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Is There A Pattaya Manicure/pedicure Place That Has Good Hygiene?


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That's a good idea. BTW, I would never pay 1000 baht for nail cutting in Thailand, unless they were serving beluga caviar and good champagne as part of the package. Actually, I think I would like that service, with the caviar and champagne, now that's pampering ...

A sterile service with autoclaves etc would have to go for at least 1000 baht. The whole idea is a non-starter.

I haven't priced autoclaves recently so I will take your word for it!

Hmmm. OK. I just did find one for under 1000 US dollars. If you only needed one per shop and you charged 100 baht per use x 30 in a day thats 3000 baht a day, thats over a million baht annually just for sterilization charge.

The idea is also that the value added of having sterilization would potentially attract a much higher volume of business than your run of the mill place. There must be hundreds of these places in town, and the only difference you can tell by appearances is that some look frou frou and some look plain. No compelling reason for a customer to choose one place over another.

So what do you think will come first to Pattaya? A real taxi-meter service or a nail salon with an autoclave.

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Anyone get the feeling, someone wants something for nothing again.

100 baht isn't nothing. Similar to what professional dentists here charge for sterilization. You think nail workers should charge more than dentists? Interesting.

So what do you think will come first to Pattaya? A real taxi-meter service or a nail salon with an autoclave.

That's a tough one. Probably the meters.

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