, apart from Da Nang, is very shaky. But I can't believe Viet Nam is on a par with Korea if you consider the south around HCMC.

However the corruption is truly mind numbing if you try to get into business so maybe that's what drags the place down

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While I was there I read an article saying Korea and Vietnam had the worst satisfaction rating amongst expats.

I can believe that for the North of Viet Nam although our QA manager has a house near Ha Long bay and is happy enough. Possible believeable for here in the centre where the infrastructure, apart from Da Nang, is very shaky. But I can't believe Viet Nam is on a par with Korea if you consider the south around HCMC.

However the corruption is truly mind numbing if you try to get into business so maybe that's what drags the place down

It was a survey of ppl working there, so maybe the corruption affected them more.

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  • 1 month later...

here's an update since my time here has doubled:

First of all, I have just discovered my teaching visa (E-2) is multiple entry! No more going to Burma realizing I gotta go back to Laos to get my nonImmigrant-B visa back or getting it in Cambodia and the school rejected it because I didn't go to Laos.

I've never had to pay a tip for anything. I never did in Northern Thailand but when I went to Bangkok they expected me to pay the inflated prices and still request a tip. We'll see what happens xmas when I go to tourist-ville.

The nightlife places are in buildings and seem to be equipped for groups. They got these places called sexy bars but you gotta pay for like a 6 drink minimum. The catch is come with as many people. I wish I could glance from a distance but I gotta go on the floor and inside to see what a place is like.

The ladies here buy me drinks. In the LOS it was of coarse the other way around.

The local pop and hip-hop is better. The remix dance is the same.

I'll keep y'all posted and others give me some insight and personal stories.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I see no new replies but I have more insight:

I tried getting my hair done. The guy who ran the hostel I was staying at walked me to 5 different salons. They all refused saying they had no experience with my hair and didn't wanna take risks. I said it was okay and they still refused. They are so sincere here. In Thailand I would get my hair done and nothing was changed but they still said I was handsome and charged me extra because they gave me a massage.

I've now been to Seoul. So much better than Bangkok! 8 Line subway (does BKK still only have one skytrain and one subway?) and bars open until 6 AM (Is the social order still in effect?) Itaewon is like the Sukumvit but there are no hawkers pulling me into shops and the streetwomen are more low key (or maybe because it's just winter?) This was New Year's so it was still an active time.

I listen to both commercial and underground music. There are more English-language choruses and harmony and the rappers got rhymes and diversity. LOS got too many Joey Boy sound-alikes. The Wondergirls smash Girly Berry (they still around?)

And last, I can hook up with a female without wondering if she is gonna ask for money when she leaves. Speaking of which, at the clubs that have int'l DJs with covers over $20US...here the majority of attendees is single women; in Thailand all the local ladies were taken (and probably paid for).

I'm still lovin' it (incorrect English grammar alert). I was told my honeymoon phase would wear off but it hasn't and won't. I'm a DJ.

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Korean intonation is like nails on a chalkboard... bad enough seeing the pair on Lost when reverting to their tongue for a scene. Couldn't imagine it 24/7, let alone people on the street walking into you on purpose? :o

ugh! i know exactly what you mean jackr. spent 3 years in the land of morning calm (calm? CALM!? <deleted>!) After i left and lived in thailand, the fist time i heard "otoo ke..." in that god awful intonation i was almost sick, it bought back such horrendous memories.

it is the worst place in the world. and I would die rather than go back there.

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Well I've worked in Korea (Seoul, Pusan and Ulsan) and am due to go back there (Seoul) for about 4 months and I am dreading it. :o

The south of the country ain't bad but Seoul is the most misnamed place on Earth as it is completely devoid of any hint of soul.

Korean food is quite good although they could do with learning how to serve it hot (apart from the Korean BBQ's which you have to cook) but Koreans are probably the most disgusting people to share a dinner table with. All this exaggerated slurping and lip smacking turns my stomach. Passed off as the way to get the most out of the food merely serves as a smoke screen to hide the fact that they are two legged pigs.

To compare Korea with Thailand is like comparing sh1t with sugar. I would far rather face a barrage of "hey you farang" in a market than the blank face Korean automatons.

