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Pad And Ahimsa


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PAD leader Chamlonmg compares himself with Gandhi and claims that PAD is peaceful and non-violent.

But then they also have approved 1500 of their paid guards to carry weapons. I am not that up on Gandhina history but I had teh idea that Gandhi didn't have soldiers on his payroll?


Man injured in shooting with PAD guards

A man was shot and injured early Sunday after he and his friends drove to the Makkhawan Bridge and shouted abusive words at guards of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

The guards claimed that the group started firing at them first but the five men told police that one of them simply raised their middle finger and shouted abusive words against the PAD guards and they chased after them and fired at them.

The injured man was identified as Jaroon Deetour, 22. He was shot once on his right shoulder and rushed to the Vajira Hospital.

Four other men in the car were taken into custody by police from Nangloeng Police station

They told police that they went to drink on a pub on Khao San Road and they got lost while returning home in Samut Prakan and Jaroon later drove to the Makkhawan Bridge and Jaroon lowed the window and raised his middle finger to the PAD guards.

No PAD guards were arrested.

The Nation

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Chamlong is not a follower of Gandhi, he just mentioned the name 'cos it's the only one people recognise.

Also PAD is a lot more than Santi Asoke sect that Chamlong has some control over, it's a mass movement, they are not all diehard pacifists or vegetarians.

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2 'PAD guards' arrested with bombs

Police Sunday arrested two men, who confessed to be PAD guards, after a lot of bombs and other weapons were found on them.

The two - Thanit Khanurai, 28, and Watana Kijpithaksin, 22, were arrested while riding a motorcycle on the Ratchasima Road in Dusit district at 2:50 pm.

Police found a bag with 3 M67 grenades, 22 ping pong bombs, 1 homemade bomb, 4 shotgun ammunitions, a samurai sword, and three sling shots.

Police also found id cards of PAD guards on them.

Watana told police that he was hired by another PAD guard, identified only as Nok, to carry the bag from a spot under the Rajawat Bridge to put into a garbage bin in front of the Rajdamnone Boxing Stadium.

Source: The Nation - 10 November 2008

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Carib, does he qualify for what? Indulging in those seven sins?


Reportedly PAD has evidence that they arrested guards were fired a week ago, for carrying weapons. What they were doing with that arsenal when they don't work for PAD anymore is anybody's guess, but conveniently the police intercepted them.

I'd reserve judgement until more details emerge.

Hopefully there will be a crackdown on PAD guards - carrying weapons and bombs is counterproductive, and PAD really has not use for them.

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Well, this is pretty much a reiteration of news already being discussed in the PAD rally thread. If it is possible to have it be a discussion of Chamlong and the Asoke sect without the reiteration of news posts already made but a genuine discussion, then I see no reason why it can't continue.

But, if it all it is going to be is the same news stories then it will be closed.

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Well, this is pretty much a reiteration of news already being discussed in the PAD rally thread. If it is possible to have it be a discussion of Chamlong and the Asoke sect without the reiteration of news posts already made but a genuine discussion, then I see no reason why it can't continue.

But, if it all it is going to be is the same news stories then it will be closed.

Call me a pessimist, but I doubt it's possible ...

He may think he's Ghandi, but I sometimes think I am Jesus Christ--until someone threatens to crucify me, then I change my mind!


Don't try the walk-on-water thing, either.

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Carib, does he qualify for what? Indulging in those seven sins?


Reportedly PAD has evidence that they arrested guards were fired a week ago, for carrying weapons. What they were doing with that arsenal when they don't work for PAD anymore is anybody's guess, but conveniently the police intercepted them.

I'd reserve judgement until more details emerge.

Hopefully there will be a crackdown on PAD guards - carrying weapons and bombs is counterproductive, and PAD really has not use for them.

Of course they were fired from PAD a week ago. :o

Delighted to see you are reserving judgment, it is no doubt of great solace to many.

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  • 3 weeks later...


PAD leaders' personality cult

Many small open-air stalls selling PAD paraphernalia attract visitors. T-shirts, mostly in yellow with various messages including "Every drop of blood ... to protect the throne" are on sale. The famous plastic hand-clappers, variously priced and sized, also abound.

