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Pad Rallies At British Embassy In Bangkok

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How many threads are you going to post that on LaoPo ... and fail to post the other numbers cited in it? Like the fall in the Gov'ts popularity or that the largest number of respondents say they have not done enough towards reconciliation.

Tourism isn't gonna be hit by this stuff NEAR as much as the economy worldwide.

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How many threads are you going to post that on LaoPo ... and fail to post the other numbers cited in it? Like the fall in the Gov'ts popularity or that the largest number of respondents say they have not done enough towards reconciliation.

Tourism isn't gonna be hit by this stuff NEAR as much as the economy worldwide.

1. For ans answer to your question I kindly request you to have a look here *; otherwise I have to repeat it again and you will ask me the same question :o

2. As for Thai tourism to be hit: wait and see and shiver afterwards because it will be worse than you ever anticipated. Much worse !

* http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Pad-Won-t-Op...23#entry2318723



From what i have read on other forums , in articles , travel advisories etc , it is not only tourism that will (and is) take a big hit , it is the whole of Amazing Thailand that will have its eyes opened . It is alright for the nay-sayers and wannabees to say "So what's a few tourists here and there , so some expats are leaving etc ", but the overall picture is the 'Pebble in a pond ' effect when the ripples hit the bank . Already thousands have apparantly lost their jobs , there will be many more to follow in the coming months as construction slows down and many more hotels and guest-houses gain more and more empty rooms . Please take a seat and watch as the future rolls out before your very eyes , snacks and drinks will be a little extra , please drop your garbage in the bin provided .

From what i have read on other forums , in articles , travel advisories etc , it is not only tourism that will (and is) take a big hit , it is the whole of Amazing Thailand that will have its eyes opened . It is alright for the nay-sayers and wannabees to say "So what's a few tourists here and there , so some expats are leaving etc ", but the overall picture is the 'Pebble in a pond ' effect when the ripples hit the bank . Already thousands have apparantly lost their jobs , there will be many more to follow in the coming months as construction slows down and many more hotels and guest-houses gain more and more empty rooms . Please take a seat and watch as the future rolls out before your very eyes , snacks and drinks will be a little extra , please drop your garbage in the bin provided .

Hmmm I see from your post Icon that you think it is a funny thing. I think you will find it affects Cambodia even worse in tourism since that is far more of Cambodia's GDP (no infra-structure for more than that and some minor small textile and light manufacturing) However the PAD rally at the Brit Embassy in Bangkok (topic) won't have been the issue. The world economy will have been --- and that is the topic of other threads :o

I do not personally know of anyone (yet) that has cancelled plans to come to BKK because of the PAD but I am sure the over-hyped warnings from some countries have kept a few from coming.


Cambodia has shown quite an increase in tourism (shown on the streets also) plus an increase in expats , it is however , feeling the hit in construction and textiles , Korean investment monies down .

Well, this whole PAD protest case will slowly but surely die out...:

The survey also showed plummeting support of the general public for the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

The support for the anti-government group has gone down from 47.7% and 42.9% from last month to 26.3% to 29.6% this month.

PAD is losing ground in the Bangkok quicksand and once protesters aren't paid and fed anymore they will take the bus..............home !

People, also in Thailand, worry more now for their wallet than an ever going on -ENDLESS- fight between political parties and the hatred opinions of a few high-so.

The ongoing, declining economy in the world will hit hard upon Thailand as well and people are starting to feel in in their wallets already.

Maybe not so bad yet as in some US/EU countries and in other Asian countries like China, India, Japan, Australia and NZ but it won't last long before many threads on Thaivisa will scream out loud because of the disaster that's going to unfold.

The tourist-, service and real estate sectors will be hit VERY HARD !

Watch your wallet...and back ! :o


Organising protest cost money. Initially a lot of money flow in from people who wants to see Thaksin out. However it is quite certain that Thaksin will not return for another 10 years. Contribution is beginning to dry up. Plus, some people are beginning to be sick of being used as pawn in this Sonthi/Thaksin chess play. Money also leak, within the organising commitee, denting donors confidence.