Is it just me? Possibly, but my Vietnamese lady friend also hates them with a passion as there are a few around here at the moment because a Korean company is setting up a low cost production facility in the locality.

Anyhow the client wants me to go there and kick the sh1t out of the contractor (my mission from God :D ) so I will endure it for a few months then it's back to civilisation.

women are just as pretty but have economic options so bad news for you old guys

Are you on drugs? Faces like a smacked ar5e. From your "economic options" comment I assume you associate with prostitutes so that explains in part your "pretty" illusion (see, the beer goggles really do work).

Korea is not for me.

Nor me but I have to serve my time in the Gulag Archipeligo to earn my time in paradise.

oh god, what a sh!t hole that country is, and how true is everything you say. gulag archipeligo - he he he. rude, pushy, aggressive people. if i ever had to go back i think i'd top myself first.

beautiful women - are you kidding me??? chewing gum with their mouths open, and scowling all the time?! kim-chi breath, cosmetic surgery. god oh god.

great food - are you on crack??? the stench alone of silk worm larve is enough for me retch right here over my keyboard. give me dog over the eternal stench of kim chi and dried squid.

how about the bags of rotting rubbish left by the side of the road, leaching out putrid kim-chi juice into puddles.

lets talk about toilets - some of the wrose i've encountered anywhere in the world (bar india). Oh my f&*&*6 Christ the stench!

buildings falling down, schoolgirls left to burn in dorms, people shot from soldiers posted on roof tops - nothing more than a nation of disasters.

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Well I've worked in Korea (Seoul, Pusan and Ulsan) and am due to go back there (Seoul) for about 4 months and I am dreading it. :o

The south of the country ain't bad but Seoul is the most misnamed place on Earth as it is completely devoid of any hint of soul.

Korean food is quite good although they could do with learning how to serve it hot (apart from the Korean BBQ's which you have to cook) but Koreans are probably the most disgusting people to share a dinner table with. All this exaggerated slurping and lip smacking turns my stomach. Passed off as the way to get the most out of the food merely serves as a smoke screen to hide the fact that they are two legged pigs.

To compare Korea with Thailand is like comparing sh1t with sugar. I would far rather face a barrage of "hey you farang" in a market than the blank face Korean automatons.

Is it just me? Possibly, but my Vietnamese lady friend also hates them with a passion as there are a few around here at the moment because a Korean company is setting up a low cost production facility in the locality.

Anyhow the client wants me to go there and kick the sh1t out of the contractor (my mission from God :D ) so I will endure it for a few months then it's back to civilisation.

women are just as pretty but have economic options so bad news for you old guys

Are you on drugs? Faces like a smacked ar5e. From your "economic options" comment I assume you associate with prostitutes so that explains in part your "pretty" illusion (see, the beer goggles really do work).

Korea is not for me.

Nor me but I have to serve my time in the Gulag Archipeligo to earn my time in paradise.

oh god, what a sh!t hole that country is, and how true is everything you say. gulag archipeligo - he he he. rude, pushy, aggressive people. if i ever had to go back i think i'd top myself first.

beautiful women - are you kidding me??? chewing gum with their mouths open, and scowling all the time?! kim-chi breath, cosmetic surgery. god oh god.

great food - are you on crack??? the stench alone of silk worm larve is enough for me retch right here over my keyboard. give me dog over the eternal stench of kim chi and dried squid.

how about the bags of rotting rubbish left by the side of the road, leaching out putrid kim-chi juice into puddles.

lets talk about toilets - some of the wrose i've encountered anywhere in the world (bar india). Oh my f&*&*6 Christ the stench!

buildings falling down, schoolgirls left to burn in dorms, people shot from soldiers posted on roof tops - nothing more than a nation of disasters.

r u talking about Korea? I know people who brush their teeth after every meal. I have more experience with som tam breath. Left to burn in buildings? Happy New Year 2552! Toilets? I've seen better maintenance here and never had to pay to use a public toilet. Body odor? I prefer pheromones over thick perfume.

edit: and I am yet to experience the slurping and smacking the guy in the first quote mentioned. I doubt I am still in my illusion stage.

edit 2: once read on another board a foreigner talking about Thailand and praising it while his boss got mad. He replied, "At least Thailand has one thing Korea doesn't...a unified country!" I guess he overlooked the political turmoil and the south's attempts at cession.

