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Retirement Visa

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So hard to guess on this one but I suspect they want to see activity in your current account or your savings account that shows money transfered in from abroad and then cash going out on a fairly consistant basis. If you can show wire transfers into your account to live on, even if it's not 65K baht per month, then show them your Thai bank account in foreign currency equivalent to 800K baht you may get away with it.

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Thank you everyone,

Phuket immigration say Yes! As long as you get the required letter from the bank stating that the account is a deposit account - then any currency will do.

This will help as you can change to Baht when the X-Rate is a little more favourable.



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Jeff: thanks for the information from Phuket. I asked the same question many months ago, and the response I received was that other posters had taken this route, but I did not get any first hand experiences. I have my money in a Sterling deposit account with Bangkok Bank, and have done so for a few years, and I get a better rate of interest than in any Baht account. When I go for my retirement visa extension, I will get the bank to convert the GBP amount to Baht at the prevailing exchange rate for the required letter, and then show immigration my deposit certificates if they ask for them. Good luck. Alan.

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You can.

I have shown a Sterling deposit in BKK bank several times in CM no problem. You need to show a letter confirming the balance.

As the deposits are held in BKK apply for your letter several days before you need it but no TOO early as it is only accepted if issued within I think 5 days of the day you go to immigration.

Another thing. Last year I went and they said hey you've only got a pound equivalent of 794,000bt in there. I said b%&llocks. WE went to look at the exchange rate on their internet connection. They calculated it in the tourist rate. I said but that is not what the money is transferred using it should be the TT rate, which would give me say 812,000. Needdless to say they stayed bureaucratic. So make sure you have a little extra.

cheers John

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