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Surin - Need Car With Auto Trans. For Driving Test

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My wife is in Surin and needs a small car with an automatic transmission to take the test for her drivers license. Everyone she knows has manual transmissions! Does anybody know of a driving school or a private individual who would rent her a car for 2, maximum 3 hours? Maybe 1 hour to get used to the car another hour or two for the test itself. Since she doesn't have a license, a driver would have to go with her to the Transportation Dept. where she takes the driving test. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

My wife is in Surin and needs a small car with an automatic transmission to take the test for her drivers license. Everyone she knows has manual transmissions! Does anybody know of a driving school or a private individual who would rent her a car for 2, maximum 3 hours? Maybe 1 hour to get used to the car another hour or two for the test itself. Since she doesn't have a license, a driver would have to go with her to the Transportation Dept. where she takes the driving test. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

I do not know of an available car so someone else can answer that.

As to the driving test, this is usually a good half a day affair. People check-in at the Driving Centre before 0900, fill in the forms and pay the appropriate fees, watch a video for an hour, sit a written test and break for lunch. In the afternoon they have the colour blindness test and apptitude test. Provided all the above are passed they then take the 10 minute driving test - between 2 and 3 p.m. Once passed they wait to collect their brand new car driving licence that is valid for 1 year.

Based on the above, your wife would require the car the day before for practice and getting used to and for someone to deliver the car to the Driving Centre the following day, after midday and before before the practical test.

Hope this helps a little.


If you trust her driving you could hire one drive her to the test place. As I understand it the test is not really an on road affair so the chance of damage during the test would be fairly low. You would of course be liable fully if anything happened.


Let's be realistic.

Anybody would have to be out of their minds to lend a total stranger a car to PRACTICE driving in, BEFORE, they take their test.

Try Martin at Farang Connection he hires out cars, although I don't no if any are automatic.


Good idea John and don't tell him about the above posts :o:D

I agree with your sentiments, since there is no indication how proficiant she is (or isn't)


I expected a man of your wisdom to agree with me on this one Dave.

I mean come on.

Hello perfect stranger. Can you keep 600,000 baht or so for me, try not to spend it, I'll be back later to pick it up. :D



Well, she found someone, paid him 500 baht, he drove her to the Transportation Dept. and spent 30 minutes with her getting used to the car, she took the driving test (she had passed everything else on Monday), and now she has a license. Moderator, you can close this post. Thank you.

Well, she found someone, paid him 500 baht, he drove her to the Transportation Dept. and spent 30 minutes with her getting used to the car, she took the driving test (she had passed everything else on Monday), and now she has a license. Moderator, you can close this post. Thank you.

Pointless me saying " yes we do have an automatic" and you could have had it for 499 baht :o

Well, she found someone, paid him 500 baht, he drove her to the Transportation Dept. and spent 30 minutes with her getting used to the car, she took the driving test (she had passed everything else on Monday), and now she has a license. Moderator, you can close this post. Thank you.

I am very sorry you had to go through all this as I thought we Farungs were here in Thailand to take care of our better halves and meet and greet as well as help our fellow farungs. Guess I was wrong!

If I were not living and working in Bangkok now as opposed to Burirum as I have a home there I would have had no problem helping you and the misses out. I went through this same BS with my misses. Everyone talks a good story but when you dig down most are only in it for themselves and could care less about you or your situation.

What has this world come too. We are foreigners and as such should be more helping of one another because and I hate to say this cause it will offend others but the average Thai could give shit less as long as the ATM or money comes in. Let me say THIS IS NOT THE CASE IN ALL! I only say ALOT.

But bottom line is, I am glad it worked out. Martin from the Farung connection is a great guy and I am sure he would have cared less why you were renting the vehicle as long as you paid for the rental. I am quite sure Martin has insurance on all his stuff. I know some don't approve of Martin and say bad things about him but I can honestly say out of all the people I HAVE MET in Issan with the exception of a close friend Dean, Martin would give you his shirt if you needed it. Dean is my best friend here in Thailand with the exception of my misses, even though I would still, trust Dean more. He is a straight shooter and when he tells you or promises you something it's like the older days when a handshake was all it took and you can count on it 100%

Again glad it worked out. We get spun up on How can I trust this guy, what if his wife breaks my car etc....Well if a frog had wings he /she would not bump their ass everytime they jump...

Good Luck and always remember No one can take better care of yourself than you!


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