Edited by Tyree D.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I tried SEARCH and found nothing. And seeing like the numerous los vs. Philippines or Vietnam threads, I'd like to give it a crack.

I was in Thailand 2004-06 and have been in South Korea for 1 1/2 months. My first impression is I like how I can walk around without people asking me "where you go?" and of course "do you like (the local) food and lady?" and they correctly ask "Where are you from?" as opposed to "Where you come from?" then walk away. Here I haven't noticed any taboos like showing your foot to someone. If I make a cultural mistake they calmly say, "Don't do that next time." instead of "stupid farang!" Speaking of which, I never hear myself called foreigner in their language. When I am shopping, the workers are very helpful while in LOS they said, "Sorry, I no English" then run even though I'm fluent in Thai. I love being out at night being blinded at the lights without some lady pulling on me.

With that said, the food does suck but in my apartment I have my own stove, and a ultra-fast internet that always works! As for teaching, I don't feel like I'm babysitting and I make more money than I ever did coming from a Thailand foreign teacher's salary and part time work in Los Angeles. The Thai massages here are mad expensive but at times they make me feel better than the Thai massages in Thailand and they are done by Koreans that don't speak Thai (aww).

Of coarse I'm comparing two years to two months but at my two month mark in Thailand I would've still had the same opinion except the farang comment didn't disturb me until I moved to the rural part of the country and my name became Farang.

The women are less attractive but don't ask for money. I do like how here they are less barish and the guys are less feminine. The people here spit lugis a lot but so do I.

Anybody in the know have any experiences they would love to share?

All of the problems you had i Thailand, low salary, bad massage, females grabbing your arm, low level of english, females asking for money, females asking you where you are going, feeling like you have to babysit as a teacher, i suggest you go to Sweden, there you will not have any of those problems, i promise you!

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Have you ever been to Sweden? :o Females not asking you where you are going? Swedish women tend to have massive control. If you have a Swedish girlfriend you are not able to even make the slightest movement without her saying "where are you going?" Everytime. It is like they have a motionsensor. Besides, most of them (who are bellow 30) have a character that reminds me of Paul Gascoigne

I would love to experience Korea though.

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Have you ever been to Sweden? :o Females not asking you where you are going? Swedish women tend to have massive control. If you have a Swedish girlfriend you are not able to even make the slightest movement without her saying "where are you going?" Everytime. It is like they have a motionsensor. Besides, most of them (who are bellow 30) have a character that reminds me of Paul Gascoigne

I would love to experience Korea though.

Korea, the land where protests began (in case you were wondering). Oh yea, they make good TV's.

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I enjoy all replies; positive or negative, pro-Thailand or pro-Korea.

Went to a club in Seoul and saw two trannies for the FIRST TIME IN MY 4 MONTHS HERE!!! I saw a drag queen once but that was for an event. In my first post I was only at my few weeks mark but I am still enjoying and preferring it.

Everything I like I already noted. I haven't had a drink bought for me in two months tho (the economy).

Swedish women? I heard they were all that. I'll find out one day. But I still feel good by looking at a map or seeming lost even in Seoul and nobody coming to me and asking "where you go?" But if I ask somebody, they will help and even stay with me until I figure things out. And if they don't speak English, they will call somebody who does.

I don't know if I mentioned this yet but I have a skin condition and break out every so often. Here somebody I already knew led me to a dermatologist. In Thailand the response was, "ewww...HIV"

keep bringing the insight

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Well I've worked in Korea (Seoul, Pusan and Ulsan) and am due to go back there (Seoul) for about 4 months and I am dreading it. :o

The south of the country ain't bad but Seoul is the most misnamed place on Earth as it is completely devoid of any hint of soul.

Korean food is quite good although they could do with learning how to serve it hot (apart from the Korean BBQ's which you have to cook) but Koreans are probably the most disgusting people to share a dinner table with. All this exaggerated slurping and lip smacking turns my stomach. Passed off as the way to get the most out of the food merely serves as a smoke screen to hide the fact that they are two legged pigs.

