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Barack Obama Elected President Of USA

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I'm behind Obama 100%, but Michelle scares me. Her anti-white feelings are all over her face. Difficult to mask body language. If she will be pulling some strings from under the sheets, that won't be good (to say the least).

She could pull my strings under the sheets any time. I just don't get the angry vibes from her that others seem to perceive. But then again, I have long been an unrepentant heterosexual attracted to intelligence.

:o:D :D :D :D :(

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Well said and informative. Compelling idea. If this is the case, then your president George W. Bush should be impeached, arrested, and imprisoned for knowingly telling globally mortal sized lies about WMDs thereby leading the USA to war and to the innocent deaths of 137,287 Iraqis and 4,268 US Citizens. It certainly does look like 'malice aforethought leading to wrongful death'. Is the American public not privy to this information? Why do conservative right wing US citizens continue follow such a known liar? Are they in fact war mongers too? Is this where rich Americans make their money, by making war? Is this why Barack Obama is going to pull out of Iraq really? Because the Iraqi war was started under false pretenses? It seems as though then, that the Iraqi war plan was originated long before your 9-11 attacks. Please enlighten.

Not so fast Riverine, read, weep, then report back:


This, and these consignees, are exactly what President George W. Bush used as his primary source of information. And, this sent on January 26, 1998, was a letter to President at the time, Bill Cliinton!

The first week he took office, President George W. Bush fired SAIC as the elite independent world information gathering source, and turned the job solely over to the Pentagon. SAIC was a major part of the "large war defensive" 'chess master defense' developed by Clinton think tanks. President George W. Bush threw this strategy in the trashcan immediately, then went to war with Iraq utilizing a body of lies unparalleled in US history.

You yourself may not be a warmonger, the US people may not be war mongers, but George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Donald Rumsfeld, William Bennet, and Zalmay Khalilzad, et al (along with the entire Bush heritage ranging back 70 years) certainly were/are, and they went about it very badly. Bad intelligence from restricted sources(?), or bad leadership(?), or both? History now suggests "both".

Feet on ground, or foot in mouth? Please do some coherent fact finding before saying anything about the posters here. I don't think that anyone posting in thaivisa.com hates America at all, in fact 99.999% love it more than you will ever know. That's the reason people say anything at all. History is going to enslave George W. Bush to the ranks of the never to be forgotten war mongers, and what NOT to do as president.

The plan to invade Iraq was formulated long before the 9/11 attack on New York City.

GW Bush used the 9/11 attacks as the impetus to declare war on Iraq, just as he used the 9/11 attacks to create a monstrously devised, Constitutional Amendment eroding, "Homeland Security" plan. This also, was penned and planned far in advance of Bush ascending to power, by the congressmen, senators, and people that financed the Bush campaign (i.e. Halliburton, CACI, Titan, Bechtel, Aegis Defense Services, Custer Battles, General Dynamics, Nour USA Ltd. etc EACH AND EVERY ONE LATER FOUND GUILTY OF FRAUD DURING THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ).

The information has been on public record for 4 years, but the American media, completely and totally cowed by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and the roaring right, could do nothing about it. Yes, you are correct, and hopefully, Barack Obama will make a complete showing of the real documentation leading up to the Iraqi war, the bogus ones generated and helped along by Ahmed Abdel Hadi Chalabi, and the real SAIC-CIA documents secreted by the Pentagon then released in 2006 under court order. These all led to the declarations made under oath regarding the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, leading to the telling by Bush press secretary Scott McClellen (http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...llans-grav.html)

President Obama should make a model of Bush/Cheney just as judges do in US criminal courts. "Do the crime, do your time" should apply to everyone, not just normal everyday US citizens.

I sincerely hope that the United States does not have to endure the contrived acts of rich elitist war creators such as these, ever again.


Back on the Obama election. I have to admit I have been brought to spontaneous tears a number of times in the last few days. They aren't exactly tears of joy. It is more complex. I think it is from a combination of

--- Joy and deep, deep relief that Bush is going away and not being replaced by someone from his same political ideology (McCain). 8 years was WAY too long to endure Bush.