Those deeply into the PAD leaders' personality cult can treat themselves to a plastic quartz watch, a la Swatch, with faces of the five co-leaders on the dial at Bt199 a pop. Swankier |versions in metal, some gold-plated, go for as much as Bt2,000.

One of the big sellers is a "fake" doctoral certificate with "authentic" signatures by the five PAD leaders issued for having completed the "save the country" political rally-cum-education course.

On stage are the usual rousing speeches predicting inevitable victory when the so-called New Politics restores morality and democracy. It is done in messianic fashion. One speaker after another, male and female, hurls abuse at the enemy, whom they called "dogs", "scum", "lackeys", "evil" and much more as the dwindling band of followers, many sporting royal-yellow T-shirts, continue to wield hand-clappers in apparent ecstasy.

Any curious Thai or foreigner, PAD supporter or not, would be well advised to pay a visit to the site, for words and pictures cannot fully capture the cultish atmosphere.

Sondhi was recently questioned by the media when he dressed himself in white, splashing what appeared to be holy water on prostrated followers, something normally done by Buddhist monks. This writer's visit started to make it clear how such a thing could happen.

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Has anyone got the link to the PAD shooting the pistol while his comrade holds up a picture of the royals? Anyway this might help to understand the PAD mentality:


PAD saves the nation from supernatural attack

ON OCTOBER 29, Sondhi Limthongkul gave a speech from the People's Alliance for Democracy stage, broadcast over ASTV, about a new front in his fight to "save the nation". He said:

"For many years in the past, the powers of many sacred things including the spirit of the City Pillar, the Equestrian Statue of King Rama V, Phra Sayam Thewathirat, and the Emerald Buddha, have been suppressed by evil people using magic. 'Suppress' does not mean destroy, because sacred objects cannot be destroyed, as they have too much power. But 'suppress' means not allowing them to emit their power, by encircling them. This is true. So we have just finished rectifying this in the last two to three weeks. Like at the statue of the Emerald Buddha.

"Behind it there is a stone. Evil-minded people had allied with some in the Royal Household Bureau to allow a Khmer adept to go behind the Emerald Buddha and take the stone away, because that stone is the important thing for emitting power."

A few weeks ago, anti-government agitator Sondhi Limthongkul, whose People’s Alliance for Democracy has occupied key official buildings for four months in an effort to topple a government he considers illegitimate, accused his opponents of employing wizardry to channel the statue’s protective forces their way. And to reverse that alleged sorcery, he deployed his own mystics to encircle the statue with used sanitary napkins (collected from the PAD’s rank-and-file) to form a shield of menstrual blood.

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Well, this is pretty much a reiteration of news already being discussed in the PAD rally thread. If it is possible to have it be a discussion of Chamlong and the Asoke sect without the reiteration of news posts already made but a genuine discussion, then I see no reason why it can't continue.

But, if it all it is going to be is the same news stories then it will be closed.

In the intervening 19 days, it's time... for the above reasons.

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What does Newsweek think?

Bangkok's Bizarre Power Struggle

Newsweek By Jamie Seaton and George Wehrfritz

Many Thais believe that a 100-year-old bronze likeness of King Rama V located in downtown Bangkok emits powerful magic. That is why, fully a century after it was cast in Paris, the likeness has become the object of struggle between top government leaders and a band of rightists seeking to oust them. A few weeks ago, anti-government agitator Sondhi Limthongkul, whose People's Alliance for Democracy has occupied key official buildings for four months in an effort to topple a government he considers illegitimate, accused his opponents of employing wizardry to channel the statue's protective forces their way. And to reverse that alleged sorcery, he deployed his own mystics to encircle the statue with used sanitary napkins (collected from the PAD's rank-and-file) to form a shield of menstrual blood.

A month later, unidentified vandals smashed numerous statues at Phanom Rung, one of the shrines he visited, purportedly to nullify Thaksin's powers. Sondhi frequently denounces one of Thaksin's allies as a "Khmer wizard" and was caught on video recently clad in priestly white robes as he sprinkled holy water at a government complex occupied by PAD demonstrators and called on Thais to resist "evil magic." Bangkok-based political scientist Chris Baker says supernaturalism ebbs and flows in Thailand, but "at times of crisis these things bubble to the surface."

