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Making Fruit Smoothies


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This is how we usally make a fruit smoothie,

1inch cubed fresh fruit, fill the mixer 50%,

add about egg cup of low fat milk,

Pinch of salt and teaspoon of sugar,

top up with ice, and mix.

Ok, nice enough and refreshing, but like drinking whipped cream,[perhaps this is how a smoothie is?]

1/2 litre bloats me a bit, so does anybody have any ideas to make it more of a drink please?

Ps, been adding a bit of sliced ginger lately, gives it that little zing,

TIA Lickey.

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Ok, nice enough and refreshing, but like drinking whipped cream,[perhaps this is how a smoothie is?]

1/2 litre bloats me a bit, so does anybody have any ideas to make it more of a drink please?

After it is done add a double shot of Vodca or milk or soda and stir by hand- just stirring will help too

the blender incorpoates air, creating tiny air bubbles which gives the whipping cream effect. stirring by hand afterwards will release some of the air bubbles as well as adding liquid after will make it more of a drink - you will also feel less bloated

Edited by JohnBKKK
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I make smoothies on a daily basis, once at work in the afternoon, and depending on what I have for dinner, perhaps another at home.  I never use dairy products in my smoothies.  And using ice should be avoided unless absolutely necessary or of you have some sort of fruit concentrate as your base.

I buy fresh pineapples, slice them, and put the wrapped slices in the freezer.  I get green grapes and freeze them as well.  I buy frozen rasberries and strawberries as well to form the "ice" part of the drink.

A typical smoothie for me might be one cold granny smith apple (or the similar tart Chinese green apple), two cold oranges, a handful of cold lychees, the frozen pinapple, grapes, rasberries, and strawberries, a bottle of fresh passionfruit juice, and honey.

Smoothies are supposed to be healthy for you.  The fresh juice does not contain the processed sugars (make sure you really get fresh juice of whatever flavor you prefer) and just tastes better, and honey is one of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet.

Only if I don't ahve enough frozen fruit on hand and have to use fresh do I add any ice, and only enough to get to to smoothie temperature and consistency.

In the US, I have a Betamix, which is perhaps the best blender on the market. However, I don't have one yet for use in Thailand.  At the factory, we bought a Philips for about 6,000 baht, and quite frankly, it is not that good.  It has a hard time with solids and even ice.  At home I bought a little Samsung for 600 baht, and it works quite well.

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1 mango

1/2 a guava

Handful of lychees

A few strawberries

1/2 a banana

Frozen orange juice

Pop all in a blender and whirl. I also have a Phillips and works well. Frozen youghurt of your fruity chioce makes it more creamy. Enjoy.

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  • 1 month later...

drop the following in order into the blender (don't put the frozen fruit in first)

1 fresh mango (namdokmai-preferably)

fresh papaya (2inch wide slice the length of the fruit-slightly less than amount of mango)

handful of fresh pineapple

1/2 frozen banana (freezing concentrates sugar for sweeter taste)

handful of frozen mixed berries (eg: ras, blue, black, boysen, cran)

handful of frozen strawberries (buy fresh strawberries cut them up and freeze them-not store purchased frozen strawberries)

mixture should be thick and icy, very refreshing and cooling on a hot day. Don't spoil with yogurt, cream, milk or any other dairy product.

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drop the following in order into the blender (don't put the frozen fruit in first)

1 fresh mango (namdokmai-preferably)

fresh papaya (2inch wide slice the length of the fruit-slightly less than amount of mango)

handful of fresh pineapple

1/2 frozen banana (freezing concentrates sugar for sweeter taste)

handful of frozen mixed berries (eg: ras, blue, black, boysen, cran)

handful of frozen strawberries (buy fresh strawberries cut them up and freeze them-not store purchased frozen strawberries)

mixture should be thick and icy, very refreshing and cooling on a hot day. Don't spoil with yogurt, cream, milk or any other dairy product.

This sounds like a nice sorbet, but you can't drink this, right?

Whenever I went to visit my siblings, I would make something similar (and with honey), but I would add it a little bit of carrot and cabbage to make it healthier, and my nieces and nephews never realized this but just loved this as a sweet dessert.

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  • 7 months later...

Since mango season is coming to an end soon, we have been filling up on delicious smoothies. Here's the recipe:

2 mangoes, diced.

1 banana.

2 passion fruit berries, with seeds and all.

Juice from 4 limes

A handful of ice

We usually add ONE of the items below as well:

-Plain yogurt.

-1 and a half cup of rum.

-1 and a half cup of tequila.

A half-teaspoon of salt is a good addition also, or you can use orange flavored ORS rehydration salt. We use a simple and cheap National brand blender and it does a great job of chopping the ice and fruit into a perfect smoothie. Going to have to figure out a replacement fruit once the mangoes are out of season... we are addicted!

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