อังกฤษยกเลิกวีซ่าสองคนผัวเมียที่หลบหนีคดี "ทักษิณ-พจมาน" เผยร่อนอีเมล์แจ้งสายการบินทั่วโลกห้ามให้โดยสารเข้าประเทศ

แหล่งข่าวจากคณะกรรมการดำเนินงานด้านธุรกิจการบิน (Airport Operations Committee: AOC) หรือ เอโอซี เปิดเผยว่า วันนี้ (7พ.ย.) นายแอนดี้ เกรย์ ผู้จัดการฝ่ายติดต่อกิจการตรวจคนเข้าเมือง สำนักงานพรมแดนสหราชอาณาจักร สถานเอกอัครราชทูตอังกฤษประจำกรุงเทพฯ ได้ส่งอีเมล์ถึงสายการบินที่เป็นสมาชิกเอโอซีเพื่อแจ้งเตือนให้ทราบว่า สำนักงานพรมแดนฯ ได้ยกเลิกวีซ่าเข้าสหราชอาณาจักรที่ถือโดย บุคคลสัญชาติไทยดังนี้ ทักษิณ ชินวัตร หนังสือเดินทางไทยหมายเลข D215863 และ พจมาน ชินวัตร หนังสือเดินทางไทยหมายเลข D206635 เพราะวีซ่าที่ประทับในหนังสือเดินทางดังกล่าวไม่สามารถใช้ได้ต่อไป จึงขอแนะนำสายการบินทั้งหลายว่าอย่าได้นำผู้โดยสารทั้งสองคนเข้าสหราชอาณาจักร

Sorry as a newbie, I cannot post link. Just go to Manager.co.th homepage to read the news (in Thai)

Latest HOT new from Manager.co.th web

Translated by my gf: Andy Gray, UK Immegration, has issuse a letter to all commercial airlines that Thaksin & Pojaman visa is CANCELLED, and will no longer be allowed to enter UK. :o:D:D


I've read this poll results in the paper today.

They mention that PAD support has dropped and give percentages. Unforunately they forgot to mention WHEN the first poll they comparing to was taken.

They also confusingly say that these current results are from before Oct 7.

Well, this whole PAD protest case will slowly but surely die out...:

The survey also showed plummeting support of the general public for the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

The support for the anti-government group has gone down from 47.7% and 42.9% from last month to 26.3% to 29.6% this month.


PAD is losing ground in the Bangkok quicksand and once protesters aren't paid and fed anymore they will take the bus..............home !

People, also in Thailand, worry more now for their wallet than an ever going on -ENDLESS- fight between political parties and the hatred opinions of a few high-so.

The ongoing, declining economy in the world will hit hard upon Thailand as well and people are starting to feel in in their wallets already.

Maybe not so bad yet as in some US/EU countries and in other Asian countries like China, India, Japan, Australia and NZ but it won't last long before many threads on Thaivisa will scream out loud because of the disaster that's going to unfold.

The tourist-, service and real estate sectors will be hit VERY HARD !

Watch your wallet...and back ! :o


Wasn't it you who told the PAD is a very small minority, even 26 % is not a small minority.

All in all, it doesn't matter who did what. Unlike some posters here that openly profess their love for Thaksin and claiming he has never done anything wrong, I have yet to see any poster that claims anything the other side is God-like. If Los78 and clausewitz was concerned with balance, they would go after the extreme posters and not try to put '1 wounded in shooting' or '1 beaten during street fighting' with '2500 killed during drug raids' or '80 died during transportation' or 'several dead and maimed during protests'.

Lord have mercy on us!

Here you go again TAWP trotting out totally unrelated issues to this thread, just because you think "it doesn't matter" what PAD's thugs (sorry, I mean guards!) are doing.

If we really are going to dig up this old history, would you please explain Sondhi"s actions during the drug war, was he not - through his media resources - one of strongest supporters of the killings that were taking place, and what about General Pallop who, against clear orders not to, led the bloody assault on the Mosque. Is he not now allied to PAD's leadership?

I wouldn't worry about surveys like this. The support numbers fluctuate widely with every new development. So far the govt offensive was rather subtle, but const. amendments, impeachment against Rosana, and Thaskin's free travel to Philippines to meet up with his MPs - PAD might become as relevant as ever in a blink of an eye.