They did so dramatically this week when the PAD, mounting what it called its "final offensive" to oust a democratically elected government led by Thaksin's brother-in-law from power, seized Bangkok's international airport in an effort to thwart Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat's return from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Peru. Thousands of club-wielding thugs stormed the terminal and blocked traffic on the main airport expressway, stranding thousands of tourists, businessmen and triggering flight cancellations across Asia. "We sympathize with the passengers but this is a necessary move to save the nation," PAD leader Sondhi said.

The PAD hopes its violent street actions will muster enough power to oust political opponents it can't beat at the ballot box. Comprised mainly of conservative militarists, Bangkok's old elite and royalists who see Thailand's democracy as a threat to its monarchy, the anti-government coalition lost the last election but now seeks to reverse that result by claiming that the victorious People Power Party stole the contest – a claim for which there is scant supporting evidence. What really irks them is that the PPP is unabashedly pro-Thaksin and draws on his immense popularity in rural Thailand to dominate national polls. Their fear is that the party – should it ever fully consolidate power – would quickly return Thaksin to office despite his recent conviction on corruption charges stemming from his 2000-2006 rule.

The PAD's methods are extreme. They've turned occupied government buildings into tent camps guarded by golf club-wielding thugs. They've closed several airports – Bangkok International is merely the latest – and urged state-owned airlines, power and transport companies to stage general strikes. Sondhi, a media tycoon-turned political raconteur, claims his movement is solely aimed at defending Thailand's monarchy against a secret anti-royalist plot by Thaksin and his allies (who deny the claims and profess loyalty to the throne). The PAD advocates a limited form of democracy that, in essence, would disenfranchise rural voters who Sondhi has claimed "lack intelligence and wisdom." His supporters believe their campaign has a supernatural subtext. Sondhi "uses [mystical] ceremonies to protect people," says one female PAD supporter who is college-educated and works in an architectural firm in Bangkok. "I believe the spirits can help us sixty percent of the way, but that we must do the rest ourselves."

Few dispute the claim that Thailand is moving in reverse. Its economy, which grew robustly during Thaksin's rule, thanks to rural reforms including village-level business loans and free medical care, is back in the dumps. Its multi-billion-dollar tourism industry has been dealt a staggering blow just as it enters the all-important winter holiday season. And the return of supernaturalism in politics, one could argue, marks a sardonic retreat from modernity. Thais revere King Rama V as a great modernizer who abolished slavery, forged diplomatic ties with Western powers and prevented the kingdom's colonization during his 42 years on the throne. Yet with little apparent irony, today's leaders seek to channel the powers of a legendary monarch who embraced new ideas using sorcery, holy water and menstrual blood.

Edited by clausewitz
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Call to stop violent attacks on journalists

Media organisations condemn harassment [by PAD}

Five media organisations have slammed several instances of violence and intimidation towards journalists.

Journalistsand photographers atDonMueang airport as they cover the People’s Alliance for Democracy protest after facing threats by the antigovernment group’s security guards.

The move follows the recent intimidation of reporters and photographers by guards at the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) rallies.


The Press Council of Thailand, the Confederation of Thai Journalists, the Thai Journalists Association, the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association and the Cable Television Association of Thailand yesterday issued a joint statement calling for an end to all forms of threats and intimidation of those working in all media fields. They condemned violent acts against reporters, cameramen and news crews.

Among those acts were a recent threat against a newspaper photographer who photographed clashes between supporters of the PAD and pro-government supporters on Vibhavadi Rangsit Soi 3, intimidation of reporters and cameramen covering a crime story in Chiang Mai, a gun attack on the ASTV television station in Bangkok, and a gun attack by PAD guards on a broadcast van belonging to the TNN news station at Suvarnabhumi airport.

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This important piece by the ASHR needs to be widely read:

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law



November 26, 2008

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law

The takeover of the main international airport in Bangkok by protestors going under the banner of the People's Alliance for Democracy is a watershed moment for democracy and the rule of law in Thailand. It follows some months of increasingly aggressive strategies to get the current government to resign and to block it from making amendments to the 2008 Constitution, which was prepared under the watch of the 2006 military coup leaders and their supporters and pushed through via a deeply flawed referendum.

