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The Fan Has Been Hit


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When will the global economic crisis hit Thailand?

Answer: Anyone who watched tonights news will know the balloon has gone up. The C7 news included a snipet from the auto factories and a worker saying that when he lost his job he would simply go home. Not a mention of PAD or the temple in Cambodia. Job layoffs eminent in No 2 export earning industry "Pickups".

80% of GDP under press released threat. Eco cars, who cares. Golden Parachutists gt ready to jump! It's on early but NOW.....

FLEE.. those of you that must, for the rest of us, hunker down

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Yes IA, you forgot to mention pig shit or rice, rubber trees or rubber cow steaks!

All in all, this is not a real bad thing for Thailand, [ok for you you say, your mrs got a good buisness!] well, yes she has, and it props the farm up, no question!

Yesterday, our farm neighbour was pulling up his 7month old cassava and selling for 1bht15stg kilo, i dont know how much he sold from 2rai, or what he made from this, but he looked happy! I then reminded him of the fertiliser he "stole" from us [see post 19, pinned cassava thread] worth 820bht, Ever seen a long eared spaniel kicked in the nuts look on somebodies face? well, Mr Poo had this look no mistake!

We will come to some labour agreement on repaying this i suppose.

Also and very unfortunate for the poor thai farmers is that a freak rain/wind storm hit our village last weekend, it flattened 6/7 paddies, making it impossible for a harvestor i would think, Mrs says anymore heavy rain and the ears get submerged, thats it! as it is, its a big job for the "stoop" labour.

Are we going back to subsistance farming?would it be a bad thing? I think it would be great, the 1st things to be dropped would be weedkillers and fertilisers by the thais, and some falangs perhaps?

And a year or so of this would revitalise wanked out land, poisened klongs/rivers ect, it would be so nice to buy a fish with just 2 eyes that dosent glow in the dark, an orange that tastes like an orange ect ect

There, ive had my say and my golden parachute is intact, i hope i never need it here!!

Cheers, Lickey.

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Not sure why this is in the farming forum???


Sorry, I didnt explain the word "Home". Home to many are the farms in rural Thailand. Most able and willing men in our village will spend at least a month "off-season" working in the big smoke to generate some cash. Many young couples seek factory work as short to medium careers. If this labour returns home enmasse, it will change the village dynamics markedly. I would have added this to the crystal ball thread but thought it a little too important to get buried

Happy with that?


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Yes IA, you forgot to mention pig shit or rice, rubber trees or rubber cow steaks!

All in all, this is not a real bad thing for Thailand, [ok for you you say, your mrs got a good buisness!] well, yes she has, and it props the farm up, no question!

Yesterday, our farm neighbour was pulling up his 7month old cassava and selling for 1bht15stg kilo, i dont know how much he sold from 2rai, or what he made from this, but he looked happy! I then reminded him of the fertiliser he "stole" from us [see post 19, pinned cassava thread] worth 820bht, Ever seen a long eared spaniel kicked in the nuts look on somebodies face? well, Mr Poo had this look no mistake!

We will come to some labour agreement on repaying this i suppose.

Also and very unfortunate for the poor thai farmers is that a freak rain/wind storm hit our village last weekend, it flattened 6/7 paddies, making it impossible for a harvestor i would think, Mrs says anymore heavy rain and the ears get submerged, thats it! as it is, its a big job for the "stoop" labour.

Are we going back to subsistance farming?would it be a bad thing? I think it would be great, the 1st things to be dropped would be weedkillers and fertilisers by the thais, and some falangs perhaps?

And a year or so of this would revitalise wanked out land, poisened klongs/rivers ect, it would be so nice to buy a fish with just 2 eyes that dosent glow in the dark, an orange that tastes like an orange ect ect

There, ive had my say and my golden parachute is intact, i hope i never need it here!!

Cheers, Lickey.


If I'm right then subsistence farming will have to support a lot more people than it does now. You should have no shortage of "stoop" labour.

My wifes shop will be an outlet for our produce and our farm as close to organic as I can get. Mate, you can have your say at any time for mine, I agree with your intentions completely. Natural, integrated farming where the whole is the sum of the parts. In Isaan, lots and lots of little parts.

But the way, I have the same lodging issue with the rice. If local combines around here (Suphanburi) are any gauge, they will handle it fairly easily.


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I noticed a rice paddy (about 15 rai) flattened after rain and wind, near Chiang Mai. Looked this morning and it is not coming back up, thus will be a mess to harvest, I would think. Pickup reel on combine can only do so much but when crop is flat on ground and its wet, mold sets in quickly. Those laid off workers returning to village may or may not supplement the decreasing labor pool. The early arrivals I have seen in past couple of months, seem kind of work brittle when pointed toward farm labor. Guess after they sponge off family and wear out their welcome they might consider getting out on the farm again.

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I noticed a rice paddy (about 15 rai) flattened after rain and wind, near Chiang Mai. Looked this morning and it is not coming back up, thus will be a mess to harvest, I would think. Pickup reel on combine can only do so much but when crop is flat on ground and its wet, mold sets in quickly. Those laid off workers returning to village may or may not supplement the decreasing labor pool. The early arrivals I have seen in past couple of months, seem kind of work brittle when pointed toward farm labor. Guess after they sponge off family and wear out their welcome they might consider getting out on the farm again.

Good point slapout,

I hadn't even thought of the FACE issue for the returning workers. Its not an issue near me as they all only get labourers jobs working for someone, dont know of many that have had training for a supervisory type position.

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Not sure why this is in the farming forum???


Sorry, I didnt explain the word "Home". Home to many are the farms in rural Thailand. Most able and willing men in our village will spend at least a month "off-season" working in the big smoke to generate some cash. Many young couples seek factory work as short to medium careers. If this labour returns home enmasse, it will change the village dynamics markedly. I would have added this to the crystal ball thread but thought it a little too important to get buried

Happy with that?


Thats fine, but just so you know, there is a reason we have separate forums for different kinds of topics :o

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Interesting the comments on subsistence farming. So many ppl have been saying the sufficiency economy concept is crazy, but it's making more sense every day. I visited one of HM's project focusing on it, they were making bio-diesel, composting, mud bricks, water management and a whole lot of other things rural folk could do by being resourceful and without having to spend money.

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Interesting the comments on subsistence farming. So many ppl have been saying the sufficiency economy concept is crazy, but it's making more sense every day. I visited one of HM's project focusing on it, they were making bio-diesel, composting, mud bricks, water management and a whole lot of other things rural folk could do by being resourceful and without having to spend money.

Can we have details of where this project is. I would love to visit and learn....

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