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Tot Internet In Issan


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In the process of building a house now and just got the Mrs to call TOT about phone and internet. Apparently they have a 1 or 2 Meg service via "modem" not satellite and it costs 490 - 590 Baht respectively with about a 5 day wait for installation. Has anyone got either of these services and what are you experiences?

Hopeful of Si Songkram.

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In the process of building a house now and just got the Mrs to call TOT about phone and internet. Apparently they have a 1 or 2 Meg service via "modem" not satellite and it costs 490 - 590 Baht respectively with about a 5 day wait for installation. Has anyone got either of these services and what are you experiences?

Hopeful of Si Songkram.

Have responded direct to your email.


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Has anyone got either of these services and what are you experiences?

I've got the faster service, it's as good as you can get in Sisaket, got it installed with phone within a day of ordering and costs Bt845/month. Can't remember what installation costs were but not extortionate.

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Thanks for the replies, I guess if TOT "Hi Speed" :o is what is available then that is what I will have to get, my True "Hi Speed" in Bangkok is painful at times so I'll just have to wait and see what the quality is like here........

Whatever, at the moment I am in Issan doing this through my laptop with a GPRS connection on my phone which keeps hanging up on me, like the old days of dial up back home.

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As an alternative.

I have TT&T in my house in Nakhon Phanom. I have 4MB connection with them at 1070 Baht per month.

Speed tests reveal about 3-3.5 MB download speed which is not too bad. It is okay for video conferencing with the UK most days without too much interruption. Compares about the same with the connection in the UK which is supposed to be 8MB but only receives slightly quicker speed than in Nakhon Phanom.

Not sure if TT&T is available in Si Songkram.

Best Regards

Mr Conrad

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I am in Udon. Got ASDL with TOT and a 4 Mbps connection. Price is currently 1.000 Baht per month. A one-time installation fee of 4.494 incl. a WORK WG 201 ä ADSL 2/2+ Dual Ports Router. At first they only offered a 2 Mbps connection but after a phone call to Bangkok they were allowed to supply also a 4 Mbps line.

Experiences so far: Not bad at all, if you choose the best time for downloading, e.g. from the usenet. Final download-speed will also depend on where the material that is being downloaded comes from, i.e. on the backbones and international lines to US and Europe. I once experienced a service break-down for almost 5 working days. Then ASDL and Internet were back again without a technician coming to our house. So just delayed service on local concentrators or what they are called here.

Here are two speed-tests that might be of interest to you:Maxnet

and: TOT

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In the process of building a house now and just got the Mrs to call TOT about phone and internet. Apparently they have a 1 or 2 Meg service via "modem" not satellite and it costs 490 - 590 Baht respectively with about a 5 day wait for installation. Has anyone got either of these services and what are you experiences?

Hopeful of Si Songkram.

Hi Ranger,

I currently have the TOT 1MB service in Suphan Buri, at about 20Km from the nearest TOT depot. Service is reasonable when it works. I have had periods of up to a month with neither telephone or internet, the reason was the line had been stolen.

That brings my to my point re-Isaan. We are moving soon to Sisaket, between the city and KhuKan. So I went to TOT to ask what they could provide out in the sticks. No problem can do either 1 or 2MB at the same rental fee, but you have to pay for the cable from the nearest substation or closest existing site at 15 baht per metre. In my case 2.6KM, or 39,000baht. The real stopper is the risk of the cable being stolen is yours.

So even if money grew on trees and I could afford new cable every once in a while, it has to be ordered from Bangkok and there is always a backlog of orders.

Have not checked GPRS and EDGE options (new ones available I believe). 3G projects on hold for all providers.


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We have 2ADSL connections,with T.o.T.,one just outside Udon city,the other farther away.

The speed is not what I pay for,but the service,though not excellent is improving every year;this means that I now visit the friendly technicians in the ToT Office only 1 time every 2 months,following a heavy rainfall or a cable theft,very common lately.

Hope they keep improving! :o

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The bottom line is that you go with whatever service you can actually GET where you live.

Few areas in Thailand (outside BKK and maybe Pattaya) offer a choice of TOT, TT&T, or True. The speeds from any of them will vary depending on how oversold the local node is. In general, TOT is the service of last choice among the three as their bandwidth through the International Gateway seems to be the most limited. All of them usually give adequate connectivity. However, I switched from TOT to TT&T when it became available where I live, and can do video chat and stream You tube for the first time in over a year. TOT service really went downhill in my neighborhood the past year or two.

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I have been waiting for TOT for almost a month now and they said installation would be done within a week. I now connect with a wireless USB modem or "aircard" as it is known here, you just insert a 1-2 call SIM and top up with a normal pre paid card. The speed it says is 460 kbs but I have not tested this with any other tools. I think it`s about 100 Baht for 30 hours.