-- relief that the poorly educated, intellectually incurious Alaskan Ms. Winky Dinky Palin was not put a heartbeat from the nuclear red button

--- pride of being an American, more than ever in my life, that we could have accomplished a peaceful revolution, in 2 elections over 2 years we totally changed the balance of power, we changed the house, we changed the senate, we changed the presidency, and now we will change the supreme court

-- trepidation of the momentousness of the opportunities and risks for this huge change both for America and the world

-- happiness that people of most countries by a massive majority are supporting our big change, are supporting our new President Obama and what he represents for the USA and the world; after so many years of America being reviled for its policies, this new reaction is MIND BOGGLING

-- relief after the stock market meltdown and thoughts that maybe capitalism was dead, that there is still hope that capitalism and democracy still can work, and still can provide inspiration to people all over the world

In any case, I know this early time of considering the immense possibilities will pass, and the idealism and expectations will need to be tempered, but for now, my eyes are tearing a lot, and it is good.


Something I didn't know -----

Michelle Obama was wearing a dress by Thakoon Panichgul at Barack's acceptance speech. (Thai born US raised designer)


One of my foster daughters (age 10) once told me she was going to take some of my money. I asked why she thought she could do that. She said because she's black and deserves it. Now isn't that just beautiful? Who taught her that? For the 2 months she lived in my home we taught her you must work hard for money. We gave her chores and taught her to save her pay. Maybe this is the approach Obama should take with America's black folk (I'm not white so don't start puttin me down). Go work and earn some money honestly. I bet they buck the idea even though the prez is black. Whatcha think?

I have many black, Mexican and Asian friends who are hard workers....but they voted for McCain. I'm dying to see some change! I'm a patient person, I can wait a few years.....let's see what he can do! On top of all that....do we really have any other choice? This is the guy we're stuck with.....just like the last one. We'll keep on striving to survive and living life to the fullest regardless of who's in control.

I'd like to learn a bit more about Michelle. She does seem to have a large chip on her shoulder. For some reason her voice/expessions/words seem to scream "I deserve more than this! I'm black for crying out loud!"

She never worked a plantation, my white neighbor never owned Michelle's Daddy. Too bad we can't just all get over ourselves and establish some solid morals and good character traits, instead of playing the race card and whining about slavery. Get over it already.....

Wonder if history will repeat itself on the flipside. Maybe 200 years from now Black people all the world over will be appologizing to Whites for their Grandfathers enslaving them hahaha!


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The subject of this thread is:

"Barack Obama Elected President Of USA, 44th President of U.S.A"

Any off topic posts will be deleted without further notice.


Ron Paul's comments about what kind of change to look forward to with the Obama admin:

Most interesting is his comments on the financial crisis and the international banking system, the dollar vs. a new world reserve currency, etc...

Part 2 has more of Ron Paul, but is mostly a conspiracy rant by the host.

I don't expect anyone here would like the host, but please give Ron Paul a listen...

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

... the financial crisis will continue to worsen, the Patriot act will NOT be repealed, the police state will continue to grow etc etc etc. The only difference is that people will accept these things as long as their 'saviour' is behind the wheel .

Well obviously the people would appear to love him, now lets see if the markets will,

So far a bad first date, all indexes down,

Just when ya thought it couldn't get any worse, the bottom still is yet to be seen, :o

... the financial crisis will continue to worsen, the Patriot act will NOT be repealed, the police state will continue to grow etc etc etc. The only difference is that people will accept these things as long as their 'saviour' is behind the wheel .

Well obviously the people would appear to love him, now lets see if the markets will,

So far a bad first date, all indexes down,

Just when ya thought it couldn't get any worse, the bottom still is yet to be seen, :o

@ teatree

wow...that's almost exactly what Ron Paul says in the video link above.

@ cobra

yeah, kinda counter-intuitive... I would've thought that the markets would have celebrated the end of the Bush era. But then again, markets sometimes are allergic to change - at least until they can figure out how to take advantage of the new situation. During the 1929 crash, after the initial plummet, things got progressively worse over the next several years.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

Ron Paul's comments about what kind of change to look forward to with the Obama admin:

Let me bite a little.... :D

Mr. Ron Paul is a Republican Texas Congressman of 73 years of age...

Time to retire Dr. Paul, you've had a nice interesting life, you served your country well. Thank you very much !

