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It is not even the tropical heat that makes men divest themselves of their money. When my girlfriend and I met Maria and her ten year old brother in western Chihuahua, the 14 year old girl was attending high school and operating the family laundromat. There was no need to support them because they had 5 brothers in Omaha that sent support back to them. I paid my houseboy for services rendered, and donated about 4,000 baht to get him to Texas, while I remained behind. I worked for an NGO in a conflict zone, where our rules forbid us to donate one satang of cash to the community. They were quite happy to have us working alongside them.

But if you wish to give your wealth to the poor, nobody is stopping you.

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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

Lifeisrandom is the personification of "it's not because you have nothing to say that you should shut up!", and he shows that to us post after post.

Dude, you have no idea of what you're talking about. I don't know how long you have been in Thailand for, but obviously not enough.

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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

You have no idea what you are on about.

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I usually don't bother to respond to posts like that but this guy is to much,

In just 24 hours of posting he dropped these 3 mythic statements:

"The truth is that Thai's actually prefer dark skin to white skin...If you are a black male, you can more or less expect to come to Bangkok and be in a relationship with a beautiful medical Thai Chinese student in a few days or less"

"For the female Thai Chinese students, this is a simple a self control precautionary. They do not want to study in a school with many Indian or black males because they know that they will likely end up pregnant and will be unable to physically function in a classroom...No, they will get their education and then find a dark male to mate with later on"

"if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right....Are we talking USD here? I am only 23 and live modestly and I still spend between 150-200k baht most months."


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I am getting a clearer picture of my mind of Random Thoughts..mythical creature or man of the world?

Thai-Indian, lives on lower sukhumvit, based on his previous posts - darker skinned.

Just guessing but I am the only one to think this?

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I have NEVER seen a poster spout more disinformation, lies and skewed perceptions concerning all things thai, (especially in such a short posting history) as "lifeisrandom" has since joining the T/V Forum.

Some one once said, "It's better to be quiet and let people think you're stupid than open your mouth and remove all doubt." In hindsight I guess he shoulda kept quiet. ..

Strange that the O/P has not posted again on HIS own topic, although from the words 'o wisdom spouted like gospel from our illustrious poster, and new resident expert; "lifeisrandom", I would be hesitant to reply to my own post as well.

I am beginning to wonder which of the two (the O/P or "l/i/r") is the bigger troll, or is that tool?

P/S: I concur with bkkjames assessment.

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I have NEVER seen a poster spout more disinformation, lies and skewed perceptions concerning all things thai, (especially in such a short posting history) as "lifeisrandom" has since joining the T/V Forum.

Some one once said, "It's better to be quiet and let people think you're stupid than open your mouth and remove all doubt." In hindsight I guess he shoulda kept quiet. ..

Strange that the O/P has not posted again on HIS own topic, although from the words 'o wisdom spouted like gospel from our illustrious poster, and new resident expert; "lifeisrandom", I would be hesitant to reply to my own post as well.

I am beginning to wonder which of the two (the O/P or "l/i/r") is the bigger troll, or is that tool?

P/S: I concur with bkkjames assessment.

Glad you meantioned him by name specifically cause if I did with what i wrote may have got me in trouble?

Anyways, married to a Chinese Thai, like many of my friends, I don't see too many dark skinned guys picking up their Gigs from Uni's around town. Let me ask my wife tonight if it is as common as he says. Then again, i guess I could do an office poll right now.

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My friend (whom I brought to the TV meet-up at Titanium on Friday) makes about 20,000 per month and sends 5,000 home to her mother down south (her mother is employed as a teacher.)

Whether sending money breeds laziness and dependency or not is something upon which you need to decide. But should you decide to help her out, I would have to say that 4,000 or 5,000 should be both more than enough as well as appropriate.

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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

You have no idea what you are on about.

Lose the dollar signs "$".

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Are we talking USD here? I am only 23 and live modestly and I still spend between 150-200k baht most months.

It is statements such as this which speak volumes about this poster IMO.

Living modestly on 150-200k/month, at 23 years old!!!

Somebody has either led a very sheltered life, or is just plain full of Bull.

Edited by globalj
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Are we talking USD here? I am only 23 and live modestly and I still spend between 150-200k baht most months.

It is statements such as this which speak volumes about this poster IMO.

Living modestly on 150-200k/month, at 23 years old!!!

Somebody has either led a very sheltered life, or is just plain full of Bull.

I will go out on a limb and suggest you are half correct.

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send her nowt,they could eat before you turned up.what is it with farangs who trhink they should give family money.ask how many of the family work and tell her to get them to subsidise mamma.

You know, this is not just a farang/Thai thing.

I send my mother money each month, but then again, she is my mother. But my brother-in-law also sends her money, and my other brother-in-law sends the occassional check as well.  

