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Obama Victory Party In Chiang Mai


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Its so odd to see people celebrating/cheering politicians on stage like they are some pop star. In the UK we tend to dislike them all - but then it is just a small little island. But on the bright side, looks like the US economic virus may collapse the EU... My hat goes off to you yanks! Bravo!

Go Obo, Go Obo. Ooo Oooo Oooo

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If he wins...will he be shot????...read last week some guys were arrested that planned to kill him......Black president of the U.S.....They had segregation only 40 years ago....best have the party quick if he wins or it may be a wake :o

A couple of white-trash skinhead clowns were arrested. I don't think it was a serious conspiracy but it made a great story.

Like JFK and ML King, the bullet that gets Obama won't ever be traced. He has a chance of living if he plays the game and allows business to carry on dictating policy: foreign wars to steal commodities such as oil, gas and opium (Afghanistan) and allows monopoly privileges for the elite's companies (Halliburton, Carlyle Group etc.). If he starts taliking about an Iraq withdrawl, I'd say a couple more weeks of life at the most.

That pretty much sums it up, the establishment kills them off for being in the way of profit, not for skin colour or religious leanings.

You have to shake your head in amazement at the Wallys on the news forum getting so hyped up over Thai politics. Even worse most of them have no idea what they are talking about, can't see the real game when it is staring them in the face.

I hope Obama is an improvement over that twice elected psychopath Bush, suppose he would have to be. See though that the large contributors are the same old faces, quid pro quid. He will probably be allowed to play around with domectic politics a bit as long as he doesn't try to turn off the war/money machine. :D

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Have you checked out the latest from Palin?

I could almost feel sorry for her, but then I remember she likes to kill things for a hobby.

Thank you, that was hilarious! A must watch for Palin foreign policy analysts.

Apparently she is citing a trip to Koh Chang as proof of her foreign affairs credentials. She could see China from her balcony. At least that is where 'Sombat the plumber' told her it was. :o

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Maybe some of you US guys can help me here ? How come in a coutry so big with billions of people you can only come up with 2 parties ? Jeez even in the UK we can rustle up 4 or 5. You get the choice of a senile old geriatric or a dodgy black guy ? Also there are evidently around 6 people running for the presidency yet I have NEVER seen or heard any mention of these guys on ANY of the American networks. WHY ? How come they havent been on TV ? Why have they never been at any of the debates ? It certainly doesnt seem very democratic coming from the land of the free ????????? And my money is on the geriatric comng through at the finishing line.

Because everyone knows that it is almost impossible to win elections without the money and power of the two big parties. The "fringe" candidates have been part of TV debates before, but most people are not interested in what they have to say because they don't have any real chance at being elected.

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Have you checked out the latest from Palin?

I could almost feel sorry for her, but then I remember she likes to kill things for a hobby.

Thanks for that. Must wonder though how women with a brain feel about the religious right tossing up her as a vice-president. She is now mooted as running for president against Obama at the next election. :o

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Have you checked out the latest from Palin?

I could almost feel sorry for her, but then I remember she likes to kill things for a hobby.

Thanks for that. Must wonder though how women with a brain feel about the religious right tossing up her as a vice-president. She is now mooted as running for president against Obama at the next election. :o

Bring her on! Like shooting ducks in a barrel, and she would know ...

About the third party/money problem. Definitely true. Not a problem for someone like Bloomberg or Buffett, but such wealth is rare. I can't see a President Gates, reboot, reboot!

Edited by Jingthing
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OK....(deep breath).

This election has inspired a LOT of passion worldwide.

We're right down to the wire. (I voted early Oct via absentee ballot).

As has been quite correctly pointed out to me in a PM from a member, this topic is not really Chiang Mai relevant. It was originally, but immediately veered into a purely political discussion of the American presidential election.

Unless you guys and gals can steer it back to: "Where to hold the Obama Victory Party in CM (et al)" I will be forced to move this to the political forum.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but the member's point is well taken.....many people of other nationalities than American are not thrilled with the incessant 24/7 coverage of this, even on the Beeb....:o

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I like both Obama and McCain, but felt that Obama was a much better campaigner and deserved to win the election.

The funny thing is that I don't think that I have met even one American out here who was for McCain and I know some real rednecks. It is interesting to me how many "liberals" I meet who are the same kind of nasty, opinionated old farts that I've always associated with the right-wing. :o

I think that most of them are too cheap to spring for the Duke's though (keeping on topic).

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These weener whiners don't have to read this they can stop bitching and click on something else. As important as this is not only to Chiang Mai, but indeed to the whole world, Please be a moderator and the derivative of the word is moderate. This only happens every four years. Let it continue and the other folks can learn to change the channel

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If he wins, I'll buy a bottle or two of Scotch, and drink it with all.

If McCain wins, I will buy one bottle of Scotch, and drink it with all.

Amurican-style democracy at its finest!

Honestly, I am a lifelong Democrat, who has many dear Republican friends. We agree to disagree, and I think this is a healthy thing.

