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Are You Happy In Thailand ?


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Of course thailand is not perfect, but oh so much fun!!, have been spending most of my free times here since 1963, have watched Pattaya coastal strip and Patong get concreted over, even tried living in huahin for a couple of years in the 90,s, My 3rd wife (last 20years) who is english shares my passion for thailand. and really enjoys village life,mind you she even likes visiting my kids and grandkids in northern germany, so there is no accounting for taste :D but now we have the best of both worlds, 6 months a year on the sunshine coast and 6 months in thailand no problems at all apart from the odd envious git at Caboolture centrelink , this time next week we will be on our way to singapore for a few days shopping before we head north to Leong nok tha, goodluck to all you aussies pensioners living in Los hope you qualify for the bonus in december, have just been advised our bonus should be over 3500bucks so things are looking good :o

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Its sad that a guy cant say that he is happy and content without all kinds of people trying to bring him down.

Talking about how much influence or money that they have.

I have travelled most of my life, taken out to sea at 6 months and lived in a slew of places across 4 continents.

What swanky said I agree with 100% apart from the bit about if you don't have them everything goes tits up.

I have consistently been without savings that would last me more than a year apart from when I went to countries with comparatively lower prices, I have few friends and no brothers or sisters.

I have chosen to live in Thailand for the brunt of the last 7 years, about 1/4 of my life.

It is hard to pick a time when I was *not* happy with living in Thailand. It has consistently been challenging, exciting and educational. I have lived in Songkla, Sakhon Nakhon, Koh Chang, Kanchanaburi and many places inside the area that these places circumscribe. In Thailand I have had the pleasure and fortune to work as Creative Correspondence Writer, 3D Animator, English Teacher, Dive Master, Travel Chaperone, Fish Farmer, Computer Programmer, Online Merchant, Network Admin, Real Estate Agent, Bar & Restaurant Manager and Entrepreneur. None of these have made me rich, but that was never the goal, simply to be enriched.

Most of the Thais that I have met have been interesting, helpful and simply wonderful, very few times have I faced a bad deal that could not be negotiated to a mutually beneficial arrangement. With Farangs less so. Certainly I have met many farangs living here that I respect and enjoyed the company of and the discussions and friendship shared I appreciated immensely. But there are also many that confuse being a businessman with being a conartist, industry with fraud and competitiveness with sabotage.

This is not something peculiar to Thailand ofcourse, but perhaps here the contrasts are starker.

Inspiring stuff. Thanks for posting.

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Well, it saved my life.

Was dying in the west (UK) of the pressures of modern commercial life. Didn't really have a life.

Yes. I love living in Thailand. Have homes and land and family and all the things I could not have in the west. Most of all I finally have a life.

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I too have lived in Thailand for many years. This is my home and if at all possible, I will be here until the day they BBQ my wasted old body. This is the country that best suits my preferred VERY casual lifestyle.

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ah we ask ouselves do you actually reside here or not?

Errrr, yeah. Wanna see a print out of my Yearly visa for evidence ?

I don't have a house anywhere else on the planet other than the house I'm typing this from ( and even that ain't mine ! )

I ain't been to my home country longer than a total of 4 months in the last 18 years, I have everything in Thailand, 3000 baht in the bank included. :D


but alas you are in country what percentage of the time? (now ... don't obfuscate like you have been doing .....)

The majority of the time.

Wanna see my passport entry stamps or something, wanna see evidence of my yearly visa, how about I scan my bankbook too, you want my cellphone number so you can periodically check up to see if I ain't sneaked out of the country without reporting in to ThaiVisa first ? :D

JD, in the last year I have been here, lets see, October till February, 2 months banged up abroad, and in Thailand non stop, ( no visa runs for me ) since April 15th.

Does this satisfy your curiosity JD. :o

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I too have lived in Thailand for many years. This is my home and if at all possible, I will be here until the day they BBQ my wasted old body. This is the country that best suits my preferred VERY casual lifestyle.

Gary, you down the watering hole later today ?

I'm going to KhunMing later and will look in, if you are going what time will you be there ?

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Hi Maigo6,

Yes I'm very happy in Thailand. Just started my 19th year here (august).

However I must admit that going back to my home country twice a year for 1 week each time, helps me to get rid of the little annoyances that creep up and start accumulating. It's every time a reality check and always I'm happy to return to my now home country.

Thailand is a beautiful country and the most beautiful part are the people.

I like your posts, except for your stance on smoking :o , so plse keep up the good work.



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Odd how none of the male members ( pun intended ) are mentioning it's very likely that a large portion of why they love living here is because of Thai women , young, beautiful and trained well in the art of Gold-Digging.

I believe low cost prostitution is a factor , also.

Take that element away....

Be honest...Give the women their due .

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why they love living here is because of Thai women , young, beautiful and trained well in the art of Gold-Digging.
Like all women everywhere

Be honest...Give the women their due .

And the horses

Edited by harrry
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11 years in. Key points to my happiness (everywhere, Thailand included):

1. Great health, including all family members (knock on wood)

2. Financial freedom (which includes freedom from debt, freedom from having to worry about my children's future education/housing/business start up costs, freedom to dine/vacation/etc. wherever we want, free to maintain our health at at whatever hospital, not having to worry about mundane things like bills or inflation...).


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why they love living here is because of Thai women , young, beautiful and trained well in the art of Gold-Digging.
Like all women everywhere

Be honest...Give the women their due .