Alliance members have since August gone from merely occupying spaces like roads and parks to occupying public buildings, in particular, the Government House. Organised armed "guards" have defended their positions both from opponents and from state security personnel. They have also illegally obtained and openly carried an array of manufactured and homemade weapons, including guns from caches that had reportedly been kept in the government premises. They have illegally detained other citizens. They have vandalised, destroyed and stolen public and private property. In the last day or two it has been reported that in addition to occupying the Suvarnabumi airport they have seized busses, and have refused to allow police into the airport to investigate explosions there during the night. They are now reportedly preparing for the latest phase in the "final battle", which is supposedly being instigated under codenames like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the cities on which the United States military dropped nuclear bombs at the close of World War Two.

The alliance has exhibited a number of features that from past lessons of Thailand and other countries around the world pose grave dangers to the future of the country's imperilled democracy. Of these, the following can be said.

1. They spring from a far-right ideology that has for decades driven successive military-bureaucratic administrations in Thailand, which dramatic changes to political and social life of the last two decades have increasingly threatened.

2. Their coordinated attacks and actions on the pretext of self-defence and national interest are designed to cause a widespread feeling of insecurity and uncertainty and allow reactionary elite forces to push Thailand back to a 1980s model of "half-sail" semi-elected government.

3. The alliance leaders have occupied the public space and forced people throughout Thailand to either take sides for or against them, or to opt out completely, thus alienating millions of people and denying them the opportunity to have a say on the key political and social questions of their time.

Some commentators and opponents of the alliance have described its agenda as fascist. This is not an exaggeration. Experience shows that the types of systemic changes and regimes that follow such movements, although they may not describe themselves as fascist, have fascist qualities. Indeed, successive dictatorships in Thailand's modern history appreciated, expressed and used many fascist symbols and policies, and the residue of these can be found in the language and behaviour of the alliance leaders today.

If these events are allowed to continue, and it is self-evident that they are being allowed, they will effectively undo everything that was done to build a culture of democratic rights and participation in public life in Thailand during the 1990s. The damage that they are now in a position to effect will surpass anything of that caused by the ousted government of Thaksin Shinawatra, and could even provoke a greater disaster than the 2006 coup and scrapping of the 1997 Constitution. Whatever institutional and legal gains were made in the last decade or two will be undone.

Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers. That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful.

Peaceful protest is not only a part of democratic process; it is integral to it. But the rallies and blockades in Bangkok of recent days, weeks and months have not been peaceful. Nor can they properly be called protests at all, as they are not merely demonstrations of a wish, but acts aimed at achieving goals at all costs. And the costs to Thailand have already been very high. They will get higher, and be felt in terms of the lives and liberties of all people in the country if they are not brought to an end. All people in Thailand have a right to oppose this ultra-conservative project for state dominance at their expense.

The Asian Human Rights Commission especially takes this opportunity to call for far greater global attention on events in Thailand, which have passed for these few months without any discernible reaction from international bodies, especially the United Nations. Having vacillated on the 2006 coup the world community cannot afford to this time let things just go on without some meaningful intervention. If Thailand slips further backwards it will be to the detriment not only of its own millions but the entire region. At a time that repressive anti-democratic forces are either making comebacks or strengthening their positions almost everywhere, Thailand cannot afford to be lost.

# # #

About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


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  • 2 weeks later...



Is Sondhi's PAD now a brainwashed political cult?

By Pravit Rojanaphruk

The Nation

Published on December 5, 2008

So the prophet said it over the weekend: "If by dying the country will improve, let death visit us today. It's better than being alive otherwise".

These Davidian-like words were from no other than the supreme prophet, Sondhi Limthongkul, leader of the self-styled anti-Thaksin and anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy on Saturday, as he anticipated a possible clash with the police as the government tried to re-capture Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport, invaded and occupied by the protesters.