.......and now it's time for NEW bright young leaders like the new President-elect Mr. Barrack Obama, 47 years of age.....already ''old'' in comparison with President John F. Kennedy at 43 and Theodore Roosevelt at 42 :o

Sorry ChefHeat, why don't you leave it alone ? Not many people are interested in what Mr. Paul said on YouTube.

The majority is looking for the future......NOT the PAST.


Ron Paul's comments about what kind of change to look forward to with the Obama admin:

Let me bite a little.... :D

Mr. Ron Paul is a Republican Texas Congressman of 73 years of age...

Time to retire Dr. Paul, you've had a nice interesting life, you served your country well. Thank you very much !

.......and now it's time for NEW bright young leaders like the new President-elect Mr. Barrack Obama, 47 years of age.....already ''old'' in comparison with President John F. Kennedy at 43 and Theodore Roosevelt at 42 :o

Sorry ChefHeat, why don't you leave it alone ? Not many people are interested in what Mr. Paul said on YouTube.

The majority is looking for the future......NOT the PAST.


Oops. Forgot.

Different perspectives not welcome. :D

What's the point of merely preaching to the choir?

OK. Fine. I'm outa here.

Have fun.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

Different perspectives are more than welcome. We just prefer them to be couched in civil terms.

... with the implication that I haven't been civil with any forum member. Please do tell. Well, never mind, I know what I wrote, and I know I have been rather patient and civil even with those who freely toss around ad hominems. I noticed you haven't confronted them.

However, I can show you where others have been less than civil with me, calling me ad hominems galore, slippery slope slurs, and so on (simply because I expressed an opinion that Mrs. Obama, who is not a forum member, doesn't sit well with me).

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

... the financial crisis will continue to worsen, the Patriot act will NOT be repealed, the police state will continue to grow etc etc etc. The only difference is that people will accept these things as long as their 'saviour' is behind the wheel .

Well obviously the people would appear to love him, now lets see if the markets will,

So far a bad first date, all indexes down,

Just when ya thought it couldn't get any worse, the bottom still is yet to be seen, :o

@ teatree

wow...that's almost exactly what Ron Paul says in the video link above.

@ cobra

yeah, kinda counter-intuitive... I would've thought that the markets would have celebrated the end of the Bush era. But then again, markets sometimes are allergic to change - at least until they can figure out how to take advantage of the new situation. During the 1929 crash, after the initial plummet, things got progressively worse over the next several years.

The truth is the truth whoever says it. Ron Paul wasn't the first to say those things and certainly isn't the only one either.

Here's another interesting link to a speech Obama gave about the need for a domestic security force as well funded and powerful as the military. Will this security force help keep the public in order when 'unpopular' policies (that Obama and Biden have both said are coming) are implemented?


My last post on this thread which I actually started elsewhere.

I must say that this thread was started as a congratulation to the *winner* & also a note of hope for our troubled country.

I leave it & come back every other day to read pages of Hate & crystal ball gazing.

I must say it is amazing that so many *KNOW* exactly how terrible this new President will be before he is even sworn in & yet are blind to how terrible the last President *WAS* not just for us but terrible for the whole world ..... his record is there to see.

Many times I have said in recent years I was ashamed of the actions of my country. Now I realize I was not ashamed of my country just select humans speaking & acting poorly on our behalf. After this election I see that the majority of more than 2 to 1 feel the same way. I realize now in reality this majority makes up our country & they are all hoping for a better Human to act on our behalf. I am hopeful that President Obama is such a Human.

If & that is all we can say IF he is not then we will dust ourselves off yet again & vote.


How about a bronx cheer for outgoing Bush Jr. and his thieving lot.

just a modicum of W's legacy as it applied to email;

>>>>> at the beginning of his first term W declared he wouldn't send any more emails, "so people won't embarrass me". In other words, Bush didn't want the public to know anything about his correspondence - other than what his press secretary would announce for the cameras.

>>>> Karl Rove (Bush's attack dog on the campaign trails) had all, I repeat all, his emails deleted - and that from a man who wrote about 200 per day.

......and Bush Jr. still has over a month left for signing executive directives - that could feather the nest of his buddies with special interests. Pardons, included.

One of the biggest legacies of W Bush's is his discarding 'intelligence' that didn't fit with his pre-ordained plans. Prime example is reports, before the 2nd War in Iraq, which indicated Saddam was no longer hiding WMD (weapons of mass destruction). The reports didn't suit him, so he just tossed it in the trash - and went ahead with a wrong war.