To compare Korea with Thailand is like comparing sh1t with sugar. I would far rather face a barrage of "hey you farang" in a market than the blank face Korean automatons.

Is it just me? Possibly, but my Vietnamese lady friend also hates them with a passion as there are a few around here at the moment because a Korean company is setting up a low cost production facility in the locality.

Anyhow the client wants me to go there and kick the sh1t out of the contractor (my mission from God :D ) so I will endure it for a few months then it's back to civilisation.

women are just as pretty but have economic options so bad news for you old guys

Are you on drugs? Faces like a smacked ar5e. From your "economic options" comment I assume you associate with prostitutes so that explains in part your "pretty" illusion (see, the beer goggles really do work).

Korea is not for me.

Nor me but I have to serve my time in the Gulag Archipeligo to earn my time in paradise.

Hey dude,

I was in Korea for 11 years - Busan 4 and Seoul 6 and yes it is indeed, for its size, proabably the most

boring city on Earth(Busan has some charm though). Truly lacking soul. It is built for commerce and the automobile and has little individuality at all. Koreans are a group people(the ones who are not quickly immigrate to other countries) and they prefer the safety of what everyone else does.

The foreigners hang out in gawd awful semi-military area called Itaewon with its religious nuts

(if a girl is friendly to you its because she wants to ask you about the Big J and Gawd ..or she's a Ho !)

The Western food, which

has "in" Koreans paying 17 bucks(600 baht) at Suzis for a bacon and eggs with lukewarm coffee and burnt toast is a joke. Whenever Koreans get it right they stop because Koreans don't like authentic western taste and there are not enough foreigners(the american forces have their own stiff on base) to make it worthwhile.

Yes there is some good Korean food but all the cheap stuff will be(much like Thailand I must say)

not really that healthy or edible. Fried canned tuna in rice anyone(chamchi bokimbap)? The quality of meat is better in Japan and I have had Koreans tell me the best Bulgogi they had was in America.

Korean traditional culture started disappearing en mass around 1997 - now it is a boring puppet sustained by US interests. Sadly I see the same signs of globalization here in Thailand(think of the TV added to the Skytrain just recently).

Korean women can be beautiful - I do not not think that any country has a monopoly on beauty. Parts of Korea are beautiful too but traveling is both expensive and exasperating even for Koreans.

Most of the tourists are Japanese looking for a quick day shopping.

Korean language is fascinating though. The alphabet is a cinch but getting its mono-toned nature

mastered can be a real trial. With Thai I find it the opposite.

But most teachers are there for one reason only and that is money.

OK end of rant. :D

(edited for spelling and clarity)

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Korea lost all its culture?

Is this the same culture that is so hot among Thai teenagers?

As for TV on the skytrain, uniquely thai perhaps but that's because unlike other cultures, there is very little fear of them being stolen, damaged etc.

Anyways, don't understand this korea vs thailand debate on a forum about thailand. seems to me that those pro korea have a personal axe to grind with thailand or are in denial about how much they miss living here.

carry on...

Edited by bkkjames
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Korea lost all its culture?

Is this the same culture that is so hot among Thai teenagers?

As for TV on the skytrain, uniquely thai perhaps but that's because unlike other cultures, there is very little fear of them being stolen, damaged etc.

Anyways, don't understand this korea vs thailand debate on a forum about thailand. seems to me that those pro korea have a personal axe to grind with thailand or are in denial about how much they miss living here.

carry on...

The teeny bopper culture(like the pretty face Rain) is nto what I meant. Perhaps I should say the culture

became massively westernized. The point aboyut the sky train TV is that is one of those annoying things done for business at the expensive of peace of mind. This is a trend that I have seen increase even in the four years since I first came to Thailand as a tourist.

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Korea lost all its culture?

Is this the same culture that is so hot among Thai teenagers?

As for TV on the skytrain, uniquely thai perhaps but that's because unlike other cultures, there is very little fear of them being stolen, damaged etc.

Anyways, don't understand this korea vs thailand debate on a forum about thailand. seems to me that those pro korea have a personal axe to grind with thailand or are in denial about how much they miss living here.

carry on...