Today the PAD movement resembles a political cult. Sondhi himself was a former cheerleader of Thaksin Shinawatra but is now a repentant man on a mission to eradicate Thaksin and his proxy from power. This gives him an almost messianic aura and mission. And there are rituals PAD supporters have gone through over the past two years, in order to prepare them for their "final battle". Never mind if the expression "final battle" has been used many times by PAD leadership - like some born-again Christians who await the Judgement Day, the date can always be re-set to fit the expired deadline.

One daily ritual PAD followers and members go through at their protest sites is the highly frenzied clapping of hands and cheering, encouraged by their five leaders who appear on stage almost every evening. Co-leaders like Sondhi and Somsak Kosaisuk, and others, enter the stage and lift their hands with palms upward, exciting their followers into frenzies. There's also the daily queue for free donated hot meals at the site; and T-shirts glorifying the leaders and their cause to protect the monarchy and promote their controversial "New Politics" of governance. Daily one-sided news and analysis feeds followers through ASTV satellite television and the Manager Group of newspapers. Even plastic Swatch-like watches with faces of the five PAD co-leaders can be purchased for Bt199 at Government House.

This, along with the good and bad times, and the loss of life and injuries among fellow followers, has bonded them.

Gathering in large numbers creates a sense of what anthropologists call "communitas": a heightened bond which threatens law and order as the mob feels invincible and empowered by its sheer numbers.

This kind of ritual and experience has been fostered over the months and it's wrong to simply blame the leaders for brainwashing their followers. The supporters' frenzied response and support has created a mutual brainwashing of the leaders too. A leader like Sondhi must be heavily intoxicated by his own propaganda, as if he is capable of ordering his people to do anything and at whatever cost.

These prophets also promote the worshipping of the Thai monarchy institution. Everyone was encouraged to wear yellow, symbolising the present King. But whether people like Sondhi are true royalists is debatable. The media's inability to discuss the role of the Thai monarchy due to censorship laws and culture has hampered the analysis and understanding of the current political crisis, to say the least.

As for Thaksin. PAD followers do not just hate his actions but deeply abhor the man, his cronies and proxies including Somchai Wongsawat. Thaksin to them is like Satan, and must be destroyed.

It's thus a zero-sum game in their view and no price is too high. Never mind the Thai economy is now reeling from the shutting down of two airports, their prophet claims they would rather die than allow the current regime and Thaksin to cling to power.

Sondhi himself told the PM to first resign, then they would negotiate. But what is left to negotiate? Such a remark reflects how out of touch the PAD leader has become.

After months of mutual brainwashing, and with the majority of Thai mainstream media nurturing and uncritically psupporting them, these people no longer dwell in rationality, law and responsibility. By now, the PAD has grown into a self-righteous semi-fascist monster propelled by its own intolerant political cult willing to ruin Thailand in order to achieve its elusive political "salvation".


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Well, this is pretty much a reiteration of news already being discussed in the PAD rally thread. If it is possible to have it be a discussion of Chamlong and the Asoke sect without the reiteration of news posts already made but a genuine discussion, then I see no reason why it can't continue.

But, if it all it is going to be is the same news stories then it will be closed.

In the intervening 19 days, it's time... for the above reasons.

Even more so now with the intervening 35 days...

and particularly so with the latest thread bumping post a 10-day old article that was then also double-posted into a current thread an hour after bumping this thread:


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Well, this is pretty much a reiteration of news already being discussed in the PAD rally thread. If it is possible to have it be a discussion of Chamlong and the Asoke sect without the reiteration of news posts already made but a genuine discussion, then I see no reason why it can't continue.

But, if it all it is going to be is the same news stories then it will be closed.

In the intervening 19 days, it's time... for the above reasons.

Even more so now with the intervening 35 days...

and particularly so with the latest thread bumping post a 10-day old article that was then also double-posted into a current thread an hour after bumping this thread:


Do you have nothing more important to do than try and be the monitor boy? Or is it because your PAD mates aren't being deified?

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Well, this is pretty much a reiteration of news already being discussed in the PAD rally thread. If it is possible to have it be a discussion of Chamlong and the Asoke sect without the reiteration of news posts already made but a genuine discussion, then I see no reason why it can't continue.

But, if it all it is going to be is the same news stories then it will be closed.