Someone should give him a good kick in the derriere on his way out the back door of the White House.

However, I can show you where others have been less than civil with me, calling me ad hominems galore, slippery slope slurs, and so on (simply because I expressed an opinion that Mrs. Obama, who is not a forum member, doesn't sit well with me).

I think Michelle is the hottest first lady in the history of the United States.

I'd vote for her in 2016. :o


Well said and informative. Compelling idea. If this is the case, then your president George W. Bush should be impeached, arrested, and imprisoned for knowingly telling globally mortal sized lies about WMDs thereby leading the USA to war and to the innocent deaths of 137,287 Iraqis and 4,268 US Citizens. It certainly does look like 'malice aforethought leading to wrongful death'. Is the American public not privy to this information? Why do conservative right wing US citizens continue follow such a known liar? Are they in fact war mongers too? Is this where rich Americans make their money, by making war? Is this why Barack Obama is going to pull out of Iraq really? Because the Iraqi war was started under false pretenses? It seems as though then, that the Iraqi war plan was originated long before your 9-11 attacks. Please enlighten.

Not so fast Riverine, read, weep, then report back:


This, and these consignees, are exactly what President George W. Bush used as his primary source of information. And, this sent on January 26, 1998, was a letter to President at the time, Bill Cliinton!

The first week he took office, President George W. Bush fired SAIC as the elite independent world information gathering source, and turned the job solely over to the Pentagon. SAIC was a major part of the "large war defensive" 'chess master defense' developed by Clinton think tanks. President George W. Bush threw this strategy in the trashcan immediately, then went to war with Iraq utilizing a body of lies unparalleled in US history.

You yourself may not be a warmonger, the US people may not be war mongers, but George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Donald Rumsfeld, William Bennet, and Zalmay Khalilzad, et al (along with the entire Bush heritage ranging back 70 years) certainly were/are, and they went about it very badly. Bad intelligence from restricted sources(?), or bad leadership(?), or both? History now suggests "both".

Feet on ground, or foot in mouth? Please do some coherent fact finding before saying anything about the posters here. I don't think that anyone posting in thaivisa.com hates America at all, in fact 99.999% love it more than you will ever know. That's the reason people say anything at all. History is going to enslave George W. Bush to the ranks of the never to be forgotten war mongers, and what NOT to do as president.

The plan to invade Iraq was formulated long before the 9/11 attack on New York City.

GW Bush used the 9/11 attacks as the impetus to declare war on Iraq, just as he used the 9/11 attacks to create a monstrously devised, Constitutional Amendment eroding, "Homeland Security" plan. This also, was penned and planned far in advance of Bush ascending to power, by the congressmen, senators, and people that financed the Bush campaign (i.e. Halliburton, CACI, Titan, Bechtel, Aegis Defense Services, Custer Battles, General Dynamics, Nour USA Ltd. etc EACH AND EVERY ONE LATER FOUND GUILTY OF FRAUD DURING THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ).

The information has been on public record for 4 years, but the American media, completely and totally cowed by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and the roaring right, could do nothing about it. Yes, you are correct, and hopefully, Barack Obama will make a complete showing of the real documentation leading up to the Iraqi war, the bogus ones generated and helped along by Ahmed Abdel Hadi Chalabi, and the real SAIC-CIA documents secreted by the Pentagon then released in 2006 under court order. These all led to the declarations made under oath regarding the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, leading to the telling by Bush press secretary Scott McClellen (http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...llans-grav.html)

President Obama should make a model of Bush/Cheney just as judges do in US criminal courts. "Do the crime, do your time" should apply to everyone, not just normal everyday US citizens.

I sincerely hope that the United States does not have to endure the contrived acts of rich elitist war creators such as these, ever again.

@Blam: Thank you for clarifying this for me. For a long time, we here in Singapore have refered to the United States as the "United Snakes", I can now see that it isn't the American people but your leaders that are the snakes. I am wondering if Americans can read? If not maybe your new president Obama can help with this. It seems that you Americans are on the road to a new horizon, and I for one congratulate you on your courage to make change and wish you the very best of luck! The world desperately needs a strong safe America, I hope your president Obama can fix the misery from all of the terrible lies and what they have brought you and all off disasters of the last 8 years. George Bush should maybe go to jail? Barack Obama seems like a very good man to me, I would like to meet him someday. Best of luck to you on your new beginning!