Hope that helps.

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Hi Ranger,

I currently have the TOT 1MB service in Suphan Buri, at about 20Km from the nearest TOT depot. Service is reasonable when it works. I have had periods of up to a month with neither telephone or internet, the reason was the line had been stolen.

That brings my to my point re-Isaan. We are moving soon to Sisaket, between the city and KhuKan. So I went to TOT to ask what they could provide out in the sticks. No problem can do either 1 or 2MB at the same rental fee, but you have to pay for the cable from the nearest substation or closest existing site at 15 baht per metre. In my case 2.6KM, or 39,000baht. The real stopper is the risk of the cable being stolen is yours.

So even if money grew on trees and I could afford new cable every once in a while, it has to be ordered from Bangkok and there is always a backlog of orders.

Have not checked GPRS and EDGE options (new ones available I believe). 3G projects on hold for all providers.


Hi Isaanaussie,

Like you I am an aussie and also located midway between Si Sa Ket and Khu Kan - in amphur Wang Hin just off highway 220. Unforturtunately we cannot access the TOT asdl system in my small village as there are no bloody phone lines and I did not want to fork out for the cable expenses...so lucky you mate. We use the TOT satellite system that has been well and truly covered on this forum. At least it works most of the time but is a little expensive for the quality you get and beggars can't be choosers !!! Goodluck mate and maybe we can catch up one day.

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Hi All

I used to have CAT CDMA before TOT installed new phone lines into our village which is 8k outside of Surin. That was reliable with T.V. speedtests reading around the 460/130 mark for a shade under 1000b per month. I have now got TOT 2 meg with no reliability problems (touch wood) and speeds increased to 1500/450 on the same test. Monthly cost has decreased to 790b.

Well Happy


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Hi All

I used to have CAT CDMA before TOT installed new phone lines into our village which is 8k outside of Surin. That was reliable with T.V. speedtests reading around the 460/130 mark for a shade under 1000b per month. I have now got TOT 2 meg with no reliability problems (touch wood) and speeds increased to 1500/450 on the same test. Monthly cost has decreased to 790b.

Well Happy


Hi Dave,

You have good value for money. We use the TOT 1 meg satellite service with speedtest results around 750 upload/ 130 download (higher at night time with test last night being 893/339) but the cost is 2,600 baht/month !!!



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Hi All

I used to have CAT CDMA before TOT installed new phone lines into our village which is 8k outside of Surin. That was reliable with T.V. speedtests reading around the 460/130 mark for a shade under 1000b per month. I have now got TOT 2 meg with no reliability problems (touch wood) and speeds increased to 1500/450 on the same test. Monthly cost has decreased to 790b.

Well Happy


South Isaan beats North Isaan! :o

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I have to agree with cattyy, you have to put up with what you can get. I live in Wang Nam Khieo and do not have the option of a landline. I have satellite internet from TOT. Service excellent. speed so so, interruption of service regular. It cost 2,780Baht per month. Generally speaking the speed is quite good, but on Saturdays afternoons especially and after school hours the service runs away quite often, this can be for a couple of minutes up to half an hour, frustrating yes, but the only option for me and on the whole although expensive I find it pretty good.

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Hi All

I used to have CAT CDMA before TOT installed new phone lines into our village which is 8k outside of Surin. That was reliable with T.V. speedtests reading around the 460/130 mark for a shade under 1000b per month. I have now got TOT 2 meg with no reliability problems (touch wood) and speeds increased to 1500/450 on the same test. Monthly cost has decreased to 790b.

Well Happy


South Isaan beats North Isaan! :oBIT LIKE LONDON THEN, HEY!


I really 'shot myself in the foot' with the above post. The bloody service crashed all morning today!



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No you din't the entire was down Udon from what I can tell rumor is they were installing the new software for big brother.

I have the original ADSL with TOT no bad till they kept adding subscribers on the same line got very slow. Down a lot, recently for four days. Try not paying your phone bill for four days. They start callign two days before it's do.

TT&T is no available in my village a friend just got it he had nothing but trouble with TOT for at least thre years. I will wait a bit and see how his goes befoe I run out and make a change. I just mess around on the internet but if I was using for business I would be deep trouble.

Still beats LOX Info

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I have TOT 2M ADSL in Loei at 3.5km from the exchange. Runs full speed and if I have a problem they come out the same day (but not had one for a long time)

When the service first came here2 or 3 years ago the ADSL modems that TOT offered were not very good. It may be that it is the same now. If you're thinking of buying a modem from TOT check the reviews of the models out. (Also it's better to have a router/modem rather than just a modem as the former has a hardware firewall.)

Also, the guys that come to do the installation may ask you to buy some part (like a phone socket), but everything is already paid for!

-- Zoot

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