The teeny bopper culture(like the pretty face Rain) is nto what I meant. Perhaps I should say the culture

became massively westernized. The point aboyut the sky train TV is that is one of those annoying things done for business at the expensive of peace of mind. This is a trend that I have seen increase even in the four years since I first came to Thailand as a tourist.

well, we could go back do things the way of the taliban?

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some nice posts since my last one. To the second guy, you didn't direct that directly toward me but I post here because the message boards geared toward Korea suck!

To the first guy, I already noted the food isn't better, but I don't mind the lack of tourism variety. My Asian experience only starts in 1999 so all I've seen everywhere is westernization. I had a 9 year head start on Thai language but it is easier to pick up Korean and what's wrong with that? Plus, there aren't any moments where I have to turn on certain tones where soi maak goes from meaning "very beautiful" to street dog".

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some nice posts since my last one. To the second guy, you didn't direct that directly toward me but I post here because the message boards geared toward Korea suck!

To the first guy, I already noted the food isn't better, but I don't mind the lack of tourism variety. My Asian experience only starts in 1999 so all I've seen everywhere is westernization. I had a 9 year head start on Thai language but it is easier to pick up Korean and what's wrong with that? Plus, there aren't any moments where I have to turn on certain tones where soi maak goes from meaning "very beautiful" to street dog".

True but in Korea you can still be unintelligible even after 3 years of study. It took me that long to actually

reach a level where my accent was understood easily. The reason is the unusual nature of Korean(like Turkish)

its is a language with a special syllable beat. And Westerners always stress words unconsciously. :o

Conversely, it is also one reason why beginner students of English in Korea often have a very hard time(especially in long sentences)

being understood by Westerners.

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lived in Thailand for 3 years, and I have now lived in Korea for two years... heres my opinion..


Thai food is nicer, but there is a bit more variety in Korea (of local food that is).. if you are into raw fish (as i am) Korea is a great place for it.. a lot of my friends really like the BB Q's but they don't excite me too much. Seoul is very disappointing for foreign food - even in Itaewon the quality is poor compared to bangkok. Outside Seoul you may find average and expensive pasta places, Korean version of Chinese food and Japanese food.. but very little else other than local food.


Korea is excellent for night life, bars never close, all Koreans (except some of the numerous weirdee Christian folk) drink to excess regardless of age and sex - beers not great but palatable and local beer is almost as cheap as in Thailand. Hongdai in Seoul is an excellent night out. Also there generally is a good mix of expats, too many Canadians sadly (met 3 or 4 that were OK), but a younger crowd and generally not the weirdos we have all come across in Thailand - though there are a few


At first i was blown away by Korean women, but after a while you realise a lot of it is very professionally applied make up, a lot of plastic surgery and the fashion... having said that there are many many many stunners here (especially hongdai).. and the short skirts in summer are just.. well , anyway! I think more Korean women wear high heels on a day to day basis than anywhere else. As for getting a girl friend, i have to say its easier than any where else Ive known - but thats coz I'm hitting on the right demographics - late 20's/early 30's.. Koreans are obsessed by marriage and are getting desperate by this stage... also as a foreigner u r seen as less traditional than the often sexist attitudes that still pervade Koreans ideas of marriage/relationships. Blind dating in Korea is very normal and easy to set up through colleagues, mates or online... and Koreans are sexually permissive as anywhere else... although one problem is girls/women tend to live at home until married - even into their 30's.. and parents often give night curfews to their adult children! but Korea is full of 'motels'!!!


