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I'm Mad As hel_l And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore!


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When I first stumbled across some of the hundreds of web pages covering this subject I was already convinced that there was something going on behind the scenes. From a time in school when I knew the teacher wasn't telling us something. Her usually attentive stare flicking between the clock and the door and back to us. Her hand bag usually locked deep inside the desk drawer, sat conspicuously on the desktop beside her, the zip closed, her car keys already in her hand.

The alarm bell actually ringing was something of an anti climax for me, my classmates however were shocked by its din and in panic and confusion, looked straight to Mrs Boyson for help, the lady who knew it was going to happen, and had told us nothing.

I know now is that there is always something going on and the description of what is, is not in any way related to what actually is.

Those of us who don't care about this duality are often the ones who get the worst shock when the alarm bell finally sounds.

I often wondered if it would be better to be that kind of person. Someone who is surprised by the bell ringing and then grows angry with others as their own world view crumbles, holding tight to the notion of life despite the proof that the words shouted aloud from our leader mouths held little or no truth and were rather calculated fictions to mask an aggressive agenda.

Now we know politicians lie, be it ficticious WMD's, The Terrorists, The Commies, That its Un-patriotic to question ones government in these troubled times.

What ever the party line, and whichever the party, one thing I have come to know is that what is, is certainly not what is actually being fed to you.

It is hard for sure for us to prise ourselves from our life habit and the problem, reaction, solution mentality which our masters propagate for us to flail around in.

We have become sadly and painfully battered by fear, fear of economic collapse, fear of falling behind the rest of the world, The ficticious Global warming scam, fear for our children's future, fear of speaking out against injustice in case speaking out actually has become unpatriotic or fear of merely being hauled off to a military base, held without charge for years, while groups of thugs hold us face down in filthy water until we drown or admit that we heard someone's sister planning to blow up a Kentucky Fried Chicken stand in Alburkurky with a can of aerosol.

It begs the question.

What have we become.

The problem is that the fear has eroded us, we're numb from the constant attacks upon our senses and be not mistaken for these attacks are orchestrated maneuvers designed to only keep us from standing up together and shouting in one voice...



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Fear - the number one control tool! Sport - the number one distraction! Democracy - the number one delusion!

Don't you understand those terrorists are everywhere :o They are harder to spot now as they have apparently changed skin colour :D They want to destroy your way of life, take away your freedom :D:D

So to protect you all - we will destroy your way of life and take away your freedom :(

Dont you understand you fools :D

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Lhaull, what exactly is your point?

What have we become?

Or is it how fear is taking over?

Or....I think I'm not the only one here a bit confused as to what you are trying to express.

As correctly noted above, this is not Chiang Mai specific- moved to General.

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My thoughts? ...

It has nothing to do with Thailand or ChiangMai, and that there are enough conspiracy theorists in the world not to need 20 more.

So not much though then really! I love it when someone points out some uncomfortable facts that the average sleeper instantly coins the 'conspiracy theorist' line :o

'He's a conspiracy nut mate' Eveyone knows that men in power don't conspire :D

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My thoughts? ...

It has nothing to do with Thailand or ChiangMai, and that there are enough conspiracy theorists in the world not to need 20 more.

So not much though then really! I love it when someone points out some uncomfortable facts that the average sleeper instantly coins the 'conspiracy theorist' line :o

'He's a conspiracy nut mate' Eveyone knows that men in power don't conspire :D

Good on you for writing that; it may not be perfect but does express a feeling many can relate to.

Along with "conspiracists" must surely go those who say, "What does it matter to you what other people do ?". To me, this is perhaps the most stupid line ever uttered, but it seems to be quite the rage -- at least here, in avoidant Thailand.

What if Shakespeare had thought like that ?! What if we all thought like that ? :D Something is rotten ...

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My Thoughts....

Start taking your medication again...

Are politicians the world over dirty, thieving, lying, incompetant, self-serving ba*tards...Yes

Conspirancy...No, they are not smart enough..

I think you may find that there are some very smart individals who are involved in running the show! You really think not?

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My thoughts? ...

It has nothing to do with Thailand or ChiangMai, and that there are enough conspiracy theorists in the world not to need 20 more.

So not much though then really! I love it when someone points out some uncomfortable facts that the average sleeper instantly coins the 'conspiracy theorist' line :o

'He's a conspiracy nut mate' Eveyone knows that men in power don't conspire :D

Good on you for writing that; it may not be perfect but does express a feeling many can relate to.

Along with "conspiracists" must surely go those who say, "What does it matter to you what other people do ?". To me, this is perhaps the most stupid line ever uttered, but it seems to be quite the rage -- at least here, in avoidant Thailand.

What if Shakespeare had thought like that ?! What if we all thought like that ? :D Something is rotten ...