Yes, I know, neither men are just dating my sisters, but still, they are helping to support her.  And during the six years after my sister and her husband met but were not married yet, he still sent money each month to my mother.

Is my mother dependant on the money being sent to her? Sure. Socials security doesn't provide much. But is that so evil?  I think not.

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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

You have no idea what you are on about.

if you care about her why would you want her to maintain leading a hand to mouth existence. perhaps you might say to yourself, "i love her. i want her to know what indoor plumbing is like". but most of you are just looking for a child-father relationship where you fuc_k the child. so yes, pay her as little as possible, since pay is the key word. then in a couple of years you can send your luek krungs to the local public school system because afterall, that is where her own children would have gone if she hadnt met yuo. you dont even have to buy them shoes. just send tehm barefoot.

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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

You have no idea what you are on about.

if you care about her why would you want her to maintain leading a hand to mouth existence. perhaps you might say to yourself, "i love her. i want her to know what indoor plumbing is like". but most of you are just looking for a child-father relationship where you fuc_k the child. so yes, pay her as little as possible, since pay is the key word. then in a couple of years you can send your luek krungs to the local public school system because afterall, that is where her own children would have gone if she hadnt met yuo. you dont even have to buy them shoes. just send tehm barefoot.

Jealousy won't earn you any stars on your profile on this forum mate. :o

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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

You have no idea what you are on about.

if you care about her why would you want her to maintain leading a hand to mouth existence. perhaps you might say to yourself, "i love her. i want her to know what indoor plumbing is like". but most of you are just looking for a child-father relationship where you fuc_k the child. so yes, pay her as little as possible, since pay is the key word. then in a couple of years you can send your luek krungs to the local public school system because afterall, that is where her own children would have gone if she hadnt met yuo. you dont even have to buy them shoes. just send tehm barefoot.

This guy is definitely the new S.Freud, great analysis, he shoots right on target in every post.

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What a truly charmed life you must have lead lifeisrandom, such a shame though that you could not have spent some of your gregarious wealth on some education.

Still, no doubt your GF is equally delighted in the "money is happiness" bubble that she is no doubt living in, along with yourself of course. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

You have no idea what you are on about.

if you care about her why would you want her to maintain leading a hand to mouth existence. perhaps you might say to yourself, "i love her. i want her to know what indoor plumbing is like". but most of you are just looking for a child-father relationship where you fuc_k the child. so yes, pay her as little as possible, since pay is the key word. then in a couple of years you can send your luek krungs to the local public school system because afterall, that is where her own children would have gone if she hadnt met yuo. you dont even have to buy them shoes. just send tehm barefoot.

Wow, you are assuming a lot. The woman in question has not even asked for anything, and the OP just asked what would be an appropriate amount to help out. Period. He is not even going to be here in Thailand much.

Living in a village does not cost much.  You can live comfortably on not a whole lot. And you don't have to put up with the stress of city life. 

You are assuming that this woman's family is destitute and not able to work at all. Isn't that rather condescending? The woman's family is surviving now, and if the OP gave nothing, they would still manage to survive on their own.  It is not necessarily hardly hand-to-mouth.  But with a little influx, they can enjoy some better things in life, just as a little more income would allow me to buy some better things in my life, and as a family can live on tha amount, then for sure they would not be hand-to-mouth. A monthly gift takes them out of that category.

IF this was a deeper relationship, and IF there were children involved, then that is a whole other story, and the amounts would obviously be greater. IF they were serious enough for marriage, and even if there were no children yet, a larger amount would be appropriate.  But for a relationship as the OP described?  Sorry, but you are way off target here.

Edited by bonobo
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if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

You have no idea what you are on about.

if you care about her why would you want her to maintain leading a hand to mouth existence. perhaps you might say to yourself, "i love her. i want her to know what indoor plumbing is like". but most of you are just looking for a child-father relationship where you fuc_k the child. so yes, pay her as little as possible, since pay is the key word. then in a couple of years you can send your luek krungs to the local public school system because afterall, that is where her own children would have gone if she hadnt met yuo. you dont even have to buy them shoes. just send tehm barefoot.

I don't give Her F'all cash a little here and there, children won't be a problem she has had Her tubes tied.

But thanks for your concern.

She got on fine without me before and will get on fine if I am not around, if i choose to sling her a little cash to make Her life a little easier so be it, she still works 6 days a week form 8am - 5pm.

Not everybody on here fits into your mould of what is a typical farang.

The more you say the dumber you look.

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To lifeisrandom.

You admit to being 23 years young.

If you had a decent education & left school at 18, that means that you have been out in this big wide world for only 5 years,

even less, if you had had a very good education!

The stuff you're espousing in your (weird) postings shows what you are, very immature & full of xxit.

Spending 120kbt a month! ...... never kid a kidder and there are lot of kidders looking over your shoulder.

Now, be a good boy/girl and toddle off.

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