The downside to Korea, and this is a sweeping generalisation, is the male Korean company can be hardwork - maybe because of the army. they are generally more patriotic and insular, and will bore you to tears about the correct way to drink soju (a disgusting chemical drink!!) and what is Korean culture - far too many social rules to relax when out with male work colleagues! a bit different in more informal gatherings.

culture and other stuff

As has already been said, Korea is quite a soulless place - destroyed after the wars, rebuilt and now obsessed with the economy - in fact the only news you will find in the English language newspapers is about LG, Samsung, daewoo and the strength of the won. There, apparently was a serial killer in Seoul a few years ago - his tally reached over 20 and it barely made the news. Saying that Korea is easily the safest place Ive ever lived - there is simply zero fear of crime - no graffiti, no gangs of kids.. nothing (although i think 4 women maybe a different story)... and no kids gangs coz they spend all day in school and academies - literally all day, high school kids will arrive home after midnight - studying the whole day. Korea is an incredibly regimented and controlled society - really predictable, you never really see anything that surprises you - where in Thailand you can see something interesting virtually anywhere at anytime. Koreans are also a lot more abrupt, very few 'thank yous' a lot of pushing and shoving in crowded areas - much less charm than Thailand. Thailand is certainly a more attractive country - BKK much prettier than Seoul. but away from the cities there are nice places - jeju island is nice, as is the east coast and skiing in winter is good and cheap.


Ive tried learning both. Thai is much easier in my opinion. Reading Korean is easy and there are many english or Konglish words used - but apart from that everything is difficult - the grammar especially. Reading thai is much much harder, and the tones are a bit of a problem, but listening and speaking is suprisingly far easier, after 2 years in thailand i was about on basic conversational level - no where near that in korea (korea is apparantly rated as one of the hardest languages to learn) - but reading korean menus, timetables etc is very easy.

overall i miss Thailand, i prefer it - but the money is much better here and Korea is not too bad.. lots of good (expat) friends here and Korean women tend to make me forget about most of the negatives. and i get 4 months holiday a year so easy to take a short hop back to Thailand.

(sorry, drunk writing this so a bit incoherent!)

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Kim-chi and som-tum Equally taste like shit. Its just beyond me why people and cultures will lie to them self's that these dishes are tasty when in fact it acutely taste like its been made out of a toilet bowl.

But the Korean Pig is so much tastyer then the Thai Pig. Because in korea they feed them SH!T. this earning them the name SH!T PIG.!!!

But the Chicken in Thai tast much better then Korea. maybe they feed them shit too.

only the black pigs on jeju island-- or am i wrong?

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Kim-chi and som-tum Equally taste like shit. Its just beyond me why people and cultures will lie to them self's that these dishes are tasty when in fact it acutely taste like its been made out of a toilet bowl.

But the Korean Pig is so much tastyer then the Thai Pig. Because in korea they feed them SH!T. this earning them the name SH!T PIG.!!!

But the Chicken in Thai tast much better then Korea. maybe they feed them shit too.

only the black pigs on jeju island-- or am i wrong?

Not wrong. But still there are a few farms on the main land near Pusan

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JunkiKorean... got any Korean female friends? I swear to god this has become an obsession.... the 3 times Ive tried talking to a Korean girl Ive been shot down visciously.... I now am dying to date a Korean girl. Japanese, Chinese and Thai all love me but Korean women HATE me.... so sad.

Kim-chi and som-tum Equally taste like shit. Its just beyond me why people and cultures will lie to them self's that these dishes are tasty when in fact it acutely taste like its been made out of a toilet bowl.

But the Korean Pig is so much tastyer then the Thai Pig. Because in korea they feed them SH!T. this earning them the name SH!T PIG.!!!

But the Chicken in Thai tast much better then Korea. maybe they feed them shit too.

Kimchi and somtum are delicious... <deleted> you talking about?

Edited by sbk
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lived in Thailand for 3 years, and I have now lived in Korea for two years... heres my opinion..


Thai food is nicer, but there is a bit more variety in Korea (of local food that is).. if you are into raw fish (as i am) Korea is a great place for it.. a lot of my friends really like the BB Q's but they don't excite me too much. Seoul is very disappointing for foreign food - even in Itaewon the quality is poor compared to bangkok. Outside Seoul you may find average and expensive pasta places, Korean version of Chinese food and Japanese food.. but very little else other than local food.