And the horses

Yes I love the horses, they are the best part of living here and I wish I could rescue them all. Seeing the neglect at the rental stables - all the animals really. Those tigers in the Department store. Ugh...

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Odd how none of the male members ( pun intended ) are mentioning it's very likely that a large portion of why they love living here is because of Thai women , young, beautiful and trained well in the art of Gold-Digging.

I believe low cost prostitution is a factor , also.

Take that element away....

Be honest...Give the women their due .

Me think: You need to expand your landing strip and/or the circle of your “digging”, just a bit


not all of them w/ those farangs are all , what we consider "drop-dead beautiful" anyway,

Yeah....many of those are sure "drop-dead" !!! :o

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If I had to choose between western countries and Thailand, I would choose Thailand.

Especially if somehow I had no or little choice (say, big economic downturn with massive job and business losses).

But under normal cisrcumstances, when Japan, Singapore or Hong Kong are on offer, Thailand is the loser.

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I will have been here 6 years in Feb 09.

Met my wife after 2 months here, married after 6 months, baby after 14 months!

Now I have 3 beautiful daughters, an apartment in BKK, house in BKK and a place with land in her hometown, 2 cars and spending habits that would be completely unsustainable in the west (unless I was a broker in London or something)

Eating out 3 times a week, large amounts of clothes, trips to the beach once a month at least, private schooling for the kids (actually that's not cheap even in thailand).

I get frustrated at the way things work here in Thailand, but no more than I do in the UK. Business life is more difficult than personal life, as there are so many restrictions in what you can/can't do. If I was employed and just got a wage, my life would be great! Running a small business to make ends meet is enough to give you ulcers, but so far it has enabled me to continue my life in Thailand so I'm not complaining (much).

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(unless I was a broker in London or something)

I was going to pick you up on that, given the current climate, but it could be read as past tense :o

What's the difference between a London broker and a pigeon - a pigeon can leave a deposit on a Lamborghini. :D

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Good post........I think a lot of the guys who do all the bitching about Thailand don't live in thailand or even spend much time here. Then you have the ones with no $ who have nothing to do but bitch about everything.

I for one think Thailand is a great place to live, not perfect but then I don't think there is a perfect place. I spent time in over 30 countries and have lived in 5 over the years. But everything considered LOS is our choice.

My wife and I (both farang) have been living fulltime in LOS for 2 years, we've been together for over 33 years and retired for the last 24 years. We could afford to live most anywhere we want but like the lifestyle and climate of Thailand. Live on the beach in Cha Am and most every morning when I wake up and look out over the beach and the ocean I think what a fantastic place to live. Plan to be here until I kick off. :o

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Ok people,

I have seen enough posts on this forum over the years that tells me all is not rosy for many Farangs in Thailand.

Personally, I can't think of any other country I would rather live in, and I have travelled maybe not that much, but to maybe 20 countries, and I'm happy here. Well, as happy as I'd probably be anywhere taking into account my financial situation.

I'd love to have an apartment in Monaco, a holiday Villa in Nice ( very close ), a beautiful house in Tuscany, an apartment overlooking Central Park in New York, but my financial situation precludes me from such luxuries, hence I live in Thailand.

In Thailand I can live a very good lifestyle at a very reasonable price, yes I built a house, of course it isn't mine, but guess what, it was 6 months wages, I can lose that and not worry at all, in fact for my long time GF. I would help her out until she died if needed.

I just don't get all the bitterness and hatred towards Thai people from other posters here, I'm not wearing rose tinted specs , I've lived here since 1990, not as long as some but a lot longer than others, but on December the 10th it will be 18 years for me, and it's 18 years that I don't regret. :o

I think the heat and vodka is getting to you. Highlighted in red gave me is the best laugh all week. Cheers

Nice post from someone who is obviously easily amused and doesn't get out too much...

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ME: so so

What don't you like?

It's NOT so much about something I don't like,..... but about something I would like to have....

-True internet shopping experiences 24/7

-Overall cooler weather

-Organized zonings

-Amount of openspace in the city

-Clean and workable sidewalks condition

-better sewage system

-Better air quality

-Good and working consumer protection law


Just to name a few :o

Edited by MetroGirl
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I'd like a BMW X5, but I can't afford one in Thailand, so I have to make do with a Toyota Fortuner.

If I moved back to Europe I could afford an X5, but I prefer Thailand, so I don't complain about what I know is here cos I do have a choice, it's not like I'm being held here at gunpoint.

I'd still like an X5 though..... :o

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Personally I feel the word content fit my own situation best.

BTW, the word happy is generally not used (translated to my language) to describe if a person is satisfied with his life where I come from. Happy translated, are used when example you pass a very difficult exam at school, you have just got your firstborn baby, or just won 1 million dollar in the lottery, i.e., "being happy" is seen as an immediate state of being at that moment.

I think its also appropriate to say that we are all different and come from different backgrounds. When someone measure life quality or happiness in how many beers, suits, cars and condominiums they can afford in Thailand, then others see life quality or contentment in high environmental standards, social equality, freedom and safety. Buying power is not everyone’s concern or happiness/contentment indicator for life quality.

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I just got my ticket confirmed for a business trip to Nigeria next month. If anyone really thinks Thailand is not a great place to live, well, take a trip to Nigeria (I am sure we do have some expat oil workers there who read this forum, and I am equally as sure they will agree.) I don't mean to make this a Nigeria-or-any-other-country-bashing thread, but those of us who are lucky enough to be here sometimes need to look beyond the petty annoyances and and thank our lucky stars.

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