For now it's just calm before storm, and there's some serious strom brewing, of biblic proportions by Thai standards.

In just a few weeks there will be annual Royal address, everyone will be looking for a reaction to Thaksin's plea/ultimatum.

Whatever happens, Thaksin has drawn a line, and everyone will have to decide on which side they stand.

Sorry but I think you're wrong.

You do not need to take sides.

A prolonged look at either side has convinced me that they are equally despicable, worthless , selfish power/money grabbers.

I will stand aside and observe the collapse of a system that has now become inevitable.

This is the end .


Public critical of divisive Thaksin speech

According to a survey conducted by Abac Poll, most people viewed that former PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s phone-in speech on November 1 may worsen the political situation. Out of the maximum 10 points, the government’s dignity and uprightness went down from 4.31 in October to 3.97. On people’s suspicion that the government could give benefits to some political and investment groups, the score went up from 4.79 to 5.17. 66.7 per cent considered his speech to worsen the political row. 62.9 percent perceived that amending the constitution during this period would not be appropriate while 65.2 per cent saw that the attempt to amend the charter would lead to intensifying disputes in the country.

Bangkok Post / yesterday


Off-topic and argumentative posts have been deleted from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


The main problem with most polls here is that when they present it

they don't tell you :

a ) the EXACT questions asked

b ) the numbers of respondents

c ) any reference to the location of respondent, or their origin

d ) a clear set of poll time frames

e ) % of error of typical polling method

Face it

"Was Thaksin's stadium speech good for the country?"

if asked

in Roi Et and Kohn Kaen of 350 respondents over one week,

will be much different than that asked over last friday afternoon

in the car park of Pratanum Plaza Bangkok of 300 carrying bags to cars.

Or of exclusivly Patpong street vendors, or Phuket katoeys, or Din Daeng taxi drivers.

Each poll can be targeted to get a result that suits the target data aim.

NOT telling the above critera makes the poll irrelevant or purposely biased.

Which is the more tytpical state her.

Any government backed poll ( ie cabinet or PPP backed) can be EXPECTED

to be highly biased and slanted by both questions, timing and location to pre-fit their position.


...Whatever happens, Thaksin has drawn a line, and everyone will have to decide on which side they stand.

Sorry but I think you're wrong.

You do not need to take sides.


I want to refer you to Anand's assessment given about two-three years ago - when faced with evil, it's impossible not to take sides. He said it was a duty of everyone, both as citizens and Buddhists, to confront evil.

Or look at these two popular quotes:

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."

Trying to be neutral is a problem for those who can't stand PAD. So they are reduced to toothless dogs barking on sidewalks. That obsessive maniac Burin sends letters to BP and Nation everyday, denouncing both PAD and the govt. Yes, he is neutral, but who cares? His letter writing has achieved exactly nothing. "I call on the government..." - they don't even read that suff, let alone do anything about his calls. He wants PAD to practice non-violence and quotes Martin Luter King when it's a full, blown out war out there - with grenades, tear gas, people legs torn off, people getting shot and blown up on a daily basis even on the quietest days.

Like them or not, but PAD is the only group that can stand up to Thaksin and his cohorts. They are doing the great service to the rest of the country, they are far from perfect, but they are normal, ordinary Thai people, they make the same mistakes everyone of us does, they are reflection of the society. Want to see non-violence - look at Santi Asoke members in their midst. The rest are just as hot tempered as your average Thai male (good thing they don't allow drinking there).

Instead of critisising others, people like Burin should roll up their sleeves and DO something, or better yet ACHIEVE something. Only then they may start dispersing advice on how political changes should be achieved in this country.


...Whatever happens, Thaksin has drawn a line, and everyone will have to decide on which side they stand.

Sorry but I think you're wrong.

You do not need to take sides.


I want to refer you to Anand's assessment given about two-three years ago - when faced with evil, it's impossible not to take sides. He said it was a duty of everyone, both as citizens and Buddhists, to confront evil.