Korea is excellent for night life, bars never close, all Koreans (except some of the numerous weirdee Christian folk) drink to excess regardless of age and sex - beers not great but palatable and local beer is almost as cheap as in Thailand. Hongdai in Seoul is an excellent night out. Also there generally is a good mix of expats, too many Canadians sadly (met 3 or 4 that were OK), but a younger crowd and generally not the weirdos we have all come across in Thailand - though there are a few


At first i was blown away by Korean women, but after a while you realise a lot of it is very professionally applied make up, a lot of plastic surgery and the fashion... having said that there are many many many stunners here (especially hongdai).. and the short skirts in summer are just.. well , anyway! I think more Korean women wear high heels on a day to day basis than anywhere else. As for getting a girl friend, i have to say its easier than any where else Ive known - but thats coz I'm hitting on the right demographics - late 20's/early 30's.. Koreans are obsessed by marriage and are getting desperate by this stage... also as a foreigner u r seen as less traditional than the often sexist attitudes that still pervade Koreans ideas of marriage/relationships. Blind dating in Korea is very normal and easy to set up through colleagues, mates or online... and Koreans are sexually permissive as anywhere else... although one problem is girls/women tend to live at home until married - even into their 30's.. and parents often give night curfews to their adult children! but Korea is full of 'motels'!!!


The downside to Korea, and this is a sweeping generalisation, is the male Korean company can be hardwork - maybe because of the army. they are generally more patriotic and insular, and will bore you to tears about the correct way to drink soju (a disgusting chemical drink!!) and what is Korean culture - far too many social rules to relax when out with male work colleagues! a bit different in more informal gatherings.

culture and other stuff

As has already been said, Korea is quite a soulless place - destroyed after the wars, rebuilt and now obsessed with the economy - in fact the only news you will find in the English language newspapers is about LG, Samsung, daewoo and the strength of the won. There, apparently was a serial killer in Seoul a few years ago - his tally reached over 20 and it barely made the news. Saying that Korea is easily the safest place Ive ever lived - there is simply zero fear of crime - no graffiti, no gangs of kids.. nothing (although i think 4 women maybe a different story)... and no kids gangs coz they spend all day in school and academies - literally all day, high school kids will arrive home after midnight - studying the whole day. Korea is an incredibly regimented and controlled society - really predictable, you never really see anything that surprises you - where in Thailand you can see something interesting virtually anywhere at anytime. Koreans are also a lot more abrupt, very few 'thank yous' a lot of pushing and shoving in crowded areas - much less charm than Thailand. Thailand is certainly a more attractive country - BKK much prettier than Seoul. but away from the cities there are nice places - jeju island is nice, as is the east coast and skiing in winter is good and cheap.


Ive tried learning both. Thai is much easier in my opinion. Reading Korean is easy and there are many english or Konglish words used - but apart from that everything is difficult - the grammar especially. Reading thai is much much harder, and the tones are a bit of a problem, but listening and speaking is suprisingly far easier, after 2 years in thailand i was about on basic conversational level - no where near that in korea (korea is apparantly rated as one of the hardest languages to learn) - but reading korean menus, timetables etc is very easy.

overall i miss Thailand, i prefer it - but the money is much better here and Korea is not too bad.. lots of good (expat) friends here and Korean women tend to make me forget about most of the negatives. and i get 4 months holiday a year so easy to take a short hop back to Thailand.

(sorry, drunk writing this so a bit incoherent!)

don't be sorry. you are the reason why I made this thread. Somebody that has been to both places longer (fragment alert). Can't complain about the money. In 4 months I have made more than I did all last year or any other year.

Now I have some "this is the Korean way" moments, but since I already know there are far less cultural taboos than Thailand and I grew up around Koreans in South Bay Los Angeles, I simply reply, "And this is the Tyree way!" then they back off.

BKK prettier than Seoul? I'm digging the less traffic and depper subway line. That and less people hitting on me but they do exist. And the longer lasting clubs.

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i asked thai people what do they think about the kimchee people, some say they are rude during visit in thailand. While the other group of thai think the korean are hot and sexy. For me i find the korean ugly and rude. Korean culture like any other seemed to be into plastic surgery. I think the stupid thai kids just stupid too be drooling over the korean pops star,being pale and narrow eyes..The korean eyes figure is just not my taste.

These days the asian seemed to dig into much of western culture which i really disappointed. Look at japan, the country 90% percent of the culture is very westernized that they rather be buying LV and gucci then preserving their culture. Soon or later or now, thai girls is already westernized.

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