My last post on this thread which I actually started elsewhere.

I must say that this thread was started as a congratulation to the *winner* & also a note of hope for our troubled country.

I leave it & come back every other day to read pages of Hate & crystal ball gazing.

I must say it is amazing that so many *KNOW* exactly how terrible this new President will be before he is even sworn in & yet are blind to how terrible the last President *WAS* not just for us but terrible for the whole world ..... his record is there to see.

Many times I have said in recent years I was ashamed of the actions of my country. Now I realize I was not ashamed of my country just select humans speaking & acting poorly on our behalf. After this election I see that the majority of more than 2 to 1 feel the same way. I realize now in reality this majority makes up our country & they are all hoping for a better Human to act on our behalf. I am hopeful that President Obama is such a Human.

If & that is all we can say IF he is not then we will dust ourselves off yet again & vote.

Well said. I wish our new president luck in the very trying time ahead. There will always be detractors, (even before he takes office), :o but this new direction is welcome at home and abroad.


And now you know why we so seldom allow American threads to rage on ThaiVisa.l

Congratulations to Obama, Biden, and the Democratic party. I had begun to think the Dems could not elect a president, but they surely have.


I did vote for Obama but mostly because the thought of Palin as Vice President much less President is too scary to even contemplate. Barry was raised as an upper class WASP just like most all the rest of the Presidents. OK, Kennedy was a Catholic. Glass ceiling? What about a President of Germanic, Scandinavian, Italian, Indian, Hispanic, Jewish, Asian, or some other ethnicity? Typical PC bullshit, skin color diversity but not real change. Not true diversity. Good to see the loony left obsessing about superficial skin color instead of real change or issues. I predict this will be his “Gays in the military” issue that hands back Congress to the Republicans in two years especially if they take the muzzle off that racist bitch wife of his.

I am not proud of America if this is the best we can do for the most powerful person in the world. Obama will be an improvement only because Bush was so horrifically incompetent and corrupt it would be hard to do worse. Not that the Republicans didn’t try with Pailn.

... the financial crisis will continue to worsen, the Patriot act will NOT be repealed, the police state will continue to grow etc etc etc. The only difference is that people will accept these things as long as their 'saviour' is behind the wheel .

Well obviously the people would appear to love him, now lets see if the markets will,

So far a bad first date, all indexes down,

Just when ya thought it couldn't get any worse, the bottom still is yet to be seen, :o

46 % of the people, approx. 46-million, voted against him.

22 months! Almost two full years of hype and hysteria to choose between two guys who made the final of the advanced version of American Idol.

While the rest of the civilized democracies of the world seem to be able to get the job done in approximately 3 months, complete with restrictions on corporate donations. The Americans (who I respect except for this one issue) have made democracy into a circus of mythic proportions. Candidates are under such a magnifying glass over personal habits and every unscripted word, that only the most ordinary average personality with a political history and big corporation connections could ever have a shot at the post. Sadly, the men and women with greatest minds could never be considered to be king or queen of this prom, because likely they have opinions or thoughts that fall outside of the acceptable realm of average hollywood obsessed Joe and Janet plumber. Or perhaps they might dress unacceptably, or have some sort of physical impairment. Most likely they can't win because they can't be bought.

And then to make this into a true laugher, The winner of this talent show has to spend his entire time in office pacifying all of the corporate sugar daddies that payed for every moment of this media extravaganza. Amazingly the fact that this years debutant outspent his opponent nearly 10 to one, doesn't fill Americans with horror, rather they seem to be impressed. Time will come when people see who in fact owns Obama's ass, It won't be Joe the plumber.

If I were to venture a guess. it will most likely turn out to be Radical Musilims and organized crime, and not necessarily in that order.

Had I not voted against this communist I could never look in a mirror again.

I too voted with the 46%..... From here on out, those that voted with the majority will be complicit in what befalls the US in the future. The Democrats have controlled the House and Senate for the past two years, so they are responsible for much of the problems befalling the US now. The good news is that approx. 46-million people, in the US, already understand this.

Just because he is dark skinned doesn't make him 'black', as he is in fact mixed.