As I am neither a thai citizen nor a buddhist, your reference clearly allows me to stay neutral.

Furthermore politicians who start talking about evil, remind me of a certain " axis of evil " , whom we all know was just a smoke mirror for a pure pack of lies.


2 'PAD guards' arrested with bombs

Police Sunday arrested two men, who confessed to be PAD guards, after a lot of bombs and other weapons were found on them.

The two - Thanit Khanurai, 28, and Watana Kijpithaksin, 22, were arrested while riding a motorcycle on the Ratchasima Road in Dusit district at 2:50 pm.

Police found a bag with 3 M67 grenades, 22 ping pong bombs, 1 homemade bomb, 4 shotgun ammunitions, a samurai sword, and three sling shots.

Police also found id cards of PAD guards on them.

Watana told police that he was hired by another PAD guard, identified only as Nok, to carry the bag from a spot under the Rajawat Bridge to put into a garbage bin in front of the Rajdamnone Boxing Stadium.

Source: The Nation - 10 November 2008

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Two arrested for carrying guns near PAD rally site

Police and military police arrested a taxi driver and another man in two separate incidents after they were found carrying guns early Monday morning.

Police stopped the taxi driver, Kiartisak Rakphu, 35, at a road checkpoint in front of the Ban Phitsanulok on Phitsanulok at 2 am.

Police found a homemade gun, an iron bar and nine identification cards of voluntary guards of the People's Alliance for Democracy inside the taxi.

At 2.05 am, police and military police stopped a pick-up truck at a checkpoint at the mouth of Soi Likhit off Sri Ayutthaya Road.

The officials arrested the driver, Kaviyuth Boonthongkaew, 33, after they found a .38 revolver and 13 ammunitions and two knives.

Source: The Nation - 10 November 2008

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


PAD denies connection with two men arrested with bombs

The People's Alliance for Democracy said Monday that it has fired two men who were arrested Sunday with assorted bombs and weapons in possession.

Chamlong Srimuang and Pipop Thongchai, co-leaders of the PAD, said Thanit Khanurai, 28, and Watana Kijpithaksin, 22, used to work as guards of the PAD but they were fired over ten days ago.

Chamlong said the chief of the PAD guards fired them after they were found to often use violence and carry guns. Chamlong said the two were warned several times to behave but they disobeyed so they were removed from duty. Chamlong said the PAD also had records of firing the two and could present the evidence to police.

The two were arrested while on a motorcycle on Ratchasima Road in Dusit district at 2.50pm.

Police seized from them a bag with 3 M67 grenades, 22 pingpong bombs, a homemade bomb, 4 shotgun ammunition, a samurai sword, and three slingshots.

Source: The Nation - 10 November 2008

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


...Whatever happens, Thaksin has drawn a line, and everyone will have to decide on which side they stand.

Sorry but I think you're wrong.

You do not need to take sides.


I want to refer you to Anand's assessment given about two-three years ago - when faced with evil, it's impossible not to take sides. He said it was a duty of everyone, both as citizens and Buddhists, to confront evil.

As I am neither a thai citizen nor a buddhist, your reference clearly allows me to stay neutral.

Furthermore politicians who start talking about evil, remind me of a certain " axis of evil " , whom we all know was just a smoke mirror for a pure pack of lies.

Hmmm, you didn't really get it, did you? Anand wasn't going to cover all bases when he spoke to Thai public. If you are looking for an excuse to stay neutral you will no doubt find it - such is the human nature - find excuses for yourself is very very easy.

Maybe another quote (from Einstien) will make it clearer for you:

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

Basically, there's no neutrality here - doing nothing is not being neutral.

Some of the things Thaksin has done to his own country are truly evil. Don't start harping about village funds or 30 baht scheme - that's not what he is being prosecuted for.

All in all, it doesn't matter who did what. Unlike some posters here that openly profess their love for Thaksin and claiming he has never done anything wrong, I have yet to see any poster that claims anything the other side is God-like. If Los78 and clausewitz was concerned with balance, they would go after the extreme posters and not try to put '1 wounded in shooting' or '1 beaten during street fighting' with '2500 killed during drug raids' or '80 died during transportation' or 'several dead and maimed during protests'.