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Yes, true story, McGriffith... I even consider UG a friend but still think he needs to read a little more in order to see through the republicans guise of using fear to take away the constitutional rights we have fought and died for. Luckily, Bush pushed their agenda too much too fast and even some of the republicans caught on. I built a house in Alaska that used passive solar heat to warm the house at 26 below zero farenheit using no other means of energy. When the republican hero Ronnie Ray-gun came into office, the very first thing he did( don't take my word for it,look it up) with the first stroke of his pen,was to stop all federal tax breaks and funding for everything dealing with alternative energy. At that time it was called "appropriate technology". Hard for the oil companies to sell heating oil to folks who can heat their house for free with the sun. That was the "Awakening" for me.... Then his anti-solar propaganda program began. Bush II also stopped many federal programs about two months ago. Typically it went pretty much unnoticed

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John is not recovering as a democrat would. A little weak in certain areas. Seriously he has not been well, and I am sure will only be there in spirit. I am not allowed within a quarter mile of his place. Pray for him. Pray he becomes a Democrat and can then have the strength to recover faster. He took a very serious hit.

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Yes, true story, McGriffith... I even consider UG a friend but still think he needs to read a little more in order to see through the republicans guise of using fear to take away the constitutional rights we have fought and died for.

Unfortunately, 9/11 provided a pretty good excuse to curtail freedoms as in any time of war. I prefer to believe that the Republicans intended to use them to protect the country. :o

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Ban/Bar me...but a nigger in the Whitehouse...NEVER

If that were to be the outcome, because of the reason you mentioned, it would just show how immature america still would be. I hope not to see that .

Every poll say Obama will win, with a reasonable plus in the percentages which make it ` believable~

If he doesn't only what you stated can be the reason.

Act as a modern 2008 human being to wards the polls, and be a coward when in the voting booth.

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Ban/Bar me...but a nigger in the Whitehouse...NEVER

Well, just as I feared, the OP's post has veered off again.

I'm sorry you feel that way, tommyj4. No warning, suspension or ban.

I would hope for better from the rest of the American electorate.

Any other votes for Duke's?

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"I like both Obama and McCain, but felt that Obama was a much better campaigner and deserved to win the election."

This is the epitome of what proves the majority shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Anyone who elects someone because they are a better "campaigner" is stating they are not voting on issues but on how much one candidate can work the system on their way to the prize.

To be blunt, the general public should not be allowed to vote - period. Nor should they be put on juries or have any say in any matter than can have a major impact on another person's life.

The two party system is corrupt, always will be and unfortunately there is little possibility it will ever be abolished.

A victory for either Obama or McCain is another loss for the American people and what the country once stood for. In this election people had a chance to make a real change and they went with the status quo. For this they will pay dearly.

I predict the next coming years will be worse than the recent past based on events that have already occurred and some that will soon become known. Neither Obama nor McCain will be able to stem what is about to happen but one will exacerbate the problem and possibly put the world into a crisis unlike anything before.

Believe me when I say this is not just a problem for the US - the rest of the world will suffer also. Every mistake going forward will not be minor. The next time the USA sneezes it will be more than a cold the world gets. Next time it could prove fatal.

So before you run out to celebrate the Obama victory party, understand he is nothing different from the rest of the two party system con artists who have created the problems the entire world now face. Don't believe me - check back in a couple of years and we can talk.

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So before you run out to celebrate the Obama victory party, understand he is nothing different from the rest of the two party system con artists who have created the problems the entire world now face. Don't believe me - check back in a couple of years and we can talk.

Sure thing. But as Bush is has the lowest approval ratings of any president in history and historians are already definitely saying his place in history will be among the very lowest of all US presidents. Mr. Obama doesn't have much of a bar to surpass the current status quo, just not being as totally sucky as W is likely to do the trick, and there is a lot of hope that he can a lot better than that.

This is the epitome of what proves the majority shouldn't be allowed to vote.

How very undemocratic of you. Lets make someone smart like you dictator for life, then.

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"I like both Obama and McCain, but felt that Obama was a much better campaigner and deserved to win the election."

This is the epitome of what proves the majority shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Anyone who elects someone because they are a better "campaigner" is stating they are not voting on issues but on how much one candidate can work the system on their way to the prize.

To be blunt, the general public should not be allowed to vote - period. Nor should they be put on juries or have any say in any matter than can have a major impact on another person's life.

The two party system is corrupt, always will be and unfortunately there is little possibility it will ever be abolished.

A victory for either Obama or McCain is another loss for the American people and what the country once stood for. In this election people had a chance to make a real change and they went with the status quo. For this they will pay dearly.

I predict the next coming years will be worse than the recent past based on events that have already occurred and some that will soon become known. Neither Obama nor McCain will be able to stem what is about to happen but one will exacerbate the problem and possibly put the world into a crisis unlike anything before.

Believe me when I say this is not just a problem for the US - the rest of the world will suffer also. Every mistake going forward will not be minor. The next time the USA sneezes it will be more than a cold the world gets. Next time it could prove fatal.

So before you run out to celebrate the Obama victory party, understand he is nothing different from the rest of the two party system con artists who have created the problems the entire world now face. Don't believe me - check back in a couple of years and we can talk.

Since you appear to be " well read" yet cynical, I think you would admit that the Republican agenda of absolving pensions has had a scary degree of success in the last eight years.

I have a fairly secure pension as such but those folks who may be in the sights of pensions that could "go away" would recognize the advantage of electing the folks on the other side of the coin. Come on...ya gotta admit that.

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