In the intervening 19 days, it's time... for the above reasons.

Even more so now with the intervening 35 days...

and particularly so with the latest thread bumping post a 10-day old article that was then also double-posted into a current thread an hour after bumping this thread:


Do you have nothing more important to do than try and be the monitor boy? Or is it because your PAD mates aren't being deified?

Do you have nothing more important to do than flame someone wishing to see that members follow the forum's protocol? Or is it because your anti-PAD mates are being required to follow them?

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PAD And Ahimsa, are they truly the followers of Gandhi?

Someone's having a laugh .................. read up a bit on Thai history - take a look at the old boys who are the real power in/behind PAD (and who studiously keep in the background) - the same guys who "control" the new PM (... and no, thats not a a neg comment - personally I think his choice was a dam_n good idea, and very well thought out - by the same guys above I am referring to).

...... but they're the same guys who ran the anti-communist blood letting in '74 (and that was violent, even by South East Asian standards), and they're same mob who's names came up in the early 90's behind the student killing's.

Gandhi followers?......... not likely.

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  • 1 month later...
Has anyone got the link to the PAD shooting the pistol while his comrade holds up a picture of the royals? Anyway this might help to understand the PAD mentality:


PAD saves the nation from supernatural attack

ON OCTOBER 29, Sondhi Limthongkul gave a speech from the People's Alliance for Democracy stage, broadcast over ASTV, about a new front in his fight to "save the nation". He said:

"For many years in the past, the powers of many sacred things including the spirit of the City Pillar, the Equestrian Statue of King Rama V, Phra Sayam Thewathirat, and the Emerald Buddha, have been suppressed by evil people using magic. 'Suppress' does not mean destroy, because sacred objects cannot be destroyed, as they have too much power. But 'suppress' means not allowing them to emit their power, by encircling them. This is true. So we have just finished rectifying this in the last two to three weeks. Like at the statue of the Emerald Buddha.

"Behind it there is a stone. Evil-minded people had allied with some in the Royal Household Bureau to allow a Khmer adept to go behind the Emerald Buddha and take the stone away, because that stone is the important thing for emitting power."

A few weeks ago, anti-government agitator Sondhi Limthongkul, whose People's Alliance for Democracy has occupied key official buildings for four months in an effort to topple a government he considers illegitimate, accused his opponents of employing wizardry to channel the statue's protective forces their way. And to reverse that alleged sorcery, he deployed his own mystics to encircle the statue with used sanitary napkins (collected from the PAD's rank-and-file) to form a shield of menstrual blood.

Do you mean this clip?


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Has anyone got the link to the PAD shooting the pistol while his comrade holds up a picture of the royals? Anyway this might help to understand the PAD mentality:


PAD saves the nation from supernatural attack

ON OCTOBER 29, Sondhi Limthongkul gave a speech from the People's Alliance for Democracy stage, broadcast over ASTV, about a new front in his fight to "save the nation". He said:

"For many years in the past, the powers of many sacred things including the spirit of the City Pillar, the Equestrian Statue of King Rama V, Phra Sayam Thewathirat, and the Emerald Buddha, have been suppressed by evil people using magic. 'Suppress' does not mean destroy, because sacred objects cannot be destroyed, as they have too much power. But 'suppress' means not allowing them to emit their power, by encircling them. This is true. So we have just finished rectifying this in the last two to three weeks. Like at the statue of the Emerald Buddha.

"Behind it there is a stone. Evil-minded people had allied with some in the Royal Household Bureau to allow a Khmer adept to go behind the Emerald Buddha and take the stone away, because that stone is the important thing for emitting power."

A few weeks ago, anti-government agitator Sondhi Limthongkul, whose People's Alliance for Democracy has occupied key official buildings for four months in an effort to topple a government he considers illegitimate, accused his opponents of employing wizardry to channel the statue's protective forces their way. And to reverse that alleged sorcery, he deployed his own mystics to encircle the statue with used sanitary napkins (collected from the PAD's rank-and-file) to form a shield of menstrual blood.

Do you mean this clip?


These people are sick bastards. I just wonder if this video, and the other related videos, are currently accessible from Thailand ?

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