Not to forget the repeaters - 'everyone knows that mate, it was Osama Binlady - heard it on the telly'

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You don't need to be smart to be a politician :o

While I've not exactly seen any shadowy lizards running the show the NWO concept is no joke and been gaining force, starting since the end of WW2.

It just has the name of the UN etc. Bush Senior pretty much brought it into the mainstream with his big speech in 9/11 1991.


Heh, one thing I do notice, the world over, is the consistant dumbing down that has occurred since the 1980s in the UK. The media being one key and major example. Films, the news, the papers, TV etc.

I figured when I came to Thailand the dumbing down 'in general' would not be so bad. Trouble is the whole dumbing down here goes on, but only caught on a decade or so later.

The speed cameras and so on is a bit worrying and I can only hope there is widespread opposition to this.

This aside, the whole corruption, TIT factor and geographical closeness to China means that any NWO plans are a lot less when compared to the US and UK. The ASEAN federation while mimicking the UN and NATO is more like the weaker and advisory uncle than a heavy handed oppressor.

The beauty of the Thais is they can be quite defiant and have an independent, 'up yours' attitude if bs rules and oppression start to get too heavy. The shrugging of shoulders, 'accept it' mentality like in the UK is quite alien with freedom to do what you want and nationhood being well recognised. While this mainly applies to Thai citizens it rubs off on foreigners too I think.

Just look at the coups in Thailand, you cross the line and offend the wrong person, we'll throw your ass out of office or make life very difficult. A pain in the neck for any government trying to push the NWO bs.

Edited by JimsKnight
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Those domestic enemies, although held to the same standard as foreign ones, spend a lot of time hiding behind the illusion of the latter. Most Americans took an oath at some point in their life to defend the constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic.

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Ignorance is bliss.

One thing is that much of what happens in the world, we have little control over. "They" have control, but we don't. As soon as we figure that out, life gets easier.

Now, my biggest fear, for some strange reason is an earthquake in BKK. I don't know why that concerns me, the chances are quite remote, but I can get myself all twisted up thinking about it. And no, I have never been in a big earthquake.

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If the OP were 17 years old I'd be thinking how pleasing it is to hear a youngster who is concerned about the duplicity that is and always has been the world of politics and society.

If the OP is much older than about 20 years old I'd be thinking this guy needs to get some help.

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Oh God this is so old, lame and boring I can't even be bothered to type a reply.

Oh God I have just typed a reply! Could this be the way Governments make us all complacent? Reading crap threads by people with too much time on their hands and not enough to do.

I'm so mad I am not going to take it any more, however I am too complacent and lazy to do anything about it so I am asking you people to tell me what to do. Don't spend too much time thinking of an answer because I won't take your advice. I will just continue to let the aliens probe my prostate.

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If the OP were 17 years old I'd be thinking how pleasing it is to hear a youngster who is concerned about the duplicity that is and always has been the world of politics and society.

If the OP is much older than about 20 years old I'd be thinking this guy needs to get some help.

*Smile It seems not only do I need help, but that I have looked in the wrong place with TV.

Heard it was a good place to make friends.


No biggy.

Have fun Chiang Mai

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But I want to know what did the teacher know that the kids didn't?

Don't tell me they didn't know it was end of class. Hel_l any kid over 5 y.o. without a watch knows within 5 seconds or so when the bell is going to go off.

Or was it the teacher that killed Kennedy?

So the politicians lie to and manipulate the masses. That has been going on since the ruling classes first had to get the oiks to vote for them. The only constant in life is change except for politics where the colour may change but the lies and deceipt roll on forever.

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But I want to know what did the teacher know that the kids didn't

I think he might mean the "fire drill" bell?

Ah, so he went to one of those special schools where they told you nothing and you remember nothing but grey walls and grey stern faces. But one dark night a seemingly random phone call will awaken the sleeper to his purpose.

Oddly enough I don't remember fire drills at school but we must have had them. However I think we followed a branch of Pavlov's school of free thought. Bells ring = make for the exit. Often wondered why we never had burger and chips for lunch, it was always something like Pedegree Chum and Bonio biscuits.

Anyhow the OP is not going to take it anymore. So other than rant on a random internet forum what is he going to do?

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But I want to know what did the teacher know that the kids didn't

I think he might mean the "fire drill" bell?

Ah, so he went to one of those special schools where they told you nothing and you remember nothing but grey walls and grey stern faces. But one dark night a seemingly random phone call will awaken the sleeper to his purpose.

Oddly enough I don't remember fire drills at school but we must have had them. However I think we followed a branch of Pavlov's school of free thought. Bells ring = make for the exit. Often wondered why we never had burger and chips for lunch, it was always something like Pedegree Chum and Bonio biscuits.

Anyhow the OP is not going to take it anymore. So other than rant on a random internet forum what is he going to do?

He'll likely move on to how there was never a moon landing and the US masterminded 911 with the rest of the nutters!

but honestly what did this thread have to do with Thailand?

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