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Usa President Election Venues 5 November


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4 years ago, the US Embassy hosted a very nice election result watch event at the Marriott in Bangkok. Open to everyone, it was a nice event with supporters from both parties kept in suspense until the Ohio results were announced.

This year, I have only heard of 2 similar events being held: An invitation-only (no, I didn't get one :o ) event hosted again by the US Embassy at the Hyatt, and a DemocratsAbroadThailand 'victory party' held at a Bangkok restaurant.

Does anyone have knowledge of any other venues hosting an election morning watch event?

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You also have to remeber that America is broke just now, even though BO [unfortunate intials] has more than double the election money than Mc Cain, so you might have to forget all the flag waving parades of the past, America has a lot of little expensive wars going on now and cant afford the big footprint anymore.

Its still true in the UK that Guy Fawkes was the only one to enter Parliament with honest intentions, and that was to "blow it up" and we still celebrate this.

You will have a new president when the BS is over, and more BS when the new president starts his job, same world over really,

Same shit, Different day.

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What time (Thailand time) do the first results start coming out?

When they are completed mate. But seriously, the east coast is what 12 hours behind us? I would suggest by 8am tomorrow morning BKK time you will get some results but watch for the inevitable delays from Florida.

Of course all the news networks will be doing exit polls before official results are in so tune in earlier if you want some speculation over your cornflakes.

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Interesting comments, but so far no knowledge of other venues holding an election watch event Wednesday morning.

Too bad, as this would have been a good marketing ploy for some pubs to attract some early morning customers.

This isn't sports mate. 4 hours of Wolf Blitzer droaning on is hardly something to draw in the punters.

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As a public service announcement, Payap University is holding an "Election Day Countdown Party." The following is the schedule for the 5th of November:

Event: Election Day Countdown Party

Venue: Payap University Library, Large Seminar Room (1st floor, next to the ADMISSIONS office)

Time, Date: 8:30am – 2pm Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Tentative Schedule

8:00 Registration

8:30 Welcome Payap President

8:40 Overview of Day's Activities

Open Broadcasting of CNN

8:45 Opening of Mock Voting Station

Explanation of the Electoral College

Open Q&A

9:30 Restroom Break

9:45 Review of the Electoral Map

Reminder of Trivia Game

10:00 American Panel Discussion

10:45 Update Electoral Map

Open Q&A

11:00 Trivia Sheets Deadline

Mock Voting Station Closed

12:00 Lunch Break

CNN Coverage Continues

1:00 Announce Trivia and Mock Election Winners

1:30 Countdown to President-Elect (if applicable) ConGen Staff

(CNN, Commentary, Q&A)

2:00 Estimated Closure Time

All interested parties are invited, free of charge.

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Its still true in the UK that Guy Fawkes was the only one to enter Parliament with honest intentions, and that was to "blow it up" and we still celebrate this.

Actually I don't think we do celebrate him or his plan. I think we are actually supposed to be celebrating his death, and the foiling of his plot, by burning his effigy (not quite sure where the burning bit comes from as I seem to recall that he was hung, drawn and quartered).

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I for one will be glad when the election process is over. It drags on about 20 months to long and cost an obscene amount of money. Why should it take 2 years to get your points accross?

I think it has to do with the audience and not the presenters. :o

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Thanks for that James...Get back from dropping the kids to school about 8:30...that's Wednesday morning/afternoon sorted for me...

Unfortuneately I will be busy at work (in between posting on here of course) and will have to catch it via the internet and of course on the daily news ad nauseum for the next month.

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Thanks for the info, perhaps you can tell us the location Payap Uni as I am sure I am not the only one not knowing its location.

Chiang Mai, hosted by the The US Consulate General in Chiang Mai. Sounds like an interesting event.

US Embassy officials in Bangkok are more selective about inviting the general public, than they were 4 years ago.

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