The term 'black' doesn't refer to the colour black it represents the idea of 'not-white'. How many people have you met with naturally black skin?

That's something I learned (very early on) at a school you didn't go to.

Sounds like you went to a school in South Africa. In America, "black" refers to negroes.

Right, and you are a troll from Dixieland.

Huh? Have you ever even been to America? Because you certainly aren't American if you think "black" is a blanket term for anyone non-white.

Barrack is 50% white so you are correct, from an ethnological perspective he is due the label 'white' just as much as he is 'black'. But in racially divided America, anything that detracts from your whiteness draws the label 'black'. 'Caucasian' means 100% white, and anything else means a tick in one of the other 'boxes.'

Unfortunately no racially blind paradises yet exist on this planet and in 'Western' countries white is 'normal' and anything else is 'marked'. One day white-majority countries will hopefully grow beyond that -- or perhaps only when they become 'formerly white-majority.'

All that aside -- I am very glad for this election result if for nothing else than the fact it has brought a few moments of near-world unity.

Arabs aren't called "black" in America. Neither are Indians or Pakistanis.

Here's the 2000 US Census demographics on race: http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/dp1/2kh00.pdf

Interestingly, in Russia, people from the Caucasas Mountains region (Chechens, Georgians, Armenians, Azeri) are called chyornii (black). My Russian friend's eyes would pop out when I told them in America they would be classified Caucasian. That was always good for a laugh.

Right, I miswrote; what I meant is that to be classified Caucasian you pretty much have to be 100% white, otherwise you're classified some other 'race' even though none of the other categories require a 100% racial classification. In fact some Latinos/Hispanics, for example, would consider themselves 100% 'white'. What Americans really mean by 'Caucasian' or 'white' is that your ancestry comes entirely from northern Europe or the British Isles. And if anything from outside northern Europe is in your ancestral background, than you are non-white. This has always seemed absurd to me.

Had I not voted against this communist I could never look in a mirror again.

I too voted with the 46%..... From here on out, those that voted with the majority will be complicit in what befalls the US in the future. The Democrats have controlled the House and Senate for the past two years, so they are responsible for much of the problems befalling the US now. The good news is that approx. 46-million people, in the US, already understand this.

You guys are going to have to do alot more than create a blame machine if you hope to become a viable party again. Hint: the majority of Americans will never go for someone like Palin.

Had I not voted against this communist I could never look in a mirror again.

I too voted with the 46%..... From here on out, those that voted with the majority will be complicit in what befalls the US in the future. The Democrats have controlled the House and Senate for the past two years, so they are responsible for much of the problems befalling the US now. The good news is that approx. 46-million people, in the US, already understand this.

You guys are going to have to do alot more than create a blame machine if you hope to become a viable party again. Hint: the majority of Americans will never go for someone like Palin.

I'd like to think you are right Jingthing but then I remember Bush, not voted in once but twice. And from the sound of some of these posters they would vote for him again.

I also find it interesting that they blame Obama for the present problems and he is not even in office yet. But then they blame clinton for Bushes problems, some really great thinking there. :o

I have great hopes for Obama and wish him the best.

Are you a fortune teller Teatree? What a silly comment. Give Obama a chance nobody can change the world in a day much less change the US.

I agree we need to give Obama a chance before being critical. He has shown himself to be an intelligent well spoken president elect and I wish him all the best for US and for world affairs too. All government and leaders should be given a chance to prove themselves.

congrats to president obama. Hope he will make a change.

What a great country american is!!

Indeed, USA (not America) is a great country and with the help of Obama we are going to change that. :o

I find it most curious and will look forward to reading the comments about lord obama in a few years if he gets passage through of so many of his proposals. I especially like the 250,000 internal military funded as well as our armed forces. An awful lot of money for his personal SS force. We have a national guard and a military so whats that all about.

Of course his tax increase from 35% to 65% max rate will be a hoot on those making over 200,000k I'm not sure if that'll be the exact figure, but its been bandied about.

He will of course give lower and middle income people a break on taxes for 2009, but remember the Bush tax reductions will be over and then the entire population gets the biggest tax increase in our history in 2010.

But the worst thing is having to listen to Pelosi and Reid orate. Two more insipid insufferable whiny people may have never been so high in power.

But I'll be living in Thailand in another year helping to raise my grandchild far from United Socialist America

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