Lord have mercy on us!

Here you go again TAWP trotting out totally unrelated issues to this thread, just because you think "it doesn't matter" what PAD's thugs (sorry, I mean guards!) are doing.

If we really are going to dig up this old history, would you please explain Sondhi"s actions during the drug war, was he not - through his media resources - one of strongest supporters of the killings that were taking place, and what about General Pallop who, against clear orders not to, led the bloody assault on the Mosque. Is he not now allied to PAD's leadership?

I suppose you are failing to see the point catmac.

But to make it very clear: dig up any posts by Los78 or clausewitz where they are complaining about the deeds done by Thaksin or his proxies.

And while you are at it, ask yourself this: Does one death during street fighting equal (or excuse) any number of death by the other side?

That is in effect the argument they are pulling.

Street thugs or morons in PAD doing bad things doesn't alleviate Thaksin and his cronies from their guilt.


...Whatever happens, Thaksin has drawn a line, and everyone will have to decide on which side they stand.

Sorry but I think you're wrong.

You do not need to take sides.


I want to refer you to Anand's assessment given about two-three years ago - when faced with evil, it's impossible not to take sides. He said it was a duty of everyone, both as citizens and Buddhists, to confront evil.

As I am neither a thai citizen nor a buddhist, your reference clearly allows me to stay neutral.

Furthermore politicians who start talking about evil, remind me of a certain " axis of evil " , whom we all know was just a smoke mirror for a pure pack of lies.

Hmmm, you didn't really get it, did you? Anand wasn't going to cover all bases when he spoke to Thai public. If you are looking for an excuse to stay neutral you will no doubt find it - such is the human nature - find excuses for yourself is very very easy.

Maybe another quote (from Einstien) will make it clearer for you:

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

Basically, there's no neutrality here - doing nothing is not being neutral.

Some of the things Thaksin has done to his own country are truly evil. Don't start harping about village funds or 30 baht scheme - that's not what he is being prosecuted for.

Your ability to disjudge what you just said before is amazing.

How about chewing on this other quote from Einstein : " Blind faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth".


Disjudge is not a word that I have heard of.

Dictionary suggestions: Reference suggestions:








Side judge




Dog judge


I've read this poll results in the paper today.

They mention that PAD support has dropped and give percentages. Unforunately they forgot to mention WHEN the first poll they comparing to was taken.

They also confusingly say that these current results are from before Oct 7.

There is one school of thought that goes something like this:

When the military move to smash Thaksin's apparatus in Thailand (ie his government, UDD and assorted other militias) they must be seen to be not be taking sides. They do this by also taking out the PAD. People see the the military as saving Thailand from two lunatic fringes hel_l bent on massacring each other and say thank god for that.

If there is any truth to this, it could work if it is believable. However, it will be bloody to some extent. Whether there is any truth in it remians to be seen as only people higher up the ladder than us will know what is planned and counter-planned.


I think they only need to remove PPP from power, and judging by the latest polls, Dems can finally beat them at elections. That would do it.

On the other hand, what about this huge elite conspiracy that keeps Younghusband going like Energiser Bunny? Does it mean that PAD soldiers will be sacrificed with elites staging the coup against themselves to grab power?

Thaksin has gone on a suicidal mission, a little more of that and he'll be a huge turn off for the vast majority of Thais. Also PPP (or Pua Thai) can't promise to bring him back anymore - they'd have to rely on their own perforamnce.

Support for new politics is also growing, btw.

On the other hand, what about this huge elite conspiracy that keeps Younghusband going like Energiser Bunny? Does it mean that PAD soldiers will be sacrificed with elites staging the coup against themselves to grab power?

Reality if often more absurd than a Hollywood scenario...

It wouldn't surprise me at all if PAD/Sondhi Limthongkul would -finally- reach for power; his ultimate revenge.

If that would be good for Thailand ? :o


PAD overthrowing elites that plan to sacrifie them?

You lead in absurdity stakes, Lao Po.

I think we misunderstood each other. I meant to say that it wouldn't surprise me if Sondhi (with or without the help of military) would reach for power.


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