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Lucky Dogs: A Success Story


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About three weeks ago I had the brilliant idea to bring my poodle Luukchin to see Nienke. I had known about her since before we owned our dog and this year I was able to watch her run Professor Paws where I work(ed).

Well on Monday my wife and I will move to America, and everything was going well until we moved back with my wife's family for a month. Luukchin has been spoiled, the words very, extremely, outrageously, mak mak, bahoy, and balumpalooha come to mind as well. He has never really interacted with other dogs and in his world, he had us completely manipulated, along with 40+ students and all their parents who tutored at our house. He would bark loudly until picked up and craved attention.

Another problem was separation anxiety, he would go insane when my wife left, even across the street. He was taken away from his mother at too young of an age and attached himself to her.

So he had to be in control, had to have all of the attention, and could not be away from my wife.

He would ignore you unless he wanted you and was stubborn and barked up a storm (little yappie poodle barks)

So flash back 3 weeks ago, he is barking all night outside, I am on the verge or wanting to kill him and then it clicks.

After three weeks of boarding, and lessons 3hrs a week we have seen MAJOR improvement.

Today we were able to walk him without a lead when another family and dog was outside as well, he has learned how to sit and stay even with these distractions. He cries less and barks less when we leave, and he can now stay in a cage for 8hrs and be relatively quiet.

The biggest lessons Nienke taught were for us, how to change OUR behavior so he would change his, we still have many months to continue in America, and it is something we have to keep up for the rest of his life. But now he is good boy and nobody wants to give him the boot anymore. Nienke helped fix the situation and save our little family.

If anyone is thinking about training for their dog, whether for tricks or behavior modification, do it, go to Lucky Dogs, I can't stress enough about how happy I am with the results.It was some of the best money I have spent here in Thailand.

Edited by BlackArtemis
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Hey, that's really sweet to say. Thank you! :o

I only like to add that the 8 hours in the cage, are approximately 8 hours in a travel crate at night next to my bed. During the day he's with another poodle and a cocker.

And thanks McG for the compliment. Now I only have to start believing it myself as well. :D


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