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Anyone Need Any Help?

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AS I now there are quit some business owners here of all kind I was wondering if anyone needs some cheap help for the weekends.

It goes about the 18 year old son of my wife. He is Thai citizen and not of the worst kind. He is a good kid still goes to school thats why only in the weekends.

Reason I am asking is I want him to work on his social skills as now he is a very quiet in himself kid and want him to get some social contact with others duuring some work experience. The thing is more for experience as money is not an issue so just for a little bit of pocket money and some food maybe he can easily help out in a restaurant (dishwasher or busboy) or help out in a some sort of building project.

Anyone interested react here or send me a private message he has transport so can go around.

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Dirk, what about his helping out at one of the local charities, Mercy Center, Pattaya Orphanage etc. If the need is more to bring him out of his shell rather than money this may be an option. He would certainly get a sense of self worth from helping out those less fortunate than himself.

I am sure the charities would be receptive to any such contribution and he would be able to dictate his own hours and not have to work every weekend etc. Just a thought...

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